
  • Breaking The Illusory Bonds Of Codependency
    Sep 5 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:02:32 You’ll Know That Codependency Is Part Of Your Need To People-Please If:

    00:05:00 Make Yourself Your New Rescue Project

    00:08:42 Gradually Separate Yourself.

    00:09:23 Become Curious Where Your Bad Feelings Come From.

    00:10:54 Stop Making Excuses.

    00:12:30 Use A Journal to discover the roots of your behavior.

    Hear it Here - adbl.co/3To6NDu

    • People-pleasers can sometimes fall into codependent relationships, where one person is reliant on another, whether that’s physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. These toxic dynamics can only be broken when the person is able to re-prioritize themselves as their own “rescue project” and rewrite the core belief that they are only good people if they are needed. This requires understanding the roots of behavior and refusing to make excuses anymore.

    #Addiction #Codependency #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #StandUpForYourself #SetBoundaries #&StopPleasingOthers

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Everyone Has The Ability To Be A Great Lover
    May 5 2022

    Many sex tips focus on either specific techniques or exploring kinks to improve your sex life, but that’s not what really matters. Studies have shown eight specific elements of great sex: presence, connection, intimacy, communication, authenticity, bliss, exploration, and vulnerability. This is empowering because it means literally everyone has the ability to be a great lover; it just takes time, energy, and attention.

    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/ScienceOfAttraction

    Show notes and/or episode transcripts are available at https://bit.ly/social-skills-shownotes

    Learn more or get a free mini-book on conversation tactics at https://bit.ly/pkconsulting

    #CompleteAcceptance #Connection #Intimacy #Presence #Vulnerability #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #TheScienceofAttraction

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • The Foundation Of Empathy Is Perspective
    Sep 12 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    Hear it Here - adbl.co/3OJ4V72

    • Empathy is the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation, and being able to occupy their perceptual position/perspective. In NLP’s “perceptual positions” exercise, first position is your own point of view, second position is another person’s, and third position concerns the view of you both from a third, neutral observer perspective.

    • By switching between these positions, you gain more insight, understanding, and empathy, and find solutions to problems. No position is best, but wisdom comes from being able to skillfully shift between all three.

    • Perspective-taking is an act of social imagination where you temporarily set aside your own frame of reference and entertain another, possibly very different one. Self-awareness and awareness of others means we can develop theory of mind and a certain mental flexibility.

    • Build this capacity by looking at pictures of people and trying the “step inside” activity, the “step in, step out, and step back” activity, or the “context” exercise. These will help you strengthen your ability to consider the world through other people’s eyes.

    • One of the biggest obstacles to genuine empathy and emotional intelligence is ego—our own and others’. When dealing with people who are constantly self-referential, uninterested in things that don’t benefit them, lacking in personal accountability and empathy, and have a heightened opinion of themselves, try to avoid getting into a battle of the egos. Lower expectations, stay firm in your boundaries, and maintain distance.

    • Watch for narcissism in yourself, too: Don’t assume you’re immune to self-absorption, work on your self-esteem, and consciously mix with those who don’t always confirm your worldview.

    #DrDurvasula #DSM #Durvasula #Egotist #EgotisticalPeople #Empathy #Entitlement #EQ #Incivility #RamaniSDurvasula #Narcissism #NLP #Perspectivetaking #Ramani #StepInsideExercise #StepOutStepBackExercise #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #ThePowerofEQ

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Charting Your Progress In Black And White
    Sep 19 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:03:54 Use a Journal and Be Your Own Therapist

    00:06:50 How to Use Affirmations

    Hear it Here - adbl.co/3To6NDu

    • A journal is a powerful self-help tool that slows your thoughts, keeps track of your progress, and helps you uncover patterns as well as develop your values and goals. Use writing prompts to guide self-exploration without judgment.

    • Recurrent themes will emerge over time, and these can be inverted to create your own affirmations. These become like useful shortcuts to guide and shape your journey to healthier boundaries, better communication, and stronger self-identity.

    #Affirmations #Journal #Journaling #Meditate #Peoplepleasing #Relationship #SetBoundaries #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #StandUpForYourself #SetBoundaries #StopPleasingOthers

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Mindful Nonverbal Communication
    Sep 26 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:02:54 Author Nick Morgan describes in his book Power Cues

    00:08:34 How to Master Nonverbal Communication

    00:12:08 Body Language Basics

    00:14:37 Look for Clusters of Behavior

    00:15:26 Don’t Be Afraid to Trust Your Instincts

    00:16:16 What to Look At

    00:18:50 The Art of Cold Reading

    00:19:50 Four Important Cold Reading Principles

    00:21:36 Redirection

    00:22:32 Collaboration

    00:23:19 Conversation

    Hear it Here - adbl.co/3OJ4V72

    • Be mindful of your meta-language and make sure that your verbal and nonverbal signals are aligned. Nonverbal communication can repeat, substitute, complement, or accent our verbal communication. If it doesn’t, we risk sending mixed messages or lowering trust. Pay attention to messages sent using facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye contact, touch, use of space, and voice characteristics.

    • To build mindful awareness of your nonverbal communication, try to eliminate in-the-moment stress (by breathing, pausing, and connecting with your five senses) and cultivate emotional awareness (including the ability to tolerate and accept emotions as they are).

