
  • How To (Skillfully) Love Food – In Session with Marc David
    Jul 10 2024

    Many of us struggle with emotional eating. And that’s because food is a reliable way to manage our unwanted emotions. Think: Bored. Stressed. Lonely. Angry. Anxious.

    When we’re experiencing difficult emotions, it’s natural to turn to food.

    But here’s something that’s also common: some of us label ourselves as emotional eaters, when that’s not actually the case.

    For some of us, something else altogether is going on:

    We just LOVE food. A lot.

    The truth is, some of us love food so much that we don’t know how to contain ourselves.

    We overdo it because we love it so much. In the midst of our food love affair, it seems we can lose our ability to manage how much food we eat.

    So it’s not so much that we have a “problem” with food – instead, we love it so much that we can easily go overboard.

    If this sounds familiar, this episode will really hit home.

    Marc David coaches 35-year old guest client, Romana, who has long assumed that she’s an emotional eater. In an effort to put an end to her ‘emotional eating,’ Romana wonders: how can she only eat when she’s hungry? What does she need to do to control herself? And why does she go against her own wishes when it comes to how much she eats?

    But in the course of their session, Marc helps Romana recognize that her challenge is a bit different from what she imagines it to be.

    What Romana believes is her “food issue” is actually just a deep love and excitement for food.

    So how does Romana and the rest of us love food, without overdoing it?

    By owning, honoring, and embracing that love.

    And also learning that loving food in a good way – in a way that supports our body, mind, and soul – means we must cultivate some real SKILL. The truth is, most of us who struggle with emotional eating and overeating simply haven’t learned key skills around eating and pleasure.

    So in this episode, you’ll hear Marc explore:

    💟 Why embracing our inner Hedonist archetype is hard for so many of us to do – but why it’s so important to overcome emotional eating & overeating.

    💟 How to experience pleasure wisely.

    💟 Learning to “embody” with food – and recognize the signs of “checking out” when eating.

    💟 How to slow down with food and allow your nervous system to register pleasure.

    💟 Transforming excitement with food into fulfillment with food.

    💟 How to ground yourself when you eat.

    This positive and uplifting episode is a powerful reminder that our love for food is both natural and beautiful. Through embracing that love, we can find the nourishment and connection with food that is our human birthright.


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #emotionaleating #emotionaleater #overeating #pleasure #hedonist #loveaffair #nourishment #relationshipwithfood #foodpsychology #podcast #marcdavid

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Does Your Body Suffer From Absentee Parent Syndrome? – In Session with Marc David
    Jun 26 2024
    For those of us who struggle with weight, are in a battle with food, or who have ongoing anxiety around eating, it’s no secret that these unwanted food and body challenges can have a myriad of possible causes. Well, one of the more overlooked causes is something that many of us experienced when we were young: ➡️ Having an absentee parent. This can mean: 👉 A parent who was never there, or was seldom there, or who came into and out of life in an erratic way. 👉 A parent who was around, but was emotionally absent and didn’t really show up for us in a meaningful way. 👉 Spending time in foster care, or being under the care of different relatives or friends because our parents were somehow unable to consistently parent us. So how can having an absentee parent impact our relationship with food, body and weight? When a child has an absentee parent, they experience that absence as a lack of love. The child thinks, “If my mother or father isn’t communicating love and acceptance in a way that really lands for me, then something must be truly wrong with me. So I have to do something to be more lovable.” The child might become a people pleaser, or become obsessed with winning approval. And for many young people, they eventually turn to their body to win that approval. “If I can weigh the right amount and eat the right food and have the ideal body, then I will be lovable.” And so begins a life of dieting, food restriction, binge eating, emotional eating, and a constant battle with food. 💔 This is exactly what Marc David’s guest coaching client, Maxine, has been experiencing for decades – and that she explores with Marc in this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast. Maxine, age 58, was placed in foster care for 5 years at a young age. She loved her mother deeply, and couldn’t understand why her mother gave her away. She wondered how she could possibly be lovable if her own mother gave her away? How does a child make sense of their world when the person who brought them into it has abandoned them? That’s what Maxine has been grappling with throughout her adulthood, even as she’s raised 4 amazing kids of her own. What Maxine hasn’t quite connected is how her mother’s abandonment has affected her relentless battle with food – including daily binge eating, weight, food anxiety, and harsh judgment towards her body. So how ARE they connected? Is there something Maxine can uncover in the relationship with her mother that will shine light on why she’s struggled with food and body for so long? And if so, how can Maxine begin to find healing from absentee parenting syndrome – and allow that to transform her relationship with herself and her body? Episode highlights: 🌟 How our relationship – or lack thereof – with our parents can mirror our relationship with food and body. 🌟 The ways that absentee parent syndrome can cause us to reject and abandon ourselves later in life. 🌟 How to spark self-love when we never got that from our parents. 🌟 Healing our relationship with our parents when they’re no longer alive. 🌟 Why letting go of “longing for” a different body is so important to maturing into our Royal Archetype, and how we can begin to embrace ourselves, as we are. For those of us whose parents were not able to be there for us, Marc has an important message – and one we hope you won’t miss! Be sure to tune into this heartwarming, life-affirming episode… --------------- Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/ Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/ Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food. Follow us on social: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/ - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych #bingeeatingrecovery #weight #bodyimage #overeating #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #reparenting #relationshipwithyourbody #radicalselflove #eatingpychology
    Más Menos
    51 m
  • The Soul’s Call to Release Our Health Anxieties – In Session with Marc David
    Jun 12 2024

