
  • 295 "Just be yourself" is Some of the Worst Sales Advice Ever
    Jul 17 2024

    When a sales rep is told, "Just be yourself" on calls, instead of being totally prepared, that is some of the worst advice ever.

    Unless the rep is a skilled, knowledgeable, experienced, prepared person already, just being themself can result in disaster. Maybe you've been there.

    Art breaks this down, and discusses what we DO need to do in order to become the best version of ourselves, who is authentic, smooth, and connects at a human level.

    Also he references the newly revised site, with lots of valuable training resources, both free and premium, http://smartcalling.com.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 294 How to React to Price Comments, and Not Give Away Profits
    Jul 9 2024

    There is a difference between simple price comments, like, "Wow, that's more expensive than I thought," and real price objections, like, "We don't have that in the budget."

    The problem for a lot of salespeople, is that at the first sound of a price comment, they begin dropping price. Unnecessarily.

    You'll hear Art's experience with a tree service owner who cut his profit in half, and what you can and should do when you hear simple price statements and comments.

    And, to get's Art's free masterclass, "How to Easily Handle Sales Resistance and Objections--Without Using Goofy and Uncomfortable Rebuttals," go to http://SmartCalling.Training/objections

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 293 Do this Instead of Trying to OVERCOME Objections
    Jul 1 2024
    Most sales training on objections contradicts how normal people think and speak. Because, it suggests you tell someone they are wrong. And what is the result of that? The opposite of the intended result: they become more defensive. And it feels sleazy for the person saying it. In this episode Art gives the professional, conversational process to help lead someone through a process, so they will first be open to your ideas, and eventually change their mind, feeling like it is their idea. And he offers a free objections masterclass at http://Smartcalling.training/objections
    Más Menos
    6 m
  • 292 Here are the Real ABC's of Sales
    Jun 18 2024

    The old mantra is that the ABC's of sales are "Always be closing."

    Not only is that wrong, but it adds to the negative stereotype of salespeople.

    The beneficial, real ABC of closing is "Always be curious."

    Art explains why, and what you can do to enhance your curiousity muscle.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • 291 Three Letters that can Change Your Sales, Life, and that of Others
    Jun 5 2024

    Success in sales, and life for that matter, does not rely on having more information. Everyone has access to that.

    It always relies on the person. Their identity and values.

    One of the many components that go into BEing a truce sales professional is being others-focused.

    In this episode Art shares a three-letter acronym, that when you use it to remind yourself of one key concept about every human interaction, will change your life and that of others you speak with.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 290 Voice Mail Message, and Greeting Tips to Make the Best Impression
    May 21 2024

    Voice mail can help make a positive impression, create curiosity and interest, or kill any chance of speaking with a prospect.

    Likewise with the greeting you leave for those who call you.

    Art shares tips on what to say and avoid on voice mail so that you are perceived like the professional you are.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 289 THIS is Old, Outdated, Dead, and Doesn't Work; Here's What Does
    May 9 2024

    If you browse LinkedIn, you'll see lots of -new-to-the-scene "gurus" trying to pump up their Likes and Comments by saying things are old, outdated, dead, and don't work anymore.

    Then they suggest what is "new."

    Art breaks this down, and shows that what supposedly is new, always worked, and always will, and what specifically we need to do as sales pros to show consistent success.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 288 Call Avoidance is Actually Just Being Selfish
    Apr 25 2024

    If a salesperson avoids placing the prospecting or sales calls, in addition to the typical guilt they experience, and the potential lost opportunities, they are actually being selfish.

    That's because they are depriving possible future customers of the value they could receive.

    In this episode Art explores this more, the causes of call avoidance, ane what to do to get rid of it, and quit being selfish.

    Más Menos
    8 m