
  • A Battle For Acceptance - Part 2
    May 3 2022

    When you take a picture with a digital camera, most of the time, the camera’s sensor will process the pixels and all the information and then generate a file that you’re able to view on the camera right away… this file is usually a JPEG; however, most high end professional digital cameras, and even some new smartphones cameras have the ability to take a photo in a format called RAW, this is an unprocessed file containing everything the camera sensor captured…  now, one of the biggest advantages to capturing RAW is the level of control that you have over the information in post-production… RAW generally provides much broader control and creativity, and produces stunning, one-of-a-kind imagery… Now the JPEG isn’t a crappy file at all, though it also doesn’t offer the same degree of flexibility as RAW, because in short, the user gave the camera control over the file when it was captured… so that little thing your camera does before it spits out a preview… that’s the brains of the camera, eliminating what it considerers, for lack of a better term, useless information… now what’s this got to do with today's podcast… so here’s the thing... I think that this is a perfect illustration of what we are going to dive into on today's podcast.

    Have you ever thought about why it is that very few of us, you, me… we actually change very little at our core the older we get. Frightening maybe to think of this way, but it’s true… I’ve concluded this… One of the biggest reasons why this is true is because, for much of our lives, we’ve given the “camera — processing control over the information”  —  the way of life we engage every day, the expectations are written into the culture along with the status quo… form the “camera that determines — wait for it — what we look like.

    On today’s podcast, we are going to explore more of this… as we move into part two of a series of talks about a clever new word I made up — Acceptionalism —- so let’s do this…


    The outline is Here!

