
  • From Underdog To Top Dog: How to Command Attention in a New Industry w/ Aaron Ludin | Episode 65
    Jun 27 2024

    Being new to any industry can be daunting, especially when you’re young. People tend to overlook you, doubt you or underestimate you, and that can be discouraging.

    What if you made yourself hard to ignore with a few simple strategies? By learning what’s valuable to your industry and providing it, you can gain attention, and get taken seriously, even as a total newcomer. That’s how Aaron Ludin was able to grow a massive business. He came in with an offer that disrupted the real estate industry and provided exactly what agents wanted.

    How do we get people to take us seriously? How do we stir up attention in all the right ways?

    Marketer, entrepreneur, and speaker Aaron Ludin joins me to talk about his strategy for going from an underdog to the top dog in a market.

    It’s not about me, it’s about shining a light on more of the people in the industry. -Aaron Ludin

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Getting into offices that don’t let you in

    When we’re new to the real estate game, it can be difficult to get our foot in the door. What skills do we need to leverage to get in spaces we want to be in?

    -Attention without relevance

    Getting attention from the crowd without being relevant is just as good as not getting attention at all. How do you get seen in a way that actually serves your business?

    -Local market event value

    Offering industry events is a strategy that yields massive results when it’s done right. How do you host events people actually want to attend?

    Guest Bio

    Aaron is the founder of Orlando Branding Agency, a Florida-Based firm that serves thousands of real estate professionals, helping agents with client retention through follow up systems, and strategic gifting.

    He's a graduate of the University of South Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing & a Master's Certification in Sales Management.

    Aaron is a serial entrepreneur, Hall of Fame member w/ Vector Marketing/Cutco Cutlery, a speaker, writer, coach, consultant, publisher, and business owner.

    His current businesses include Orlando Branding Agency, Orlando Real Producers, and Stratos LLC.

    Follow Aaron on Instagram @aaron.ludin

    Find Aaron on LinkedIn @Aaron Ludin

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    43 m
  • How to Get 80% of Your Real Estate Deals From YouTube w/ Sarah Maslowski | Episode 64
    Jun 20 2024

    Thousands of real estate agents make video content, but not everyone can say they get actual deals from it. When you have the right strategy, YouTube content can go beyond being a marketing tool and become a solid lead gen pillar.

    By their very nature, YouTube viewers align perfectly with what great real estate already agents do well - educating their clients.

    Sarah Maslowski gets 80% of her leads from her YouTube channel. By targeting the massive market of people relocating to Georgia, she’s gained a loyal following and a solid pipeline of business. How did she go from not seeing results to gaining traction on YouTube?

    Why is it important not to become obsessed with analytics, especially if you’re an agent? How can you use AI for better thumbnails? In this episode, Sarah shares her YouTube success story and what it takes to turn the platform into a solid source of business.

    You never know what video is going to pop off or resonate with viewers. That’s one of the great things about YouTube but also the hard thing about it. -Sarah Maslowski

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Focus on the outcome - more clients

    When you make YouTube videos, it’s great to use the analytics to improve your content, but how do you do that without getting consumed by it?

    -The best audience for relocation content

    YouTube viewers are totally different to the people who watch video content on Facebook or Instagram. What makes the YouTube audience so great for real estate agents?

    -Come for the relocation, stay for the connection

    Sarah’s YouTube content is relocation-focused, but people stay subscribed well after they’ve moved. What’s the secret to building this kind of loyalty?

    Guest Bio

    Sarah Maslowski is a full service real estate agent helping clients from all over the United States relocate to Georgia. She also runs a relocation-focused YouTube channel with over 7,000 subscribers. As a former educator, Sarah loves teaching people about the ins and outs of the home buying and selling process. Subscribe to her channel https://www.youtube.com/c/MovingtoGeorgia/

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    37 m
  • Who You Work With Matters: The Biggest Mistake New Agents Make w/ Mike Smallegan (85) | Episode 63
    Jun 13 2024

    Join a brokerage, learn, thrive and then build your own team. That’s the well-trodden path of just about every real estate agent. A story you never hear is an agent joining the number 1 team in their market, only for it to completely fall apart and disband.

    Having such a rocky experience has shaped how today’s guest leads his own team and sets them up for success.

    It taught him that who we choose to work with matters. Even though brokerages hire agents, agents also have to “hire” their brokerage because they determine your path. How does our guest lead his team and set them up for success? What's the gap in real estate that allows Zillow to be so successful? Can we use it to our advantage?

    In this episode, agent and team leader, Mike Smallegan talks about his unique real estate story, how it impacted how he leads, and how he views things most agents treat as threats.

    If what we’re doing is worth what we’re asking, people are going to continue to pay it. -Mike Smallegan

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Leverage your love for your local area

    Mike built a local Facebook group that’s 125k strong. What inspired it and what value are people getting out of it?