    Ever hear the phrase “health is wealth?”

    For many people, we don’t quite recognize how valuable our health is until we find illness or injury knocking.

    Enjoying robust health is truly the foundation of a happy, fulfilled, and connected life.

    But it’s also true that worrying about our health, or being vigilant about every aspect of our diet and lifestyle, can actually take us in the opposite direction of vitality – as Marc David explores with 53-year old Daniela.

    Daniela’s health anxieties – like many people – were born at a young age.

    As a child, Daniela had always thought she was pretty – gorgeous, even. But at the age of 15, her father told her she was overweight, and in that single instant, her whole world flipped. She began to have constant intrusive thoughts that she was fat, and that something was wrong with her – something that she just had to figure out how to fix.

    Now almost 40 years later, Daniela has endured a series of serious health challenges: a pituitary tumor, thyroid dysfunction, knee surgery, and more.

    The more health challenges that develop, the more she worries.

    And her doctors do little to alleviate her concerns – with all their talk of visceral fat, and cholesterol, and how important it is to lose weight.

    Daniela’s life feels like it’s constricting around her.

    She’s tired of the decades of yo-yo dieting. She just wants to eat food that nourishes her, be at a moderate weight, and enjoy a healthy life.

    But she can’t escape the feeling that her body is against her.

    So in this session, Marc helps Daniela see her story and her relationship with her body from a different perspective: that of her soul.

    Because it’s Daniela’s soul that is calling out for a different kind of life: one where she can stop fighting herself and instead embrace the precious life she has the opportunity to live.

    If you’re like Daniela, caught in worries about whether your health and weight is on the right track, be sure to tune into this episode!

    You’ll hear:

    ✅ A much-needed wake up call for why it’s time to surrender and let go.

    ✅ 5 key steps Marc shares for how we can release our health anxieties.

    ✅ How our metabolic capacity is connected to our personal power.

    ✅ A soulful exploration of our collective beliefs around weight and lovability.


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #weight #health #healthanxiety #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #mindbodynutrition #marcdavid

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Why You Gain Weight After Losing It & What To Do – In Session with Marc David
    May 29 2024

    A surprising fact about the weight loss universe is that despite so many built-in difficulties, plenty of people have success. So often, we DO actually lose the weight, we hit our target number - or come close to it, we celebrate, we feel good, we fit into our clothes, and life is finally great. We did it.

    But then, something happens.

    Somehow, the weight we lost finds its way back home.

    Our efforts worked, but only for a brief time.

    If this sounds at all familiar to you, you’ve probably asked the question, “Why does the weight come back on? And what can I do to ensure that this unwanted result never happens again?”

    This is exactly what you’ll find answers to in this episode.

    Marc works with Liz, age 54, a mother of four who’s looking to lose about 40 pounds. The good news is, Liz has lost the weight before. The bad news is, it came back.

    So on the one hand, Liz knows what to do, but on the other hand, she knows that what she does doesn’t last.

    Marc helps Liz see that the weight comes back on for one very common reason:

    She FORCED her body into weight loss.

    If we have to go to extremes to lose weight, if we need to artificially push the body, deny it any pleasure, demand that it go hungry, follow a super strict diet, and devote all of our mental, emotional and physical energy into weight loss - then, well… we’re going to rebound.

    In fact, it’s predictable.

    So, the key to making sure that the weight we lose doesn’t come back on is to make sure that the WAY we lose it isn’t forced.

    Tune in as Marc helps Liz see that success with sustainable weight loss means:

    ✅ Practicing mindful eating rather than willful eating.

    ✅ Listening to her body rather than overriding it.

    ✅ Finding the middle ground with food instead of being “all or nothing.”

    ✅ And nourishing her body rather than punishing it.

    If you’re interested in the kind of weight loss that’s more relaxed and truly lifelong, then you won’t want to miss this session!


