
  • EP 51: The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart
    Jul 4 2023

    We are living in a church culture where everything is judged based on the outside, but the Bible very clearly states that God is the discerner of our hearts. What does it take to stop and think about this?

    Listen to know.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • EP 50: Serving GOD: Love or Obligation?
    Jun 27 2023

    As Christians, growing up in a Christian household and church we feel obligated to work. Often times we look at it as an unavoidable burden or something that we gain satisfaction from. But what should our service for God be motivated by? Listen to this podcast as Arpana Saladi discusses more about this.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • EP 49: The Relationship between a Pastor and Believers (Part 2)
    Jun 21 2023

    In one of his sermons Spurgeon said, 'If you wait to find that perfect church, you need to wait until you get to heaven". Isn't that so true? We all are flawed people but we are perfect because Jesus Christ, our Head, He is perfect. The doctrines might be right, the teachings might be right, but there are certain flaws in all of our churches. Though we belong to different local churches, yet we are a universal church and that thought itself is so wonderful. 

    Listen to this podcast as Arpana Saladi shares few common flaws in all of our churches, relationships between believer and a pastor, and deacons and different types of believers and Christians   

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • EP 48: The Relationship between a Pastor and Believers
    Jun 20 2023

    There are many relationships in a Christian's life, but one prominent one is his/her relationship with the Pastor. Listen to the podcast as Arpana Saladi discusses more about this. 

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • EP 47: Luck, Chance, Fate !!
    Jun 14 2023

    Luck, Chance, Fate - What do these words mean to you? If you are truly a born-again child of God, do these words make any sense in our lives? Listen to the podcast as Arpana Saladi discusses more about this.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep 46: Don’t Waste it
    Jun 13 2023

    I wake up feeling so motivated to study, do productive stuff but by the end of the day I wind it up with regret doing very, very little. I knew I was wasting time, a lot of it, and I felt irritated and demotivated. I was reminded of the sermon by Jonathan Edwards preached in 1734, which is titled "The Preciousness of Time". This helped me understand a Christian's duty in using the talent of time wisely and how we waste the most expensive thing on Earth, which cannot be retrieved even for a second.Listen to this podcast if you are also somebody like me struggling to use your time wisely.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • EP 45: It Really Matters
    Jun 7 2023

    Research says that 95% of who we are is the people we surround ourself with. How does this impact our living? Paul quotes a Greek poet when he says ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’. Listen to this podcast as Arpana Saladi discusses how important it is that we surround ourselves with the right kind people.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • EP 44: The Golden Rule
    Jun 6 2023

    'Do to others what you would want them to do to you‘, it sounds like a moral saying but do you know that these words are from the Bible? Christians call this 'The Golden Rule', but practically it is truly difficult to practice it in our lives. How can we live and love as Christ called us to? Listen to this podcast

    Más Menos
    20 m