
  • The Bryar Patch Podcast After-Party for Kamala In, Joe Out
    Jul 24 2024

    On this super lighthearted after-party, Rebecca and I talk about the previous podcast episode, and the state of things in this year's presidential race. Sorry in advance, but we get super silly and occasionally a little loose lipped when it comes to some people out there anymore, but I think sometimes ya just got to get all that frustration out! Feeling a sense of renewed hope and lightness after Kamala Harris joins the race, we feel a restored sense of cautious optimism, and that, perhaps we won't sink into the grips of tyranny, oppression, and fascism afterall! if only people as a whole started caring and paying attention! Do some people even pay attention to anything important anymore?! Staying busy and ill-informed is exactly what they want us all to do, so please America, don't get too busy or bored to lose our democracy and rights! We have fun here, and we think it'll put a smile on your face as well.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Kamala in, Joe Out, Trumpaloons Lose Their Minds!
    Jul 23 2024

    Yes I promised less politics, but this is huge news! So before we move on to bigger and better things, or at least more fun and positive things, we wanted to talk about what all this means, and ask the question; how do ordinary Americans who depend on average jobs and who are working class go for this right wing nonsense?! How do people get tricked into not seeing the wealth agendas and the hate in the right wing world? Or is that the point?! We'll talk about the significance of Joe Biden stepping down, Kamala Harris likely stepping up, and what the lunatic fringe are saying about it all!

    At the end of the day, we don't get political to be divisive or to hurt anyone, but because, for the health, safety, and welfare of ordinary people, it matters! We must find a way to stay activists and advocates for the right values, while allowing ourselves still to be chill, to live a fun and normal life, and to enjoy this imperfect life the best that we can. Life is short, the world is filling up with weirdness, so finding balance, humor, and happiness is the key! Enjoy this funny but super important and hopefully enlightening episode.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Too Much Politics is Like Wading in a Hot Tub Full of Sewage!
    Jul 19 2024

    We're reluctant political junkies! We love activism, analysis, and trying to educate and relate to people about socio-political matters, and to shape our world into a positive place that best represents our good values. But I think many people nowadays (not you guys) are just uneducated, naive, or tuned out to the the greater agendas going on out there in America's political landscape. So, in times where many people use politicas to argue, divide, and devalue others, we feel like it's become much more difficult as kind hearted teachers and lovers to get people to see what we're really all about, and what we're working towards.

    So, when politics gets to be a little too much for us, we step back and enjoy all the other aspects to life that we love and enjoy, from hiking and the outdoors, to movies old and new, music, metal, and concerts, to our guilty pleasure in the paranormal! We love the MCU, Star Wars, Star Trek, and the list goes on and on! The last thing we want to do is put people off or inadvertently upset or repel our friends and family just because we feel strongly about social matters. We want to educate and empower, not nauseate!

    So on this episode we talk about how too much politics and too much info can not only affect our mental health in a negative way, but it can spoil relationships when people don't understand when you're coming from a good place, and what to do about it when everything just starts feeling shitty, and your inner child is dying, and you just need your happiness, relaxation, and joy back! Serenity now!


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Politics & Anxiety, Because This Shit Ain't Normal!
    Jul 18 2024

    I've been having migraines off and on for three days now, and with it some rare accompanying anxiety. But I really wanted people to see the unvarnished reality of mental health snags given the state of the world these days. Here, I share my anxiety and feelings about the state of things these days in politics. Not exactly looking or feeling my best or most put-together post exercise, I wanted to share the brutal truth about the state of Republican politics, and why anyone with half a brain would be wise to think about the risks involved in this unusual movement and mania.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Let's Address the Elephant in the Room about the Ass*ssination Attempt
    Jul 15 2024

    On this quick video I address yesterday's events that took place with the attempt on former President Trump's life, and the sociopolitical aftermath that will likely ensue, and what my concerns are for the country in these polarized times.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Where the Body Goes the Mind Follows, a Leap of Faith of Kindness, Mental Resilience & Relaxedness
    Jul 13 2024

    Here, first I talk about political absolutism, and the risks involved in single issue voting. But really, I'm here to talk about how I keep my good mood up and my mind positive and resilient to the harshness of the times. Just a basic level of activity and mindfulness can help you, just like it does for me, in keeping your mind right and your attitude and hope up, especially when there's so much negativity and awfulness around us all the time. I truly think the world would be such a better place if we were all just a little bit kinder and good to one another, to be friends instead of always antagonizing and challenging one another.

