
  • Best Holiday Ever!
    Dec 8 2021

    HO-HO-Holy crap, it's Christmas again! While the kids are anticipating the big present reveal on Christmas morning, you’ve anticipated the stress of the season and have stocked your wine fridge well. 

    Mama, we’ve all had holidays where we've been as snarly and jolly-less as the Grinch himself. Hello! Your shopping and to-do lists are longer than Santa's naughty/nice list!

    Seriously though, nothing can amp up stress, anxiety, and overwhelm like the holidays. 

    After personally experiencing too many frazzled, fatigued, and freaking un-jolly holidays, I decided that some things needed to change. I slowly began implementing these four things and lemme tell ya, my holidays changed into truly joy-full days of Christmas cheer and celebration.

    Instead of feeling rushed and dreading the busyness of the holidays, I can now fully embrace the season stress-free with lots of evenings spent sitting by the tree watching Christmas movies and playing games with my family!

    That’s exactly what I want for you… a stress-free, holly jolly, family fun-filled holiday season! 

    These 4 tips will help lighten your load and help you to have the BEST HOLIDAY EVER year after year after year! Listen now!

    BTW... I have a free printable Holiday Shopping Tracker (and accompanying blog post) available for you at https://msalishacarlson.com/best-holiday-ever/

    WANT MORE REAL MOM TALK? Visit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com. Lots of good stuff, freebies, and you sign up for my weekly email which you won't want to miss! Oh... and please make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram for day-to-day mom sanity tips & fun!

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Why am I so Overwhelmed?
    May 26 2021

    Have you ever felt like you have to do ALL. THE. THINGS. and do them now? Like everything falls on you and you can barely keep up?

    Girlfriend, that is overwhelm!

    But you can break free of what is overwhelming you! You have the ability to live unencumbered,  unstressed, and not feeling like she's barely surviving, but really living a life that matters with the people that matter most to her!

    In this episode we will:

    • Dive into the full definition of overwhelm.
    • Discuss where overwhelm comes from.
    • Learn how to identify what it is that is causing us overwhelm by questioning what is necessary in our life, what brings stress, aggrivation, irritation, or joy.
    • Start the evaluation process of what we can release so we can live a less-stressed life.

    This is both hard work and heart work, friend! But this is the most significant step to overcoming what overwhelms you so you have space to really live the life you want.

    Are you ready?

    Want more? Vistit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com, and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • When is the Last Time You Took a Bath?
    May 5 2021

    How would you answer the question, "When is the last time you took a bath?"

    I have to be honest... I'm 42 years old and I love bath time. 

    Give me some aromatherapy bath salts, a few pumps of body wash for bubbles, and a large cuppa joe (in the morning) or an extra large pour of wine in the evening, and I am happy. 

    My bath tub and bath time are so not-fancy that they binge on being ghetto, but I love it.

    Unfortunately, whenever I talk about relaxing in a hot bath, a lot of moms respond to me saying, "I don't have time to take a bath. What are you talking about? I can't even remember the last time I took a bath." 

    That response is often followed up by a laundry list of reasons why they can't take a bath...

    • I'm too busy. 
    • I never have a minute to myself. 
    • That sounds lovely. But I...
    • My kids are too little and I can't leave them unattended. 

    My friend, there are a million reasons (even legit ones) why you might not be hopping in the bathtub. I get it.

    But here's the deal, mama. I don't really care if you're in the bathtub.

    What I do care about and am discussing in this episode is that you should be making time for you. You could have time to take a bath if you make yourself a priority.

    Self care is not selfish. It is crucial. It is necessary. It is essential.

    Yes, your self-care is essential to your family's happiness. It's essential to the rhythms in your home. It's essential to everything you are connected to. 

    In this episode, I'll share with you two studies of why it is crucial for you to have time for you. SPOILER ALERT: your self-care DOES affect your parenting!

    And then I'll share a few ways that I have made self-care and 'Me Time' a priority in my life, even when my boys were little wild things!

    These small tips may make a huge difference in your life and how you show up for your family.

    Whether it's taking a bath or just taking care of yourself in simple ways on a daily basis... you are worth taking care of! So go do it!

    Show up for yourself today so you can show up better for your kids!

    And please, share with me how you're taking care of you. Heck, DM me from the tub! I can't wait to hear from you!

    Want more? Vistit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com, and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Do You Live a Life of Adventure?
    Apr 7 2021

    Do you live a life of adventure?

    Girlfriend... you should! You were meant to live an adventurous life.

    You are meant to be bold. You are meant to try new things, to take risks, to challenge yourself and push your limits.

    Are you doing that?

    Join me as I share anecdotes of some of my favorite adventures while helping you answer that very question!

    Want more? Vistit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com, and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Taking Responsibility for Your Emotions
    Mar 31 2021

    "If you would just listen, I wouldn't have to raise my voice!"

    Have you ever caught yourself saying that to your kids? We're all guilty of it.

    But did you know that any time we say something like this we're actually blame shifting?

    What's worse is that we are actually giving the other person control over our emotions. We're giving them power to control how we feel!

    And mama, ain't nobody got time for that!

    In this episode you'll learn 4 simple tips to taking responsibility for your emotions and learn how to react intentionally.

    Lemme tell ya... this episode is a life changer!

    Want more? Vistit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com, and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Do Your Words Speak Truth and Love?
    Mar 21 2021

    When you were a kid, how many times did your mom tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"?

    Well, let's just say that some of us still need to hear that reminder.

    In this episode, you'll hear confessions of a closet cusser and Alisha's hilarious reveal of the incredible hidden talent she has in rockin' burping contests.

    More importantly, you'll hear how our words may impact those we speak to, including ourselves, more than we realize. And what we can do to make sure that what we say speaks life and love in to those around us.

    There's a little humor, a little Jesus, and a lot of truth about what our words are really saying!

    Want more? Vistit my site, MsAlishaCarlson.com, and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • How to Stop Feeling Frustrated with Your Husband
    Mar 3 2021

    Did you know that the #4 frustration that moms have is with their husband? More specifically it's with his lack of understanding and his lack of help in parenting.

    Sound familiar?

    In this episode, you'll gain a new perspective and will learn how to stop feeling frustrated with your hubby and start receiving the help and support you need.

    Want more? Read the corresponding blog post on MsAlishaCarlson.com and make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Overcoming Noise Triggers
    Feb 23 2021

    Do sounds like pencil tapping, gum chewing, or people open mouth eating make you crazy? What about the never-ending craziness of your kids' noises?

    Mom, you are not alone!

    Let's talk about why these noises don't just frustrate you, but also cause anger!

    Plus, learn two simple tips can help you overcome your noise triggers so you can be a calmer, happier mama!

    Want more? Read the corresponding blog post on MsAlishaCarlson.com by checking out, Overcoming Noise Triggers.

    And make sure you're connected with me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Más Menos
    34 m