
  • Origins
    Mar 1 2024

    The full show notes for this episode are available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/origin-99490898

    In this episode, we return to the Contemplations chapter in The Connoisseur of Time, specifically “Step 4” (Origin). Readers are asked to contemplate the origin or source point that led to the birth of seven inspirational passages about time and timelessness. What inspired Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and others to speak these words?

    We discuss the struggle to be special, the mistaken conception that it is only in our “Originality” that we may be loved. When we surrender to the fact that we are all uniquely configuring waves on the same vast ocean, we can be more present to what is happening rather than scheme, be creative, or find ways to stand out as original and usually separate. We are all part of a larger unfolding.

    We discuss the role of parenting in attending to the child's specialness. This part of the conversation mentions Proverbs 22:6, typically translated as

    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”

    In our conversation, we turn to a different Hebraic interpretation. Please see this article as well. “Train up” or "Dedicate"? The Hebrew Gem in Proverbs 22:6.

    “Dedicate or help cultivate a child according to his way: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

    A key phrase is “the way he should go” or “according to his way.” The focus is less on the parent’s training or upbringing – and whatever skills, guidance, or formula a parent might use. Instead, the proverb asks us to deeply discern what makes the child unique—What is his/her destiny? What are his/her unique gifts? What makes them original?

    In other words, there is a recognition that the child’s own time on earth belongs to them, not to us. We want them to wake up to their own unfolding—throughout their lives.

    This discussion of parenting connects to the origin of the seven passages as follows:

    Each of us is here to develop what is already wired into the DNA of our souls. The universe (and we are part of and reflect the universe) has a starting point in a time beyond time that is still there. It has never left. It is an eternal source point. The spiritual passages ask us to remember this, and the proverb asks us to remember this when we tend to the education of our children. We hope that, as they age and approach death, they will be happy to see how they cultivated their own way.

    This, it appears, is the common message across all the passages: to cultivate sense of the eternal while we are living in clock-time.


    Richard Rohr On the Threshold of Transformation: Daily Meditations for Men

    Angeles Ariens: The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary

    Definitions of Divine Origin in the Enneagram

    AH Almaas: https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/enneagram-holy-ideas

    Integrative Enneagram Website: https://www.integrative9.com/media/articles/51/the-enneagram-of-holy-ideas

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Spiritual Passages, Personal Stories: Embodiment of the Treasures
    Dec 26 2023

    Please visit this link on our Patreon page.

    Drawing from the book The Connoisseur of Time(available free download), this episode covers the chapter titled Embodiment of the Treasures.” This episode focuses on contemplating the divine origin of spiritual texts and looking at our own life as a spiritual narrative. We are called to wake up the story of our life as an unfolding of divine significance.

    This episode begins with a critical idea: many of us already know spiritual truths early in life. We each read from the chapter “Embodiment of the Treasures” in the Connoisseur of Time. Our group (Ronnie, Art, Kristie, and Joel) then talks about personal stories happening in life right now and seeing life as an opportunity for waking and being present together and through our stories. 

    As a reminder, reading the spiritual passages from The Connoisseur of Time is best.

    You have three options:

    1)    Download the worksheet for free from our website https://presencequest.life/connoisseur/ 

    a.    Scroll down the page and find links under “Tools”

    2)    Download the entire book: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/444146y1ye 

    3)    Purchase from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0991510267

    See full show notes on our Patreon page

    PLEASE CONSIDER becoming a "SEEKER" Patron here on our Patreon page. This helps us pay for audio editing and production for podcasts and offer discounts for merchandise and workshops.

    We can come to the idea of presence from any path.



    The episode references “Rocky Mountain High” by John Denver. Available here


    Currently at 16 Million Views on YouTube and one of two Official State Songs of the state of Colorado. 

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    57 m
  • A Contemplation: Seven Passages on Spirituality and Time (Part 2)
    Nov 29 2023

    See full show notes on our Patreon page

    Access Part 1 of this episode first.

     PLEASE CONSIDER becoming a "SEEKER" Patron here on our Patreon page. This helps us pay for audio editing and production for podcasts and offer discounts for merchandise and workshops.