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    21 m
  • A Battle for Acceptance - Course Outline - Part 1
    Apr 26 2022
    The foundational truth that will be the theme throughout this course of study, is found in Pauls's letter to the Christians in Rome, in the first century. The objective of this course will be to help followers of Jesus, like myself, who struggle with various aspects of acceptance, understand the mechanics and dynamics of what's going on. We will take a thorough look at the thought processes involved, manifestations of its reality, evidence, and consequences. I want this to be practical in helping you formulate the right thought process for overcoming the ideas, squatting in your mind, taking control, and ruining your potential. The followers of Jesus were given a direct command by the Apostle Paul, (Romans 12:2) "to renew their minds." The same stand true for 21st-century followers of Jesus. This is because as with the sin nature, though we follow Christ, there is a staggering amount of the old way of thought permeating our minds and influencing our practice. It keeps us restrained and captive to poor practices. In other words, we are held back from truly knowing what God is doing in our lives, and realizing the opportunity that we have through Him. Too many followers see their faith still as something that restrains them from contentment, or the enjoyment of life. Instead of seeing our faith as an opportunity to enjoy the best of what God created us for, we see it still as a set of rules and restrictions that limit our creativity or self-expression. We feel restrained by God, rather than free. This is because the old way of thinking has never been rooted out of our lives. If we are honest about this, we still want to hold onto these old ideas. We have to understand though that ideas have consequences. The ideas we live by now, regardless of what we say we believe, are made evident by the behaviors we exhibit. This is because belief determines priority and ultimately our behavior. In other words, our habits are our identity. For so long, acceptance was my identity. Even though I wanted so badly to know God, and enjoy my relationship with him - in a real and practical way might I add - I still held on to my need to be accepted by those around me. in this, I was really revealing my true belief, that ultimately I thought that if I could feel that sense of acceptance if I could experience validation from those I respected, I would be happy. Letting go of this flawed source code took work to root out; I struggled, failed, and even experienced heartache and loss... but through the process, I've found a new purpose. Over the past few years, as a father and also professional trainer, I spend a lot of my time helping and teaching people various things that help them in their work, and also in their personal lives. I spend a great deal of time and thought nurturing these ideas in my children and pushing them to live this new source code. The battle for priority and purpose in people's lives seems to always come into conversations I have with people. Especially when it comes to relationships and the need for acceptance. It's a tough issue for young people, but it is even tougher for guys my age. This is one of the many reasons why I am thankful for my experiences. They have provided me with the connections that are necessary to help other people like myself overcome the same thing. I am not ashamed of the stories and experiences I share in these podcasts. I wear them as a badge of honor, to be counted worthy to endure and struggle with the truth to help others, in the same way, is my purpose. These things are part of my identity now. They are those things God uses to remediate the garbage in my thought process every day. Romans 5 is a huge piece of my source code for handling this issue... I'm excited to share and I hope that you will benefit from this study. Thank you for listening. Feel free to contact me and share feedback. God bless!Romans 5:1-5Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access (been accepted) by faith into this grace in which we stand, (have confidence) and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.For the complete outline of the show notes... visit the website and download the free pdf. Links:Squatters in North Carolina have rights facts sheet
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    24 m
  • Why do We Allow People So Much Control and How To Take it Back?
    Apr 15 2022
    Call it marketing or a tactic to sell you something, but all of us have been conditioned to respond to truth with a market-based mindset. In other words, how will this "_________" make me feel, improve my life, make me happier, make me better, improve my reputation... and so on, and so forth.This mindset makes us vulnerable to the idea that what people think of us if they like us or are accepting of us, is really important. So much that we will dress, talk and behave out of character simply to control what these people think of us. We do it almost instinctively too. So much of my frustrations come back to this reality. In essence, what I am doing though is yielding control of others. I'm saying what you think is so important that I will change something about myself to conform. Sounds pretty ugly when you say it like that I know, but this is what I do, what we all do. We all say we don't care what people think, but then turn around and actually do something to invoke a response from them. Worse, we telegraph to people that we are controlled by what others think every time someone is able to say or do even the slightest thing that sets us off. We become the fish and they know how to bait the hook to get us to bit. So let's say I'm on to something, how do we change this, how do we stop playing this game with ourselves and winding up frustrated, angry, and even hurt by others. In this podcast I want you to understand that change, doesn't happen through tactics and manipulation. That means you're going to have to really do some work to understand how to change this reality. This isn't just about realizing your room needs tidying up so you spend a few hours cleaning. This requires some source code changing. But we can't just erase the hard drive and start over... did you know that even when you format and erase a hard drive... the