
  • AD-FREE BONUS: Feel the Frequency
    Jul 17 2024
    Hey, it’s Katie and I want to welcome you to this special bonus episode. It’ll be here for you completely ad-free for the next week so you can get a feel of what it’s like to be a PREMIUM member. If you’d like an easy ad-free experience for all of our podcasts - that’s over 200 episodes each month, then JOIN PREMIUM today at https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Come now, And allow yourself to descend. PAUSE… Fall deep into the stillness, Surrendering to the silence within. LONG PAUSE… Notice the gentle rhythm of your breathing. And feel it slow you down. PAUSE… Let your breath go deeper, With every inhale. Let your breath reach further, With every exhale. Open yourself to the sounds, The frequencies of sleep surround you. PAUSE… Let them pull you into deep rest. Down, Down, Down, As they sync with your breath. LONG PAUSE… Feel a gentle wave of warmth, Slowly brush across your chest. PAUSE… Let it open you, And release all of the heaviness. LONG PAUSE… Now feel the touch of warmth, As it falls down your back. PAUSE… Softening you, And opening you, All the way down your spine. LONG PAUSE… Now imagine the waves of warmth, Syncing with the sounds. PAUSE… Feel them floating through you, Relaxing you, Aligning you. LONG PAUSE… Let it all go, Anything that remains, Release it into the night. Let it all go, And fall into the waves, And feel the frequency. Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Let Go of Disappointment
    Jul 16 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Breathe now, And ease into your most favorite sleeping position. PAUSE… Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, let go of any tension or worries from the day. Allow your body and mind to gently release any tension, and bring your awareness to the present moment. PAUSE… Now, see if you can recall a recent experience where you felt disappointed. It could be a disappointment in yourself, others, or a situation. Allow yourself to fully acknowledge and feel the disappointment, without judgment or resistance. Notice where you feel it in your body, and gently breathe into that area, allowing it to soften. LONG PAUSE… As you breathe, imagine that with each inhale, you are inhaling soothing and healing energy, and with each exhale, you are releasing disappointment and any related emotions. Breathe in peace, and breathe out disappointment. PAUSE… Now, bring to mind any expectations or attachments that you had in relation to the situation that led to disappointment. Notice if there were any rigid expectations, unrealistic demands, or attachments to outcomes. Without judgment, simply observe them as they arise, and offer yourself compassion for holding onto these expectations. LONG PAUSE… Visualize yourself holding these expectations in your hands, and then gently release them, letting them float away like clouds in the sky. Allow yourself to let go of any need for things to be different, and simply be present with what is, without resistance or grasping. PAUSE… As you continue to breathe, imagine a warm, healing light enveloping you, comforting and nurturing you. Allow this healing light to fill any spaces within you that were occupied by disappointment, soothing and calming those areas with love and acceptance. PAUSE… Now, bring to mind any forgiveness that may be needed. Forgiveness towards yourself or others involved in the situation that led to disappointment. Offer yourself and others forgiveness, knowing that everyone makes mistakes and has their own challenges. Allow forgiveness to flow freely, releasing any lingering resentment or bitterness. LONG PAUSE… Take a few moments to simply rest in this space of letting go, Of surrendering to the present moment, and of cultivating self-compassion and forgiveness. Let go of the past, and be fully present in this moment, knowing that you have the power to release disappointment and create a fresh start. LONG PAUSE… As you prepare to drift off to sleep, allow these words to embrace your heart. I release disappointment and embrace the present moment with love and acceptance. I am worthy of forgiveness and compassion. You are deserving of peace and healing. PAUSE… Now, as you slowly begin to drift into sleep, carry with you a sense of lightness and freedom from disappointment. Release any remaining tension in your body, and surrender to the gentle rhythm of your breath, The gentle rhythm of the night. Full of peace, And love. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Lucid Dreaming
