
  • Is Self-Care Selfish? | Ep. 16
    Jul 26 2024

    Episode 16 | "Is taking care of yourself selfish?"

    This episode of Strong & Awake challenges the conventional wisdom around self-care and personal growth. Dane and Mitch explore the paradox of self-improvement, questioning whether focusing on oneself is inherently selfish or if it can serve a greater purpose. They discuss the tension between self-care and serving others, emphasizing that true growth often comes from voluntary discomfort. Through real-life examples and community insights, they reveal how building a personal practice not only benefits the individual but also strengthens their ability to support and uplift those around them. Join the conversation and discover how to navigate the complexities of personal development in a way that enriches both your life and the lives of others.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:14 The Nurturer's Dilemma
    • 05:17 Impact on Others: Both Sides
    • 07:20 Two Motivations
    • 09:31 The Paradox of Self-Care
    • 14:19 Tensions to be Managed
    • 16:47 Navigating Social Discomfort
    • 19:53 We All Have a Practice
    • 23:00 Change is Disruptive
    • 25:58 When They Need Us
    • 27:37 Commitment in Community


    • Soren Kierkegaard: Quoted with "Man finds a level of despair he can tolerate and he calls it happiness."
    • Alex Honnold: Mentioned as an example of someone with a rigorous practice, known for his free solo climbing.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

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    The information shared on this podcast and any related materials from Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD) or Flying S Incorporated are for general informational purposes only. You should not use this information as a basis for making decisions without consulting your own medical and legal professionals. We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or comprehensiveness of the content.

    At Men & Women Of Discomfort, we promote agency and encourage you to carefully consider the input we offer. If you find it helpful, we invite you to take advantage of it, but do so with the understanding that you bear the responsibility of due diligence. By using our content, you acknowledge that you are taking opportunities at your own risk. Thank you for understanding.

    *Transcript Note: The transcript of our podcast is AI-generated and may contain errors. We aim for accuracy but appreciate your understanding and feedback on any discrepancies.

    Copyright 2024 Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD.io)

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    35 m
  • Feelings pt. 2 | A Practiced Response | Ep. 15
    Jul 19 2024

    Episode 15 | Move from reacting to responding, from a routine to a practice.

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch challenge the conventional wisdom around routines and explore the power of building a personal practice. They discuss how our fight-or-flight responses are deeply wired and why it's beneficial to have these triggers. The conversation gets into the importance of voluntary discomfort and how it can lead to a more fulfilling life. They also address the misconception that feelings should be suppressed, suggesting instead that feelings can be valuable cues for growth. Through practical steps and relatable examples, they offer insights on how to wake up to our triggers, assess our safety, and move toward discomfort for personal growth. Join us as we share strategies for leveraging feelings and building sustainable practices that help us become more resilient and present in our daily lives.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:06 Redeeming Feelings
    • 02:41 George Costanza's Opposite Approach
    • 05:46 Leveraging Emotions
    • 09:23 Building a Personal Practice
    • 17:46 Practical Steps to Handle Emotions
    • 23:33 Persisting Through the Mundane


    • George Costanza: A character from the TV show "Seinfeld," used as a metaphor for decision-making by doing the opposite of one's initial instinct.
    • James Clear: Author of "Atomic Habits," mentioned in the context of building habits and routines.
    • Seth Godin: Referenced for his ideas on the rarity of actual danger in modern life compared to historical threats like saber-tooth tigers.
    • Hypothalamus Hijack: Mentioned as a physiological response during heightened emotional states.

    Anchor Actions:

    1. Practice Awareness and Safety Check: When you feel a strong emotional surge, take a moment to recognize it. Ask yourself, "Am I actually in danger?" If not, use this awareness to pause and prevent a reactive response. This step helps to break the automatic cycle of fight, flight, or freeze.
    2. Lean into Discomfort: Once you’ve established that you’re safe, intentionally move toward the thing you’re resisting. Whether it’s listening more intently, asking a clarifying question, or engaging in a challenging conversation, taking this step helps build resilience and adaptability.
    3. Build a Personal Practice: Develop and maintain a personal practice that includes small, consistent habits of voluntary discomfort, such as cold showers or fasting. These practices train your mind and body to handle stress better, making it easier to stay present and composed in challenging situations.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

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    The information shared on this podcast and any...

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    33 m
  • Feelings pt. 1 | Reacting or Leading: Who’s in Control | Ep. 14
    Jul 12 2024

    Episode 14 | "What happens when you let emotions drive your life?"