code is still there. It's just not readable the way that it was before. This is how forensic detectives solve crimes too. Cool stuff... Our minds are the same way, all that we have learned is there... it's just we have to change the way we retrieve it...and in the process of writing new code, we begin to write over the old code.The apostle Paul, a Titan of the Jesus movement in the first century... said in one of his letters to Christians in Rome, that we have to begin to "renew our minds"(Romans 12:2) in order to begin to understand God's purpose in all of this. This means we need to begin to displace poor thinking, that is, the marketing approach we use to value life, and start immersing ourselves in the truth. For you, this may mean beginning a quest to discover the truth, what is real and objectively good and right about your own life. This has the effect of then displacing those previous ideas, the things that float to the surface, and refilling us with weightier truth that provides substance and foundation.But realize, this is not easy, and it shouldn't be either. We have this thing we do and it goes like this, if it isn't easy then there is a better way - and that's not true. It may be true for taking bolts out of cylinder heads or pounding nails in 2x4s, but it's not true for learning the truth and purpose of our lives. The fact is, the process can be shocking and ugly sometimes. It's hard to embrace the truth about who we are... to realize that how we see ourselves, isn't how we really are. This is going to require tough gritty determination and also... sacrifice, which is why, for the most part, we never actually change.In order for us to truly change, something about our core has to change. James Clear in his book Atomic Habits points this out very clearly. The habits of your day-to-day life are the result of your identity, and who you are. You sing because you value singing, and that makes you a singer. You write because you derive meaning from writing, thus, you are a writer. You practice the things that you value and identify with.This very truth is hard for people, but until we truly embrace its impact, we will never truly change. All we end up doing is pointlessly trying to change an outcome by changing a tactic or doing something differently. Until we see who we are, is why we do what we do, we will never truly change. Identity is who you are, it's your purpose maybe, or your value system. So in this episode, I talk about discovering your identity in the pursuit of purpose. I share some solid ideas for why this is rational and true. I also give you some perspective on the practical way to reinforce this pursuit. Start displacing the bad ideas and start embracing the good ones, by immersing yourself in the truth.Here are some of the books and resources that I shared on the podcast today that may help you explore your own truth quest as it relates to Jesus and the Christian worldview. https://crossexamined.orghttps://coldcasechristianity.comC. S. Lewis Movie: The Most Reluctant ConvertAudio Book: Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner WallaceAndy Stanely ...
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    57 m
  • Ideas Have Consequences - So What are the Ramifications of Our Ideas, or are They Really Ours in the First Place?
    Apr 7 2022
    Purpose: What’s your general idea of purpose? How do you think about yourself in the grand scheme of things? Too many people have no clue what their purpose is? It’s scary to think that Christians actually feel this way… like they have no connection to the truth… why though? Their worldview and ideas about importance are mostly framed by those with the biggest influence. They follow Jesus in theory because he’s love, and the embodiment of kindness and compassion. It’s easy to follow this idea of Him in that way… but this is as far as people go… in fact, Christian people today are more like vampires… sucking on the blood of the truth of Jesus when they need it, but aside from that… they could care less about Him. I know this way too. I lived this way… (example of living inside the palace… do you live as close to the center as possible, or are you in the business of empire-building, pushing the boundaries and getting as close to the edge as possible while still staying inside… this is an easy thing to do. This ends up playing out something like this: we just go along to get along. Churches today are filled with people just going along. Here’s the thing… it can’t be like this… C.S. Lewis said this… Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.I believe I am created with a specific purpose, not a generic one; I’ve been given new hope through Jesus… In chapter 5 of the same letter, Paul reminds us why Jesus matter… why this purpose exist… before we were dead, because Adam, way back when… decided for the rest of us… not to follow the purpose and plan of the Creator… this then brought about massive consequences for creation… you and me… but Jesus in short, took upon Himself the consequences, and being the only acceptable means of doing so, restored me to that place where I can not once again begin to relate with my creator, through Jesus. What this all means then, is that, what Jesus thinks of me, is most important, because He made me, redeemed me, and gives me new purpose. These are not spiritual feel-good bumper sticker cliches, but the facts… this is what we need to key in on. Facts matter. So let’s be clear… purpose is real, it’s attainable, so it’s pretty safe to say that I am not here to say some verses and shout amen in church a few times. I’m not here to sing praise songs, and pass out Jesus literature… I’m here because God wants to relate to me, like Adam, who he created in the Garden… I am on purpose, and therefore, I need to bath my thinking every day in what that means; the significance of this cannot be understated… perspective comes from living in right of these facts… going along, fitting in, doing what others do… letting stronger, more clever people and personalities dictate what I do and think… this cannot be any way to live… everything that is taking place in my life is inevitably part of the plan… why would I allow what others think than to have the same influence over me… What should have influenced me is the reality of this truth… Let us rejoice in our hope and the confident assurance of [experiencing and enjoying] the glory of [our great] God [the manifestation of His excellence and power]. And not only this but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance; and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation]. Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints usLet’s look at the practical implication of this and how we should benefit from this… because we can’t ignore human nature and how we actually function… there are real scientific things taking place that keep us from living in light of the truth Paul lays out in these verses.Habit: How you compare yourself to others, what they think… things like this become the cue that creates the habit. When a person's response becomes a cue for them to behave a certain way. When the way that they feel they might need to act or conform becomes that cue for the way they will behave at that moment,  they are forming a habit matrix based on a thought process that says, “I believe that people, their responses, opinions, and perspectives towards me really matters a lot. Does this jive with Romans 5? We need to recognize what is going on here…  How do you see yourself in a room of people? Does insecurity make you act a certain way? Do you take your cue from how you feel and how someone may be looking at you? Do you have the habit of needing to appear a certain way, or be seen a certain way by people in order to have confidence? Do you create a caricature to impress people… young dudes tend to be the “funny guy” masking insecurity by knowing something clever, having a better story...
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    1 h y 10 m
  • Feeling Trapped. Being Free.
    Mar 31 2022
    We create a habit of relying on how we feel to motivate us, or cue an action, largely because we think and thus value, the idea that feelings matter. We begin to live with this belief and it produces actions and behaviors that over time, become deep-rooted habits.The idea that how we feel is something we believe to the point that it begins to take control over our mindset. We take our cues from how things make us feel, rather than how we should objectively discern and evaluate the realities present in things.This creates a type of worldview that subjects everything, everyone, and every outcome to how it makes us feel.Feeling trapped is less about being trapped and more about feeling trapped. It's not actually a reality, but more of a state of mind.So how do we get untrapped? How do we free ourselves from the control of feelings? This is not easy. (1)It requires a considerable amount of honesty. (2) it requires we start evaluating things by objective standards, not on outcomes or feelings. (3) it requires that we have to build on a perspective for life that is based on foundational principles, things that are objective, and true. (4) it takes work.So these are the rules of the game, now we need a game plan. In this episode, I am going to talk about the specific actions I take that help me stay free to focus on the mission.Here they are:Reading - things that expand your mind and make you think -- learn to relate to objectivity things that are clear and factual.Listening - to others, be quiet, and hear the wisdom from other people, find meaning in their lived experiences.Writing - writing is thinking and thinking is how we shape the ideas that become what we do, and who we are. Oscar Wilde's quote -- If you cannot write well, you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you.Get tough - being disciplined about how you think requires hard work, and if you never do the hard stuff, you will never handle hard times.and 6. plan and solve. no plan survives first contact with the enemy, so plan, by having the ability to solve problems, this is the plan.Let feelings find their place... don't ignore how something makes us feel, rather, understand the source code that creates those feelings.Conclusion: Feeling trapped, feeling free. Consider this reality, way too many people feel free when in reality, they are trapped. Feelings confirm very little about our reality, they may point us in a direction or indicate that we have a problem, but they are not the thing we should use to determine what we need to do, how to think. I've seen and been part of relationships that I thought were based on love but were nothing more than the feeling and emotions, which I'd spent years validating, that was driving me to make certain choices.Reality is best lived in light of the truth, regardless of how those truths make me feel. I can't live the lies that I tell myself to feel good about something I don't want to face or accept, any more than I should validate my life based on the bad feeling that I may experience.I tend to feel trapped when I lose sight of the things that matter, the truths I believe in, and the purpose for why I am alive. When I get to this point, I find that sometimes I have to go primal... I need fast, something basic, just cleanse my head and force my mind to focus on the basic concept of self-denial. This is a reset. Helps me get grounded and rethink, and get on track... again. The less I focus on purpose, the less I practice these 7 good habits, the more likely I am to feel trapped. We don't forsake truth rationally, instead, we do it emotionally, when we chose to replace the truth with something that feels good, is easy, and provides us a certain amount of rest and comfort from the hard things living a truth-based life can bring. The truth is what I need to keep me grounded. It's okay to feel things. It's okay to feel broken, weak, frustrated, incapable, angry, sad, or guilty. Sometimes those feeling are necessary to make us recognize something. The thing that makes bravery so powerful is the fear that has to be overcome to exercise that bravery... but bravery only happens when we understand its foundational nature and see it as the right thing to do regardless of feelings. I have to keep my eyes focused on these realities. I think that's what works for me and works for you. Truth has to be the foundation, the focus to stay on the path. This is a constant mission, not a milestone, but a process...I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God...
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    54 m
  • Expanding the Heavy Duty Mike Podcast
    Mar 24 2022

