
  • 643. Deeper Healing Using The Rife Machine And Electromagnetic Frequencies With Matthew Rife & Kaitlyn Samakool
    Jul 17 2024

    Have you heard of the Real Rife Machine?

    Originally engineered by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s, this electromagnetic radio frequency device is interesting for its potential in addressing various health concerns. I had Matthew Rife, a direct relative of Dr. Royal on the podcast to give us all the details of this machine.

    Dr. Royal Rife invented the Rife Machine which was designed to generate specific radio frequencies that could target and eliminate disease-causing microorganisms without harming the surrounding tissues. In the 1920s, Rife's research suggested that different pathogens could be destroyed by applying particular frequencies, which was revolutionary at the time.

    At its core, the Rife Machine operates on the principle of using low-level electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. These frequencies are designed to resonate with specific pathogens, effectively neutralizing them. According to Matthew, this technology harnesses frequencies found in nature, which can have life changing effects on the body.

    For instance, 10,000 Hz is considered a cleansing frequency that can be found in natural environments. Matthew explains that being in nature exposes us to these beneficial frequencies, which contribute to our overall well-being. The Rife Machine aims to replicate this.

    Users of Rife machines have reported significant improvements like:

    • Increased Energy and Better Sleep

    • Hormonal Balance

    • Improved Cognitive Function

    As Matthew shared, the body's response to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) varies from person to person due to individual bioelectrical signatures. While some people may have an immediate and positive response to Rife technology, others might need to ease into it gradually. The key is to start slow and closely monitor how your body reacts.

    Matthew and his team are actively expanding their reach, with upcoming events in various cities. Follow him on tiktok and check out his website for all the details!

    Find Matthew:


    Use code: Beth for a discount at checkout

    Tiktok: @rifemachine

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    1 h y 3 m
  • 642. Boost Your Mental Health With Fitness & The One Exercise That Will Change Your Life with Amanda Nigg
    Jul 15 2024

    I am thrilled to share this conversation with fitness professional and female business owner, Amanda Nigg about mental health, community within fitness, and the importance of wellness in the world of agriculture.

    After her home was destroyed by fire and facing the isolation of the pandemic lockdown, Amanda found strength in sharing her fitness journey on social media. Her Plank Challenge during Mental Health Awareness Month attracted over 800 participants, highlighting the need for fitness and mental health support especially within the agricultural community. Even during personal and global crises, it is possible to rebuild and thrive.

    Amanda went from the life of a competitive athlete to a dedicated fitness professional, and the founder of Farm Fit Training, with her focus on mental and physical health within agriculture. Her mission is to integrate practical fitness routines into farm life, foster a supportive community, and demonstrate resilience when faced with crisis and trauma.

    When it comes to agriculture or really any industry, stress management is essential. Unpredictable factors like weather and crop prices can create immense stress for farmers and those connected to the industry. With technology making farming more efficient, the physical demands on farmers have decreased, which means less natural exercise and, often, more stress.

    One simple but powerful exercise Amanda recommends is planking. It’s accessible to everyone and has numerous benefits, including better body alignment and improved circulation. Incorporating such small, manageable exercises can be a game-changer in handling stress.

    Amanda is another advocate for protein (my favorite topic!) and recommends tracking your intake even for a short period to see if you are fueling your body correctly.

    Final takeaway: Focus on progress, not perfection. Your fitness journey will be messy, but it’s about consistency and growth, not doing everything perfectly from day one.

    Find Amanda:








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    41 m
  • 641. How To Treat Endo Belly & Severe Bloating
    Jul 10 2024

    This isn’t a pregnancy announcement. This is endo belly.

    Endo belly refers to the severe inflammation in the lower part of the abdomen often experienced by those with endometriosis. This can flare up and be worse on some days than others. Sometimes you might wake up feeling fine, but as the day goes on, your belly can become noticeably swollen.

    Something to note: women’s abdomens naturally change size due to the uterus holding and releasing fluid throughout the month. This is NORMAL. However, with endo belly, it can feel like your lower abdomen suddenly looks like you're pregnant, and it can be very painful. This is due to inflammation and fluid retention in that area.

    Just like when you sprain your ankle and it swells up, the same kind of thing happens internally with endo belly.

    So, what can you do about it?

    First, it’s important to recognize that endometriosis is driven by excess estrogen. This is where the DUTCH test comes in handy. This test measures your hormone levels and can give you a detailed understanding of what's going on in your body.

    While getting your estrogen levels resolved takes time, there are tools you can use RIGHT NOW to help with an endo flare-up. Use a dry brush to gently brush your abdomen, which can help move fluid and reduce swelling. Brush towards your groin area where the biggest lymph nodes are located. Remember to be gentle; less is more with this technique.

