
  • Deep Inside the World of Political Donors with David Callahan
    Jul 23 2024

    David Callahan is a prolific creator and thinker within Democratic politics. He helped start the progressive think tank Demos in the late 90s, founded the media outlet Inside Philanthropy as a Consumer Reports of sorts into the world of charitable giving, and more recently created Blue Tent - an advisory group to help progressive donors get the most bang for their buck. In this conversation, David talks his early days in politics focused on foreign policy, his next stint as a think-tanker trying to pull the Democratic Party left, and why he's more recently been focused on the world of political giving. David is one of the most informed people on the planet on all facets of the political donor world and provides a tour de force on both the current state of play and future trends to better understand how our politics are funded.


    Growing up in New York as the child of academics...

    An early experience that showed David he was not cut out to be an activist...

    A formative year spent at the liberal magazine, The American Prospect...

    David talks getting his PhD and his recommendations for those considering academia...

    David helps found the progressive think tank Demos and talks the role of think tanks in American politics...

    What led David to start Inside Philanthropy, a media outlet dedicated to understanding political fundraising...

    The disturbing trend in political giving that led David to start Blue Tent, a resource for progressive donors...

    How David and Blue Tent determine where donors will get the most bang for their buck...

    Why David is an advocate of giving to organizations instead of candidates...

    David on the phenomenon of "rage giving"...

    Are donors pulling Democratic candidates to the left?

    Has Democratic giving fallen off this cycle?

    David's concern about too many advocacy groups and donor fragmentation on the left compared to more unanimity on the right...

    David de-mystifies the world of big "donor advisors"...

    David on the Soros factor on the left...

    The rough balance of spending from the right vs. spending from the left...

    The types of operatives who succeed in the donor advising space...

    The political novel David wrote in the late 90s that eerily predicted elements of both the 9/11 attacks and the rise of a Donald Trump-like politician...

    AND AOC, Stacey Abrams, Miriam Adelson, The American Enterprise Institute, The American Liberties Project, The American Prospect Magazine, Arabella Advisors, Joe Biden, bioethics, Michael Bloomberg, bureaucratic machinations, the Cato Institute, the Center for Voter Information, Bill Clinton, The Committee on States, credential firepower, the DLC, The Democracy Alliance, Michael Dukakis, The Economic Policy Institute, effective altruism, Federalist Society, Marcus Flowers, Focus for Democracy, Fredrick Forsyth, Forward Montana, Give Well, giving circles, Al Gore, Lindsey Graham, Stanley Greenberg, Jamie Harrison, Hastings-on-Hudson, the Heritage Foundation, Hezbollah, Indian Point Power Plant, Indivisible, the Koch Brothers, LUCHA, Mitch McConnell, Amy McGrath, Michigan United, Mind the Gap, Dustin Moskovitz, Movement Voter Project, neoliberal mindsets, The New America Foundation, Paul Nitze, NYPIRG, Beto O'Rourke, Open Markets, RCTs, Ronald Reagan, The Roosevelt Institute, Run for Something, saber-rattling, Sandinistas, Adam Schiff, Star Wars, the States Project, Swing Left, Marjorie Taylor Greene, transactional donors, Way to Win, Working America & more!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • Lisa MacLean, Founder of Moxie Media - the First Female-Founded Political Direct Mail Firm
    Jul 9 2024

    Lisa MacLean, founder of Moxie Media - the first female-founded political direct mail firm in the U.S - talks her path to politics...starting in St Louis and then Vassar, to impactful DC internships, managing campaigns in California and eventually starting her own mail firm in the late 1990s that recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary. In this conversation, Lisa talks overcoming adversity as a young woman in politics, the nuts and bolts of how she started her own firm, some of her big races and wins, direct mail best practices and trends, and much more from her 30+ years as a top political operative.


    Growing up middle-class in the St. Louis suburbs...

    The searing experience in 9th grade that drove home the importance of politics...

    How the Senate vote to confirm Clarence Thomas changed the course of Lisa's career...

    Lisa talks what it was like to go to college at Vassar in the late 80s...

    Lessons learned during and after the 1992 "Year of the Woman"...

