
  • #135 How to sell more tickets to the tourist segment
    Jul 30 2024

    Hello and welcome to another episode of "Sports CDP Crash Course." I'm your host, Lorraine Moalosi, and today we're discussing an exciting topic: how sports organisations can sell more tickets to tourists.

    The relationship between tourism and sports is truly symbiotic. Tourists travel to experience new places and cultures, and sports events offer a perfect opportunity for them to immerse themselves in the local spirit. Meanwhile, sports organisations benefit from the influx of tourists, who bring in additional revenue and spread the word about their experiences far and wide.

    Take clubs like FC Barcelona, Manchester United, and the New York Yankees, for example. These teams have some of the largest shares of the tourist segment. Their iconic stadiums and rich histories make them must-visit destinations for sports fans from all over the world. So, how can other sports organisations tap into this lucrative market? Let's dive into five concrete examples using strong Sports CDP use cases that can help ticketing and marketing managers in sports organisations achieve this goal.

    1. Geo-Targeted Marketing Campaigns

    First up, geo-targeted marketing campaigns. A CDP allows you to segment your audience based on their location. You can target tourists who are planning to visit your city or region with tailored marketing messages.

    Imagine knowing that a large group of tourists from Japan is visiting your city. With this information, you can create specific campaigns in Japanese, highlighting upcoming matches, special ticket packages, and exclusive experiences at your stadium. Geo-targeting ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of ticket purchases.

    1. Partnership with Local Tourism Agencies

    Next, let's talk about partnering with local tourism agencies. By integrating your CDP with data from tourism agencies, you can gain insights into tourist demographics and preferences. This information can help you create joint promotions and packages.

    For example, you could collaborate with local hotels to offer special deals that include match tickets as part of a tourist package. This not only boosts ticket sales but also enhances the overall visitor experience, making your sports event a key highlight of their trip.

    1. Personalised Communication

    Our third use case is personalised communication. A CDP allows you to personalise your interactions with tourists by understanding their preferences and behaviours.

    If a tourist has shown interest in certain types of matches or events, you can send them tailored messages that highlight those specific games. For example, a family visiting from Brazil might receive information about a family-friendly match, along with details about kid-friendly activities at the stadium. Personalised communication makes tourists feel valued and increases the chances of them purchasing tickets.

    1. Enhancing the In-Stadium Experience

    Fourth on our list is enhancing the in-stadium experience. A CDP can provide valuable insights into what tourists enjoy most about their visit, allowing you to tailor the in-stadium experience to meet their expectations.

    For instance, if data shows that tourists love behind-the-scenes tours, you can offer exclusive tour packages that include a match ticket. Additionally, you can use real-time data to provide tourists with personalised recommendations for concessions, merchandise, and activities within the stadium, ensuring they have a memorable experience.

    1. Post-Visit Engagement

    Last but not least, post-visit engagement. A CDP helps you stay connected with tourists even after they’ve left. By collecting data on their visit, you...

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    6 m
  • #134 In conversation with Kirsty Burrows - Making safeguarding and mental health part of the DNA of sports
    Jul 23 2024

    We’re thrilled to welcome Kirsty Burrows, Head of the Safe Sport Unit at the International Olympics Committee, to today’s episode. Kirsty’s impressive credentials include serving as the IOC Lead Safeguarding Officer at Games-time, Academic Director of the IOC Certificate: Safeguarding Officer in Sport, member of the Council of Europe’s Pool of Experts in Safe Sport, and author of the IOC Safeguarding Toolkit (2017).

    In this insightful conversation with Lorraine Moalosi, Kirsty discusses the importance of embedding safeguarding into an organization’s DNA rather than viewing it as an abstract concept. She also addresses the challenges faced by international organizations in enforcing safeguarding measures globally and offers practical advice for sports organizations aiming to integrate safeguarding into their culture and operations.

    This special episode highlights the essential role of safeguarding in sports and reminds us of the people behind the extraordinary achievements at the Olympics.

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    46 m
  • #133 Olympic Preview: Paris 2024’s Historic Changes - Karen Ramirez
    Jul 16 2024

    Join Karen Ramirez, founder of Sporting Sheroes, on this DataTalk Sports CDP Crash Course Podcast episode as she previews the Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games.

    Discover the exciting firsts and ongoing debates, from gender parity and family provisions for athletes to the inclusion of new sports like surfing and breakdancing. Learn about the significant changes in women’s sports, including improvements in uniforms and the introduction of prize money for Olympic Gold medalists in athletics.

    Tune in for a comprehensive overview of the upcoming Games and how they're set to make history.