    Drawing from the book The Connoisseur of Time (available free download), this Part 2 of the episode continues to cover the chapter titled “A Contemplation.” The chapter highlights seven brief readings

    • · #Atheism
    • · #Psalms (Old Testament)
    • · The Book of Matthew (New Testament)
    • · The Diamond Sutra (Buddhism)
    • · The Holy Qur’an (Islam)
    • · A Course in Miracles (The Holy Instant)
    • · The Poet Hafiz (Sufism)

    We can come to the idea of presence from any path.


    This episode begins with a focus on a reading from the The Holy Qur’an. Specifically, Al-Asr. There are many translations of this verse or Surah (chapter), and a review on Wikipedia is a great place to start if you are not familiar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Asr.

    This review summarizes this Surah as a “a terse reminder of the importance of time and care in its utilization.”

    The discussion with Kristie, Art, and Ronnie revolves around two themes:

    1)     The importance of joining together in love and faith WITH others as a way to either protect against the state of loss (decay, impermanence) and the recognition that this idea is at the heart of what everyone wants

    2)     The universality of this idea across all religions



    The episode references two songs that are excerpted

    Toni Jones’ “What’s Your Verse” (listen on youtube_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-R8AROTRzc)   Learn More About: https://www.iamtonijones.com/

    The song “What the World Needs Now Is Love” by Burt Bacharach and Hal; David. See Wikipedia post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_the_World_Needs_Now_Is_Love.

    The version played here is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQgKJ0VJ5Fs


    A Better Life: 100 Atheists Speak Out on Joy & Meaning in a World Without God





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    20 m
  • A Contemplation: Seven Passages on Spirituality and Time (Part 1)
    Nov 8 2023

    Please visit this podcast on Patreon.

    Drawing from the book The Connoisseur of Time (available free download), this episode covers the chapter titled “A Contemplation.” The chapter highlights seven brief readings:

    ·       #Atheism

    ·       #Psalms (Old Testament)

    ·       The Book of Matthew (New Testament)

    ·       The Diamond Sutra (Buddhism)

    ·       The Holy Qur’an (Islam)

    ·       A Course in Miracles (The Holy Instant)

    ·       The Poet Hafiz (Sufism)


    We can come to the idea of presence from any path.

    As you will tell from the episode, it is best to read the chapter before listening (#doyourhomework) 


    A key quote from this episode is from Kristie
    We teach time as separation (past separate from present from future); but there is a oneness that is right here and right now. Past, present, future is all here right now.


    Another key insight from Ronnie’s query:


    The ego is what stands on the threshold to let go of time.


    Several references discussed here include:


    The Buddhist story of the Subjugation of the Ghost



    Original Goodness Versus Original Sin: There are many writings that talk about this distinction. Whiel we cannot recommend one over another, readers might be interested in comparing Wikipedia entries for Original Sin and a recent book, titled Original Goodness.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Threshold - Part 2 (Time and Spirituality)
    Sep 14 2023

    This episode is best listened to in conjunction with readings in “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence;” specifically the chapters “Threshold,” “Time and Spiritual Health” and “What is Spirituality?”  (p. 31 – 40). Again, available at no cost from our website www.presencequest.life or bit.ly/timeweaver99 or https://dl.bookfunnel.com/444146y1ye  

    For more content, be sure to check out our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/posts/upcoming-podcast-89075381

     This episode continues the conversation about “threshold” and its symbolic meaning and application to our growth as time weavers.  Overall, this episode is about the distinction between the ego and the essential self. The threshold is that place where we begin to recognize this distinction and start moving toward the essence by embracing a new understanding time, to honor the moment, and allow life to give to us. We attend to spiritual matters not because we must (as tradition or routine dictates) but because we can, because it feels right—in its own time, or because we have cultivated a routine with devotion.

     In this work, we move from the old “I” to the new “eye” – we tap into presence as a gift. We then observe the world through our essence not, necessarily, from our humanness. Not from the need to beanything for others—to be seen. We embrace the question: Are we going to live the life as a creature or are we going to live the life as a spirit? We are invited to take a moment – as Kristi says “I have this time now to choose what I want to experience on the other side.”

     Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and they with me. Revelation 3:20

     Then, with Art, the conversation turns to ways we do not open the door, and accept the invitation (referencing ego, Enneagram, and 12-Step work). Being the center of attention is its own form of presence—but it is an imitation. We draw attention to ourself to have a facsimile of presence. The ego can only imitate presence and the essential state of freedom. Idealistic or ego-fabricated freedom can be obtained by being clever, getting attention, escaping restriction, militancy, being seen as the rebel, the maverick, the creative. A mistaken notion of leadership.