    When I started the Heavy Duty Mike podcast in May of 2021, my mission was simple: I wanted to assist those entering the heavy-duty diesel and automotive trades, something I have done for a living for nearly 15 years, and help them find deeper meaning and purpose. more early on in their careers.

    Stop waiting until everything is messed up to get with this stuff, right? I mean, people gotta stop being too cool to listen to good wisdom — worse, stop thinking that this way of thought is somehow inferior, or a soul-crushing, less fulfilling means of living — it’s not! In short, I started to talk about my own personal growth journey through these realities. There is nothing wrong with choosing the path of character and virtue above all else, and certainly, nothing messed up about searching for meaning through faith in God and His Way.

    So I got after it and as I began to talk, I started realizing that this message isn’t just for dudes in my industry, but, it’s relevant to everyone, regardless of gender, job, trade, or vocation. I frequently found people, not in my target audience, telling me they listen to my podcast because it reminds them of how people used to think about being adults, you know, 30 years ago? I guess I have to agree with that too. I mean it’s totally true too. When I began to think about the implications of that statement, it became clear — so much is missing in our culture related to living a meaningful and purposeful life. 

    To put this into perspective; it’s like ignoring the instructions to putting together the 4016 piece Lego Death Star from Star Wars without the 300+ page set of build instructions. I mean, come on, the instructions are the source code for unlocking the joy of playing with the Death Star.

    But way too many people never get there. Instead, they get content playing with the pieces. It’s fun for them, easy, and instantly brings satisfaction. Others like me, get busy thinking they know how to put this thing together with their own set of instructions. That was me. Whatever the reason, just having a “good time” using the bricks to make cool things is enough. Here’s the thing though, whatever amount of fun or pleasure playing with grey lego bricks has for us at that moment… it does not compare to the satisfaction of playing with the completed Imperial Death Star. Besides, you paid a ridiculous amount of your hard-earned income for this thing right, why are you going to use it this way… right? No one does this!

    Now the real sobering truth about our very day-to-day existence is that we do this all the time with life. Think about it, we rarely slow down enough to actually think about what we are doing. The consequences of our actions don’t really matter to us much either. We are not stupid, and we avoid doing totally dumb stuff, but for the most part, if it’s not hurting anyone, and it’s fun, we will find a way to justify doing it.

    We ignore too much of the source code built into the world telling us how we should live. It hides in plain sight, the evidence points to purpose. For whatever reason, we ignore the need to look introspectively into all of these ideas. Instead of learning and investigating the principles of life, faith, and character to avoid some sort of judgment or some bad experience; you need to learn to embrace these things as the secrets treasure to a vastly new experience, one we were meant to know and enjoy. Opportunities that are beyond the horizon of your life, right now, will stay out of reach without this kind of relationship to the truth.

    When I look at previous periods and versions of myself, I realize one thing right away, like so many today, I had a terrible grasp on these realities, until it was usually too late; the epicenter, where the truth meets collides with the reality of our day to day life is right where we will be on this podcast. Faith, Family, Relationship, Leadership, Discipline, Confrontation, Depression, Anxiety, Potential, Career Advice, Overcoming Adversity, Virtue, Character and the qualities that make for the best human experience are what we are talking about, just to a broader audience now.



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    34 m
  • Rules For Upending Your Addiction to A Meaningless Existence
    Mar 11 2022

    I've said this before, there is little that's easy about doing the work of a mechanic; this trade is tough, and sometimes I do wonder why people who have never done an honest day's work in their life are doing it. It doesn't make sense. Still, there are those people who do it, who just can't seem to break free from being told that this is the way it is. There are people waiting for others to make opportunities happen for them. People who are scared of doing something hard, or trying to be better at life. I think a lot of guys, are afraid of what others will think of them. The truth is, it shouldn't matter, but it does.