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    9 m
  • #132 How to sell more memberships this summer
    Jul 9 2024

    Hello and welcome to "Sports CDP Crash Course," the podcast where we dive deep into the strategies and insights that can help sports organisations thrive by propelling them to the centre of fans’ hearts and actions so they can become a core part of their fans’ lives. 'm your host, Lorraine Moalosi, and today we’re talking about how to sell more season memberships during the summer.

    1. Gamification

    First up is gamification. People love games and challenges, and a CDP can help you tap into this enthusiasm by creating engaging gamified experiences. You can encourage first time membership signs up by using gamification to draw in new fans. Use score prediction games and wheel of fortune to entice them into not wanting to miss out on the action.

    You can design loyalty programs where fans earn points for attending games, purchasing merchandise, or engaging with your content on social media. These points can then be redeemed for rewards, such as discounts on season memberships or exclusive merchandise.

    Imagine a fan competing to reach the top of the leaderboard by attending the most games or sharing the most content. This not only drives engagement but also fosters a sense of community and competition among fans, making them more likely to commit to a season membership to continue participating.

    2. Having a Preference Centre

    Next, let’s talk about having a preference centre. A CDP allows you to create a centralised hub where fans can manage their preferences. This means they can choose what type of content they want to receive and how they want to be contacted.

    For example, some fans might prefer email updates, while others might want push notifications or SMS messages. By respecting these preferences and delivering content in their preferred format, you increase the chances of your messages being read and acted upon. This personalised approach can significantly boost the effectiveness of your membership campaigns.

    3. Teasing Exclusive Offers

    Our third use case is teasing exclusive offers. A CDP can help you identify your most engaged fans and offer them exclusive early-bird deals or sneak peeks at upcoming promotions. By segmenting your audience, you can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

    Imagine sending a special offer to your top 10% of fans, giving them first access to new season memberships or exclusive events. This not only makes them feel valued but also encourages them to act quickly to secure their spot, driving early sales and creating buzz around your memberships.

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    6 m
  • #131 In conversation with Thomas Rypens - Club Brugge's approach to fan behaviour and innovation
    Jul 2 2024

    Join host Lorraine Moalosi in an insightful conversation with Thomas Rypens, Direct-to-Consumer Director at Club Brugge. Discover how Thomas oversees fan engagement through ticketing, merchandising, and digital strategies, while leading Club Brugge's Customer Experience team.

    Gain valuable insights into fan behaviour and the pivotal role of innovation in shaping the future of sports. Tune in for an engaging discussion that explores the evolving landscape of sports industry dynamics.

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    49 m
  • #130 Sell out those season tickets this summer
    Jun 25 2024

    Hello and welcome to "Sports CDP Crash Course," the podcast where we dive deep into the strategies and insights that can help sports organisations thrive by propelling them to the centre of fans’ hearts and actions so they can become a core part of their fans’ lives. 'm your host, Lorraine Moalosi, and today we’re talking about a crucial topic for ticketing managers and marketing managers: how to sell more season tickets during the summer. Whether you're part of a federation, a league, or a club, these five concrete examples will help you boost your season ticket sales and ensure packed stands when the new season kicks off. Btw we have also created a cheat sheet that sports organisations can use to sell out tickets no matter where they find themselves in the sports’ annual cycle. If you would like to receive this, make sure you contact me and I will send it over to you.

    Without further ado, let’s dive into the first strategy for selling out season tickets this summer:

    1. Personalised Email Campaigns

    First up, personalised email campaigns. For this, it is important that all your data is collected from your various sources and merged in one place, to give a comprehensive and complete understanding of each fan and their consumption and purchase behaviour, amongst other things. This means you can send highly targeted emails based on individual preferences, past purchases, and engagement history.

    Imagine being able to segment your audience and tailor your messages. You could send a special offer to a fan who hasn't renewed their season ticket yet, highlighting the games they are most likely to be interested in based on their past attendance. Or, you could send a ‘thank you’ message to loyal season ticket holders, perhaps offering them an exclusive discount for referring a friend. The personal touch not only improves open rates but also drives conversion.

    You don’t have to stop it emails though, you can do this via SMS, Viber and WhatsApp too.

    2. Dynamic Pricing Strategies

    Next, let’s talk about dynamic pricing strategies. You can analyse purchasing behaviour and demand patterns to adjust your pricing strategy in real time. For example, if you notice a surge in interest for certain matches or seat locations, you can dynamically adjust prices to maximise revenue.

    Additionally, you can identify which segments of your audience are more price-sensitive and might be incentivised by early bird specials or bundle deals. This kind of flexibility ensures that you’re not leaving money on the table while also keeping your fans engaged and happy.

