
  • Episode 50 – I am What I am!
    Aug 24 2021
     'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    I am what I am is a feeling that you should develop in life to live in total well-being. In life, everything is an experience and you must not hold on to anything as holding on will create suffocation.
    Like breathing, everything should pass. Allow yourself to sense them and let them pass.
    You create everything, your thoughts, memories, well-being, pains, and pressures.
    You make your thoughts and then thoughts shape you – then why not make better thoughts every time. Do not hold on to a few thoughts. Make sure your confusions and disagreements are checked for validity and ensure you form insights and affirmation through your thoughts.
    You are an infinite being and have the power to create whatever you want within your capacity. When considering the infinite possibilities, never overburden yourself by over-thinking and over-actions.
    Possibilities are endless, your capabilities are limitless, but your capacity to take pressure has limits which must be clear to you so that you will not over-pressure yourself.
    Well-being is a state of mind and you are responsible for your well-being. Mental well-being is above all wellbeing. Make sure that you don’t overexert yourself in your journey towards success. What you need is a comfortable life with total well-being and not an extravagant life with stress. Realise what are the absolute need of your life and set realistic boundaries for your life which will make you happy and create your life well-being.
    Have a deeper understanding of who you are, what you are and how you are at any given life events or circumstances. Balance yourself during various circumstances by asserting yourself and regulate with the given life situations. Make sure you don’t fall for anything or anyone. Then only you can say I am What I am.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Episode 49 – The Purpose of Life!
    Jul 26 2021
     'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    What is the purpose of your life? Have you ever asked such a question anytime in your life? Even though it is a fundamental question that needs to be answered by everyone, unfortunately, many are confused and unable to find a definite answer.
    I have asked all my clients during personal grooming sessions to answer the purpose questions. I have received answers like:- to achieve my dream, to help others, make my parents happy, and some say the purpose will be different to different people.
    In fact, I have been searching for an appropriate answer to this question since I was 15 years old. Only recently, I could find a meaningful answer to the purpose question and that is ‘the purpose of life is to develop all your capabilities and grow up to your maximum capacities’. Each one of us has different talents, abilities and skills. We have different dreams and goals to achieve. We need to achieve them during our life on this planet earth. In fact, there are only two events that are certain in your life, you are born and you will die. It is the time between these two events you have to achieve the purpose of your life.
    You need to learn and develop all your capabilities and achieve your maximum capacity during your lifetime. That is how you can lead a productive, happy life.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Episode 48 – Being a Pragmatic Person
    Jul 18 2021
     'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    Your mind is an amazing machine that works on your commands. Your mind needs specifics, clarity and closure. If you don’t provide these, your mind will disturb you until it gets it from you. You may be able to keep it quiet for some time, but it will keep asking until it gets definite answers from you.
    You may have many wishes in your life – people create wish list or bucket lists. Wishes are feeling based.
    Some of you have wants in your lives – the wants list is more stubborn in nature – wants are attitude-based – a strong or stubborn attitude.
    People have hopes – hopes give motivation for many to live. Hope is belief-based.
    To achieve your wishes, wants and hope, you need to do some actions. When your wishes, wants and hopes are connected with actions, it becomes pragmatic. 
    Pragmatism is any belief that can be turned into actions and achieve or prove through actions is true, or else it is false.
    What we need is pragmatism, not just wishes, wants or hopes. Be a pragmatic person in life so that you will prove your worth through your focused actions to achieve your defined goals in life.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Episode 47 – Victim Blaming
    Jul 12 2021
    'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    Everyone knows how damaging it was to live as a victim of any abuse such as domestic abuse or sexual or social or workplace abuse. Everyone blames the victim for staying in a relationship or being a victim.
    They ask the victim if the torture was obvious, then why didn’t you seek help or why didn’t you make the noise in the beginning? Why are you making it a big deal now? Where were you until this time? It was only now you realised you had been abused.
    Here is common prejudice against the victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, such as the victims and abusers knew each other prior to the abuse happen. And therefore, the perception is that the victims are in any way responsible for the actions of offenders.
    The truth is that anyone can be a victim of manipulation and victim-blaming
    Victim blaming includes: she was asking for it," said of a victim of violence or sexual assault. Disbelieving the victim's story, minimizing the severity of the attack, making comments such as how shameful it is to be in such a state or you are not strong or assertive.
    How could you get into such trouble? You are an intelligent person and we never expected something like this from you.
    The victim-blaming scares the victim more than the abuse and it silences the victim
    The silence of the victim is the catalyst for the abuser.
    We need to understand that we all become victims at one point of time or a period of time in our life. When we are vulnerable and weak, we become victims.
    You need to have an empathetic heart and an empathetic ear to hear and support the victims.
    Develop a non-judgmental attitude and unconditional positive regard to all.
    Let us make an environment where victims are confident to present their issues confidently to their loved ones.
    When victims get the confidence of not being blamed or accused of things wrongly happened to them, they will take the courage to share their issues and seek proper help.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Episode 46 – Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
    Jun 13 2021
    'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    Self-confidence and self-esteem are the two common words that are very dear to us and some of you take coaching to develop these. These are the two key feelings of a successful person. These are the two qualities that lead to success.
