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FluentFiction - Slovenian

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Rescue at Lake Bled: A Tale of Courage, Love, and Friendship
    Jul 9 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rescue at Lake Bled: A Tale of Courage, Love, and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/rescue-at-lake-bled-a-tale-of-courage-love-and-friendship Story Transcript:Sl: Sonce je žarelo nad Blejskim jezerom, ko so se Eva, Jure in Zala posedli na travo ob obali.En: The sun blazed over Lake Bled as Eva, Jure, and Zala settled on the grass by the shore.Sl: Voda je bila mirna in bistra, popolna za vroč poletni dan.En: The water was calm and clear, perfect for a hot summer day.Sl: Eva je skrivaj opazovala Jureta, ki je ravno pokazal svoje mišice in pogumno skočil v jezero.En: Eva secretly watched Jure, who had just shown off his muscles and bravely jumped into the lake.Sl: "Jure, pazi se," je rekla Zala.En: "Jure, be careful," Zala said.Sl: "Vem, da uživaš, ampak ne pozabi na svojo astmo.En: "I know you're enjoying yourself, but don't forget about your asthma."Sl: "Jure ji je pomahal in se zasmejal.En: Jure waved at her and laughed.Sl: "Ne skrbi, Zala!En: "Don't worry, Zala!Sl: Najprej bom dosegel cerkev na otoku in nato se vrnil.En: I'll reach the church on the island first and then come back."Sl: "Eva je bila živčna.En: Eva was nervous.Sl: Rada je imela Jureta, a nikoli ni imela poguma, da bi mu to povedala.En: She had feelings for Jure but never had the courage to tell him.Sl: Danes je bil morda njen dan.En: Today might be her day.Sl: Zala je sproščeno sedela ob obali ter se zavedala svoje vloge skrbnice.En: Zala sat relaxed by the shore, fully aware of her role as a caretaker.Sl: Študirala je medicino in vedela je, da mora biti pripravljena na vse.En: She was studying medicine and knew she had to be prepared for anything.Sl: Jure je odplaval hitro in pogumno.En: Jure swam quickly and confidently.Sl: Vendar, ko je bil že daleč od obale, se je nenadoma ustavil.En: However, when he was already far from the shore, he suddenly stopped.Sl: Njegovi gibi so postali panični, začel je loviti sapo.En: His movements became frantic, and he started gasping for air.Sl: "Zala!En: "Zala!Sl: Eva!En: Eva!Sl: Ne morem dihati!En: I can't breathe!"Sl: " je zakričal Jure.En: Jure shouted.Sl: Eva je brez pomisleka skočila v vodo.En: Without hesitation, Eva jumped into the water.Sl: Njeno srce je bilo polno strahu, a tudi odločnosti.En: Her heart was full of fear but also determination.Sl: Ni bila močna plavalka, a ljubezen ji je dala moč.En: She wasn't a strong swimmer, but love gave her strength.Sl: Valovi so postajali vse večji, ko se je približevala Juretu.En: The waves grew larger as she approached Jure.Sl: Zala je takoj stekla do bližnjih ribičev ob obali.En: Zala immediately ran to the nearby fishermen on the shore.Sl: "Pomagajte!En: "Help!Sl: Potrebujemo vaš čoln.En: We need your boat.Sl: Moj prijatelj ima težave!En: My friend is in trouble!"Sl: "Ribiči so hitro razumeli resnost situacije in se podali v akcijo.En: The fishermen quickly understood the urgency of the situation and sprang into action.Sl: Medtem je Eva dosegla Jureta, vendar je bila že izčrpana.En: Meanwhile, Eva reached Jure but was already exhausted.Sl: "Dihaj, Jure!En: "Breathe, Jure!Sl: Drži se!En: Hold on!"Sl: " Eva je