    Another helpful tool is red light therapy. A wearable red light wrap can help decrease inflammation and provide soothing heat to the area.

    Changing your diet is going to be more personal. What works best for you might be different from someone else, and sometimes specific triggers like dairy need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Getting enough protein and eating for your cycle is often more important than cutting out certain foods unless they're proven triggers.

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or contact@drbethwestie.com

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    14 m
  • 640. How To Reduce Chemicals That Disrupt Your Hormones
    Jul 8 2024

    When’s the last time you checked the labels on your cleaning products or personal care products?

    Yes, I’m talking about shampoos, body wash, toothpaste, dishwasher soap, laundry detergent… all of it!

    Many of the traditional brands contain endocrine disruptors and they are trashing your hormones…

    Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that mess with your hormone levels, causing problems in development, reproduction, the nervous system, and the immune system. They're commonly found in things we use every day like plastics, personal care items, and household cleaners.

    They can disrupt how hormones are produced, blocking the way glands like the thyroid, ovaries, and adrenals do their job. They can also block the receptors that hormones bind to, making it impossible for the hormones to work properly. Imagine a hormone as a baseball trying to land in a glove, but the glove is tied shut by the disruptor. Plus, they can interfere with how hormones are detoxified in the liver and gut, leading to imbalances like estrogen dominance, which can cause headaches, skin problems, and irregular periods.

    Since it’s tough to avoid these chemicals entirely, it’s best to focus on reducing exposure where you can. Start by looking at the products you use most often.

    • Opt for non-toxic detergents, soaps, and cleaners, and pay attention to items that touch your skin a lot, like mattresses and sheets.

    • For personal care, switch to non-toxic shampoos, conditioners, body washes, and skincare items.

    • The EWG Healthy Living app can help you check the safety of various products. Eating organic foods and staying hydrated can also help your body detoxify naturally.

    Testing your hormone levels, like the DUTCH test, can give you a good idea of how your hormones are doing and help you make a plan to address any issues.

    Yes, switching to ALL non-toxic products right away can be overwhelming and expensive. Take it slow, starting with one area of your home at a time, and replace items as you can or when they run out. Progress is more important than perfection.

    A brand I’m currently loving: ATTITUDE Living. They offer a wide range of non-toxic household and personal care products, from laundry detergents to shampoos, which are highly rated for safety and effectiveness.

    While avoiding endocrine disruptors completely is pretty much impossible, reducing exposure and supporting your body’s detox processes can greatly benefit your hormones.

    What are your favorite non-toxic products?

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or contact@drbethwestie.com

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    18 m
  • 639. I Stopped Drinking (Here's What I've Learned So Far)
    Jul 3 2024

    I’m taking a break from drinking.

    I’ve never been a heavy drinker, (not looking at you, college years). However, I’ve decided to stop drinking recently, for many reasons —health, genetics, personal growth, and overall wellness.

    My family history with alcohol issues has always made me cautious. Although I didn’t drink much in high school and moderately in college, my relationship with alcohol has evolved. My husband, who hasn’t had a drink in eight years, also influenced my decision. (Check out our relationship story for more context)

    I realized I was using that occasional glass of wine to unwind and relieve stress. I have started exploring other methods for relaxation and stress management, such as Epsom salt baths, adaptogens like ashwagandha, and deep breathing exercises. I honestly feel a stronger connection to my body than I did before!

    Here’s what I’ve noticed: My sleep quality has improved, my energy levels are higher, and I feel more in tune with my emotions. I don’t feel the need to quit alcohol forever, but I’m being intentional about when I need a break. I would rather drink to celebrate than to cope.

    I highly recommend taking a break from alcohol. You can find clarity, energy, new relationships and break free from harmful habits.

    I’d love to know - have you tried taking a break from drinking? If so, what’s your experience?

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or contact@drbethwestie.com

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    20 m
  • 638. The #1 Way To Improve Endometriosis Symptoms
    Jul 1 2024

    You look 4 months pregnant, but you aren’t pregnant. It’s actually “endo belly”. This is just one of the common symptoms with endometriosis - extreme bloating and pain in the lower abdomen.

    Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus (endometrial tissue) starts growing in other parts of the body. This can mean it ends up in places like your fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, digestive tract, bowels, and even muscles like the psoas (the hip flexor muscle). The tricky part about endometriosis is that it doesn’t stay put; it can attach itself to various internal tissues, making it hard to manage.

    Let’s jump to methylation - I promise it’s related!

    Methylation might sound complicated, but it’a a main process for detoxification, producing energy, responding to stress, managing inflammation, and repairing genetic material.