     I'm always running from something
    I push it back, but it keeps on coming
    And being clever never got me very far
    Because it's all in my head
    And "You're too sensitive", they said
    I said, "Okay, but let's discuss this at the hospital"

     “Free” -- Song by Florence and The Machine/Songwriters: Florence Welch / Jack Antonoff

     The song from Florence and the Machine and conversation on freedom moves the discussion into the topic of spirituality and the role of time and spirituality. Can we live in this world and maintain our spirituality? Those of us who are “sensitive” may be the most tuned in to – and struggle with – the threshold.

     We then talk about honoring tradition (e.g., going to church), which is like showing up. But, since COVID, there has been less church/religious attendance. Is tradition something “we have to do” or an opportunity to “be present” (honor space, allow, do nothing, enjoy peacefulness). In many spiritual traditions and when the quest for presence is genuine, we are drawn to discover, to know, to meet the teacher, the spirit, the divine in whatever way may be unique to our situation.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Threshold: Part 1: Diving In
    Aug 25 2023

    FULL SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE CAN BE FOUND AT https://www.patreon.com/posts/threshold-for-87997926

    Note. You will get the most from this episode if you download the free e-book “The Connoisseur of Time”, complete the “Listening” self-assessment, and read “The Threshold” chapter. It takes 5 to 10 minutes.


    I love being in community with time weavers, because I always learn from them. In this episode I learned the difference between being a private (to oneself) ‘connoisseur’ and someone who gives praise and gratitude in a spontaneous and authentic way. It is not only that we enjoy life but that we also – actually have to – share our gratitude, awe, and love with others.

    This episode dives in to those experiences where we know we are fully immersed—fully present—to life as it is happening. The experience of gratitude is often central to diving in. We move from the immediate moment of the past right into the immediate moment of the future. We are so grateful that in that moment there is “no mind” – just fully present to feelings. 

    We leap off the threshold.


    We follow the chapter “The Threshold” from the book, which states:

    Your presence grows to the degree that you live wholeheartedly in the gap between where you are now and what you want.

    Ronnie shares about an experience where he lives in a wholehearted way and so experiences gratitude for just being alive. Kristie shares about how much we get energy and come alive by appreciating. She says:

    Energy comes from appreciation of the moment of now.

    Art reflects on a quote from CS Lewis and that we can live in amazement and wonder. Human beings are made to praise, which is a revelation of an inner health that is made visible or audible to others.

    Right praise is inner health made visible or audible. (CS Lewis) – full quote is below…

    Other key quotes from this episode include:

    When you are present, everything happens that needs to happen in order to make that thing to happen.

    We cannot think our way into presence. We can only feel our way into presence.

    We cannot enter the new room with our old self.


    Some terms and references in this episode include the following

    #Liminal means somewhere in between the “no longer” and “not yet;” According to the dictionary: occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold. "I was in the liminal space between past and present.” And relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. "that liminal period when a child is old enough to begin following basic rules but is still too young to do so consistently." See also Liminality

    #Bodhicitta as I reference in the discussion refers to absolute bodhicitta, which generally means an empty state of mind but one that is integrally tied to compassion and the desire to end suffering. The experience of gratitude and “loving on others” may spontaneously generate bodhicitta. 

    I also mention the work of Dacher Keltner and his new book “Awe”

    Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Listening PART 2: Crossing the Threshold from Clock-Time to Deep Time
    Aug 5 2023

    “The more presence you are the more you give  others the freedom to be present. Taking responsibility from our own presence gives life to the presence in another.” 
    – Kristie Ellison

    "I cheat on presence. I find myself having an affair with other priorities instead of being exclusive to presence.”
    Ronnie Gatrey

    Note. You will get the most from this episode if you download the free e-book “The Connoisseur of Time” and complete the “Listening” self-assessment. It takes 5 to 10 minutes.

    Building upon previous “Connoisseur of Time” podcasts, this and the previous episode supports listeners in completing the “Listening” exercise (pages 19-23). This is the first of dozens of contemplative exercises in the Quest for Presence collection. “Listening” sets the stage for everything else to come. So, listeners are encouraged to download the free e-book and review the very brief “Listen” chapter (pages 19-23).

    This episode has both Kristie and Ronnie sharing their experience of Art’s working through the exercise and sharing their own experience. Most importantly, we learn that there is a great range of experiences when it comes to one’s attitude toward time.

