
  • 397 - Navigating Early Sobriety: A Guide for Parents and Loved Ones
    Jul 17 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    In this insightful episode of Real Recovery Talk, we tackle one of the most challenging aspects of addiction recovery: supporting a loved one in early sobriety. This critical period requires a delicate balance of empathy, understanding, and practical support. Often, despite our best intentions, we might say or do things that could inadvertently hinder their progress.

    Our discussion covers:

    • Understanding Early Sobriety: What your loved one is experiencing physically, emotionally, and mentally during the initial stages of recovery.
    • Effective Communication: Key phrases and topics to avoid, and how to express your support in a positive and constructive manner.
    • Building a Supportive Environment: Practical ways to create a safe and nurturing space that encourages sobriety without feeling overbearing or intrusive.
    • Common Pitfalls: Identifying actions and behaviors that might seem helpful but can actually be detrimental to their recovery journey.

    Tune in to learn how you can become a source of strength and encouragement for your loved one, helping them build a solid foundation for long-term sobriety. This episode is filled with real-life examples, expert tips, and heartfelt stories that highlight the importance of informed and compassionate support in early recovery.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • 396 - RAC: Random Ass Conversations with Tom, Ben and Steve
    Jul 14 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    Hey everyone! In this episode we are having light conversations and taking a break on recovery stuff! Of course we do incorporate it to a certain extent but this one was fun and we laughed a lot. Hope you enjoy!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • 395 - The Life of a Functional Alcoholic : The Illusion of Control
    Jul 10 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, we dive into the world of functional alcoholism, exploring how certain characteristics can mask the seriousness of alcohol dependency. Join us as we unravel the six key steps that often define a functional alcoholic and discuss how these factors can create barriers to seeking sobriety.

    1. Successful Professional Life: We'll start by examining how maintaining a thriving career can provide a false sense of control and normalcy, making it difficult for individuals to recognize their addiction.

    2. Denial and Justification: Next, we'll explore the powerful role of denial and the justifications functional alcoholics use to convince themselves and others that their drinking is under control.

    3. Routine Drinking Patterns: We'll discuss how the establishment of regular drinking routines can disguise the extent of alcohol consumption, reinforcing the illusion of moderation.

    4. Minimal Legal Issues: Functional alcoholics often avoid legal troubles, further feeding the belief that their drinking is not problematic. We'll look into how this lack of consequences can delay the realization of an issue.

    5. Maintaining Relationships: Many functional alcoholics are able to keep their relationships intact, which can create a façade of stability and deter loved ones from recognizing the need for intervention.

    6. Continued Achievements: Lastly, we'll talk about how ongoing personal and professional achievements can bolster the illusion of control and success, making it even harder for functional alcoholics to see the need for change.

    Tune in as we uncover how these six steps can collectively reinforce a functional alcoholic's resistance to seeking sobriety and what can be done to break through these barriers. Whether you're personally affected or supporting someone who is, this episode provides valuable insights into the complexities of functional alcoholism.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 394 - Gender-Specific Treatment Centers: Tailoring Recovery for Better Outcomes
    Jul 7 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, we delve into the importance and effectiveness of gender-specific treatment centers for substance abuse. These specialized facilities offer tailored programs that address the unique challenges faced by men and women in recovery, providing a supportive environment that enhances the chances of long-term sobriety. However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider.

    Join us as we explore:

    • Why Gender-Specific Treatment?: Understanding the unique needs and experiences of different genders in addiction and recovery.
    • Benefits of Specialized Programs: How these centers provide focused care, from therapy techniques to peer support.
    • Cons of Gender-Specific Treatment: Discussing potential downsides, such as limited social interaction with the opposite gender and possible reinforcement of gender stereotypes.
    • Choosing the Right Center: Tips for finding a treatment center that aligns with your gender-specific needs.

    Tune in to gain a balanced understanding of how gender-specific treatment centers are making a difference in the lives of those battling substance abuse, while also considering the potential challenges. This episode is a must-listen for anyone considering treatment options or supporting a loved one through recovery.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • 393 - Staying Sober on the 4th of July: Your Five-Step Guide to a Safe and Fun Celebration
    Jul 3 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    In this special episode of Real Recovery Talk, we tackle the challenges and opportunities that come with celebrating the 4th of July while maintaining sobriety. With fireworks, barbecues, and parties all around, staying sober can feel daunting, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to enjoy the holiday without compromising your recovery.

