
  • Mindset Episode 024 | What do you do when you have no time to grieve?
    Jul 10 2024

    Warning: this episode references euthanasia

    What do you do when you have been dealt an emotional blow, and need time to process that, but time is the one thing you don't have?
    Because you have to get back to work so you can make rent for example?
    Or because you're parenting small children and you're happy to get 5 minutes of quiet time on the toilet?

    This episode tries to give some practical tips as to what you can do in situations like that using the low-key of example of getting over a dog training set-back as well as the example of not having been able to rescue a dog from behavioral euthanasia as a dog professional.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 036 | Leah Lykos of Canine Movement Lab on Somatic Work and Your Dog as Your Mirror
    May 28 2024

    Leah Lykos, a dog behaviorist out of Chattanooga Tennessee and guardian to three dogs, Eva, Biggie, and Mia explains how her focus is on movement and somatic work. That makes sense given that she operates from the philosophy that for dogs even more so than for humans there is no separation of mind and body.

    We discuss something new to me: resistance feeding.

    The idea behind resistance feeding is to not control the dog's behavior but to provide an appropriate outlet for it.

    Everything is always on a spectrum, so we discuss how to know if you're allowing stress to dissipate or adding to the dog's stress.

    In that same sense of knowing if something is helpful or not, we touch on the concept of your dog as a mirror. When is hurting to see it that way and when is it helping?

    Leah explains how she differentiates between people who are already so aware of their own stress and so focused on solving for that, that it inhibits them in working with their dog,

    and people who are so detached from their body and their feelings. that they have no idea they may be projecting onto their dog.

    From there we dig into the inner work we get to do thanks to our dogs.

    When you have trouble connecting with your dog, what part of yourself do you have trouble connecting with or accepting?

    How does understanding your dog help to understand yourself?

    How do we regulate our own nervous system?

    Leah explains that it is her daily work to figure out how she can stay passionate about what she's doing, without getting completely wrapped up in every single case.


    Leah's website: https://www.caninemovementlab.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caninemovementlab/

    The YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSlbjJXVMBxSGBgkbNWXOZw

    Episode website: https://kajsavanoverbeek.com/035-leah-lykos-of-canine-movement-lab-on-somatic-work-and-your-dog-as-your-mirror/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • 035 | Matilda Kelsall & Rafiki and Nala on dog-sparked personal growth in leaps and bounds
    Apr 18 2024

    [The audio of this episode is a bit wonky, but I hope you'll put up with it because the content is great]

    Matilda is a canine coach who creates all the things she wishes she would have had available when working with her dog Nala for her clients.

    We talk about how Rafiki, her second dog, helped her grow into the person she is now.
    (and what on earth possessed her to get a second dog after having a first dog who was Ruff Around the Edges)

    When you listen to the episode you'll be blown away by her transformation and her approach to life.

    Imagine being startled by barking... and ending up working with dogs.

    We talk about the constant state of dysregulation living in a home with inter-dog aggression brings.
    About the toll living with an aggressive dog takes on a relationship.
    About what it takes to set boundaries with your loved ones and strangers.
    About learning to love life without regrets.
    About how freeing it is to have like-minded people by your side.

    And so much more.

    Find Matilda here:
    Her website: https://www.matildathecaninecoach.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matildathecaninecoach/
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@matildathecaninecoach
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matildathecaninecoach

    The episode website is here:

    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m
  • Mindset Episode 023 | When you can't find the muscle you're supposed to train
    Mar 12 2024

    When you have to train something you don't know how to identify, where do you start?

    Can you even start?

    I share the experiences a friend of mine and myself have had doing physical therapy, the lessons I learned from it and how they apply to life with our dogs.

    How do you find which dials to tweak?

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 034 | Aimee of Pawfect Behavior on everything mindset and dogs and leaving the UK to be a Dubai dog trainer
    Mar 2 2024

    How does a UK national end up a dog (and other animals) trainer in Dubai? Just listening to Aimee's backstory will have you in awe of the way she has stayed true to herself making big life decisions.

    We talk about how she tries to make clients feel like they can share everything with her as a trainer so that they don't have to hide their feelings and frustration.

    We discuss how breed stereotypes and other assumptions may prevent us from recognizing our dogs are in pain. Are poodles simply fussy eaters or is there an underlying problem with their teeth causing them pain when they eat?

    What about the disappointment we feel when our dog's behavior seems to relapse? What can we do? Should we try something new or go back to basics?

    Aimee's business in Dubai:
    Aimee on Instagram:

    Episode Website:


    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • 033 | Agnieszka Janarek of Tromplo on errorless learning, (lack of) perfectionism and resilience in both humans and dogs
    Jan 11 2024

    This episode is for you if you identify as a perfectionist. Simply talking with Aga, the short version for Agnieszka about the concept of errorless learning has given me another way to look at perfectionism and how it can (often but not always) be unhelpful.

