
  • If you stand for nothing, what will you fall for?
    Dec 8 2023

    Did you know that research shows 62% of customers actively seek out brands whose values align to theirs?
    There's no getting away from it. We want brands to do do better. And we only want to give our money to those that do. 
    By sharing your higher purpose - the things that really matter to you, above and beyond making money, your customers can make an easy choice about working with you. 
    Sharing stories of how you live and breath your values everyday or how you specifically support a cause or movement helps them understand the impact that buying your products or services could have not just on then but the wider world view you both share. 

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • Going back to the beginning is valuable storytelling content.
    Dec 7 2023

    Let me blast a common misconception out of the water. You don't need some 'I was down to my last 20p before I spotted a massive opportunity and now I'm a squillionare' tale of inception to have something interesting to say.
    Talking about how you started your business works on many levels
    First up. It helps your ideal client understand more about the person behind the brand i.e. you which good for trust and great for relationship building
    Next. It shows others the problem you initially set out to fix (which is likely to be the same problem they have now) and gives them confidence in your ability to help them, because you've 'been there, done that'
    And finally. It helps unite your audience around your common purpose; this story shows them what's important to you and what drives you so they can connect their own journey to yours.

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • Can I help you? Yes you can but only if you tell me how. 
    Dec 6 2023

    You want to make it super easy for potential customers to know whether you can help them or not. Like instantly. Or else they're likely to look elsewhere until they find their answer.
    Of course this does rely on one thing. You understanding what the problem is you solve in the first place. 

    Stories that describe your ideal client and the problems you solve for them helps others quickly see whether you're a good fit. For those that are, they will connect more deeply with you, knowing that their needs are being listened to.
    And for those that are not well suited? Well, let's just say no-one's time will be wasted. 

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • Don’t wear high heels you can’t walk in when meeting a new client.
    Dec 5 2023

    How do you go about introducing yourself and your business to the people you want to work with? 

    HERE’S THE TRUTH: Whatever your imposter syndrome is telling you, your customers want to learn about the person behind your brand AND how that person can help solve their problem. 
    WHY? Because they want to be able to trust you. They want reassurance you believe in the same things as them. And they want to buy from someone they actually like. - and feel a connection to. 
    HOW DOES IT HELP YOU? Trust + connection = relationship = loyalty, sales and telling a tonne of other people about you. 
    Don't panic if this sends you spinning into an existential crisis. Just telling people one thing they won't expect or didn't already know about you can be a great way to grab attention and create that all important engagement. 

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • Have I finally found my tribe?
    Dec 4 2023

    Being a female business owner, you can sometimes feel like you’re a square peg in a round hole. But when you find others just like you, that changes everything. Suddenly, you're not alone in your journey; you're part of a collective force, each with your own unique experiences and stories.

    So, how do you spot when a group of people are right for you? Here are 5 green flags to look out for:

    1. You feel energised, not drained, after spending time with them
    2. There’s a genuine exchange of support and ideas
    3. They celebrate your victories as much as you do
    4. You can be vulnerable without judgement
    5. They inspire you to grow and evolve

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • I will not buy nuts this Christmas
    Dec 1 2023

    How many times how you found yourself stuck to the same script in your business? Saying the things you think you should instead of sharing your unique story. 

    I get it. We stick to the script because it feels safe but what if there’s more power in breaking free? Instead of same old, same old, consider this: your story is your strength. Break free and share what makes you, your journey and your business special. 

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    2 m
  • Unlocking a storytelling goldmine
    Nov 30 2023

    If you’ve ever felt a little stuck when it comes to storytelling for your business, today I’ve got a game changer for you - customer success stories. 

    Every time you share a story talking about how you’ve helped a customer, you’re achieving three incredible things:

    1. You’re building unbeatable credibility
    2. You’re reinforcing your relationship with your customers
    3. You’re reducing the fear factor for potential customers by showing them what it’s like working with you / buying your product. 

    And when you do all this in story form, you’re not just informative, your memorable and impactful too. What more could you want when building your business? 

    For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

    5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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    3 m
  • A lesson in getting the basics right when launching your website.
    Nov 29 2023

    A lesson in getting the basics right when launching your website. 

    All too often I have business owners coming to me because they’re struggling to write their website copy. So what, I hear you say, that’s not particularly unusual. I guess not, but what if I was to tell you that a high proportion of them are struggling because they don’t actually know what their business is?

    So before you tie yourself up in knots trying to write your website, take a moment to breath and run through the following questions. 

    1. Who are your target audience? What do they look like, what do they value, what problem do they need solving and why do they need it solving right now?

    1. What is your proposition? How does what you sell or produce help your target audience solve their problem, how do you do it better than your competitors and what will life look and feel like for them as a result?

    1. What is your brand story and how does this relate to your audience? Why do you do what you do, what are you trying to achieve in the long run, how are you doing this day-to-day, what do you value and why does this all make a difference to your customers?

    1. What are you actually selling? Is it a physical good or service or what that actually does or makes someone feel? For example do you make children’s games or bring joy and fun into the lives of children and adults alike?

    1. And finally what do you want your website to do. Is it just somewhere for prospective clients to come to and validate you are who you say you are or do you need it to generate sales for you? If the latter, how will it do that? What are your call to actions? Will you offer a free download? Can people buy directly from the site or do they need to set up a call with you. If so, can they do this via the site?

    Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

    Find me:

    On Instagram: @22storiesandme

    On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hilarysalzman

    Online: www.22-stories.com

    This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

    Más Menos
    4 m