    So how do we break out of this cycle that lands us in a world of accepting mediocrity as being good enough? 

    Here are seven rules that I've discovered are really true about the world around me. These are not things I made up, or put together, rather, they are things that have come to light, things I have begun to observe as my vision about the way God has made the world work start to come into focus.

    1. Always understand this - adversity is often the best path; the obstacle to progress should be seen as the path to something better, not always a mistake. The road less traveled is perilous, but worth every step. Broad is the way that leads to destruction, but narrow is the path that leads to life - few find this path worth the effort too. (Matthew 7:13-14)
    2. Good things require a good plan — This is preparation - don’t follow a dream, rather, build your life from a well-rehearsed blueprint; stop riding shotgun through life. Stop living like your on a Sunday drive through the countryside too. a good life requires the right kind of execution, and this my friend requires thoughtful preparation.
    3. Learn how to become a problem solver — Understand the principles, learn how to be detailed and perceptive to how situations in life work, and apply practical truth and wisdom to life.
    4. Be patient... Don’t be afraid to wait, re-think and the-trace what needs to be done! Pressing pause is not the same as quitting. Being prudent, rushing into something, or doing something because it just feels right is too often a mistake.
    5. Be humble - in other words, learn to be a learner. Seek wisdom and advice and be willing to be wrong, not know, or just listen!
    6. Set a reasonable goal, set a time, and get after it! 
    7. Start every day evaluating your purpose - ask why? If money, freedom, or time are the main motivations for doing what you do -you will never make enough money, gain enough freedom, or have enough time… find a real purpose that makes you, those around you, and your family better. "The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away." ~ Marcus Aurelius
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    36 m
  • How I Created a Legendary Status Quo Existence.
    Mar 9 2022

    Here's the deal, I created a legendary status quo existence that left me with nothing to be proud of, nothing in the bank, and nothing but empty promises that I told myself could never happen unless someone helped me...

    I found myself in a place of mediocrity and self-loathing, and I wasn't even trying to get there. It just happened. So I ask you the same question I asked myself 15 years ago... Why do we struggle to realize how important the pursuit of our potential is, or personal growth is to our future. How vital it is to everything we want right now? Why do we settle for the basics? 

    Why is getting by, or just going along okay?

    Whether it’s looking to improve and grow or ascend the ladder of success in the hierarchy of your business; maybe moving up, taking on new responsibility, or even reaching that point where you want to step out and be the master of your own domain… why do we simply refuse to make the move?

    I have the answers for myself, and maybe you too share some of these with me. There are not so many reasons, rather, they are summation statements that define who I am. They reveal what I valued, and they determined my future, regardless of my own choice in the matter.

    • they don’t have a practical plan for real success, instead, they have an idea, some passion, and a little know-how… so then dreams never really materialize, or, when they do, they don’t seem to get off the ground.
    • people are Risk-averse because they are afraid to fail.. dealing with disappointment or failure is less about failure and risk, and more about reputation and what people think of you.
    • pressure to meet other people's expectations. People are more motivated to do things based on what others are doing, instead of what they need to be doing. - in fact, much of the motivation for the way people live their lives is the result of a system that has made them think as they do. — groupthink.
    • people don’t have staying power, they lack the ability to see something through…
    • it’s easier to work just get by… the path of least resistance

    In the next episode, I will tell you how I overcame these defining habits of character and how I think you can as well.

    Remember, you can listen, read and watch great content by checking out my recommendations at the foundry @ heavydutymike.com

    This is a great place to find great things to listen to that will keep your mind sharp and help you facilitate your own personal growth. The foundry is like that best friend that tells you all the best things to read, watch and see, and whose recommendations you trust. This is what the Foundry at HeavyDutyMike.com is all about.

    Take a minute to visit me on social media:




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