    Aga talks about training behaviors to fluency which is different from perfection, and about the benefits of playing by someone else's rules now and then, just to get you out of your comfort zone.

    She will have you completely rethink the idea of "just one more repetition" and "ending on a win".

    Not just that. What about extinction and frustration? Do we need frustration or can we skip it?

    Aga also blew my mind by giving me a way of looking at resilience completely differently. What if resilience, the ability to bounce back, isn't an innate trait? What if it simply amounts to having a big enough skillset to be able to handle errors? And since skills can be taught, what if you could teach resilience? Errorlessly? With minimal frustration?

    How does this apply to humans?

    How does she apply it in her personal life and her business?

    And of course, we chat about Agnieszka's new book, the Animal Trainer's Comprehensive Handbook.

    Listen to this episode multiple times. It's packed with gems!


    Tromplo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tromplo/

    Agnieszka's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agnieszkajanarektrainer/

    The Tromplo website: https://tromplo.com/

    The link to the new book, the Animal Trainer's Comprehensive Handbook: https://tromplo.com/product/animal-trainers-comprehensive-handbook-by-agnieszka-janarek/

    Also mentioned:

    Dr. Susan Friedman: https://www.behaviorworks.org/

    Ken Ramirez: https://www.kenramireztraining.com/

    Kay Laurence: https://www.learningaboutdogs.com/

    Episode website:

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • 032 | Ninke Lemmens & Luka en Ellie over buitenlandse adoptie honden, de zoektocht naar hulp, en de rol van pijn
    Dec 7 2023

    Als Ninke Luka adopteert heeft hij al twee jaar lang in een Russisch asiel gezeten. Eenmaal thuis in Belgisch Limburg durft hij niet eens binnen te komen, zo ontzettend moet hij wennen aan zijn nieuwe leven.

    Goedbedoelde adviezen als "da's een een scheper, die moet u wel bezig houden" blijken voor Luka helemaal niet te werken.
    Ninke vertelt over de omzwervingen die haar uiteindelijk naar Daniëlla van Paws in Touch leiden en wat haar overtuigde om toch nog weer meer geld in training te steken.

    Althans, het belangrijkste voor Luka blijkt om helemaal niet te "trainen", maar om juist in te zetten op rust.
    Als later blijkt dat Luka weer achteruit gaat, vertrouwt Ninke het niet. Ze vermoedt dat er pijn in het spel kan zijn. Eerste röntgen foto's laten "slechts" een milde heupdysplasie aan één heup zien.
    Gelukkig gaat Ninke af op haar eigen intuïtie en laat ze verder onderzoek doen. Luka blijkt gruwelijk pijn te hebben van een zware hernia.

    Ondertussen is ook Ellie bij het gezin gekomen. Wat heeft Ninke anders gedaan bij Ellie? Heeft ze op andere dingen gelet? Wat maakte dat ze het aandurfde er nog een tweede hond bij te nemen?

    En last but not least, wat zou ze andere hondenbaasjes als advies mee willen geven?

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • NEW: Mind's Best Friend Group Coaching, deadline for enrolment November 5th
    Oct 27 2023

    A spontaneous unscripted ramble about my new Mind's Best Friend group coaching program.

    If you like what you hear on the podcast and you have been wanting to dig deeper, now is your chance.

    You can find more information here:

    Or send me an email, or contact me on social media. I'll be happy to answer any questions.

    Do you want to start now and not wait for any New Year's resolutions to:

    • Have better relationships
    • Learn how you can cope with difficult situations (which may or may not include your dog) without resorting to exaggerated PollyAnnaish “just think happy thoughts” behavior
    • Learn how to give less of a sh*t (about other people calling your dog a mean mongrel, just as much as that bad review at work)
    • Get better at saying no, and stop people pleasing, no matter if it’s a situation in which you have to advocate for your dog, yourself, or your family and friends
    • To learn how to trust your own judgment again
    • Figure out how to have more time for yourself again to do non-dog-related things, without feeling guilty about it and without becoming a selfish you-know-what?

    Then jump on this offer!


    12 weeks of coaching goodness that will change your life, and I am NOT exaggerating here.

    It's LITERALLY what my client said:
    "My time with Kajsa was transformational, not just for my relationship with Rosie, but for my overall wellbeing.
    Kajsa, your coaching was such a gift. Thank you for helping me and Rosie build resilience, clarity, confidence, and hope in the middle of a really low point. You have made a lasting impact on our lives."

    Más Menos
    16 m