    Ronnie (Practitioner) talks about setting a boundary to create more time and the need to be more effective in managing time (Self-accountability). Kristie (Seeker) talks about her soul work that has led her to be much more in the moment than previously in her life. At the same time, there is some anxiety. “Presence gets scary so it is easy to be busy.”

    Please visit our website at www.presencequest.life. 

    Also, please come to the one-day pre-conference intensive at the Wellness Councils of America Conference (WELCOA) in San Diego (September 25th). Visit https://shop.welcoa.org/product/intensive-joel-bennett

     Quest for Presence: Returning the Soul to Wellness with Joel Bennett, Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems


    The perceived lack of time is often the most significant barrier to engaging and sustaining wellness practices (as persons, workplaces, and cultures). Burn-out, stress, compassion fatigue, lack of psychological safety, toxic culture—much of this is due to time pressure and a misunderstanding of the skillful applications of time management. It’s time to return to the soul to wellness. This intensive is primarily for personal contemplation and renewal, and the soulful capacities can inform wellness activities in diverse settings (from coaching to team wellness).


    • Gain a personalized roadmap (mandala) for re-orienting to a healthy, soulful, understanding of time.
    • Learn simple practices for four soulful capacities — Acceptance, Presence, Flow, and Synchronicity.
    • Participants will receive complimentary copies of Dr. Bennett's "The Connoisseur of Time" and "Quest for Presence: Book 2."
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Listening: Crossing the Threshold from Clock-Time to Deep Time
    Jun 23 2023

    Note. You will get the most from this episode if you download the free e-book “The Connoisseur of Time” and complete the “Listening” self-assessment. It takes 5 to 10 minutes.

    Part 1: Outward Time (Clock-Time)
    I (Joel) set the stage by talking about recent data on how people use time. On average--in a life of 70 years, people spend 26 years sleeping, 19 years at work, 12 years watching TV, and 1 year socializing with others. This view of time is ultimately not skillful. We must “squeeze things in,” “finish our bucket-list,” “keep moving,” and even “chase the dragon” (a metaphor for the pursuit of the ultimate high, traditionally in the usage of some drug or addictive habit). 

    Part 2: Deep Time (Interview with Art Wimberly)
    Like so many of us, Art talks about his struggle to slow down, stop, and just have peace and calm. This, instead of always having to stay active and busy. The exercise revealed insights, which are best understood by listening.

    Three things stand out for this interview. First, Art references the darker side ofEcclesiastes, sort of in response to his first chosen “common tendency” statement in the Listening exercise “We are all going to die anyway, why bother setting aside time?” On the surface, Ecclesiastes paints life as meaningless, time reigns over us, everyone is only in pursuit of vanity, and that knowledge is limited. But, from the inner perspective, scholars (e.g., read Breaking the Idols of Your Heart, also Gibson) interpret Ecclesiastes as a call to pay close attention to the limited time we have in life, cultivate wisdom for the rhythms of life, and find delight in such wisdom.

    Second, we talk about the double meaning of Sobriety—as in recovery from addiction (not drunk) and also as a virtue to not always have to have more, to keep chasing after things, and to be content with one’s situation. The etymology of sobersuggests it was considered a virtue: "moderate in desires or actions, habitually temperate, restrained," also "calm, quiet, not overcome by emotion." Indeed, one of Art’s “threshold” statements is “My life is one unfolding project of pattern and meaning.” Contemplating this statement brings him peace and calm. This move—from chasing after outward time to settling in to deep time—is the move from meaningless to meaning.

    Third, I bring up the idea that testosterone may behind the need to keep moving and doing and staying busy, especially for males. Research suggests testosterone levels are associated with status orientation and status-seeking behaviors, but the relationship is not strong and may be true for both men and women. Still, there is something that drives us; whether it is adrenaline, testosterone, or other chemical is less important than having deepening awareness of the drive. Again, this is the move from being an addict to a connoisseur.

    Note. The song interlude in this episode is from “Time Out of Mind” by Steely Dan. The lyrics can be interpreted in many ways. It is used here as an homage to anyone who is in recovery from addiction to a life of joy (perfection and grace). How to simply have time not labored by the shenanigans of the mind (“Children, we have it right here”).

    #ecclesiastes #threshold #recovery #joy #peace #clocktime

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