
  • "Real Estate Success Secrets: Strategies Every Agent Needs (Chris Prefontaine and Jerome Lewis)
    Jul 16 2024
    Real Estate Success Secrets: Strategies Every Agent Needs with Chris Prefontaine

    In this episode of the Real Estate Marketing Podcast, Jerome Lewis interviews Chris Prefontaine, a three-time bestselling author and founder of Smart Real Estate Coach. Chris shares his extensive knowledge and experience in real estate, discussing strategies for buying and selling on terms, the importance of business intelligence, and leveraging technology to succeed in the industry.


    Chris Prefontaine emphasizes the significance of understanding and implementing creative financing strategies in real estate. By leveraging business intelligence and technology, agents and investors can navigate market changes and optimize their operations. Chris's insights highlight the value of continuous learning, mentorship, and ethical practices in achieving long-term success in real estate.

    Key points

    📚 Chris's Background: Over 30 years of experience in real estate, including constructing new homes, owning a real estate franchise, and coaching clients across North America.

    🛠️ Buying and Selling on Terms: Focuses on creative financing methods such as owner financing, subject-to-existing mortgages, and lease purchases.

    🔧 Importance of Business Intelligence: Utilizing data and business intelligence tools to make informed decisions and improve lead generation and conversion rates.

    📊 Avoiding Banks: Chris advocates for avoiding traditional bank financing to prevent personal liability and maintain financial flexibility.

    🚀 Three Payday System: A unique approach where each deal generates three types of paydays—upfront, monthly cash flow, and long-term cash flow.

    💡 Education and Mentorship: Emphasizes the importance of continuous education, coaching, and mentorship to avoid common mistakes and maximize profitability.

    🌐 Wicked Smart Sit-Down: Weekly meetings to provide ongoing support, coaching, and actionable insights to community members.

    🔍 Favorite Lead Sources: Recommends targeting expired listings, for-sale-by-owner properties, and free-and-clear properties for creative financing opportunities.

    🧠 Scripts and Training: The importance of using scripts to build confidence and handle common seller objections effectively.

    🎥 YouTube and Podcast: Resources like the Smart Real Estate Coach YouTube channel and podcast offer valuable insights and continuous learning opportunities.

    1. Introduction: Jerome introduces Chris Prefontaine, highlighting his background and extensive experience in real estate.
    2. Chris's Background: Chris shares his journey, from constructing new homes to founding Smart Real Estate Coach.
    3. Buying and Selling on Terms: Discusses creative financing methods such as owner financing, subject-to-existing mortgages, and lease purchases.
    4. Importance of Business Intelligence: Emphasizes using data and business intelligence tools for better decision-making.
    5. Avoiding Banks: Advocates for avoiding traditional bank financing to prevent personal liability.
    6. Three Payday System: Explains the three payday system—upfront payment, monthly cash flow, and long-term cash flow.
    7. Education and Mentorship: Highlights the importance of continuous...
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    23 m
  • "Mastering Multifamily Real Estate and Reading Habits with Thurben Jean James"
    Jul 9 2024
    Mastering Multifamily Real Estate and Reading Habits with Thurben Jean James

    In this episode of the Real Estate Marketing Podcast, Jerome Lewis interviews Thurben Jean James, an author, ghostwriter, founder of Alchemist Academy, and real estate investor. Thurben shares his journey, insights on multifamily real estate, and his passion for reading and education.


    Thurben Jean James emphasizes the importance of education, continuous learning, and self-awareness in achieving success in real estate and life. By leveraging knowledge from books and understanding one's strengths and weaknesses, individuals can make informed decisions and excel in their endeavors. His journey highlights the transformative power of reading and the impact of meaningful relationships in personal and professional growth.

    Key points

    📚 Early Life and Education: Thurben focused on getting good grades and staying out of trouble, following his parents' guidance.

    🎓 College and Realization: Initially unsure about college, he realized his desire to become wealthy and started exploring different paths.

    📖 Influence of Books: Inspired by a wealthy acquaintance, Thurben began reading extensively, discovering books like "Dying to Be Me" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad."

    🚀 Entrepreneurial Journey: Experimented with various business ventures, including network marketing and door-to-door sales, driven by his goal to get rich.