    We break it down into five actionable steps:

    1. Plan Ahead: Learn how to prepare for potential triggers and make a game plan for your day.
    2. Make Your Own Drinks: Discover delicious, alcohol-free beverages that keep you included in the festivities.
    3. Stay Busy: Engage in fun activities that keep your mind occupied and away from temptation.
    4. Have an Exit Strategy: Develop a plan for leaving situations that may jeopardize your sobriety.
    5. Utilize Your Support Network: Connect with meetings, stay in contact with your sponsor, and leverage your support system.

    Join us for practical tips, personal stories, and expert advice to ensure your 4th of July is both enjoyable and sober. Tune in to stay strong, stay safe, and celebrate your independence from addiction!

    Follow for more recovery insights! 💚 #RealRecoveryTalk #AddictionRecovery #Sobriety #RecoveryCommunity #4thOfJulySober #MentalHealth

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 392 - 4 Essential Skills to stay focused on yourself and NOT their addiction
    Jun 30 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, hosts Tom Conrad and Ben discuss four critical skills that family members and loved ones can implement today to help themselves and support someone struggling with addiction.

    We cover the importance of good communication skills, self-care, building a strong support network, and spirituality. Tom and Ben also update listeners on their Family Reconnect Program and other resources available for those in need.

    Tune in for practical advice, personal stories, and valuable insights on navigating addiction recovery.

    00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

    00:32 Podcast Announcements and Promotions

    01:26 Webinar and Family Reconnect Program Details 03:53 Coaching and Communication Skills

    09:34 Skill 1: Good Communication Skills

    17:50 Skill 2: Importance of Self-Care

    21:37 Balancing Work and Personal Time

    22:38 Finding Healthy Distractions

    24:47 The Importance of Self-Care

    28:41 Building a Strong Support Network

    32:36 Embracing Spirituality

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • 391 - Dealing with an Alcoholic Spouse: Expert Insights and Practical Advice
    Jun 26 2024

    5 steps to helping your loved one: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guide

    Join our Family Re-Connect Program: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/reconnect

    Dealing with an Alcoholic Spouse: Expert Insights and Practical Advice

    In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, hosts Tom Conrad, Ben, and Dr. Tambini address an email from a listener struggling with her partner's alcohol addiction. The team discusses strategies for handling anger and resentment, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care. They introduce their Family Reconnect Program, explain the importance of community support, and answer questions about enabling behavior and professional consequences. Tune in for expert advice on helping yourself and your loved one through addiction.

    00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

    00:42 Meet the Hosts

    01:38 Family Reconnect Program Announcement

    03:43 Real-Life Example and Program Benefits

    13:49 Email from a Listener: Seeking Advice

    32:52 Enabling Alcoholism: The Hard Truth

    33:05 The Importance of Stepping Away

    35:10 Codependency and Self-Worth

    36:49 The Role of Profession in Addiction

    38:37 Emotional Compromise and Seeking Help

    40:24 Reflecting on Relationships and Self-Healing

    42:11 Personal Stories and Al-Anon

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • 390 - When Your Spouse Won't Stop Drinking: Strategies for Support and Self-Care
    Jun 23 2024

    Go to realrecoverytalk.com/guide to get our free guide, 5 Steps to Take When Getting Help for Your Loved One

    In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, we tackle the challenging situation of having a spouse who won't stop drinking. Navigating this difficult terrain requires a combination of empathy, firmness, and self-care. We discuss five essential strategies to help you cope and take action effectively.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. Objective vs. Subjective: Understanding the importance of being objective when dealing with your spouse's drinking problem. We explore how to separate your emotions from the situation to address the issue more effectively.

    2. Determining Proper Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial. We discuss how to set clear, firm boundaries with your spouse to protect yourself and encourage positive change.

    3. Building a Life for Yourself: It's essential to focus on your own well-being and interests. We highlight the importance of building a fulfilling life for yourself, independent of your spouse's drinking habits.

    4. Education: Knowledge is power. We provide resources and information to help you understand alcoholism, its effects, and the available treatments. Being well-informed will equip you to handle the situation more effectively.

    5. Getting Support: You don't have to go through this alone. We emphasize the importance of seeking support from friends, family, and professional resources. Joining support groups can provide comfort, advice, and a sense of community.

    Join us for a compassionate and practical discussion as we provide actionable steps and insights to help you cope with a spouse's drinking problem. This episode aims to empower you with the tools and support needed to navigate this challenging situation and prioritize your own health and happiness. Tune in for valuable advice and encouragement

    Más Menos
    50 m