    A personal story Lisa tells about a very difficult experience as a young woman in a media firm...

    How Lisa decided to start her own direct mail firm and how she got it off the ground...

    The biggests changes in direct mail over Lisa's 25 years in the business...

    Some of the memorable races where Lisa feels smart direct mail made a difference...

    The direct mail trends Lisa is monitoring...

    Lessons Lisa learned in running and growing a successful mail firm over 25 years...

    The story behind the name "Moxie Media"...

    A glimpse into living in rural, coastal Washington (state)...

    AND Jill Alper, Sasha Bruce, Andrea Campbell, Yadira Caraveo, Amy Chapman, Tony Coehlo, Michael Dukakis, free shrimp cocktail, Patty Garamendi, The Good Neighbor News, Lisa Grove, Anita Hill, Trish Hoppey, Mary Hughes, Tishaura Jones, Celinda Lake, Kevin Mack, Hal Malchow, Laurie Moskowitz, Pat Moynihan, Adnaan Muslin, Amy Pritchard, Rich Schlackman, Amy Simon, Heather Stone, Clarence Thomas, tomboys, Henry Underhill, Karen White, the Womens Information Network, Harriett Woods...& more!

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Pro Politics Re-Release: Kinky Friedman from June 04, 2021
    Jun 28 2024

    Kinky Friedman passed away yesterday, June 27 2024. This is a re-release of a Pro Politics Podcast episode with Kinky originally released June 4, 2021.

    Kinky Friedman wore many hats in his 79 years - country music artist, bestselling novelist, political candidate, animal welfare activist, friend of multiple US Presidents, and a Texas and American icon. In this conversation from roughly three years ago, Kinky talks his connections to figures as varied as Nelson Mandela, Adlai Stevenson, John F Kennedy, Barbara Jordan, Bob Dylan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush among others - and insight into the life of a truly American original.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Debbie Cox Bultan, CEO of NewDEAL, on 30+ Years Working in the Center-Left
    Jun 25 2024

    Debbie Cox Bultan has been working in Democratic politics for more than 30 years, including more than a decade at the Democratic Leadership Council and then helping start NewDEAL where she is now the CEO. At NewDEAL, she works to connect pro-growth progressive leaders and help raise their profiles and amplify their ideas. In this conversation, she talks about the Hill internship that drew her to a career in politics, lessons learned managing campaigns, her long tenure at the influential DLC think tank, what has gone in to starting and growing New Deal over the last several years, and some of her top priorities heading into the 2024 elections.


    Growing up in an apolitical, middle-class family in Sacramento...

    A formative DC internship for her local Congressman, Vic Fazio...

    Debbie's early experiences working in CA campaign fundraising and managing...

    Debbie's 15 years working at the DLC, the Democratic Leadership Council & the impact the DLC had on American politics...

    Starting the center-left NewDEAL non-profit to engage and promote young Democratic leaders...

    Using Pete Buttigieg as an example to talk through the role NewDEAL can play in the rise of a public figure...

    How Debbie has worked to develop to a well-rounded skillset to lead a national organization...

    The "Freedom Agenda" NewDEAL has helped develop...

    The role Debbie sees the issue of abortion rights playing in the '24 election cycle...

    Advice for the next generation of political operatives...

    Debbie's most unusual, successful work habit...

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Congressman Mickey Edwards...From Conservative Insurgent to House Leadership to Nonpartisan Iconoclast
    Jun 11 2024

    Mickey Edwards served 16 years in Congress, as the first Republican to represent his Oklahoma City-based district in almost 50 years. Prior to his time in the House, he'd already made a mark as a leader in early days of "New Right" conservative organizations like the Young Republicans and Heritage Foundation. In this conversation, he talks his early days as a conservative political outsider in a Democratic state, the upset victory that propelled him to 8 terms in the House, his ascent within the GOP House Leadership, and how conservatism and Congress have changed since he left elected office.


    Growing up blue-collar in the Rust Belt, before his family moves to Oklahoma City...

    The incredible story of surviving three gunshot wounds while being robbed....

    What led him to gravitate to conservative politics in a one-party Democratic state...

    His roots as part of the "New Right" in the 1960s and 1970s...

