
  • #117 - Limit Screen Time
    Jul 19 2024

    This week’s topic is going to be tough for many given that most of us spend an inordinate amount of time on the computer each day—and many must do this for their job.

    But difficult or not, limiting screen time will give you big benefits in the long run. On the flip side, there are many detrimental effects of blue light on your body and your sleep.

    According to research conducted at Harvard, blue light not only negatively affects your sleep, but can also cause disease.

    Our ancestors utilized the sun for illumination, and when the sun went down, we lived in relative darkness. Obviously, there are benefits to extending our illuminated hours, but we must do this judiciously.

    What we’re toying with is our circadian rhythms. When our circadian rhythms are thrown off, we are out of alignment with earth’s energy. Which obviously is not nearly as healthy as being in alignment with earth's energy...

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • #116 - Cut Out All Alcohol and Stimulants.
    Jul 12 2024

    Have you ever considered why during 2@2@ liquor stores, strip clubs, and pot dispensaries were allowed to remain open during the lockdown, but churches were not?

    It seems kind of odd, doesn’t it?

    While we are not going to address the strip club issue in this episode, we encourage you to draw your own conclusions.

    What we will briefly discuss is the issue of Alcohol, drugs and all types of stimulants.

    We realize this may not be popular with some, it is powerful if you’ll hang with us and really listen with an open mind. Let’s address alcohol first.

    Alcohol has been legal for quite some time and has become part of our social construct. While Bersabeh and I have not drunk for 3 years now, we used to.

    But the question is “why”?

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • #115 - Cut Out Processed Food
    Jul 7 2024

    The controlling narrative around “climate control” is attempting to dramatically change our diets stating that many things that are healthy to eat are “negatively impacting the environment”.

    It’s fascinating because the foods they recommend are incredibly unhealthy and they’re nearly all processed. This presents many problems.

    Processed foods most often contain unhealthy fats, sugars or artificial sweeteners, chemicals, and additives. It just makes sense that if you’re ingesting large amounts of sugars, additives, coloring, and chemicals they weren’t meant to be in your body. And they’re very hard—sometimes impossible—to digest...

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • #114 - Hydrate Your Body Well
    Jun 28 2024

    The entire universe is comprised of repeating patterns. This is the Hermetic Law of Correspondence. Most commonly stated “As above, so below.”

    Basically, this Law teaches us that if we want to know how our body works, we need to look at how the universe works.

    Our entire planet’s surface is comprised of approximately 70-71% water.

    Likewise, your body is comprised of approximately 70% water (if you’re healthy) and interestingly, a baby’s body is about 78% water; and it tends to decrease with age.

    Needless to say, drinking enough pure, clean water is essential for maintaining health and body functions.

    This does not include polluted or flavored waters—rather clean, pure water.

    You cannot get this from the tap.

    In 2023 as published a study conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency found that tap water is full of PFAS (a family of synthetic chemicals that linger in the environment as well as the environment of your body. Exposure to PFAS is linked to cancer, obesity, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, decreased fertility, liver damage and hormone suppression.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • #113 - Live Somewhere that Aligns with and Moves Your Soul
    Jun 21 2024

    We’ve been discussing over the last few episodes how to transmute your body into a powerhouse. Obviously, this includes the mind as well because mind and body are tightly interdependent and interwoven.

    Will power is off and on… environment is 24/7.

    Basically, where you live and the environment you surround yourself with is either incredibly empowering or incredibly disempowering.

    Choose wisely.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • #112 - Exercise Daily
    Jun 14 2024

    No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. ~ Socrates

    We’ve been discussing the ways in which to turn your body into a powerhouse and we’ve discussed many psychological, physical as well as dietary habits and today we’d like to advocate daily exercise.

    While this may seem self-evident, even simplistic, it’s just simply not applied by many—maybe most—in today’s world.

    People have often asked me: “Do you work out every single day?” My reply is “Do you eat every day?”

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • #111 - Eat Meat
    Jun 7 2024

    How many times have we all heard, “You are what you eat”?

    This is very true and obviously there is a lot of controversy around this from the Globalist as well as the animal rights activists.

    Your body needs essential nutrients, and the proven fact is that vegetable protein is not as complete nor as nutrient dense as animal protein.

    Bersabeh and I did not come to this personal experience without much trial and error.

    We both were card carrying vegetarians for 5 years. Not just vegetarians, but vegan which means you eat nothing with a face OR anything that comes from something with a face...

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • #110 - Get Adequate Sunlight
    May 31 2024

    Today’s topic is a challenging one for most of us in the modern world. Including me and Bersabeh.

    Getting an adequate amount of sunlight.

    Most of us spend the majority of our lives in artificial lighting. While artificial light provides some benefits, like increased hours of productivity, even that can be a detriment.

    According to Medical Life Sciences: The use of artificial light at night-time has been linked to increased risk of sleep disorders, obesity, depression, metabolic disorders, and even breast cancer.

    The human species has evolved to develop a circadian rhythm of being awake during the day and asleep at night. For our ancestors, which the sun went down they went to sleep—with few exceptions...

    Más Menos
    16 m