    📈 Reading Habits: Developed a habit of reading extensively, averaging 75 books a year, and later writing his book "How to Read 50 Books in a Year Like a CEO."

    🏢 Introduction to Real Estate: Inspired by Grant Cardone's book on multifamily investing, Thurben ventured into real estate, focusing on large assets for their scalability and value potential.

    💼 Building Relationships: Stresses the importance of maintaining and initiating relationships through genuine care and consistent communication.

    🔍 Self-Awareness and Avatar: Emphasizes understanding one's immediate surroundings and the problems faced by those around them to identify the target audience.

    🎯 Alchemist Academy: Founded Alchemist Academy to teach children entrepreneurship and provide them with the knowledge he wished he had at a younger age.

    🌟 Alchemist Nation: Part of a community-based company aimed at creating 100 millionaires through real estate and business education.

    1. Introduction: Jerome introduces Thurben Jean James, highlighting his diverse background and expertise.
    2. Early Life and Education: Thurben shares his early life, focusing on education and following parental guidance.
    3. College and Realization: Describes his initial uncertainty about college and realization of his desire to become wealthy.
    4. Influence of Books: Inspired by a wealthy acquaintance, Thurben starts reading extensively, discovering transformative books.
    5. Entrepreneurial Journey: Experiments with various business ventures, driven by his goal to get rich.
    6. Reading Habits: Develops a habit of reading extensively and writes "How to Read 50 Books in a Year Like a CEO."
    7. Introduction to Real Estate: Inspired by Grant Cardone's book, ventures into real estate, focusing on multifamily assets.
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    35 m
  • How To Best Prepare Your Short-Term Rental For The Spring Market and Other Short-Term Rental Secrets
    Jul 2 2024
    How To Best Prepare Your Short-Term Rental For The Spring Market and Other Short-Term Rental Secrets

    In this video, Jerome Lewis and Norma discuss how to prepare short-term rental properties for the spring market. They cover various aspects of property management, including landscaping, maintenance, and guest handling, along with sharing personal anecdotes and insights on the importance of aesthetics and cleanliness.


    Jerome Lewis and Norma highlight the critical tasks involved in preparing short-term rentals for the spring market. From landscaping and maintenance to handling guests and ensuring cleanliness, they emphasize that a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing property not only attracts more guests but also reflects a high standard of care and professionalism.

    Key points

    🌱 Landscaping: Preparing properties for spring and summer by cutting grass, planting flowers, and maintaining fences.

    💡 Maintenance: Importance of regular maintenance tasks such as painting doors, extermination, and general upkeep.

    🔍 Aesthetics and Curb Appeal: Ensuring the property looks inviting and well-kept to create a positive first impression for guests.

    👥 Hiring Help: Utilizing various methods to manage property tasks, including doing it yourself, hiring local kids, or contracting professionals.

    📚 Property Management: Importance of detailed checklists and professional management to maintain property standards.

    🌸 Decor and Design: Discussion on gender roles in property design and the significance of detailed decor in making a property appealing.

    🚪 Guest Experience: Emphasizing the importance of a clean and sanitized property for a positive guest experience.

    🛠️ Extermination: Regular extermination schedules to prevent pest infestations and maintain a clean property environment.

    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Hosting Services: Norma's hosting service, Happy Spaces LLC, offering various levels of property management and hosting support.

    📅 Event Participation: Importance of socializing and networking at events, such as the Ohio Black Expo, to learn and connect with others in the industry.

    1. Introduction: Jerome and Norma introduce the topic of preparing short-term rentals for the spring market.
    2. Landscaping: Discuss the importance of cutting grass, planting flowers, and maintaining fences for curb appeal.
    3. Maintenance Tasks: Emphasize the need for regular maintenance such as painting doors, extermination, and general upkeep.
    4. Hiring Help: Explore different ways to manage property tasks, including DIY, hiring local kids, or contracting professionals.
    5. Aesthetics and Design: Discuss the importance of aesthetics in property design and how it impacts guest experience.
    6. Extermination: Highlight the importance of regular extermination to prevent pests.
    7. Guest Experience: Emphasize the significance of maintaining a clean and sanitized property for guests.
    8. Hosting Services: Norma explains her hosting service, Happy Spaces LLC, and the various levels of support offered.
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    45 m
  • If Patience Is A Virtue, Then Impatience Is A Virtue As Well. Impatience Make Things Happen!
    Jun 25 2024
    Is Impatience a Sign of "ADHD"? by Jerome Lewis

    In this video, Jerome Lewis discusses the concept of impatience, its pros and cons, and whether it is associated with ADHD. He emphasizes understanding one's strengths and weaknesses, embracing personal development, and leveraging both patience and impatience effectively in various situations.


