
  • SSAB - July 30, 2024
    Jul 30 2024
    End of the month! Olympics start! Did you see that guy’s balls? China wins gold in doubles table tennis. Chinese movie, Successor. Comedy, how much did I understand? Last Russian class done for a while. And a change up study routines, what will happen? Coconut oil in the hair! How is it? Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one! 00:00 Introduction and Reflections on 2024 00:32 Olympic Highlights and Controversies 00:50 Life in China and Media Observations 08:11 Chinese Movie Experience: Jua Hua 14:31 Language Learning and Study Routine 21:28 Coconut Oil Hair Experiment 25:19 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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    28 m
  • SSAB - July 29, 2024
    Jul 29 2024
    Paid! Woo wooo! And now… just do more. Still hot n humid, but weather forecast says 100% chance of rain tomorrow. Checked out air conditioners but the reviews said no good! Workout in! 5.57km in 37.19, then double unders, pushups, jumps and pistol squats. Shortened the run so I could do more double unders. Now doing 50 per set. Bike riding in the morning! Easier on the back. Need to change up some of my stretches me thinks. Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one!
    00:00 Introduction and Camera Setup 00:20 Weather and Workout Plans 01:12 Monthly Pay Cycles in China vs Canada 03:28 Life as an Expat in China 07:14 Air Conditioner Dilemma 13:22 Fitness Routine and Equipment 16:07 Morning Routine and Back Pain 19:37 Content Creation and Language Podcast 24:32 Conclusion and Farewell
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    28 m
  • SSAB - July 26, 2024
    Jul 26 2024
    Week days done, weekend has begun! Starting to take Saturdays off so I can get some other things done. Lunchtime run done 6.02km in 1hr 1min 58s, only did four laps, but did get 54 weighted pull ups done, double that for push ups, triple for squats. Brought extra water but it wasn’t as bad as earlier in the week. Might have been wrong about those mosquitoes, is that a rash??? Bought a course for creating courses, sounds silly, but it was full of templates and made things really easy. And how about those numbers? What did I find? How to make rent, food, comfort, and desire? Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one! 00:00 Introduction and Weekend Plans 00:35 Reflecting on Beijing Summers 01:44 Travel Memories and Work-Life Balance 03:27 Pandemic Changes and Working from Home 09:22 Weekend Workout Routine 11:54 Dealing with Mosquitoes and Health Concerns 14:09 Investing in Online Courses 22:58 Breaking Down Financial Goals 30:07 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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    33 m
  • SSAB - July 25, 2024
    Jul 25 2024
    It’s raining again! And it’s cooler! Chinese class done! Workout in at lunch! Slow going, but make it move! Talk, have fun, and make money - the future of the economy, NFTs and the blockchain?! Got some other ideas for the language vlog, possibly moving into move long form and researched content than shorter form. 500+ subscribers! And what are the numbers you need to make something work? Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one!