zakričala, a tudi sama je bila na robu moči.En: Eva shouted, but she was also at the brink of her strength.Sl: Valovi so ju premetavali, vendar je Eva uspela nekako držati Jureta nad vodo.En: The waves tossed them around, but Eva managed to keep Jure's head above water somehow.Sl: Čoln z Zalo in ribiči je končno prispel.En: The boat with Zala and the fishermen finally arrived.Sl: Zala je bila pripravljena s prvo pomočjo.En: Zala was ready with first aid.Sl: Ribiči so hitro potegnili oba v čoln, Zala pa je nemudoma začela pomagati Juretu z inhalatorjem.En: The fishermen quickly pulled both of them into the boat, and Zala began helping Jure with his inhaler immediately.Sl: Ko so se vrnili na obalo, je Jure lažje dihal.En: When they returned to the shore, Jure was breathing easier.Sl: "Hvala, Eva.En: "Thank you, Eva.Sl: Rešila si me," je rekel Jure s hvaležnostjo in solzami v očeh.En: You saved me," Jure said with gratitude and tears in his eyes.Sl: Eva se je nasmehnila in ga nežno objela.En: Eva smiled and gently hugged him.Sl: "Nisem mogla kar gledati," je rekla tiho.En: "I couldn't just watch," she said softly.Sl: Zala se jim je pridružila, zadovoljna, da je vsega konec.En: Zala joined them, relieved that it was all over.Sl: "Tako smo prijatelji.En: "That's what friends are for.Sl: Vedno bomo skrbeli drug za drugega.En: We'll always look out for each other."Sl: "Tisti dan se je končal s tihim občudovanjem prelepih barv sončnega zahoda nad jezerom Bled.En: That day ended with a quiet admiration of the beautiful colors of the sunset over Lake Bled.Sl: Jure je razumel, kako dragoceno je zdravje in prijatelji.En: Jure understood how precious health and friends are.Sl: Eva je končno dobila pogum, da pokaže svoja ...
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    18 m
  • Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience
    Jul 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Summer at Lake Bled: A Tale of Love and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/summer-at-lake-bled-a-tale-of-love-and-resilience Story Transcript:Sl: Na zvončast poletni dan, jezero Bled je bilo polno življenja.En: On a bell-shaped summer day, Lake Bled was full of life.Sl: Kristalno čista voda je odsevala nebo in okoliško pokrajino.En: The crystal-clear water reflected the sky and the surrounding landscape.Sl: Jure je sedel na klopici ob jezeru.En: Jure sat on a bench by the lake, waiting for Nina.Sl: Srce mu je bilo rahlo nemirno.En: His heart was slightly restless.Sl: Vedno je želel biti ob njej, vendar so službene obveznosti in razdalja oteževale njuno srečanje.En: He always wanted to be with her, but work obligations and distance made their meetings difficult.Sl: Nina je prispela z avtobusom iz Maribora.En: Nina arrived by bus from Maribor.Sl: Obrabljena je bila od poti, a ko je zagledala Blejsko jezero in Jureta na klopi, je občutila val sreče.En: She was worn out from the journey, but when she saw Lake Bled and Jure on the bench, she felt a wave of happiness.Sl: Počasi je pristopila k njemu.En: She slowly approached him.Sl: Jure jo je objel in čutil njeno utrujenost.En: Jure hugged her and felt her tiredness.Sl: "Kako si?" jo je vprašal nežno, a zaskrbljeno.En: "How are you?" he asked gently but with concern.Sl: "V redu sem," je odgovorila z nasmeškom, čeprav je vedel, da ni čisto tako.En: "I'm fine," she replied with a