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch explore the pitfalls of letting emotions take the wheel. They share personal stories and practical insights on how to shift from a reactive, comfort-seeking mindset to one of intentional, voluntary discomfort. Using the analogy of a misbehaving puppy and the rigorous training of professional athletes, they illustrate the importance of developing cognitive control over emotional impulses. This episode challenges listeners to embrace discomfort as a training ground for becoming more fully human and achieving a life of strength and awareness. Join the conversation and discover how to lead your life instead of being led by your emotions.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:05 The Path of Least Resistance
    • 04:08 The Wrong Boss in Charge
    • 08:21 De-Signifying Emotions
    • 14:25 Strong and Awake for Love's Sake
    • 19:29 Leveraging Life's Difficulties
    • 22:04 Getting in the Reps
    • 27:00 Practicing Under Duress
    • 33:33 Doing Something About It


    • Søren Kierkegaard: Mentioned for his quote “People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness.”
    • Michael Hyatt: Referenced for his saying, "Well then tell your face that," in relation to emotions.
    • Steve Nash, Steph Curry, and Klay Thompson: NBA players mentioned for their rigorous practice and shot accuracy.
    • Taylor Holiday: Mentioned as "Man Of Discomfort #1" and CEO of Common Thread Collective.

    Anchor Actions:

    1. Practice Voluntary Discomfort Regularly: Integrate activities like cold showers, breathwork, or intermittent fasting into your daily routine. These practices will help you become more aware of your emotions and improve your ability to manage them, thus enhancing your resilience and cognitive functioning.
    2. Engage in Reflective Practices: Dedicate time each week to reflect on your actions and decisions. Journaling or discussing with a trusted friend or mentor can help you gain insights into how emotions influence your behavior and how you can better manage them in the future.
    3. Choose Hard Conversations: Commit to addressing difficult topics and conflicts directly rather than avoiding them. Set a rule for yourself, such as not letting more than two days pass before responding to a challenging message or having a tough conversation. This practice will help you build emotional resilience and improve your relationships.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

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    The information shared on this podcast and any related materials from Men...

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    38 m
  • Not Feeling It? Do This. | Ep. 13
    Jul 5 2024

    Episode 13 | "What do you do when you’re just not feeling it?"

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch tackle the universal struggle of pushing through when motivation is nowhere to be found. They explore the physiological and emotional barriers that often lead us to give up on ourselves and offer actionable strategies to counteract these moments of weakness. From the power of daily practices to the surprising benefits of voluntary discomfort, they share personal stories and practical tips to help you stand up and take control, even when every part of you wants to crumble. Tune in to discover how to flip the script on comfort and build a life of resilience and purpose.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 00:56 Facing the Slog
    • 03:46 Empathy in Crisis
    • 06:31 The Power of Daily Practice
    • 08:19 Gaining Traction
    • 15:29 The Slog: Drift, Whirlwind, and Comfort
    • 23:14 Rightly Ordered Feelings
    • 33:16 From External to Internal Motivation


    • Andrew Huberman: Mentioned in the context of scientific reasons for the benefits of cold water exposure.
    • George Costanza: Referenced humorously in relation to doing the opposite of what one feels like doing.
    • Tim Krueger: Mentioned as a co-founder of Men and Women of Discomfort who had stomach cancer.
    • Marshall McLuhan: Referenced for his phrase "the medium is the message" and his insights into media and technology's impact on society.
    • James Clear: Author of "Atomic Habits," mentioned for his concept of habit stacking and his new habit creation app, Adams.
    • Self-Determination Theory: Psychological theory mentioned in the context of intrinsic motivation, focusing on agency, mastery, and belonging.

    Anchor Actions:

    1. Embrace Cold Showers: Start your day with a cold shower, particularly on days when you feel least motivated. The initial discomfort will shock your system, but it will also help you gain control over your physiological responses, waking you up to a bigger reality and setting a resilient tone for the day.
    2. Commit to a Simple Daily Practice: Identify a small, non-negotiable daily habit that you can commit to, such as flossing your teeth or a brief morning exercise. This practice should be something you can rely on even in challenging times, providing a sense of stability and accomplishment.
    3. Minimize Comfort Crutches: Challenge yourself to remove small comforts that you rely on, such as listening to music while grocery shopping or adding creamer to your coffee. This will build your capacity to handle discomfort and increase your resilience, making you stronger and more self-reliant.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

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    42 m
  • Fool's Gold | Ep. 12
    Jun 28 2024

    Episode 12 | "Hard choices, easy life; easy choices, hard life." — Jerzy Gregorek