    Jul 15 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Close your eyes and let your mind drift away, As you enter the realm where dreams hold sway. One by one, the stars begin to appear, Guiding you to a world that's near and dear. PAUSE... You find yourself in a meadow so green, Where moonbeams dance and fireflies gleam. The air is filled with a calming scent, As you step into this dreamscape fully present. PAUSE... You notice a path that beckons to you, Lined with flowers of every hue. Their petals soft and glowing bright, Bathing the night in a magical light. PAUSE... You follow the path with eager stride, Feeling a sense of wonder inside. Your footsteps light, as if you float, In this realm where dreams take note. PAUSE... As you walk, you become aware, That you have entered a world so rare. Where dreams and reality intertwine, In a place where your thoughts design. PAUSE... You realize you're dreaming, yet also awake, This lucid dream is yours to create. With boundless possibilities at your command, You're free to explore and understand. PAUSE... You imagine a soaring flight through the sky, With wings that spread and let you fly. Feeling the wind against your face, As you explore this dreamlike space. PAUSE... You summon a beach with golden sands, Where waves caress with gentle hands. You dip your toes in the sparkling sea, Feel the magic of the dream set free. PAUSE... You create a garden with flowers in bloom, With fragrances that chase away all gloom. Colors so vivid, a feast for the eyes, A masterpiece of your own dreamy skies. PAUSE... You meet dream characters along the way, With wisdom to share and games to play. They represent parts of your inner self, Guiding you to discover yourself. PAUSE... In this lucid dream, you're in control, Creating a world that delights your soul. Exploring the depths of your own mind, Unveiling truths that you long to find. PAUSE... As the night unfolds in a wondrous display, You marvel at the power of dreams at play. Knowing that you can return anytime, This lucid dream is so sublime. PAUSE... As the dream draws to a gentle close, You feel a sense of peace and repose. Grateful for the journey you have taken, In this realm where dreams awaken. PAUSE... Tomorrow you’ll awake filled with awe, Carrying the magic that you saw. Knowing that in the world of sleep, Your dreams can give you wisdom to keep. PAUSE... Sleep now, dear one, with peace in your heart, As you delve into dreams, a world apart. Lucid and free, you'll navigate the night, With boundless creativity as your guiding light. PAUSE... Sleep now, dear one, with a heart full of bliss, As you through a dreamy abyss. A world of endless wonder awaits, In the realm of dreams, where your spirit creates. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Manifest While You Sleep
    Jul 14 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Take a deep breath, A breath that softens your body, A breath that gently hums in your center as you stretch comfortably. LONG PAUSE Find the position that is right for you. And lets you melt into your bed Sinking slowly into it As you become one with it. PAUSE Then gradually inhale another breath, A breath of peace and calm, A breath that touches any area of tension in your body. And softens that area as you let go. LONG PAUSE As you breathe, imagine a curtain opening in your mind’s eye, red velvet with thick gold cords dangling at the end. PAUSE Behind the curtain are your dreams, the things you want to bring to life, These dreams stir your soul and spark your inner light. PAUSE These dreams are calling you Inspiring you to move with them, You’re their Creator With the power to make them true. PAUSE Imagine, now, stepping onto the stage Where they’re holding space for you. Like an orchestra, ready to play, Just waiting for their Conductor to guide them, to bring them to life. All together. PAUSE Delicately, you approach a dream. You hear it whisper and hum like music, Just waiting to carry you away On a cloud of relaxing sounds, So you listen with your heart. PAUSE You raise your arms to conduct, Swaying them back and forth in a beautiful, hypnotic rhythm that creates the essence of your dream and the orchestra follows. PAUSE And with each soothing note the orchestra plays, You relax more deeply And feel your dream move closer and closer. Until the music of your dream dissolves inside you, becomes one with you, becomes your Truth. PAUSE Take a moment to rest, to pause, like a musical note that you