smile, though he knew it wasn’t entirely true.Sl: Vedel je za njeno kronično bolezen, ki jo je izčrpavala.En: He was aware of her chronic illness that drained her.Sl: Razlog, zakaj sta se odločila srečati na Bledu, je bil, da bo pot za oba lažja.En: The reason they decided to meet at Bled was to make the journey easier for both of them.Sl: Nina je pripravila presenečenje za Jureta.En: Nina had prepared a surprise for Jure.Sl: Ob robu jezera je postavila majhno razstavo svojih slik.En: At the edge of the lake, she set up a small exhibition of her paintings.Sl: Zamišljene naravnejše podobe so rahlo plapolale v vetrcu.En: Thoughtful natural images fluttered lightly in the breeze.Sl: Juretove oči so se zasvetile ob pogledu na umetnine.En: Jure’s eyes lit up at the sight of the artworks.Sl: "To je zate," mu je rekla s ponosom.En: "This is for you," she said proudly.Sl: Jure je bil očaran.En: Jure was enchanted.Sl: "To je čudovito, Nina!"En: "This is wonderful, Nina!"Sl: Vendar je opazil, da je bila Nina vidno utrujena.En: However, he noticed that Nina was visibly tired.Sl: "Ali si prepričana, da si v redu?"En: "Are you sure you're okay?"Sl: Nenadoma je Nina izgubila ravnotežje.En: Suddenly, Nina lost her balance and fell to the ground.Sl: Padel je na tla. Jure je planil k njej, poskušal jo je zadržati zavedno.En: Jure rushed to her, trying to keep her conscious.Sl: Panika ga je preplavila, vendar je vedel, da mora hitro ukrepati.En: Panic overwhelmed him, but he knew he had to act quickly.Sl: "Pomagaj mi!" je zaklical mimoidočemu, ki je takoj poklical reševalce.En: "Help me!" he called out to a passerby, who immediately called the paramedics.Sl: Reševalci so hitro prišli in poskrbeli za Nino.En: The paramedics arrived quickly and took care of Nina.Sl: Jure je bil ves čas ob njej, držal jo za roko.En: Jure stayed by her side, holding her hand.Sl: Čutil je, kako težko je za njo sprejeti pomoč, vendar je vedel, da je to edina prava pot.En: He felt how difficult it was for her to accept help, but he knew it was the only right way.Sl: Ko so Nino odpeljali v bolnišnico, je Jure ostal z njo.En: When Nina was taken to the hospital, Jure stayed with her.Sl: "Nina, pomembno je, da skrbiš zase," ji je dejal nežno.En: "Nina, it's important that you take care of yourself," he said gently.Sl: Nina je gledala v njegove oči in začutila toplino in skrb.En: Nina looked into his eyes and felt warmth and concern.Sl: Kljub vsemu stresu in bolečini je čutila olajšanje.En: Despite all the stress and pain, she felt relief.Sl: Morda je res čas, da sprejme več pomoči.En: Perhaps it was indeed time to accept more help.Sl: Sčasoma je Jure začel bolje uravnoteževati službo in svoja osebna življenja.En: Over time, Jure began to better balance work and his personal life.Sl: Razumel je, da morajo biti pomembne stvari vedno pred službenimi obveznostmi.En: He understood that important things always need to come before work obligations.Sl: Nina pa je spoznala, da ni boljša umetnica, če trpi sama skozi bolečino.En: Nina came to realize that she wasn't a better artist for suffering through pain alone.Sl: Presenečena je bila, ker je skupaj z Juretom postala močnejša, ne šibkejša.En: She was surprised to find that, together with Jure, she became stronger, not weaker.Sl: Njuna ljubezen je bila preizkušena skozi težke čase, vendar je to le okrepilo njun odnos.En: Their love ...