    -Zillow doesn’t have to be the villain

    In this industry, Zillow gets a lot of flack and even hate, but it’s not always warranted. What does Zillow do really well, and how can we use it to our advantage?

    -Why Mike isn’t afraid of the NAR settlement

    With the NAR settlement, the election and interest rates continuing to affect real estate markets, how does Mike see the next few months going?

    Guest Bio

    Mike Smallegan is an agent in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As a lifelong resident of Grand Rapids, Mike has years of experience and intimate local knowledge. He offers unmatched knowledge of the city's diverse neighborhoods. Whether it's a downtown condo or a suburban family home, Mike knows where to find the property that fits your lifestyle. For more information, go to https://smalleganrealestate.com/.

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    29 m
  • Miracle Pivots: How to Think Bigger When Bad Things Happen w/ Curtis Shewell | Ep 62
    Jun 6 2024

    There are two ways tragedy can affect our lives. It can turn us into victims who make ourselves smaller in the face of adversity. Alternatively, it can change the trajectory of our lives giving us an opportunity to make a bigger impact on others.

    The latter is the path Curtis Shewell took. His daughter’s cancer diagnosis completely upended his life and led him into real estate, which he considers his miracle job. Instead of letting the hardships define him, he’s been able to get good at adversity and use it to think differently.

    What was it like navigating his daughter’s illness and what mindset kept him strong during that time? How did real estate find him? How does he use the empathy he’s gained to make a difference in the lives of thousands?

    In this episode, the coach, speaker, subject of an Amazon Prime documentary, and co-author of Empathetic Leadership talks about his story and his unique take on adversity.

    If you start learning how to overcome adversity, you get very good at it, when you become good at it, it doesn’t stick to you. -Curtis Shewell

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Learning from your worst moment

    Having a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness is every parent’s worst fear. When he faced it, how did Curtis navigate it and become a pillar of strength for his daughter?

    -An instant pivot

    Curtis Shewell left a great corporate career and ended up in financial turmoil. How did real estate become the miracle job that helped his family and thousands of people?

    -Don’t let hard times stick to you

    We all face moments of adversity and difficulties that can derail us. How do we respond to these challenges so they don’t define us?

    Guest Bio

    Curtis Shewell is a real estate agent, coach, business mentor, speaker, subject of an Amazon Prime documentary, and co-author of Empathetic Leadership.

    Get the book here and find the documentary Curtis Shewell: My Story on Amazon Prime video.

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    40 m
  • Success is Simple: Inside the Mind of a Top Salesperson w/Mike Maletich | Ep 61
    May 30 2024

    Most people get into real estate sales seeking freedom from the schedule of a traditional job. But that same freedom can be a double-edged sword - it can take you away from what it takes to succeed.

    The people who get the most out of the sales role are the ones who work it like a 9-5. We know what to do, but that lack of consistent, extended follow through is what gets in the way of our results. That’s what separates the top salespeople from everyone else - they work doggedly at the things that produce income.

    Our guest, Mike Maletich knows this all too well. With over double the volume of the average salesperson, he is the most successful area director in the history of N2 Publishing.

    What’s his psychology around sales? What do entrepreneurs get wrong about freedom? How is he instilling what matters into his own children? In this episode, Mike talks about the key to success in sales and what motivates him.

    The most difficult part in any sales job is setting your schedule and being disciplined. We all know what to do and how to do it, but very few follow through for an extended period of time. -Mike Maletich

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Win like the water beats the rock

    There’s no secret or complicated trick to succeeding in sales, but why do so many people struggle?

    -Freedom vs. retirement

    Business owners make the mistake of thinking freedom means working only when they want. How does this hinder your success?

    -Lessons from “Feeding the Hand That Bites You”

    How do we raise kids who understand responsibility, action and discipline? What steps can we take to teach the concepts when they are younger?

    Guest Bio

    Mike Maletich is the most successful area director in the history of N2 Publishing and the owner of 6 Real Producers franchises.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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    36 m
  • Win Right: How to Stop Sabotaging Success From Within w/Jonathan Sprinkles | Ep 60
    May 23 2024

    When it comes to achieving what we want, the biggest barriers are the ones we place upon ourselves. This is especially true for high achievers.

    We can fall into the trap of imposter syndrome and feeling unworthy. We can second guess ourselves out of our own greatness. We can subconsciously set ourselves up to lose even if we say we want to win.

    If we don’t think of success the right way and set goals accordingly, we’ll suffocate under the very thing we wanted. Ultimately, we can only rise as high as our level of inner conflict about things, so how do we remove that friction?

    What are the biggest psychological traps we set for themselves and how do we escape them? Why is it critical to learn to take credit for our wins? In this episode, I’m joined by the author of 14 books including ‘Get Off Your "But" and Make It Happen!’ and business coach, Jonathan Sprinkles. He talks about how to become the person you would be if you weren’t doubting yourself.

