
  • Business Tips: Core Values & Insights with Monica Pitts
    Jun 24 2024

    In this enlightening episode of Stand Tall & Own It, we sit down with the insightful Monica Pitts to delve into the crucial role of Core Values in business success. Discover how implementing and integrating Core Values is not just reserved for your personal life but is a long game that extends into your business as well.

    We explore how taking the time to honor and adhere to these values can lead to a flourishing business and a more fulfilling personal life. Monica shares her professional journey and provides actionable tips on how to consistently apply core values to drive both personal and business growth.

    What you'll learn in this episode:

    • The importance of identifying and defining your core values
    • Strategies for implementing core values in your daily operations
    • How aligning your personal life with your core values can enhance your business
    • Practical examples and insights from Monica Pitts’s experience

    Join us as we uncover the secrets to building a successful business grounded in strong, unwavering core values.

    Tune in and start your journey towards a flourishing business and a balanced life!

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Course

    Check us out on YouTube: (NEW)

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    57 m
  • Are You Fed Up Yet: Stand Tall & Own Your Authority in Business Leadership
    Jun 17 2024

    Are you feeling overwhelmed or frustrated in your leadership role? Do you struggle to assert your authority and make your voice heard? If you've ever felt fed up with the challenges of leading a team or navigating the complexities of business leadership, this episode is for you.

    In this empowering episode of Stand Tall & Own It, we dive deep into the strategies and mindset shifts needed to stand tall and own your authority in business leadership. We’ll explore practical tips and inspirational insights that will help you reclaim your confidence, assert your influence, and lead with integrity and effectiveness.

    Learn the three steps to discovering :

    1. Recognize and be honest about where you are, and why.
    2. Look for the gaps that are causing that frustration (skills, mindset, awareness).
    3. Identify the solution - is it a coach, a course or a therapist?

    Whether you're a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this episode will equip you with the tools you need to elevate your leadership and make a lasting impact.

    It’s time to Stand Tall and Own the leader you were meant to be!

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise
    Core Values Course
    Core Values Coaching

    Check us out on YouTube:

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
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    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    15 m
  • Need a Set of Life Principles? Discover the Power of Intentional Optimism
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode, we explore Intentional Optimism, a transformative approach to achieving your goals with excellence. Learn how combining Core Values (your compass) with Intentional Optimism (your mode of transportation) provides a clear roadmap for success.

    We examine the 6 Tenets of Intentional Optimism:

    • Optimistic
    • Present
    • Energetic
    • Courageous
    • Wise
    • Intentional

    These tenets help you become a Magnetic Leader, when combined with understanding your true self, and communicating effectively. Discover how to integrate these principles into your daily life and lead with confidence.

    It’s time to Stand Tall and Own the leader you were meant to be!

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Answering the Tough Question: What’s the Difference Between Core Values and Life Principles?

    Learn more here:
    Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise

    Check us out on YouTube:

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
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    26 m
  • When Hidden Trauma Shows Up: How to Recognize and Walk Through It
    Jun 3 2024

    Trauma results from experiencing stressful, frightening, or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or feel out of our control. It can be a single incident or an ongoing event that occurs over a long period. Most of us will encounter an event in our lives that could be considered traumatic.

    In this episode, I share my own experience with the often unseen and pervasive nature of trauma. My hope is to help you become aware of the subtle signs of hidden trauma in your life and provide foundational information to understand it better.

    I offer some simple, practical steps that have worked for others and might work for you, and encourage you to consider seeking professional help if needed. Join me in recognizing hidden trauma and finding ways to manage and heal from it.

    Symptoms of psychological trauma

    • Shock, denial, or disbelief.
    • Confusion, difficulty concentrating.
    • Anger, irritability, mood swings.
    • Anxiety and fear.
    • Guilt, shame, self-blame.
    • Withdrawing from others.
    • Feeling sad or hopeless.
    • Feeling disconnected or numb.

    Reactions to trauma can be:

    • Feel an intense desire to fall into an old soothing habit
    • Body feels tense and stressed out
    • Not sleeping
    • Mentally - shut down and unable to process
    • Emotionally - on edge, weepy
    • Need to run away or hide
    • You basically find yourself in fight or flight mode.

    The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise

    Check us out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ub2QQZ5kRGc

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
    Get 40% Off Annual Membership

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    23 m
  • ADHD as a Superpower: Strategies and Stories with John Brink
    May 27 2024

    Discover how ADHD can be harnessed as a superpower in this inspiring episode of "Stand Tall & Own It." Our guest, John Brink, is an Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, and Educator who has turned his ADHD into a source of strength and creativity.