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    17 m
  • Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey
    Jul 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/savannahs-charm-a-photographers-serendipitous-journey Story Transcript:Sl: Na nebu nad Savannah so plavale puhasto bele oblake, ki so se poigravale z nežnimi žarki poletnega sonca.En: In the sky over Savannah, fluffy white clouds floated, playing with the gentle rays of the summer sun.Sl: Mateja je stala na vhodu v Forsyth Park in si na glavo nataknila slamnik.En: Mateja stood at the entrance of Forsyth Park and put on her straw hat.Sl: V roki je držala svoj fotoaparat.En: She held her camera in her hand.Sl: Mateja je prišla iz Slovenije, da bi ujela čar juga ZDA.En: Mateja had come from Slovenia to capture the charm of the American South.Sl: Bil je njen prvi dan v parku.En: It was her first day in the park.Sl: Rada bi posnela fotografijo, ki bo ujela bistvo Savannah za njeno razstavo.En: She wanted to take a photograph that would capture the essence of Savannah for her exhibition.Sl: A ni vedela, kje naj začne.En: But she didn't know where to start.Sl: Park je bil poln ljudi, sonce pa je višje na nebu kot bi si želela.En: The park was full of people, and the sun was higher in the sky than she would have liked.Sl: Medtem je po parku hodil Luka, domačin in turistični vodič.En: Meanwhile, Luka, a local and a tour guide, was walking through the park.Sl: Imel je rad park in njegovo zgodovino.En: He loved the park and its history.Sl: Ko je videl Matejo zbegano raziskovati, se je odločil, da ji pristopi.En: When he saw Mateja wandering around, looking confused, he decided to approach her.Sl: "Živjo, vidim, da se boriš z gnečo in soncem.En: "Hello, I see you're struggling with the crowd and the sun.Sl: Sem Luka.En: I'm Luka.Sl: Ali potrebuješ pomoč?En: Do you need any help?"Sl: "Mateja je bila presenečena, a hvaležna.En: Mateja was surprised but grateful.Sl: "Hvala, Luka.En: "Thank you, Luka.Sl: Iščem popolno mesto za fotografijo.En: I'm looking for the perfect spot for a photo.Sl: A tukaj je tako veliko ljudi in sonce močno sije.En: But there are so many people here, and the sun is very bright."Sl: "Luka se je nasmehnil.En: Luka smiled.Sl: "Poznam nekaj skritih kotičkov.En: "I know a few hidden spots.Sl: Lahko ti jih pokažem.En: I can show you."Sl: " Mateja je prikimala in skupaj sta se odpravila po poteh parka.En: Mateja nodded, and together they set off along the park's paths.Sl: Hodila sta mimo velikih starih hrastov dreves, ki so bile oblečene v španski mah.En: They walked past large old oak trees draped in Spanish moss.Sl: Luka je govoril o zgodovini parka in Mateja je poslušala z zanimanjem.En: Luka talked about the park's history, and Mateja listened with interest.Sl: Končno sta prišla do mirnega prostora, kjer je bil manj ljudi.En: Finally, they arrived at a quiet area with fewer people.Sl: "Poskusi tukaj," je dejal Luka.En: "Try here," Luka said.Sl: "Sonce tukaj že nizko sije in skozi listje ustvarja čudovito svetlobo.En: "The sun is already low here and creates beautiful light through the leaves."Sl: "Mateja je dvignila fotoaparat in pogledala skozi objektiv.En: Mateja raised her camera and looked through the lens.Sl: Luka je imel prav.En: Luka was right.Sl: Svetloba je bila popolna, pa tudi kompozicija.En: The light was perfect, and so was the composition.Sl: Pritisnila je sprožilec in nastala je čudovita slika.En: She pressed the shutter, and a beautiful picture was born.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, je park zažarel v zlati svetlobi.En: As the sun began to set, the park glowed in golden light.Sl: Mateja je našla svojo pravo priložnost.En: Mateja found her perfect opportunity.Sl: "Hvala, Luka.En: "Thank you, Luka.Sl: Brez tebe ne bi uspela.En: I wouldn't have succeeded without you."Sl: "Luka se je nasmehnil.En: Luka smiled.Sl: "Vesel sem, da sem lahko pomagal.En: "I'm glad I could help.Sl: Savannah je res poseben kraj.En: Savannah is truly a special place."Sl: "Mateja se je ozrla po parku in se nasmehnila.En: Mateja looked around the park and smiled.Sl: Njeno srce je bilo polno hvaležnosti.En: Her heart was full of gratitude.Sl: Ne samo za popolno fotografijo, ampak tudi za novega prijatelja.En: Not only for the perfect photo but also for a new friend.Sl: Spoznala je, da so povezave s kraji in ljudmi najdragocenejši del njenega potovanja.En: She realized that connections with places and people were the most precious part of her journey.Sl: Naslednji dan je Mateja zapustila Savannah, vendar je v srcu nosila košček tega mesta in ljudi.En: The next day, Mateja left Savannah, but she carried a piece of the city and its people in her heart.Sl: Obljubila si je, da bo na svojih prihodnjih potovanjih iskala več takšnih povezav.En: She promised herself that on her future travels, she would seek out more of these connections.Sl: Vsaka od njih je bila kot droben biser v njeni zbirki spominov.En: Each ...
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    17 m

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