    Yes, these are your feelings – Self-esteem is your feeling of accomplishment when you achieve something in life. You will have a feeling that I am somebody in the given life context. Self-confidence is your belief in the things that you have not seen. You will have the trust in your abilities to achieve what you believe is there somewhere in this universe and you will be able to achieve it. You will set your SMART goals and will have unwavering faith in your abilities. It is the I can and I will attitude. You will be determined to achieve your goals, will have commitment and dedication in every focused, strong action you perform.
    There are three levels of self-confidence: low confidence – you trust the universe more than your own abilities and talents. Overconfidence – you trust more in your abilities and talents than the universe. High confidence is what you need where you put your trust equally in yourself and the universe. To have high confidence, you should trust yourself, do the necessary actions, and trust the universe to get the desired result.
    When you achieve your goal, you will boost your self-esteem. To develop your confidence and self-esteem, you need a compelling SMART goal, determination, commitment, dedication and strong action, a strong belief in the unseen, trust in yourself and the universe. This is how you develop and maintain a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Episode 45 – Seeking Happiness
    Jun 5 2021
    'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    We, humans, are happiness seekers and many mistake pleasure for happiness. The difference is: happiness is generated from within – created by a well-accomplished action and pleasure is created from external factors or others. Pleasure is more physical and happiness is more mental or divine in nature. Happiness comes from rewarding actions and pleasure comes from pleasurable actions.
    Happiness happens only from productivity; in productivity, there is some sort of reward, but in pleasure, there is no reward, only feelings. Pleasure is to please your senses and productivity can cause you pain. The rewards that come from your productivity can give you both pleasure and happiness. Rewards give you credibility. Productivity helps in your growth and development. It will give you knowledge and expertise, which leads to maturity. Every productive task will lead you to another productive opportunity.  
    If you think you can be happy and rejoice if all your needs are met without your hard work, then you have been mistaken. My experience with people taught me that there is only one thing that gives you happiness: your productivity and credibility. That is why most rich people do continuous hard work or engage themselves in charity work eventhogh they can access every pleasure. They do it because they want to be happy, as happiness comes when you create value for yourself and others.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Episode 44 – Cocoon Yourself for Success!
    May 30 2021
     'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    Cocoon yourself for success is one of the insights from my book ‘Design your life to build a legacy.’
    Do you want to fly high in the success world?  Then you should allow yourself to go through the life transformation process like a butterfly.  Be a larva and cocoon first – then be a butterfly!
    Up to age 30, you are a larva- eating everything, experiencing life, putting yourself into all sorts of experiences and hardships. Between ages 30 – 35, you are a pupa – typically in your cocoon stage – you will go through painful processes where your transformation happens with a paradigm shift. Once the cocoon state is successfully completed, you will come out with your wings to fly.
    The strength of your wings depends on the experiences you gained and the actions you did during the larva and cocoon stage. The nourishment from your experience and the application of essential learning will give ample strength to your mind’s wings.  The altitude of your flight depends on the strength of your wings. Therefore it is vital to make you go through various tough and bitter experiences in life. Put yourself into trial to strengthen your inner self.
    The cocoon stage is the most challenging one.  If you are dependent on others or parental figures at this stage, the chances are that you form weak wings. Subsequently, you may not be able to even take off from your current state.
    You can have proper mentors and coaches to support you at the cocoon stage for strengthening your wings with appropriate skills. Ensure that you go through the larva to butterfly process to build your strong wings and fly high in life.
     Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Episode 43 – Love is a hype word and Hate is a hate word
    May 22 2021
     'The Hidden Power,' Host Dr Susan Koruthu
    Everyone loves to talk about love, but no one likes to talk about hatred.
    Love is a word that is one of the most spoken words in the world. Everyone wants love and no one wants hatred, but the reality is without understanding hatred, you cannot understand love.
    To know love, you should know hatred. There are many shades for love, but hate has only one shade. Love has many purposes, but hatred has only one purpose. Love has many dimensions and hatred also has many dimensions, but it doesn't get manifested easily. Love is socially accepted; hatred is not. Love is always respected; hatred is not. Love is welcomed; hatred is not. Many books are written on love, but I have not heard any book written on hatred. Love can lead to hatred but hatred turning in to love is not easy.
    Once you love a person, there is a possibility to hate that person easily, but if you hate a person, you find it difficult to love that person. Hate and love are two different emotions, but then why love has given the hype.
    If anything is given the hype, people tend to fake it. It is the same with sins; you hype too much about sins and people tend to fake a sinless life. You make hype about doing only the right things and never talk about the wrong people tend to fake right behaviour.
     You can see much fake love around you but no fake hatred. In that case, hatred is pure than love. Pure love is a rare phenomenon. But pure hatred is not.
    The best way to make a balance is not to give any hype to any particular emotions. If people were allowed to talk about hatred and learned skills to manage or express hatred in the right manner, they would not have faked their love covering hatred. There would not have been cheatings and manipulations this much.
    As humans, we all experience different emotions and we must understand and accept the nature and the affect of these emotions in our lives. Learn the skills to manage and express them right. Then you will never require faking to anyone or anywhere.
    Dr Susan Koruthu is a multifaceted life psychologist and mind wellness coach, and author who helps build healthy and successful lives. Through her 'The Hidden Power' podcasts, she gives you insights into various vital areas of life and creates a magnificent life of your choice.
    The Hidden Power podcasts will make your personal transformation easy and flawless. Listen to it often to empower your life.
    May God bless us all!
    Más Menos
    10 m