    • When reading body language, think holistically, dynamically, relatively, and in context. Don’t rely on single data points, but look for clusters of behavior, inconsistencies with context, and a shift from baseline.

    #AuthorNickMorgan #BodyLanguageBasics #Clusters #ColdReading #Collaboration #Communication #EQ #FourImportantColdReadingPrinciples #MasterNonverbalCommunication #Morgan #Observation #Posture #Redirection #Stress #Substitution #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #ThePowerofE.Q.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Argyris' Ladder of Inference: Climb to Better Decisions and Relationships
    Oct 3 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:01:10 In 1974, business professor Chris Argyris created a handy tool

    00:06:22 How to Use the Ladder in Your Own Life

    00:16:02 Consider the following speech made by Barack Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

    00:18:23 George Lakoff is an author and professor of cognitive science and linguistics.

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • Poor communication arises as a result of a mismatch of perspectives, approach, or conversational skill. People process information differently, but to avoid misunderstandings, communicate consciously and use the “ladder of inference.” It shows the unique way that people use their experiences to make meaning: observations > selected data > meanings > assumptions > conclusions > beliefs > actions.

    • Conflict can occur when people are on different rungs. To improve communication, see where people are and how their ladder of inference is working for them, then speak to that, in sequence, and without blame or shame.

    • Good communicators deliberately create their own frames during conversations and position their line of thinking by using specially chosen words, expressions, and images. Change frames and you change meaning.

    • Deliberately engineer your conversational frame and invite the other person in using pre-existing concepts they’re familiar with to improve the chances they’ll be receptive. Remember that reality is fixed, but the meaning of reality is dynamic and subject to change.

    #ACTIONS #Argyris #ASSUMPTIONS #BELIEFS #Birkin #ChrisArgyris #CONCLUSIONS #GeorgeLakoff #Hermes #MEANING #POOLOFOBSERVATIONS #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #SocialSkillsCoaching #PatrickKindConsulting #PatrickKing #HowToSpeakEffectively

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    29 m
    Oct 10 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:00:35 The Friendship Formula is a simple framework for building and maintaining strong friendships.

    00:07:04 The Friendship Formula

    00:09:13 Dr. Jack Schaefer, former FBI agent and author of The Like Switch, has a theory that might have the answer.

    00:19:04 How to Use Schaefer's formula to Your Benefit

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • Dr. Jack Schafer’s “friendship formula” is as follows: Friendship = Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity. Friendship will develop according to the sum of all these four elements. That means that one element can be relatively weak if another compensates by being extra strong.

    • Building friendships is about fostering increasing closeness—i.e., proximity. Greater frequency also means a stronger chance of friendship developing. The more frequently you engage with someone, the more they feel like part of your world. Friendship takes time to build, so greater duration of time spent together means greater chance of friendship. Finally, it matters how well you’re able to satisfy another person’s needs during any social interaction. The more you can, the better the chance of striking up a friendship.

    • When making friends, deliberately find ways to increase proximity and the duration, frequency, and intensity of your interactions with people, in that order. Go slow!

    #ACTION #CignaLonelinessReport #CityIndexSurvey #DrJackSchafer #DrSchafer #FRIENDSHIPFORMULA #LonelinessProject #Schafer #SchafersFormula #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #MakeFriendsEasily

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Tips For Instant Rapport
    Oct 17 2023

    Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:02:24 Similarly, so called Barnum statements, named after famed showman and Hoaxbuster P t.

    00:05:56 Avoid Emotional Disconnectors and Word Trash

    00:13:47 Elizabeth Stoke is a professor of social interaction at Lowborough University

    00:16:13 Researchers at Amsterdam's Vu University

    00:16:24 Lead researcher Camille Buickenboom

    00:18:41 Jacob Hirsch and Jordan Peterson from the University of Toronto

    00:19:12 Social psychologist James W. Pennebaker and his colleagues

    00:29:14 Summary

    Hear it Here - adbl.co/3OJ4V72

    • Use the principles of cold reading to create quick rapport and “read” nonverbal expressions to gain insight into their personalities. Observe, redirect their attention, collaborate with them, and gather information during back-and-forth conversation. Pay close attention to the details and make constantly updated predictions, maintaining warmth while you redirect from incorrect guesses.

    • Finally, avoid emotional disconnect caused by “trash words” such as “just,” “honestly,” “amazing,” “slay it,” or “should.”

    • Listen to how somebody speaks and uses language to gain insight into their mental models of the world. Notice the focus of their speech, their pronoun use, their positioning of subject and object, and how they explain neutral events. Always be curious about what this expression tells you about the person’s perspective, beliefs, worldview, and focus.

    #AvoidEmotionalDisconnectors #Barnum #Beukeboom #BigFive #CamielBeukeboom #ElizabethStokoe #EllenLeanse #EQ #HowWordChoiceRevealsCharacter #JacobHirsh #JamesWPennebaker #JordanPeterson #Kufner #LinguisticInquiry #LoughboroughUniversity #Nonverbal #Openmindedness #Pennebaker #PTBarnum #Shotgunning #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #ThePowerofE.Q.

    Más Menos
    34 m