    Since we can't always change others or the outside world, the one thing I know I can change is myself through a healthy regimen of endurance exercise, sensible strength training, and cultivating a relaxed attitude and a keen sense of humor! Here, I talk about my fitness program, not just for better health, but to keep my mind agile and feeling good, and to keep my mood more even keel. How much of people's nastiness towards each other and bad attitudes is because some people just don't feel good or feel right? We let other people's bad attitudes sometimes affect us too much, letting those people live rent free in our head.

    I just think that a bare minimum of activity and preventative exercise is essential to not only keep yourself strong against antagonistic people, but to cultivate a resilient and relaxed attitude that will guard yourself against the stress and rigors of life in often difficult and busy times. Anyway, enjoy your weekend friends! I hope you are doing well!



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • The Bryar Patch Podcast After Party for Episode, The Politics of Hate v Love...
    Jul 12 2024

    Hello folks! I just wanted to check in on you guys after the podcast and say hi, and talk a little bit about the last podcast show entitled, "The Politics of Love v Hate, or at Least, Normal v Abnormal." The After-Party is our new series we'll be doing every week after the full length podcast episode airs to talk more personally about various things, like what went wrong and right with the last episode, and more specifically, to add context to the episode, what our mindset was, and to clarify and elaborate on things, and to add some personal fun behind the scenes details about what we were really trying to get at.

    At the end of the day, I treat the regular podcast show differently than I do these shorter videos. Here, we're much more casual and laid back, whereas the podcast episodes are intended for worldwide distribution and radio quality, where this is more of a way to just say hi and connect with you all, our friends, to elaborate about the show kind of like a director's commentary. We really want to make friends and get to know you, and we sincerely want you to see that we're just down to earth regular people, and that all of us regular people deserve the same happiness, success, and consideration as all the big fancy YouTube channels, podcasts, syndicated radio shows, and celebrities.

    We're here to keep it real, straight talk only, that's what this all about! Please subscribe to the channel on the Bryar Patch Media YouTube channel, and please please please like the videos and please watch all the way through to help the algorithm so we can grow into the big awesome thing we know this can be! When we get bigger and better we can do more good for you and this world! We want to leave the world in a better state than when we found it, and keep humor and heart at the forefront of robust and joyful living! Thanks and please enjoy!



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Politics of Hate v Love, or at Least, Normal v Abnormal
    Jul 9 2024

    After the Supreme Court's democracy busting controversial ruling, essentially making Presidents of the United States Kings, then Biden's not so great debate performance and the aftermath that followed, we thought we should tackle this subject once and for all so we can get it off our chest and then move on to better things and greener pastures! Here, we'll talk about the politics of hate v love, or at least, normal v abnormal. Because we're living in strange times indeed! But we'll get through it together!

    The media at large is playing right into MAGA's hands, going on and on about Biden's old age rather than Trump's craziness, extremism, AND old age! Because it's an election year, we thought that we should put in our two cents about the state of politics today, and how it has made life and our country temporarily weird and difficult for so many average people lately. Here, we try to educate those who might not be into politics that much, and we try to be both informative and entertaining, detailing just what we think is the most important things to be thinking about right now, both politically and mental-health and life wise.

    At the end of the day, we want this channel to be both educational and fun, always coming from the point of view of sticking up and advocating for regular people living regular lives, just like us! Unfortunately, the world can sometimes be this super real drag, and so we want all of you guys to understand the state of things, how to prepare for it, and how to not let this stuff keep you upset and stressed out all of the time.

    Life should be enjoyed and good things should be savored. But sometimes, we have to eat our intellectual broccoli before we can have our dessert. But we here at Bryar Patch Media, we try to make all subjects fun. Here, we're tackling the politics of our times, in a fun and funny way, so let get into it!


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m