hold to take in all its power. Breathe in your dream’s power. PAUSE And now, set an intention for your dream, an intention you tell yourself you will remember when you wake, an intention that is your truth. PAUSE Across the stage is another dream ready to come to life, with an orchestra bathed in all vibrant colors of the rainbow. PAUSE As you approach the dream, The orchestra plays a lullaby. A distant, dreamy lullaby. Each note rises as a color, swirling above you. PAUSE Moving with ease and grace, the colors roll in the air, blending into shapes and pieces of the dream you’re ready to create. PAUSE Quietly, softly, your dream embraces you. The colors embrace you, Giving you a safe, gentle hug before melding into you. Becoming you. You and your dream are one. PAUSE And again, you set an intention for your dream, an intention you tell yourself you will remember when you wake, an intention that is your truth. PAUSE As you drift deeper into sleep, Deeper into the calming music of your soul, Where your dreams are tucked inside, Dreams that now live and breathe with life. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Slow Down Your Mind 😌
    Jul 13 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium As your day unwinds, Let your body rest, Release the whirling thoughts, They don’t need to be addressed. PAUSE The world falls away, As you breathe deep and slow, Allow your busy mind, To surrender to night’s flow. PAUSE Imagine thoughts like waves, Upon the ocean deep, Cresting and falling back, In a rhythmic repeat. PAUSE As each wave arises, Of worry, stress or fear, Allow it to crest and pass, So they can disappear. PAUSE Breathe in awareness, To the rise and fall, Breathe out attachment, To all the big and small. PAUSE Let a sovereign peace, Reign over your mind's shore, Undisturbed by the waves' dance, You're present at your core. LONG PAUSE Picture your mind's essence, A timeless, boundless, sea, Waves rise but cannot disturb, This eternal serenity. PAUSE As wakefulness recedes, Like the outgoing tide, Your true self emerges calm, On dreams’ other side. PAUSE Let the flow of night whispers, Ripple at the beach, While deep serenity, Is finally within reach. LONG PAUSE In this boundless stillness, Your body drifts to rest, All struggle has quieted, Your soul is truly blessed. PAUSE Each breath in the silence, Renews this peaceful place, Until slumber's gentle call, Holds you in warm embrace. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • In the Still of the Night 🌙
    Jul 12 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium In the still of the night, As you fall asleep, There’s a magic world waiting, Where you are free to dream. PAUSE All you have to do, To enter this place of peace, Is close your eyes so softly, And ask the thoughts to cease. PAUSE Imagine all those things, Roaming in your head, The tasks, the worries, the fears, That you have brought to bed… PAUSE Are gathered up with the air, That you breathe in so deep, Then as you exhale fully, They leave you and release. PAUSE Breathe in and gather, Breathe out and melt. Breathe in what matters, Breathe out all you’ve felt. PAUSE Now imagine a hand of light, Rests upon your head, Feel its warming energy, Replace what’s there instead. PAUSE The gentle hand travels down, Landing on your chest, It’s glistening magic warmth, Will heal you as you rest. PAUSE Feel the hand move along, Caressing each arm gently, Feel the weight of sleep infuse, Each arm so intensely. PAUSE Now as the hand travels down, Resting upon your belly, You can feel the calmness spread, Releasing all that’s heavy. PAUSE Anywhere the hand of peace, Decides to gently go, It brings with it vibrations, Of calm and sleepy flow. PAUSE Cascading down your hips, And each leg on your bed, Hand of light relaxes you, Feel the calmness spread. PAUSE Now as your body settles deep, In your bed tonight, Know that calm lives in you, A gentle, warming light. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Find Quiet And Rest 🌺
