• Surviving the Kalahari: Karel's Unconventional Desert Adventure

  • Jul 31 2024
  • Duración: 17 m
  • Podcast

Surviving the Kalahari: Karel's Unconventional Desert Adventure

  • Resumen

  • Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Surviving the Kalahari: Karel's Unconventional Desert Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/surviving-the-kalahari-karels-unconventional-desert-adventure Story Transcript:Af: Die Kalahari Woestyn strek wyd en ver, met golwende duine en min skaduwee.En: The Kalahari Desert stretches far and wide, with rolling dunes and little shade.Af: Dit is winter, en die lug is onverwags koud.En: It is winter, and the air is unexpectedly cold.Af: Karel het ‘n droom gehad - 'n solo avontuur in die woestyn om sy gesin te wys hoe vaardig en onafhanklik hy is.En: Karel had a dream—a solo adventure in the desert to show his family how skilled and independent he was.Af: Hy het altyd gevoel dat hulle sy drome as belaglik beskou.En: He'd always felt that they considered his dreams to be ridiculous.Af: Nou sou hy hulle wys.En: Now he would show them.Af: Karel het dae lank voorbereiding gedoen.En: Karel had prepared for days.Af: Hy het ‘n lys gemaak.En: He made a list.Af: Hy het water, kos, ‘n tent, en natuurlik, sy opblaas kameel.En: He brought water, food, a tent, and of course, his inflatable camel.Af: Die kameel was ‘n bewys van sy vindingrykheid, of so het hy gedink.En: The camel was proof of his ingenuity, or so he thought.Af: Die dag van sy vertrek is hy vroeg op.En: On the day of his departure, he got up early.Af: Hy het sy toerusting op sy kameel gelaai en die wye woestyn ingevaar.En: He loaded his equipment onto his camel and ventured into the vast desert.Af: Die eerste dag was vol opwinding.En: The first day was full of excitement.Af: Karel het die skoonheid van die sandduine bewonder en die stilte geniet.En: Karel admired the beauty of the sand dunes and enjoyed the silence.Af: Sy gedagtes het gereis na die dag wanneer hy sy familie se skeptiese gesigte sou sien verander in verbasing en trots.En: His thoughts traveled to the day when he would see his family's skeptical faces turn into amazement and pride.Af: Maar toe kom die nag.En: But then came the night.Af: Koud en stil.En: Cold and quiet.Af: Hy het in sy tent geslaap, maar die gedagte van die groot woestyn om hom bly by hom.En: He slept in his tent, but the thought of the vast desert around him stayed with him.Af: Die volgende dag, in die middaghitte, het Karel ‘n probleem teëgekom.En: The next day, in the midday heat, Karel encountered a problem.Af: Sy kameel se voorste pote het ingesak.En: His camel's front legs had collapsed.Af: Hy het afgeklim en ondersoek ingestel.En: He dismounted and investigated.Af: Tot sy ontsteltenis, sien hy ‘n groot gaatjie in die kameel se poot.En: To his dismay, he saw a large hole in the camel's leg.Af: Hy het probeer om kalm te bly, maar sy hart het vinnig geklop.En: He tried to stay calm, but his heart was racing.Af: Hy het geweet hy moes ‘n besluit neem.En: He knew he had to make a decision.Af: Hy het na sy rugsak gekyk.En: He looked at his backpack.Af: Sou hy sy gesin bel vir hulp?En: Should he call his family for help?Af: Nee.En: No.Af: Dit sou erken dat hy gefaal het.En: That would admit defeat.Af: Hy het besluit om die kameel te probeer regmaak.En: He decided to try and fix the camel.Af: Uit sy sak het hy kougom en kleefband gehaal.En: From his bag, he pulled out chewing gum and duct tape.Af: Dit was nie veel nie, maar dit was al wat hy gehad het.En: It wasn't much, but it was all he had.Af: Karel het die gaatjie met die kougom toegeplak en dit toe stewig met kleefband omgedraai.En: Karel patched the hole with the chewing gum and then wrapped it tightly with duct tape.Af: Hy het afgestap en sy kameel nagegaan.En: He stepped back and inspected his camel.Af: Dit het gelyk of dit werk, maar sou dit hou?En: It looked like it might work, but would it hold?Af: Hy het gebid dat dit sou werk en sy avontuur voortgesit.En: He prayed that it would work and continued his adventure.Af: Dag na dag het Karel aangehou.En: Day by day, Karel carried on.Af: Hy het water gemeet en kos versigtig gebruik.En: He measured his water and used his food carefully.Af: Sy kameel het bly werk.En: His camel kept going.Af: Die kougom en kleefband het geheers oor die woestyn hitte en koue nagte.En: The chewing gum and duct tape endured the desert heat and cold nights.Af: Karel het al hoe meer vol vertroue gevoel.En: Karel felt increasingly confident.Af: Op die laaste dag van sy avontuur, het Karel die baken van sy eindpunt gesien.En: On the last day of his adventure, Karel saw the marker of his endpoint.Af: Hy het gejuig, sy kameel gevryf, en aangehou.En: He cheered, patted his camel, and kept going.Af: Uiteindelik het hy sy tent opgeslaan en na die sterre opgekyk.En: Finally, he pitched his tent and looked up at the stars.Af: Hy het dit gemaak.En: He had made it.Af: Toe Karel by die huis aankom, het hy die aksie uitgelê aan sy gesin.En: When Karel got home, he explained the ordeal to his family.Af: Hulle het gelag en hom in ongeloof aangekyk.En: They laughed ...
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