• Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town

  • Jul 3 2024
  • Duración: 18 m
  • Podcast

Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town  Por  arte de portada

Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town

  • Resumen

  • Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/preserving-legends-a-journey-through-devils-town Story Transcript:Sr: Noć je bila tiha u Đavoljoj Varoši.En: The night was quiet in Devil's Town.Sr: Nebo je bilo posuto zvezdama koje su svetlucale kao da pričaju tajne.En: The sky was dotted with stars that twinkled as if sharing secrets.Sr: Stefan je hodao polako, s kamerom u ruci.En: Stefan walked slowly, holding a camera.Sr: Bio je uzbuđen.En: He was excited.Sr: Đavolja Varoš je bila poznata po neobičnim stenskim formacijama.En: Devil's Town was known for its unusual rock formations.Sr: Stefan je želeo da zabeleži svaki detalj za svoj blog.En: Stefan wanted to capture every detail for his blog.Sr: Ana je bila pored njega.En: Ana was beside him.Sr: Znala je mnogo o istoriji Đavolje Varoši.En: She knew a lot about the history of Devil's Town.Sr: Njena baka joj je pričala priče o starim vremenima i legendama.En: Her grandmother had told her stories about the old times and legends.Sr: Ana je želela da očuva to znanje i prenese ga budućim generacijama.En: Ana wanted to preserve that knowledge and pass it on to future generations.Sr: "Samo pazi da ne diraš ništa", rekla je Ana.En: "Just be careful not to touch anything," Ana said.Sr: "Ovo mesto je veoma važno za nas.En: "This place is very important to us."Sr: "Stefan je klimnuo glavom, ali je his očima tražio najbolji kadar za fotografiju.En: Stefan nodded, but his eyes kept searching for the best shot.Sr: "Moramo da požurimo", rekao je.En: "We need to hurry," he said.Sr: "Sunce zalazi, a želim da uhvatim pravu svetlost.En: "The sun is setting, and I want to catch the right light."Sr: "Ana je uzdahnula.En: Ana sighed.Sr: Znala je da je Stefan ambiciozan.En: She knew Stefan was ambitious.Sr: Želeo je da njegov blog postane popularan.En: He wanted his blog to become popular.Sr: Ali, brinula se da će, u toj žurbi, možda oštetiti stari kamen ili neke ruševine.En: But she worried that in his rush, he might damage some old stones or ruins.Sr: Dok su se kretali dalje, naišli su na staru statu.En: As they moved further, they came across an old statue.Sr: Bila je prekrivena mahovinom, ali se oblik još uvek video.En: It was covered in moss, but its shape was still visible.Sr: "Ovo je fascinantno", rekla je Ana.En: "This is fascinating," Ana said.Sr: "Ova statua je stara preko hiljadu godina.En: "This statue is over a thousand years old."Sr: "Stefan je fotografisao.En: Stefan took a photo.Sr: "Sjajno", rekao je.En: "Great," he said.Sr: "Ovo će privući pažnju mojih pratilaca.En: "This will attract my followers' attention."Sr: "Ali, dok je prišao bliže kako bi uhvatio bolji ugao, kamenje se ispod njega pomerilo i Stefan je pao.En: But as he stepped closer to get a better angle, the stones beneath him shifted, and Stefan fell.Sr: Ana je potrčala ka njemu.En: Ana ran to him.Sr: "Da li si dobro?En: "Are you okay?"Sr: ", pitala je.En: she asked.Sr: Stefan je bio u redu, ali su zvuci kamenja odzvanjali po vazduhu.En: Stefan was fine, but the sound of the stones echoed through the air.Sr: Napravio je buku.En: He had made a noise.Sr: Stene su počele da se urušavaju.En: The rocks began to collapse.Sr: Ana i Stefan su morali brzo da reaguju.En: Ana and Stefan had to react quickly.Sr: Držali su se za ruke i trčali ka sigurnom mestu.En: They held hands and ran to a safe place.Sr: Kada su konačno stigli na sigurno, oboje su dahćući gledali prema starim ruševinama.En: When they finally reached safety, both were panting, looking back at the old ruins.Sr: Stefan je shvatio koliko je mesto krhko.En: Stefan realized how fragile the place was.Sr: "Izvini", rekao je.En: "Sorry," he said.Sr: "Nisam shvatio koliko ovo mesto znači.En: "I didn't realize how much this place meant."Sr: "Ana je klimnula glavom.En: Ana nodded.Sr: "Važno je da poštujemo istoriju", rekla je.En: "It's important to respect history," she said.Sr: "Ali možemo raditi zajedno.En: "But we can work together.Sr: Možemo podeliti priče na pravi način.En: We can share the stories the right way."Sr: "Stefan je pažljivo pregledao svoje snimke.En: Stefan carefully reviewed his shots.Sr: "Praviću edukativnu seriju", rekao je.En: "I'll create an educational series," he said.Sr: "Neću samo juriti za klikovima.En: "I won't just chase clicks.Sr: Želim da ljudi znaju pravu priču.En: I want people to know the real story."Sr: "Ana mu je pomogla da napiše tekst za blog.En: Ana helped him write the text for the blog.Sr: Zajedno su kreirali priču koja je poštovala kulturu i privlačila čitaoce.En: Together, they created a story that respected the culture and attracted readers.Sr: Stefan je dobio nove pratioce, ali što je važnije, stekao je novo poštovanje prema kulturnom nasleđu.En: Stefan gained new followers, but more importantly, he gained a new respect for cultural ...
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