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch explore the trifecta of challenges that every human faces: the drift, the whirlwind, and the comfort crisis (our response). They reveal how our natural inclination towards comfort can lead to a life of mediocrity and despair. Through personal anecdotes and metaphors to act as anchors, they illustrate the importance of choosing voluntary discomfort to achieve a life of flourishing and strength. Join them as they challenge you to flip the script and embrace the unlikely path to a better existence.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:38 The Drift
    • 05:05 The Whirlwind
    • 06:56 The Comfort Crisis
    • 12:52 Personal Whirlwinds
    • 28:07 Our Response
    • 32:26 Building a Practice


    • Jerzy Gregorek: Quoted for saying, "hard choices, easy life, easy choices, hard life."
    • Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy): Mentioned as the scientific concept of energy dissipation.
    • Talking Heads: Referenced for their song with the lyric "how did I get here?"
    • Krista Tippett: Host of On Being, the podcast which contained the original reference to "the whirlwind of being human".
    • Michael Easter: Author of "The Comfort Crisis," a book discussing the modern world's comfort issues.
    • Kierkegaard: Quoted for saying, "man finds the level of despair he can tolerate and he calls it happiness."
    • James Clear: Author of "Atomic Habits," mentioned for his new habit-tracking app called Atoms.
    • Tim Krueger (Co-founder): Mentioned as the co-founder of Men and Women of Discomfort who passed away from stomach cancer.
    • Book "A Grace Disguised": Mentioned as a book about grief by an author who lost his family in a car accident.
    • Buffalo and Cows: Mentioned in the context of buffaloes running toward storms and cows running away, leading to their demise.

    Anchor Actions:

    1. Shift the Drift:

    • Identify areas in your life where you feel your energy dissipating. This could be your health, relationships, or personal goals.
    • Implement small, consistent habits to counteract this drift. For example, if you notice a decline in physical health, commit to a daily 10-minute exercise routine. Track your progress and adjust as needed to ensure you’re infusing energy back into these areas regularly.

    2. Face the Whirlwind with Preparedness:

    • Acknowledge the unpredictable storms in your life—whether they are health issues, financial stress, or unexpected responsibilities.
    • Prepare for these by creating a contingency plan. This could include setting aside an emergency fund, developing a mental health routine (like meditation or journaling), or building a support network. The key is to have a proactive approach to manage these challenges when they arise.

    3. Reject the Comfort Crisis by Choosing Hard Paths:

    • Identify moments when you are tempted to choose comfort over growth. This could be opting to watch TV instead of working on a personal project or avoiding a difficult conversation.
    • Commit to making at least one hard choice daily. This could mean starting your day with a cold shower, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or having that tough conversation you've been avoiding. Track these choices and reflect on the benefits you experience as a result.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if...

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    41 m
  • Why MWOD Probably Isn't For You | Ep. 11
    Jun 21 2024

    Episode 11 | "People would rather have the short-term comfort than the long-term benefit."

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch challenge the comfort-driven lifestyle that leaves many feeling weak and unfulfilled. They discuss how our preference for convenience and ease often sabotages our long-term goals, leading to a cycle of daily dissatisfaction. Learn how foundational aspects like food, drink, sleep, and fitness, revealing how small, consistent changes can lead to radical transformation. Through the MWOD community, they illustrate how accountability, community, and structured discomfort can help you break free from the traps of modern convenience. If you're ready to trade short-term comfort for long-term fulfillment, this episode is your roadmap. Join Dane and Mitch as they unpack the principles that can help you become strong and awake for love's sake… If you are leaning in, then MWOD might just be for you.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 00:25 The Comfort Trap
    • 01:18 The Illusion of Options
    • 05:37 Short-Term Goals vs. Long-Term Vision
    • 08:48 The Path to Flourishing
    • 12:22 The Power of Community
    • 33:31 Why MWOD Might Not Be for You


    • MWOD (Men & Women Of Discomfort): The community and program discussed throughout the podcast, which focuses on voluntary discomfort to achieve personal growth.
    • Hemingway's Pencil: Referenced metaphorically to illustrate the futility of relying on tools or gear alone for success.
    • Dan Tocchini and Jean-Marie Jobs: Mentioned as mentors who introduced the concept of "get to" versus "have to".
    • Seth Godin: Referenced for his idea that "people like us do things like this".
    • Viktor Frankl: Mentioned in the context of creating a life of meaning, drawing from his existential philosophy.
    • Mark Brewer: A member of the MWOD community mentioned as an example of forming strong bonds through the program.