    • Background: Born in Nazi-occupied Holland during World War II, John understands the effects of PTSD. Despite this, he built North America’s leading secondary manufacturer of value-added wood products.
    • ADHD Discovery: At age 57, John discovered he had ADHD through Ned Hallowell’s book, Driven to Distraction.
    • Key Insights: Learn about John's journey, practical strategies, and inspiring stories on how ADHD can be a superpower.

    Join us for empowering perspectives and actionable tips to help you thrive with joy, grace, and authenticity. Whether you have ADHD or want to understand it better, this episode provides valuable advice for turning ADHD into an asset.

    Key Takeaways:

    • How to recognize and harness ADHD strengths.
    • Practical strategies for managing ADHD.
    • Inspiring stories from John Brink's life and career.

    Listen now to gain insights and strategies that can transform your approach to ADHD!

    Check out John’s book ADHD Unlocked, for even more insights, tools and encouragement.

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Course

    Check us out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cWPDfY41JmQ

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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
    Get 40% Off Annual Membership

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    47 m
  • Answering the Tough Question: What’s the Difference Between Core Values and Life Principles?
    May 20 2024

    Have you ever wondered how to differentiate the guiding convictions that define who you are from the fundamental truths that steer your behavior? This episode is for you!

    In this episode, you’ll learn the difference between Core Values and Life Principles.

    There are three quick steps to see if your Core Values are actually your Life Principles:

    1. Inside vs. Outside: It's essential to move from imitating others' principles to defining your own for sustainable, impactful leadership.
    2. Honoring vs. Aligning: Differentiate between honoring your values—holding them in great respect—and aligning with behaviors that might only modify your actions superficially.
    3. Your Authority vs. Someone Else’s Authority: See how reinforcing your authority helps you show up authentically, whereas borrowing someone else’s principles might not fully represent who you are.

    Practically speaking, understand how both core values and principles give you a realistic roadmap for showing up as your best self.

    By the end of this episode, you'll have a clearer understanding of how your Core Values act as your compass, while your Life Principles serve as your mode of transportation. You'll see how borrowing principles - like Intentional Optimism - can be a great starting point, but living out your own principles, aligned with your core values, is key to authentic and impactful leadership.

    Don’t Miss Out!

    If you’ve downloaded our freebie, you’re already on the right path! Now, it's time to fine-tune your understanding by distinguishing between inside vs. outside influences and honoring vs. aligning actions.

    Join us for an insightful journey to "Stand Tall & Own It," using the compass of your Core Values to navigate and live out your true principles every day.

    Tune in now and start leading with intention and authenticity!

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise

    Check us out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/LxtrkXC3C4A

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

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    20 m
  • Grief Amid Victories Navigating the Loss of Ideas, Identity, and Embracing Change
    May 13 2024

    Discover the power of embracing change and navigating through the inevitable stages of grief in this empowering episode. Join Andrea Johnson as she shares her personal journey of transformation over the past 7 years, shedding light on the loss of beliefs, identities, and the security of knowing the answers.

    Tune in to learn how acknowledging and grieving what you lose or give up, is essential for embracing who you are and unlocking your full potential. Gain insights into navigating the seven stages of grief to find clarity, freedom, and empowerment. It's time to Stand Tall, own your journey, and embrace who you are meant to be.

    Better Help: The Seven Stages of Grief https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/grief/the-7-stages-of-grief-and-how-they-affect-you/

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise

    Check us out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5_nZZUUu22s

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

    Please leave us a rating and review!
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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
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    29 m
  • Struggle or Challenge? Discover How Self-Awareness Can Bring Clarity
    May 6 2024

    After exploring 5 powerful tools in previous episodes, I've noticed some common questions and concerns among our listeners. While many are eager to dive in, I've also heard about the challenges faced by friends and clients. Here's the reality: none of these tools is a one-size-fits-all solution. They offer insights, yes, but the real answers lie within you.

    It’s much simpler than you think. Before you buy or try anything else, ask yourself: is this a challenge, or am I struggling? Your Core Values hold the key. Knowing yourself gives you the confidence to distinguish between struggle and challenge. Challenges propel you forward, build your courage, and deepen your understanding, while struggles bog you down and rob you of your energy. Once you've identified whether it's a challenge or a struggle, you can make decisions with authority to act in ways that will help move you through to the next level.

    Learn more here: Get involved!
    What Is Intentional Optimism?
    Core Values Exercise

    Check us out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BmcbSfYC2XM

    For a deeper discussion, DM me @theintentionaloptimist (IG or LI) or email me at andrea@theintentionaloptimist.com.

    Please leave us a rating and review!

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    Podchaser (Android): you can go to this link here and leave a rating and review! https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/intentional-optimists-unconven-1406762

    Skillshare: Spark your creativity.
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    14 m