    Jerome Lewis asserts that impatience is not inherently negative and can be a powerful motivator in achieving goals and driving innovation. Understanding when to be patient and when to act quickly is crucial for personal and professional growth. Impatience, when channeled properly, can lead to prompt action, increased productivity, and innovative problem-solving.

    Key points

    🎯 Patience as a Virtue: Patience is often considered a positive trait, but it can also be used manipulatively to avoid accountability.

    📈 Understanding Impatience: Impatience can drive individuals to take prompt action, leading to faster completion of tasks and enhanced productivity.

    📊 Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses: Recognizing and leveraging one's strengths and weaknesses is crucial for personal and professional development.

    🛠️ Personal Development: Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential for overcoming impatience and achieving long-term success.

    📚 Manipulation and Accountability: People may use the concept of patience to manipulate others and avoid responsibility.

    🚀 Innovation and Problem-Solving: Impatience can foster innovation by pushing individuals to find quicker and more effective solutions to problems.

    💬 Client Engagement: Emphasizes the importance of having genuine conversations with potential clients and building trust.

    🔍 Understanding Personality Types: Knowing one's personality type and behavioral traits can help in navigating professional and personal challenges.

    🧠 Goal Achievement: Impatient individuals are often very goal-oriented, setting clear objectives and working relentlessly towards achieving them.

    🤝 Leadership and Initiative: Impatience can lead to taking the lead in group settings and pushing the agenda forward, which is essential in leadership roles.

    1. Introduction: Jerome introduces the topic of impatience and its association with ADHD.
    2. Patience as a Virtue: Discusses the concept of patience as a virtue and how it can be used manipulatively.
    3. Understanding Impatience: Explains how impatience can drive prompt action and increased productivity.
    4. Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses: Emphasizes the importance of recognizing and leveraging one's strengths and weaknesses.
    5. Personal Development: Highlights the need for continuous learning and self-improvement.
    6. Manipulation and Accountability: Addresses how patience can be used to avoid responsibility.
    7. Innovation and Problem-Solving: Discusses how impatience can foster innovation and problem-solving.
    8. Client Engagement: Stresses the importance of building trust with clients through genuine conversations.
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    24 m
  • Impostor Syndrome Is For Impostors (and How To Overcome It by Jerome Lewis)
    Jun 18 2024
    Impostor Syndrome Is For Impostors (and How To Overcome It) by Jerome Lewis

    In this episode, Jerome Lewis discusses the concept of impostor syndrome, sharing personal experiences and insights on how to overcome it. He emphasizes the importance of doing the work and gaining confidence through practice and continuous learning.


    Jerome Lewis asserts that impostor syndrome often stems from individuals not doing the necessary work to become experts in their field. By committing to learning and practicing, individuals can overcome feelings of inadequacy and truly become experts, eliminating impostor syndrome.

    Key points

    🎯 Introduction to Impostor Syndrome: Jerome introduces the topic and shares a personal story of struggling with public speaking.

    📈 First Speaking Experience: Describes a challenging initial experience speaking at a real estate investor association, highlighting the importance of preparation.

    📊 Overcoming Fear: Discusses how joining Toastmasters and studying public speaking helped him overcome his fear and improve his skills.

    🛠️ Work and Confidence: Emphasizes that overcoming impostor syndrome requires doing the necessary work to build confidence and expertise.

    📚 Learning and Growth: Advocates for continuous learning and personal development to combat feelings of inadequacy.

    🚀 Truth and Authenticity: Stresses the importance of being truthful and authentic to oneself and others.

    💬 Societal Pressures: Highlights how societal pressures can contribute to impostor syndrome and the need to focus on personal growth.