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #weight #weightlossjourney #chronicdieting #foodfreedom #mindfuleating #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #holisticnutrition #marcdavid

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm – In Session with Marc David
    May 15 2024

    When it comes to nutrition and health, there can be a lot to worry about:

    ✴️ How do I control my desires and avoid the foods that are bad for me?

    ✴️ How can I eat to successfully lose weight?

    ✴️ How do I stop sabotaging myself?

    ✴️ And can I stick to a good nutritional program for the sake of my health?

    If you find yourself having multiple worries around food, weight or health, you’re not alone. So many of us sincerely want to get things “right.”

    But it can often seem like an impossible task. Our worries tend to get the best of us. They persist, and they’re happy to follow us everywhere.

    Ultimately, our job is to learn how to find inner peace and calm in the nutritional storm.

    And that’s exactly what you’ll learn about in this episode.

    Tune in as Marc David works with Kesia, a mother of five who has multiple food and body concerns on her mind. Marc helps Kesia begin to let go of worry by showing her the very place where those worries are coming from:

    ➡️ Her beliefs.

    Kesia knows quite a bit about nutrition and health. She’s an acupuncturist who’s committed to helping others. And like so many of us who’ve learned a thing or two about what to eat, Kesia has some hard and fast rules:

    ✅ She believes that gluten and dairy should be avoided.

    ✅ She’s convinced that she must lose 5 kilos so she can be healthy.

    ✅ She’s certain that she needs to follow her own food rules perfectly.

    ✅ She wants her children to eat the same way she does.

    ✅ And she tells herself that her diet must guarantee her good health.

    The challenge is though, life isn’t always so neat and tidy. Kesia finds herself eating gluten and dairy as “reward” foods. She knows her kids will rebel if she eliminates these foods. And she finds herself worrying about her own long term health.

    The good news is, Kesia – and the rest of us – don’t have to be plagued by nutritional beliefs that cause us to worry and fret.

    As you’ll hear, Marc helps Kesia unravel her beliefs one-by-one, while helping all of us understand how we can apply his strategies to our own life.

    So be sure to tune into this episode, where Marc empowers all of us to discover how to create a nourishing relationship with food – minus the worrying, obsessing, and perfectionism!


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #nutrition #nutritionist #healthyeating #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #anxiety #perfectionism #selfsabotage #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #psychologyofeating #marcdavid

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Which Voice Should You Listen To: Change Your Body, or Embrace It? – In Session with Marc David
    May 1 2024

    Chances are, you’ve had the experience of hearing conflicting voices in your head when it comes to food and body.

    One part of us can clearly say: “I absolutely must lose weight.”

    While another part of us can simultaneously whisper: “I’m tired of dieting. Maybe I should just give up and love my body as it is.”

    And from here, an inner conflict unfolds.

    On the one hand, we can find ourselves motivated to stick to a diet, get to the gym, and do everything we can to control our appetite. After all, we know how much happier we’ll be when we hit our weight loss number.

    But another part of ourselves can feel uncomfortable with making our happiness contingent on how we look. After all, shouldn’t the goal be to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, no matter what?

    This question of whether you should change your body – or embrace it – is something many of us are struggling to answer – and that Marc David takes on in this episode.

    Marc works with James, 52, who has long wanted the body of his dreams: trim, fit and muscular like a lifeguard.

    It’s a bucket list kind of wish, a goal that James knows will make him feel a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. He’s even reached his dream goal several times, and has loved the feeling of having a fit, sculpted body.

    But James is torn, because another voice inside just wants to love his body as it is right now, and feel like he’s good enough without the need to change anything.

    So, with all these conflicting voices living inside of his head, what should James do?

    Tune in to hear Marc help James discover a way through the paradoxical journey of learning to love oneself amidst the desire to have a certain body. They explore topics of weight loss, body acceptance, emotional eating, and the path to greater self-love.

    Episode highlights:

    ✅ The unexpected ways our inner critic can drive emotional eating, and weight challenges.

    ✅ Why we withhold self-love, and how to turn this around.

    ✅ Unwinding the negative belief that you can’t have the life you want until you have the ideal body.

    ✅ Keys to satisfying the needs of our various inner archetypes, or “voices.”

    ✅ And much more…

    This is a powerful session that explores the many voices or archetypes that live inside of us, and how to empower these voices to become our best allies.


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #bodyimage #weight #bodypositivity #bodyacceptance #bodyliberation #foodfreedom #dieting #emotionaleating #selflovejourney #eatingpsychology

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Body Image Triggers: Where They Come From & How To Find Healing – In Session with Marc David
    Apr 17 2024

    Picture this:

    You’re trucking along your day – everything’s going pretty well, when BOOM:

    You see a picture of yourself, and you’re instantly triggered.

    “Is that really what I look like?” you ask yourself.

    You can’t believe your appearance. Maybe it’s extra weight, or the shape of your hips or stomach.