    3. Enhanced Social Media Targeting

    Our third use case is enhanced social media targeting. Did you know that you can integrate the Data Talks Sports CDP with social media platforms such as Meta and Google Ads to sharpen your targeting precision? By integrating your CDP with social media platforms, you can create lookalike audiences based on your most loyal season ticket holders. This means you can run highly effective ad campaigns that reach potential new fans who share characteristics with your current ones.

    Imagine being able to target ads specifically to fans who follow similar sports, live in the same area, or have shown interest in similar events. This precise targeting can significantly increase the likelihood of converting these new prospects into season ticket holders.

    4. In-App Personalisation

    Fourth on the list is in-app personalisation. If your organisation has a mobile app, integrating it with your CDP can take fan engagement to the next level. You can provide personalised content and offers based on the user’s behaviour and preferences.

    For example, if a fan frequently checks scores or watches highlights...

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    7 m
  • #129 In conversation with Fanny Almersson - Researching one of the most successful women's clubs in the Nordics
    Jun 18 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of sports, business, and gender equality with Fanny Almersson, a passionate researcher and PhD student at the Stockholm School of Economics. Fanny shares her personal journey—from playing football as a young athlete to her current role studying the inner workings of successful women’s clubs in the Nordics.

    Discover how sports shaped Fanny’s character, teaching her teamwork, resilience, and the value of hard work. Hear about her inspiring mission to create more opportunities for girls in sports and ensure they benefit from the same transformative experiences she did. Join us for an enlightening conversation celebrating the power of sports, research, and equality. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a business aficionado, or simply curious about the impact of gender inclusivity, this episode is a must-listen!

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    41 m
  • #128 How to convert social media followers into known contacts
    Jun 11 2024

    Hello and welcome to yet another exciting episode of the “Sports CDP Crash Course”, I’m your host, Lorraine Moalosi, thank you for joining me. Whenever I interview people I usually start off with an ice-breaker so I thought that this time I would start with a joke since I am riding solo. Here goes nothing and everything, Did you hear about the football team that couldn't get a stadium Wi-Fi signal? Turns out, they needed better "reception"!

    Speaking of better reception - today we are discussing how to convert social media followers into known contacts. This is the most effective way of making sure that stadiums are always filled out at every game so that the team playing on the field can have the best reception ever while the team off the pitch continues to create sustainable revenue for the sports organisation in question. Whether you're part of a league, club, or federation, turning those likes and follows into tangible data can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and fan engagement. So, let's get started.

    Our first strategy is to offer exclusive content. Fans crave unique, behind-the-scenes access to their favourite teams and athletes. By providing exclusive content like training sessions, player interviews, or early announcements, you can encourage fans to register with their email addresses to gain access. Promote these offers across your social media channels to capture the interest of your followers. One of our customers has been capitalising on their OTT platform to ensure that fans who cannot attend games for any reason can still be part of the action by purchasing a season pass or a single match ticket.

    Next, consider running contests and giveaways. These are incredibly effective at drawing in fans who love the thrill of potentially winning something. You might offer signed merchandise, free match tickets, or VIP experiences. To enter, fans simply need to sign up with their contact details. Promoting these contests on social media ensures you reach a broad audience and turn that excitement into valuable data. Another one of our customers used an advent calendar to introduce its fans to club sponsors and allow fans to win something or receive something at a very exciting and crucial time - Christmas.

    Now, let’s talk about gamification, one of the most engaging methods to convert followers. By incorporating game-like elements into fan interactions, you can significantly boost engagement. For example, you might create a fantasy league where fans can build their own teams, predict match outcomes, or participate in weekly challenges. To join, fans need to register with their contact details. This approach not only gathers data but also keeps fans deeply engaged and coming back for more. It’s very important to highlight the fact that converting social media followers into known contacts is not something to be done as a one-off thing but rather this should be done continuously. Gamification is one of the most exciting ways to do this without exhausting your supporters. We talk about this in-depth in our course for C-level executives, “The 4 Fundamentals of Selling Tickets and Merchandise”. Make sure to enroll to learn more. In the course, we give an example of a club who managed to get just under 12 000 followers to convert to known contacts through gamification in one single campaign. This is not something to miss so make sure you enroll.

    Similarly, you can use quizzes and polls. These are great for sparking interaction while collecting contact information. Create quizzes on sports trivia, player stats, or upcoming fixtures, and require fans to submit their answers via a form. Polls on social media about favourite players, match predictions, or fan experiences can also help in gathering valuable insights and contact details. Another effective strategy is offering personalised experiences. Fans love to feel special, and providing opportunities for personalised interactions...

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