    His early days as a newspaperman before entering politics exclusively...

    How he beat established Republicans and Democrats in route to becoming the first GOP House member to represent OK City in nearly 50 years...

    How he caused a furor from both parties in his first floor speech in the House...

    Why Tip O'Neil is one of his political heroes...

    Why he views GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich and Democrat Jim Wright as harmful to the institution of the House...

    His occasional role in the 70s and 80s as a conduit between the establishment and activist wings of the GOP...

    Memories of working with Presidents Carter, Reagan, and Bush...

    The entreaties he made to organized labor to try to forge common ground with the GOP...

    Why he considers himself a "Jack Kemp Republican"...

    How he became the GOP Policy Chair, the 4th highest leadership position in the House GOP...

    Why advocating for the Osage Tribe was his proudest moment as a House member...

    His analysis of how the conservative movement and Republican Party have gotten off track...

    His level of his pessimism that our political system will become increasingly dysfunctional...

    His thoughts on a career as a prominent Jewish Republican...

    The current projects he's most passionate about...

    AND Ethan Allen, the American Conservative Union, James Baker, Blair House, Lauren Boebert, cinder blocks, the Cleveland Guardians, Hillary Clinton, closed rules, Tom Delay, JR Ewing, Matt Gaetz, Barry Goldwater, Nathan Hale, Denny Hastert, Chic Hecht, Patrick Henry, The Heritage Foundation, Jewish Workmens' Circle, John Kennedy, Killers of the Flower Moon, Paul Laxalt, Look Magazine, Ed Madigan, Bob Michel, Richard Nixon, Oklahoma Sooners, night depositories, Ronald Reagan, Sandinistas, Chris Shays, shoe stores, the Sierra Club, John Sununu, tall grass praries, Marjorie Taylor Green, the Tea Party, Tinker Air Force base, Donald Trump, JC Watts, Paul Weyrich, Jim Wright, Lee Zeldin...& more!

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Heather Williams, President of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC)
    May 28 2024

    Heather Williams is the President of the DLCC, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee - the party committee focused on state legislative races and chambers. In this conversation, Heather talks her initial path to politics, working in state legislative races in Iowa, early days working in finance, the many hats she's worn at the DLCC, and now her current role as the organization's President. We also go in depth on why state legislative races are so critical, the current battleground map heading into the 2024 elections, the importance of the issue of abortion, and much more with a leading thinker on all things state legislative politics.


    How Heather became interested in politics growing up in Minnesota...

    Heather's early political roots working in Iowa...

    What Heather learned from well-respected, Iowa Senate Leader Mike Gronstal...

    What made Heather gravitate to working in the finance role in campaigns...

    How Heather was drawn to the DLCC initially, almost 20 years ago...

    Heather's take on what makes for a successful state legislative caucus operation...

    The many hats Heather wears as President of the DLCC, and how she's tackled some that didn't come as naturally to her...

    Legislative lessons learned after big Democratic losses in the 2010 election cycle...

    Heather's favorite case studies for legislative wins coming out of the 2022 midterms...

    Heather on her approach to leading a big political organization, despite not being a natural extrovert...

    What Heather learned from her long-term predecessor at DLCC, Jessica Post...

    Why it's important to "get comfortable with risk"...

    How Heather thinks about the current partisan balance at the state legislative level and her priorities for the 2024 cycle...

    The role that the abortion issue is currently playing in state legislative politics...

    How the DLCC has to always have future redistricting in mind as a strategic priority...

    Some of the most dynamic state legislative leaders currently on the scene...

    Heather's advice to those just starting a career in politics...

    Heather's most unusual, successful work habit...

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Remembering Political Innovator Hal Malchow, with Trish Hoppey & Rich Schlackman
    May 14 2024

    Hal Malchow was the incredibly innovative Democratic direct mail and fundraising consultant, who passed away several weeks ago. His final chapter was chronicled by Sasha Issenberg in Politico recently. Hal's was truly a creative mind, including breaking new ground on sophisticated political microtargeting and "social pressure" tactics to generate increased voter turnout. Joining this conversation are two of Hal's longtime business partners and friends - fellow direct mail consultants, Trish Hoppey and Rich Schlackman. We discuss Hal's political roots in progressive politics out of the Deep South, his innovative and curious political mind, the new approaches he developed, and the legacy he leaves behind after decades in the trenches of political targeting and communications.