    The science-y part: It involves adding a methyl group to molecules, which helps control how your genes are turned on or off. A big part of methylation’s job is processing estrogen. When your body methylates efficiently, it can properly metabolize and get rid of excess estrogen. But if methylation is impaired—due to genetic factors like the MTHFR gene mutation, stress, or nutrient deficiencies—this can lead to estrogen dominance, making endometriosis symptoms worse.

    Boosting your methylation can make a big difference in managing endometriosis. Here’s how:

    1. Genetic Testing: Knowing your genetic predispositions can help you tailor your lifestyle changes.

    2. Nutrition: Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, which are crucial for methylation.

    3. Stress Management: Chronic stress can impair methylation. Practices like mindfulness, yoga, setting boundaries and getting enough sleep can support your methylation pathways.

    4. Detox: Support your liver and gut health! Eat a diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and cruciferous vegetables to help with this.

    If you’d like all the details on endometriosis and improving methylation, listen to the full episode!

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or contact@drbethwestie.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 637. How To Level Up Your Health, Wealth and Romance with Dr. Jade Teta
    Jun 26 2024

    We all want to level up. I’m talking about every aspect of life - health and fitness, finance, relationships… all of it.

    This starts with our identity and beliefs.

    In this conversation with holistic health and fitness expert, Dr. Jade Teta, he shared the power behind rewiring our thoughts to unlock the next level of transformation.

    Dr. Jade started writing fitness programs at 15 for his high school football team - the groundwork for his lifelong dedication to personal training. He continued this passion through college and medical school, eventually choosing naturopathic medicine over a traditional medical path.

    Dr. Jade's gyms and clinical experience gave him close interaction with his clients, allowing him to see and influence their habits and mindset.

    For instance, there is power in the stories we tell ourselves about health and fitness. Many people, especially women, have subconscious beliefs from childhood and society that hinder their progress. Challenging these narratives, like the idea that weight training is only for men, is the key.

    Society has bent our view of diet and exercise - we need more balance—what Dr. Jade calls the "Goldilocks zone." Over-exercising and under-eating can be just as harmful as inactivity.

    You must become a "metabolic detective" - pay attention to your hunger, energy, and cravings (HEC).

    True transformation, according to Dr. Jade, comes from reshaping our identity and beliefs. Many people have unconscious decisions (MUD) from their past that affect their present. Rewriting these beliefs is the key to change with health and fitness.

    Dr. Jade’s new book You Grow Me, addresses leveling up in your relationships - love, sex and romance. Dr. Jade also has upcoming experiential events that will guide participants through spotting and releasing old stories, memorizing new feelings, and embodying the changes they wish to see. This event offers a deep dive into personal development and transformation.

    About: Dr. Jade Teta, a Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur, brings a unique perspective to health and personal development, combining over 30 years of experience in personal training with 20 years in functional medicine. Specializing in mindset, muscle, and metabolism, he focuses on tailored approaches to health, fitness, and weight loss. Dr. Jade has authored eight books in personal development and health and contributed to key texts like the "Textbooks of Natural Medicine" and "Integrative Sexual Health." Currently, he is deepening his expertise through a PhD in transpersonal psychology and a certificate in psychedelic-assisted therapy.

    Find Dr. Jade:



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    53 m
  • 636. Why Stress is Actually The Reason You Can't Lose Weight
    Jun 24 2024

    Diets and workouts, diets and workouts… but what about stress?

    Yes, stress could be the reason your weight won’t budge.

    Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone essential for your body’s fight-or-flight response. While cortisol is great in the short term—helping you respond quickly in stressful situations —chronic stress can keep cortisol levels elevated. This is when we start to see an impact on weight.

    Stress can increase your cravings, usually for sweet treats or high fat foods. Your brain, under stress, demands more glucose (sugar) to function properly so when you’re stressed, your body’s goes into survival mode. This starts the cycle of eating more, storing more fat, and becoming more fatigued.

    Let’s break the stress cycle!

    1. Less stress: Make time for activities that help you relax, like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

    2. Female focused nutrition: Focus on protein and minerals to keep your body happy. Eat for your cycle to help balance your hormone rhythms.

    3. Less intensity: Exercise is great, but too much can stress your body out. Find a workout routine that suits you without pushing yourself too hard.

    4. Quality Sleep: Focus on getting good sleep each night. I just did an episode on how to master your sleep if you need ideas.

    Understanding your individual needs is a game changer. This is why I love DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) testing - this includes cortisol!

    Are you in survival mode and dealing with burnout? This is your sign to pay attention to the stress in your life. Listen to the episode for all the details!

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or contact@drbethwestie.com

    Más Menos
    20 m