    Anchor Actions:

    • Embrace Voluntary Discomfort: Identify one area in your life where you consistently choose short-term comfort over long-term benefit. Start small by committing to a daily practice of voluntary discomfort, such as taking a cold shower or eliminating a comfort food. This will build resilience and set the stage for larger changes.
    • Set Up for Success: Prepare for the next day each evening. Lay out your workout clothes, plan your meals, and set a bedtime that ensures at least seven hours of sleep. By setting yourself up for success, you remove barriers that lead to daily setbacks and ensure each day starts ahead of the curve.
    • Community: Join a community or create a small group with friends or colleagues where you can check in daily. Share your goals, progress, and setbacks. This place to hold account will help you stay committed and provide support when challenges arise. If you think MWOD sounds like the community for you, apply at mwod.io

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

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    48 m
  • Why Change Hasn't Worked in the Past | Ep. 10
    Jun 14 2024

    Episode 10 | How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch explore the pitfalls of comfort-centric living and the myths surrounding New Year's Resolutions and past efforts to change. They break down the common options and promises many rely on hoping for personal growth: big leaps and hyper-challenge, hyper-support, the "I just need..." mentality, and wishful thinking. Why do these quick fixes fail to deliver lasting results? Tune in and learn why embracing voluntary discomfort and sustainable, intentional actions might just be the unlikely path to flourishing.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:19 Options and Promises
    • 04:26 Beyond Resolutions
    • 08:23 Big Leaps and Hyper Challenge
    • 13:35 Hyper Support
    • 23:26 I Just Need...
    • 19:32 Wishful Thinking


    • Planet Fitness: Mentioned as an example of a gym marketing heavily during New Year’s resolutions.
    • Whole30: Referenced as a popular 30-day diet challenge often used as a reset.
    • 75 Hard: A rigorous 75-day challenge program compared to MWOD's approach.
    • James Clear: Cited for his work on habit development, particularly in his book "Atomic Habits".
    • Super Mario: Used as an analogy for the concept of big leaps and the subsequent fall.

    Anchor Actions:

    1. Conduct an honest audit of your current reality: List what you’ve tried in the past, the results, and what you truly want to achieve.
    2. Develop a strategy for sustainable change: Create a plan that includes not just the big leap but also ongoing actions for after the initial challenge period.
    3. Establish healthy tension: Introduce manageable challenges into your routine to foster growth while avoiding hyper-support and wishful thinking.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

    Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | X (Twitter)


    The information shared on this podcast and any related materials from Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD) or Flying S Incorporated are for general informational purposes only. You should not use this information as a basis for making decisions without consulting your own medical and legal professionals. We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or comprehensiveness of the content.

    At Men & Women Of Discomfort, we promote agency and encourage you to carefully consider the input we offer. If you find it helpful, we invite you to take advantage of it, but do so with the understanding that you bear the responsibility of due diligence. By using our content,...

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    32 m
  • A Framework for Change | Ep. 9
    Jun 7 2024

    Episode 9 | "Why do so many people fail to change, even when they say they want to?"

    In this episode of Strong & Awake, Dane and Mitch explore the critical stages of transformation and why true change often eludes us. They challenge listeners to examine their commitments and confront the unconscious preferences that keep them stuck in comfort. By understanding and navigating the five stages of CREDO—commit, release, embrace, define, and own—you can break free from the cycle of failed resolutions and build a practice for lasting transformation.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:06 The Illusion of Commitment
    • 03:10 Stages of Change
    • 07:59 The Real Starting Line: Release
    • 15:47 Embracing Discomfort
    • 29:20 Defining
    • 37:33 Owning & How the Stages Relate


    • James Clear: Author of "Atomic Habits," referenced for his idea of building a life one small habit at a time.
    • Brené Brown: Mentioned in the context of embracing discomfort and vulnerability.
    • Alex Honnold: Renowned for his free solo climbing.
    • Alex Hormozi: Referenced for his saying, "This is what hard feels like.

    Anchor Actions:

    • Identify and Commit: Reflect on a specific area in your life where you want to see change. Write down your commitment and declare it to someone you trust. This first step is crucial in moving from intention to action.
    • Release Preferences: When you face resistance or obstacles, consciously choose to release your preference for comfort. Embrace the challenge and prioritize your commitment over convenience, even when it feels difficult.
    • Embrace and Persist: Wholeheartedly embrace the actions required to achieve your goal. Stay committed through discomfort and practice consistently. This stage is where true transformation happens, as you integrate new habits into your life.

    Join Us:

    Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, visit us at MWOD.io 🦬

    Connect With Us:

    Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | X (Twitter)


    The information shared on this podcast and any related materials from Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD) or Flying S Incorporated are for general informational purposes only. You should not use this information as a basis for making decisions without consulting your own medical and legal professionals. We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or comprehensiveness of the content.

    At Men & Women Of Discomfort, we promote agency and encourage you to carefully consider the input we offer. If you find it helpful, we invite you to take advantage of it, but do so with the understanding that you bear the responsibility of due diligence. By using our content, you acknowledge...

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    46 m