    But whatever it is – you feel your heart start to sink, and a crushing sadness races in.

    Before you know it, you’re spiraling into that incorporeal place made famous on Netflix’s acclaimed series.

    (And let’s just say, it’s not “The Good Place.”)

    Sound familiar?

    Most of us have had the disconcerting experience of getting triggered around our weight or appearance. So in this episode, we take a special look at body image triggers, where they come from, and how to begin healing them.

    You’ll hear Marc David work with 41-year old Jen on her triggers with weight and body image.

    While Jen is hungering for weight loss – she’d love to lose around 40 pounds – she comes to realize in working with Marc that there’s something she’d like even more:

    Being able to love and stand by herself, even if she’s not yet at her goal weight.

    Because Jen’s body image triggers have been preventing her from so many things, such as:

    • Taking photos of herself with loved ones.

    • Role modeling a healthy body image to her daughters.

    • Feeling confident in her own skin.

    • Living in a state of freedom and joy.

    Tired of feeling sad, afraid, and anxious about her weight, Jen is ready for a big shift … even if she’s confused about how to get there.

    While her wisdom, self-kindness, and high values have served her well so far, her body image triggers are clearly still blocking the way.

    But one thing she’s clear about? It’s time to break the door down.

    Nothing is going to stop Jen from doing the inner work she needs to do, so she can finally embrace herself – and the life she so deserves.

    Listen in as Marc shares:

    • How to understand the root causes behind your weight and body image triggers.

    • Reframing the core negative beliefs and old traumas that are often at the root of body image challenges.

    • How to recognize and shift how you speak to yourself about your body.

    • A powerful exercise for learning to embrace your appearance.

    • And much more…

    Don’t miss this remarkable eating psychology coaching session, where Marc lays out the path for all of us who are ready to release our body image triggers, and discover just how good life can be on the other side.


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/

    - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #bodyimage #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodyneutrality #selfimprovement #selfawareness #selflove #weight #weightloss #dieting #psychologyofeating

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Emotional Eating & The Mother-Daughter Connection – In Session with Marc David
    Apr 3 2024

    Managing emotions with food, otherwise known as emotional eating, is something that humans have been doing for millenia. And the reason is simple: when we eat, we reliably feel better – no matter how fleeting those “feel-good” feelings may be.

    While many people intuitively understand that emotions play a key role in our eating habits, it can often be a lot harder to understand the emotions themselves.

    The truth is, our inner emotional world is fantastically complex, and influences our relationship with food in so many diverse and fascinating ways.

    Which brings us to guest coaching client Beverley, 70, whose deepest desire is to understand the “dark places” inside herself that drive her to food – and to finally bring healing to the challenging emotions she’s been feeling for over 50 years.

    As Beverley shares with Marc David, she’s never really been able to understand her negative feelings, where they came from, or why she has them.

    Beverley reflects that she’s had an “amazing life,” with so many blessings. She’s developed a fulfilling career as a theater director, helping young people develop their skills and confidence as an actor. She raised four incredible children of her own, and was, herself, born to a remarkable mother who always inspired and supported her.

    And it’s this latter feature of Beverley’s life – her special bond with her mother – that is especially interesting.

    As Marc explores with Beverley, her love for her mother runs so deep, and a very real part of her – her Child Archetype, doesn’t seem to want to let go. Even though Beverley’s mom has long since passed away, a part of Beverley still wants to be her mother’s daughter.

    Her uncanny way of staying connected with her mom is by continuing to engage in a behavior – emotional eating – that she knows her mom would have always encouraged and supported her to not judge herself for. By turning to food and being childlike when it comes to soothing her emotions with eating, Beverley has found a way to symbolically stay connected to her mother.

    As Marc reflects, sometimes our “dark places” aren’t actually what they seem. They aren’t actually dark, or sinister, or even flawed.

    They’re just young parts of ourselves that hold onto a pattern out of fear of letting go of something – or someone – we love.

    So be sure to tune into this powerful, wise, and heartfelt session that highlights the mother-daughter connection when it comes to food, and how we can continue to learn, grow and transform at any age in life.

    Episode highlights:

    ✅ Why “going dark” with food isn’t always what it seems.

    ✅ Key transformational tools to bring consciousness to your own unique relationship with food.

    ✅ Why overcoming emotional eating often requires us to “graduate” from our parents house.

    ✅ Learning to see yourself as equal to your parents – and why that matters when it comes to food.

    ✅ How to forgive yourself around food and emotional eating.

    ✅ And much more!


    Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/

    Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

    Follow us on social:

    • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/
    • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

    #emotionaleating #emotionaleatingjourney #relationshipwithfood #wisdom #innerchild #childarchetype #selflovejourney #selfsoothing #bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #elder #holisticnutrition

    Más Menos
    41 m