    00:00 Introduction and Weather Update 00:20 Daily Routine and Podcasting 00:36 Rainy Days in Beijing 01:21 Challenges of Evening Walks 01:46 Balancing Work and Hobbies 02:38 Language Learning Journey 03:25 Impact of Rain on Daily Life 03:50 Water Supply Issues 04:42 Final Chinese Class 05:12 Reevaluating Language Studies 11:05 Workout Motivation 15:40 Future of the Economy and NFTs 21:41 Language Vlog Ideas 25:07 Concluding Thoughts and Farewell
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    29 m
  • SSAB - July 24, 2024
    Jul 24 2024
    RAIN! Thank the heavens! Could last all week cause there is a typhoon hitting the southern part of China. Chinese class done! 1.走路 (zǒulù) - to walk 2.愛 (ài) - love 3.客 (kè) - guest 4.各 (gè) - each, every 5.歲 (suì) - year (of age) 6.慶 (qìng) - celebrate Oh, and my teacher didn’t have COVID but her mother did… and she’s all better now. Lunchtime run! 5.66km in 34.53, plus another 20 minutes on the slam ball. Had to stop for water. Another lady who didn’t speak English also wanted to have a look at my ball and hold it in her hands. A bit heavy for her. New video up on the language vlog, a conversation with some Chinese camera guys. It’s rough, but real. It almost makes me look like I understand every word even though I knew I struggled some. I also tend to control the situation so it’s mostly me asking questions. Have a look! Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one! 00:00 Introduction and Weather Update 01:04 Mosquito Troubles and Apartment Woes 03:54 YouTube Journey and Burnout 05:20 Reflections on Youth and Choices 12:34 Privacy Concerns and Content Creation 16:30 Chinese Class Insights 19:46 Fitness Routine and Encounters 22:45 Language Vlog and Future Plans 26:01 Conclusion and Sign-Off
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    29 m
  • SSAB - July 23, 2024
    Jul 23 2024
    Hip and back hurting! How and why?? Tuna sandwich redux! Much better! Would an air conditioner matter? 农业,建设,超商… will it continue? Chinese banks soaring! 492 subscribers and counting! 加油! Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good one! 00:00 Introduction and Weather Complaints 01:14 Aches and Pains: The Struggles of Aging 03:23 The Science Behind Feeling Weather Changes 05:29 Mobility and Flexibility: A Personal Journey 15:00 Tuna Sandwich Tips and Tricks 16:37 Chinese Banks and Stock Market Insights 21:01 Language Vlog Milestones and Future Plans 24:45 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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    28 m
  • SSAB - July 22, 2024
    Jul 22 2024
    Biden’s out! What’s this about some sort of deal? They’ll get to keep the plane rides or something along those lines. But now, who takes over? Eventful times, these are: assassination attempt, old man drops out, what’s next? When is the next Chinese election? Ukraine war over in six months? Russian class done, rough, but it goes. Will need to make a few more videos about this. GOLD going down, SILVER following, S&P falling, USD upticking? Should I get an air conditioner? Lunchtime run done, 7 km in 48m 14s, + 12 minutes of double unders, jumps, push ups and assisted pistol squats. Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good start of week! 00:00 Introduction and Current Events 00:48 US Political Turmoil 01:58 Global Political Landscape 05:31 Ukraine War Analysis 08:56 Language Learning Journey 15:23 Market Trends and Predictions 21:02 Fitness Routine and Summer Heat 23:55 Conclusion and Sign-Off
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    27 m
  • SSAB - July 19, 2024
    Jul 19 2024
    Biden has COVID? Didn’t he get like lots of jabs??! Raining now and kinda cooled… but not. Workout in! 6.45 km 1hr 9m 20s! 54 pull ups, 108 pushups, 162 squats… had to cut the run short (only did four laps instead of five) because it was HOT! Cantonese class done, what’s my commitment to this language? Made tuna sandwiches for dinner! I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Had to Google it just to check! Study spreadsheet released! I’ll put the sales pitch at the end so you can hear what I published to YouTube. Hey you can donate to the show! PayPal link below! https://www.paypal.me/stevensirski?locale.x=en_CA *** Show notes n tracks up on stevensirski.com And on Notion: https://stevensirski.notion.site/SSAB-The-Audio-Blog-of-Steven-Sirski-00acfe344e164bfab191d3cddf6952b2?pvs=4 Newsletter over at stevensirski.substack.com Language vlog on YouTube.com/@stevenslanguagevlog Have a good weekend! 00:00 Introduction and Weather Update 00:18 Current Events: Biden and COVID 00:23 Workout Routine in Beijing Heat 00:48 Third Plenum and Internet Issues 02:44 World War 3 Speculations 05:08 Running in Extreme Heat 10:18 Cantonese Class Reflections 14:25 Making Tuna Sandwiches for the First Time 19:26 Language Study Spreadsheet Release 21:36 Conclusion and Farewell
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