    Memories of meeting Hal for the first time...

    Hal's path to DC from the Deep South...

    The GOP luminary who was one of Hal's most trusted friends...

    The innovations in political targeting and messaging spearheaded by Hal...

    A few of the races and campaigns most impacted by Hal's creativity...

    The origin of Hal's groundbreaking work on "social pressure" with two Ivy League academics...

    Why Hal left day-to-day consulting after the 2010 cycle and how he stayed involved over the past decade...

    Hal's most recent advice to Democratic campaigns...

    Hal's motivations during the final chapter of his life...

    Final thoughts on Hal's legacy in politics...

    AND The Analyst Institute, bananas ideas, Evan Bayh, better mousetraps, Andrew Bleeker, CHAID analysis, Campaign Performance Group, Christina Coloroso, couch surfing, Mario Cuomo, Morris Dees, failed attorneys, fake-out mail, Vic Fazio, feedback loops, funny accents, Page Gardner, Alan Gerber, Al Gore, Christine Hopkinson, Herb Kelleher, Harry Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Dean Levitan, Alex Malchow, microtargeting, Janet Napolitano, Gavin Newsom, paella, personalized yard signs, Mike Podhorzer, rat infestations, Rick Ridder, Mitt Romney, Ron Rosenblith, Santa Fe, Tom Sugar, Richard Viguerie, Voter Contact Services, Mark Warner, Michael Woolridge & more!

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Matt Robison & Confessions of a Hill Chief of Staff
    Apr 30 2024

    Matt Robison has worn many political hats, among them working in numerous positions across Capitol Hill - including serving as Chief of Staff for three members. He also managed the successful 2012 upset re-election of Rep. John Tierney, after Tierney was named the GOP's top takeover opportunity that cycle. With roots in Manhattan, Matt had formative experiences in NYC public schools before a chance meeting with then Governor Bill Clinton in 1992 and an unlikey mentor at Harvard, nudged him to a career working in government. In this conversation, Matt talks his path to working in politics, goes deep on the best practices and unwritten rules of working on the Hill, and updates on his post-Hill life as a writer, radio host, and podcaster.


    How Matt's brief time in the NYC public school system informed his future outlook as a political operative...

    Matt's memorable experience meeting Bill Clinton during the 1992 presidential campaign...

    An unexpected political mentor and how Matt got his foot into the political door...

    Matt successfully manages a Democratic House incumbent in 2012 who was the GOP's #1 target...

    Matt's initial impressions of working on the Hill as a junior staffer...

    Matt's best practices for running a Hill office...

    The mistake Matt made as a Hill Chief that led to an attack ad against his member...

    Why scheduling is the worst part of the job as a Hill Chief of Staff...

    The one type of person Matt recommends never hiring as a Hill Chief...

    Matt's advice for new Hill staffers...

    Matt's take on the rise of unionized Hill offices...

    Matt's estimate on the share of House members who are jerks...

    Some of the most impressive members (both Dem & GOP) Matt saw during his time on the Hill...

    Why Matt left the Hill after running three House offices...

    Matt's "most interesting number in politics"...

    Matt's current podcast, releasing three episodes a week...

    Matt's strangest work habits...

    AND Charlie Bass, Biafra, Lauren Boebert, Jeb Bradley, George HW Bush, Robert Caro, James Carville, General Comfort, Crash Davis, Mickey Edwards, David Gergen, Newt Gingrich, gross metaphors, half hugs, Paul Hodes, Rush Holt, Steny Hoyer, hybrid ads, illegal offshore gambling rings, Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, Gerry Kavanaugh, logistical nightmares, Nancy Mace, massive scandals, Chris Matthews, Mike Michaud, Mr. Miyagi, Tip O'Neill, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, personal mishegas, philosophical questions, Reagan Democrats, Stu Rothenberg, South Park, the stupidest law in America, John Tierney, Donald Trump, unhinged maniacs, wicked sore throats...& more!

    Más Menos
    59 m