    Jul 11 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Breathe in deeply, dear heart, Allowing the quiet to wrap around you like a soft, comforting blanket. And as you exhale, Let go of the noise, the chaos of the day. PAUSE… Embrace the stillness that embodies you now, Let it slow your racing thoughts. Hear the gentle hum of the earth beneath you, Whispering, "rest now, find peace." Deep in the silence of the night. PAUSE… Feel the cool, calming presence of the night air. It moves through you, Easing your mind, calming your spirit. It knows how to quiet the noise, It knows how to bring you back to yourself. And it invites you to build a sanctuary of calm tonight, Where no disturbance can reach you, Where serenity pervades, And you are aligned with the gentle rhythm of your breath. PAUSE… So let the night’s whisper guide you deeper, Into the quiet cradle of your being. PAUSE… Let this silence be a healing balm, Softening your heart, Quieting your mind. Let it remind you of who you truly are. PAUSE… Breathe… And feel the quietness expand within you. This silence, This precious stillness. Feel it grow with every breath, Radiating from your heart, Spreading tranquility through your chest, Easing into your arms and fingertips. PAUSE… Let the stillness soothe your back, Calm your stomach, Glide over your hips, Gently flowing down your legs, And into your toes. PAUSE… Notice how the silence soothes your shoulders, Your neck, Softening your facial features. PAUSE… Feel the stillness calm your brow, Your eyes, And the crown of your head. Breathe… LONG PAUSE… The silence deepens, forming a barrier around you, Safeguarding your peace, Shielding your rest. All is secure within this silent embrace. Nothing can disrupt this peace. PAUSE… Feel the profound strength of this silence wrapping around you, Trust in its power to protect. No matter how loud, Or chaotic, Or unsettling the world outside may be, It cannot breach your sanctuary of quiet. PAUSE… So sink deeper into comfort, As waves of calm wash over you. Feel any lingering tension or thoughts simply dissolve. You are safe here. You are at peace. PAUSE… So sleep, Embrace the quiet, Rest, And let the silence fill you with its serene strength. Sweet dreams, beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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  • Sleeping With Mother Nature
    Jul 10 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Softly close your eyes, letting them ease and relax, and snuggle in your bed, Sinking deep into its arms, feeling the cool sheets support and cradle you. LONG PAUSE Now, allow your mind to let go, to release the stray thoughts weighing it down. And let your breath form a gentle, relaxing rhythm, breathing in… and out… In… and out… LONG PAUSE Your body relaxes more, and you feel yourself open, to the quiet magic of the night. A magic that lives and breathes in nature all around you, and is inviting you to come along. PAUSE Imagine an egret, regal and white, poised next to your bed, Angel-like wings spread wide readying for flight. PAUSE The egret beckons you to take to the air. So gingerly. you slide on his back, releasing your cares. And those cares tumble down as you give a cleansing heave. The bird turns his head, He's ready to leave. PAUSE You glide out the window and skim the tops of the trees. There's a rhythm to the wings’ flapping as they catch a breeze. PAUSE Above, the stars wink at you, those heavenly diamonds of the light Below, an owl hoots. Nature’s guardian of night PAUSE The egret circles ‘round the clouds. You pass over the moon like a wave with no sound. Then the egret flies gently– ever so gently– down, Until you both touch the forest ground. PAUSE And you notice these woods are different from woods you know. Instead of being cloaked in darkness this night, The flora and fauna glow. PAUSE You take a step, and leaves crackle beneath your foot. The ground shimmers in gold as you walk and look. PAUSE To each side there are flowers glistening like the stars– Purples, greens, pinks and blues And beautiful sparkles in trees and shrubs afar PAUSE A pine tree shines in green with its pine cones in silver. It looks divinely different, and yet, comfortably familiar. PAUSE And you pick a pine cone up Enamored with its glow Then set it back down gentle and slow. PAUSE Nearby, two raccoons chitter while peeking out from pink shrubs. In the distance, a snoozing mother wolf cuddles her drowsy cubs. PAUSE A doe and a buck pause, looking you in the eye. Then scamper away deep in the night.. PAUSE Now, the bird spreads its wings and calls you once more. Without hesitation, you climb aboard. PAUSE Fly past the moon and trees, back to your bed, with the nature’s magic night cozied up in your head. LONG PAUSE… As you sleep with Mother Nature, You realize one thing. We’re all deeply connected, And together, we sing. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sponsors 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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