• Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience

  • Jul 8 2024
  • Duración: 17 m
  • Podcast

Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience  Por  arte de portada

Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience

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  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/summer-at-lake-bled-a-tale-of-love-and-resilience Story Transcript:Sl: Na zvončast poletni dan, jezero Bled je bilo polno življenja.En: On a bell-shaped summer day, Lake Bled was full of life.Sl: Kristalno čista voda je odsevala nebo in okoliško pokrajino.En: The crystal-clear water reflected the sky and the surrounding landscape.Sl: Jure je sedel na klopici ob jezeru.En: Jure sat on a bench by the lake, waiting for Nina.Sl: Srce mu je bilo rahlo nemirno.En: His heart was slightly restless.Sl: Vedno je želel biti ob njej, vendar so službene obveznosti in razdalja oteževale njuno srečanje.En: He always wanted to be with her, but work obligations and distance made their meetings difficult.Sl: Nina je prispela z avtobusom iz Maribora.En: Nina arrived by bus from Maribor.Sl: Obrabljena je bila od poti, a ko je zagledala Blejsko jezero in Jureta na klopi, je občutila val sreče.En: She was worn out from the journey, but when she saw Lake Bled and Jure on the bench, she felt a wave of happiness.Sl: Počasi je pristopila k njemu.En: She slowly approached him.Sl: Jure jo je objel in čutil njeno utrujenost.En: Jure hugged her and felt her tiredness.Sl: "Kako si?" jo je vprašal nežno, a zaskrbljeno.En: "How are you?" he asked gently but with concern.Sl: "V redu sem," je odgovorila z nasmeškom, čeprav je vedel, da ni čisto tako.En: "I'm fine," she replied with a smile, though he knew it wasn’t entirely true.Sl: Vedel je za njeno kronično bolezen, ki jo je izčrpavala.En: He was aware of her chronic illness that drained her.Sl: Razlog, zakaj sta se odločila srečati na Bledu, je bil, da bo pot za oba lažja.En: The reason they decided to meet at Bled was to make the journey easier for both of them.Sl: Nina je pripravila presenečenje za Jureta.En: Nina had prepared a surprise for Jure.Sl: Ob robu jezera je postavila majhno razstavo svojih slik.En: At the edge of the lake, she set up a small exhibition of her paintings.Sl: Zamišljene naravnejše podobe so rahlo plapolale v vetrcu.En: Thoughtful natural images fluttered lightly in the breeze.Sl: Juretove oči so se zasvetile ob pogledu na umetnine.En: Jure’s eyes lit up at the sight of the artworks.Sl: "To je zate," mu je rekla s ponosom.En: "This is for you," she said proudly.Sl: Jure je bil očaran.En: Jure was enchanted.Sl: "To je čudovito, Nina!"En: "This is wonderful, Nina!"Sl: Vendar je opazil, da je bila Nina vidno utrujena.En: However, he noticed that Nina was visibly tired.Sl: "Ali si prepričana, da si v redu?"En: "Are you sure you're okay?"Sl: Nenadoma je Nina izgubila ravnotežje.En: Suddenly, Nina lost her balance and fell to the ground.Sl: Padel je na tla. Jure je planil k njej, poskušal jo je zadržati zavedno.En: Jure rushed to her, trying to keep her conscious.Sl: Panika ga je preplavila, vendar je vedel, da mora hitro ukrepati.En: Panic overwhelmed him, but he knew he had to act quickly.Sl: "Pomagaj mi!" je zaklical mimoidočemu, ki je takoj poklical reševalce.En: "Help me!" he called out to a passerby, who immediately called the paramedics.Sl: Reševalci so hitro prišli in poskrbeli za Nino.En: The paramedics arrived quickly and took care of Nina.Sl: Jure je bil ves čas ob njej, držal jo za roko.En: Jure stayed by her side, holding her hand.Sl: Čutil je, kako težko je za njo sprejeti pomoč, vendar je vedel, da je to edina prava pot.En: He felt how difficult it was for her to accept help, but he knew it was the only right way.Sl: Ko so Nino odpeljali v bolnišnico, je Jure ostal z njo.En: When Nina was taken to the hospital, Jure stayed with her.Sl: "Nina, pomembno je, da skrbiš zase," ji je dejal nežno.En: "Nina, it's important that you take care of yourself," he said gently.Sl: Nina je gledala v njegove oči in začutila toplino in skrb.En: Nina looked into his eyes and felt warmth and concern.Sl: Kljub vsemu stresu in bolečini je čutila olajšanje.En: Despite all the stress and pain, she felt relief.Sl: Morda je res čas, da sprejme več pomoči.En: Perhaps it was indeed time to accept more help.Sl: Sčasoma je Jure začel bolje uravnoteževati službo in svoja osebna življenja.En: Over time, Jure began to better balance work and his personal life.Sl: Razumel je, da morajo biti pomembne stvari vedno pred službenimi obveznostmi.En: He understood that important things always need to come before work obligations.Sl: Nina pa je spoznala, da ni boljša umetnica, če trpi sama skozi bolečino.En: Nina came to realize that she wasn't a better artist for suffering through pain alone.Sl: Presenečena je bila, ker je skupaj z Juretom postala močnejša, ne šibkejša.En: She was surprised to find that, together with Jure, she became stronger, not weaker.Sl: Njuna ljubezen je bila preizkušena skozi težke čase, vendar je to le okrepilo njun odnos.En: Their love ...
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