
  • Empowerment in Action: From Victim to Agent
    Jun 27 2024

    Let’s go! Welcome back to another episode of The Agents of Recovery, where we explore topics related to personal growth, empowerment, and resilience. Today, Blu introduces Sione

    Inoke as they delve into a crucial distinction: the difference between being a victim and being an agent in your own life.

    In this episode, we will discuss the mindset and behaviors that differentiate a victim from an agent. We will explore how shifting from a victim mentality to an agency mindset can empower individuals to take control of their lives, overcome challenges, and create positive change.

    Key Points:

    1. Understanding Victim Mentality:

    - Characteristics of a victim mindset

    - How victimhood can hold individuals back

    - The impact of externalizing responsibility

    2. Embracing Agency:

    - What it means to be an agent in your own life

    - Taking ownership of your choices and actions

    - Cultivating a sense of empowerment and autonomy

    3. Transformative Practices:

    - Strategies for shifting from victim to agent

    - Building resilience and self-efficacy

    - Cultivating a growth mindset and proactive approach to challenges

    4. Real-Life Stories:

    - Inspiring examples of individuals who have transformed their lives by embracing agency

    - Lessons learned from overcoming victimhood and stepping into personal power


    As we conclude this episode, we invite you to reflect on your own mindset and behaviors. Are you approaching life as a victim, or are you embracing your role as an agent in your own story? Remember, empowerment begins with a shift in perspective and a commitment to taking proactive steps towards your goals.

    Thank you for tuning in to The Agents of Recovery. Join us next time as we continue our journey towards personal growth and resilience. Remember, you have the power to rewrite your story and become the hero of your own life.

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Building Trust and Respect Within a Team
    Jan 2 2024

    In this episode, Brock and Blu discuss the importance of building trust and respect within a team, defining team roles, and using RIP signals to communicate in times of need. They share personal stories and experiences to highlight the significance of being prepared, trusting your talents, and supporting teammates. They emphasize the importance of focusing on the present moment, controlling what you can, and making plays instead of excuses. Ultimately, they highlight the power of purpose and passion in overcoming challenges and being there for your team. The conversation explores the importance of being reliable and accountable, scripting your day, and understanding the difference between being needed and wanted in a team. It also emphasizes the significance of knowing your role in a team, recognizing your rip signals, and being willing to adapt. The conversation highlights the evolution of personal growth, the value of being mindful and observant, and the importance of consistency. It concludes by mentioning upcoming events and resources for recovery.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • MAX IS BACK! Listeners Q&A
    Dec 18 2023

    In this exciting episode of The Agents of Recovery Podcast, your hosts Brock, Blu, and Max are back together to bring you an insightful and inspiring discussion. Join us as Max Hall takes the mic once again, ready to tackle your burning questions about recovery and personal growth. Whether you're seeking advice, support, or simply looking for a fresh perspective, this dynamic trio has got you covered. Get ready to dive deep into the world of recovery with the Agents of Recovery. Tune in and let the journey of healing begin!

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Communication: Reflect vs Reflex
    Nov 1 2023

    There are many ways to achieve long-term sobriety and happiness, but some people have trouble sticking with their plans because they don't have the right support system in place. If you're struggling with addiction or just want some tips on how to stay positive during recovery, look no further than these helpful resources.

    Sometimes what we need most is simply someone who will listen to us without judging or making assumptions about our situation. If someone is tearing down your efforts at being sober, try asking them why they think so little of you and see if there's something constructive they'd like to say instead of only pointing out what's wrong with what you've done so far. Never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t judge others unless they ask for your opinion. If someone calls you a name or says something offensive, try not to take it personally, and don’t retaliate with insults of your own.

    Communication can be difficult when you are dealing with drug addiction because you may not always make sense when trying to communicate with others (or yourself). For example, if someone asks you why you were late for work and the reason was because of your addiction, it may not make sense to them because they don’t know what it feels like to be high or drunk. Try using reflective listening instead of communicating directly so that both parties understand each other better without getting frustrated or angry with each other.




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    53 m
  • Setbacks not Step-backs
    Oct 12 2023

    After  a little longer off between episodes The Agents Of Recovery is back! Picking up right where they left off with and end of summer activity recap. Max Hall is away for this episode coaching at ALA Queen Creek High, check out his team's progress here. 2/3 of The Agents are here though and start out discussions on injury's and managing to progress in the face of harsh limitations. Stay tuned till the end of this one though, to hear caller Cowbell Rob, issue a very bold challenge to host Brock! 


    Check out our social media and become and Agent Of Recovery


    29029 Everesting

    Everesting is an activity in which cyclists or runners ascend and descend a given hill multiple times, in order to have cumulatively climbed 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) (the elevation of Mount Everest).

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Listener Q&A: Parenting Advice
    Sep 12 2023

    Today Coach Blu and Max answer 2 questions from listeners. One around how to manage parenting once sober and finding balance in practicing relationship before rules. The other is how to share with your children information about your negative past in an appropriate manner that will help and not hinder their lives.

    This podcast is hosted by retired NFL quarterback Max Hall, retired police officer turned recovery coach Brock Bevell, and mental health therapist and substance abuse counselor Blu Robinson cofounder of Addict II Athlete. These men are all in long-term recovery and bring different perspectives and understanding to recovery and sobriety. They help individuals overcome addiction, produce a more excellent lifestyle, and inspire movement from being a Victim of Addiction to an Agent of Recovery. They come together to address addiction, recovery, communication, and relationship roadblocks that hinder hope and healing. Tune in to hear fantastic topics for anyone about addiction, mental health, and relationships. 

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The Tactical vs. Practical Approach to Recovery
    Aug 25 2023

    In today's Agents of Recovery podcast, we delve into the importance of having a tactical plan to strengthen recovery. We explore various strategies and approaches to optimize the recovery process, whether it's physical, mental, or emotional. Join us as we discuss practical tips and insights to help you develop a solid plan for enhancing your recovery journey.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Addiction In Public
    Aug 15 2023

    For many people, addiction is a taboo topic: we don't talk about it because it's embarrassing and awkward. But the reality is, addiction is a very real problem in the United States, for all sorts of people. From casual users who liked getting high so much they became dependent, to professionals and rock stars whose lives are on-and-off-stage examples of addiction. While the chasm between those extremes is vast, the stigma around addiction remains present in equal amounts.

    We're here to help you share your story, no matter how difficult it may be—and we want to hear yours! If you've ever been struggling with addiction or any other kind of personal challenge, or if you know someone who is, please reach out.

    Life is a journey.

    It's not a race. It's not a competition. And it certainly isn't a beauty contest.

    It's an opportunity to do your absolute best, each and every day, and to share your story of overcoming addiction with the world.

    Don't sweat the small stuff—sweat the big stuff: find what makes you happy, and go for it!

    Also, don't sweat the small stuff! We know it's tempting to get hung up on what other people think about you or things like that, but let's face it: who cares? What matters is how much time you spend working towards your goals and living your best life.

    Más Menos
    44 m