    If you’re not prepared for the blessing, you’re going to suffocate under it. -Jonathan Sprinkles

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Own your successes

    Successful people are taught to never take credit for their accomplishments - “make it about the team”. Can that trigger imposter syndrome? How can we own our wins without being arrogant?

    -How to live without limits

    Losing can be as addictive as winning if we build our identity around it. How do people keep attracting losses, even though they say they don’t want them?

    -The power of the word “or”

    If we don’t set goals the right way, they can quickly turn into self-imposed ceilings when we achieve them faster than expected. How do we set goals from the start without limiting ourselves?

    Guest Bio

    Jonathan Sprinkles is the author of 14 books (including two international bestsellers), a TV personality, celebrity business coach, and award-winning keynote speaker. He is the founder of The Connection Lab, an award-winning company that is on a mission to help people live bigger and lead better through the power of human connection. Jonathan gets it. He knows the difference between what looks good on paper and what really works in the real world. He brings best practices from his career as a tech salesman and his 20 years of leadership experience as an entrepreneur. Jonathan has a gift for connecting with any audience, relating to them on a personal level, and inspiring them to bring out the best in themselves and the people around them. Listen to his latest audiobook ‘Get Off Your "But" and Make It Happen!’ on Audible.

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    35 m
  • Compete or Participate: The Choice Every Agent Has to Make Right Now w/Jay Pitts | Ep 59
    May 16 2024

    The real estate industry has tolerated and even celebrated low barriers to entry. It’s a bit like the grown-up version of giving kids participation trophies. The result: agents who can’t compete in the face of disruption.

    As the NAR settlement promises to compress commissions, we can expect the agents who weren’t prepared to be squeezed out. This could have been avoided if agents were taught to compete instead of relaxing because the MLS always guaranteed a check.

    As the leader of Kentucky’s #1 team and Dad who coaches his kids, our guest has the perfect perspective on the danger of participation trophies. Is there ever a case for giving kids participation trophies? What does the NAR settlement mean for agents who didn’t prepare to compete?

    How can we become better marketers? In this episode, Jay Pitts talks about succeeding in real estate, and the big problem we had before the settlement.

    When you compress commissions substantially on one side of the transaction, there’ll be less money to go around. The result is, we’re going to be left with the real true pros. -Jay Pitts

    Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -The two things every agent must do

    What’s the difference between brand engagement and direct response marketing?

    -How to live a disciplined life

    Jay was inspired by his father to get into real estate. What business and life lessons did he learn from him?

    -A case for participation trophies

    The challenge parents face when coaching their kids’ sports teams is knowing how to balance support with tough love. How can you coach your kids without damaging your relationship?

    -A great opportunity for good marketers

    Before the NAR settlement, mediocre buyer agents made the same amount of money as the cream of the crop. How does this shift change that?

    Guest Bio

    Jay Pitts is podcast host and the Broker/Owner of Jay T. Pitts and Associates, Kentucky’s #1 Real Estate Team. He has valuable experience in almost every facet of the real estate industry, from management and auction, to sales and marketing of residential or commercial real estate. Jay is a second-generation real estate professional and has had years of experience prior to being in business for himself. He runs a team of similar individuals who value hard work, customer service, technology and efficiency. Listen to The Jay Pitts Show on your platform of choice and follow @jaypittsrealtor on Instagram.

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    38 m
  • The Listing Appointment That Became An Adoption w/SuzAnne Scott | Ep 58
    May 9 2024

    Real estate involves people’s most significant transaction, so agents are bound to have a memorable experience or two. Very few can say that a cold call and a listing appointment turned into an adoption journey.

    Agents touch the lives of many families, but what happens when you’re led to do more than help them get their dream home?

    For SuzAnne Scott, the growth of her family was directly connected to real estate. The adoption process taught her something important in the face of challenges. Stay the course when you know you’re doing the right thing.

    How did a typical real estate conversation turn into such a life changing decision? When is it a bad idea to pivot? In this episode, the Lubbock, Texas broker shares her rare real estate story and how to run a growing business alongside a growing family.

    When something gets hard, you don’t just pivot, it’s too easy. You stay the course when you’re doing the right thing. You’ll never see the fruit if you don’t stay the course. -SuzAnne Scott

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Build a business that serves you

    Real estate isn’t a one-size-fits-all business. How did SuzAnne find and perfect the lead generation method that works best for her?

    -Stay the course, even when it’s hard

    How did a cold call turn into a conversation about adopting a child? What were the challenges of the adoption journey?

    -Double down or pivot

    Everyone talks about the power of pivoting, but do we rob ourselves of something great when we shift too quickly?

    Guest Bio

    SuzAnne is described by her clients as being an expert, an activator that makes things happen, on top of the details, and above all else genuine and relatable. SuzAnne is a high achiever and quickly became known throughout the city as one of the top agents in Lubbock, SuzAnne started her career as an agent in 2007 Her passion for real estate started as a way for her to be available for her family and still have a successful career. Follow SuzAnne’s team on https://www.residelubbock.com/

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    29 m