    🔍 Expertise and Self-Image: Explains that individuals must study and practice to become experts in their field and improve their self-image.

    🧠 Personal Development: Discusses the importance of personal development and understanding one's strengths and weaknesses.

    🤝 Practical Steps: Provides practical advice on how to study and practice to overcome impostor syndrome, including dedicating time each day to learning and improving.

    1. Introduction: Jerome introduces the topic of impostor syndrome and shares a personal story.
    2. First Speaking Experience: Describes a difficult initial experience with public speaking, highlighting the importance of preparation.
    3. Overcoming Fear: Discusses joining Toastmasters and studying public speaking to overcome fear and improve skills.
    4. Work and Confidence: Emphasizes that overcoming impostor syndrome requires doing the necessary work to build confidence.
    5. Learning and Growth: Advocates for continuous learning and personal development to combat feelings of inadequacy.
    6. Truth and Authenticity: Stresses the importance of being truthful and authentic to oneself and others.
    7. Societal Pressures: Highlights how societal pressures can contribute to impostor syndrome.
    8. Expertise and Self-Image: Explains the need for studying and practicing to become an expert and improve self-image.
    9. Personal Development: Discusses the importance of personal development and...
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    14 m
  • The Truth About Marketing - Kendra Fipps and Jerome Lewis
    Jun 11 2024
    The Plain Truth About Marketing by Kendra Fipps

    In this episode of "The Plain Truth About Marketing," Kendra Fipps interviews Jerome Lewis, a marketing expert specializing in the real estate industry. Jerome discusses the importance of marketing, debunks common myths, and shares his strategies for effective marketing and lead generation.


    Jerome Lewis emphasizes the critical role of marketing in achieving business success. He highlights that marketing is not just a supplementary activity but a fundamental driver for acquiring deals and growing a business. By investing in both organic and paid marketing strategies, businesses can overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth.

    Key points

    🎯 Jerome's Background: Specializes in marketing within the real estate industry, emphasizing the necessity of marketing for business success.

    📈 Journey into Marketing: Transitioned into marketing through real estate, recognizing its essential role in closing deals and generating revenue.

    📊 Importance of Marketing: Stresses that marketing is the vehicle that drives business results, debunking the myth that success can be achieved without it.

    🛠️ Paid Marketing: Highlights the importance of investing in paid marketing to scale beyond organic growth limits.

    📚 Biggest Mistake: Shares his initial struggle of communicating the importance of marketing to others, leading him to seek education and improve his communication skills.

    🚀 Continuous Learning: Advocates for joining mastermind groups and learning from those who are successful in marketing.

    💬 Client Understanding: Emphasizes the need to understand the wants and desires of your target audience to tailor your marketing efforts effectively.

    🔍 Research and Development: Recommends diving deep into research and understanding customer psychology to create effective marketing strategies.

    🧠 Personal Development: Discusses the importance of personal leadership development in business success, highlighting that business is essentially personal development with a product attached.

    🤝 Authenticity: Encourages being authentic and genuine in your marketing efforts, focusing on building trust and credibility with your audience.

    1. Introduction: Kendra introduces Jerome Lewis, focusing on his expertise in marketing and the real estate industry.
    2. Journey into Marketing: Jerome shares his transition from real estate to marketing, emphasizing the necessity of marketing for business success.
    3. Importance of Marketing: Highlights that marketing is essential for achieving business results and debunks the myth that success can be achieved without it.
    4. Paid Marketing: Discusses the importance of investing in paid marketing to overcome growth limitations.
    5. Biggest Mistake: Shares his initial struggle with communicating the importance of marketing and how he sought education to improve.
    6. Continuous Learning: Advocates for joining mastermind groups and learning from successful marketers.
    7. Client Understanding: Emphasizes the need to understand your target audience to tailor marketing efforts effectively.
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    34 m
  • Creative Finance Secrets for Real Estate Success (Scot Poirier and Jerome Lewis)
    Jun 4 2024
    Creative Finance Secrets By Scot Poirier

    In this episode of the Remarketing Podcast, Jerome Lewis interviews Scot Poirier, a real estate expert with a strong foundation in negotiation, creative finance, rehabbing, wholesaling, and multi-units. Scot shares his journey and the importance of building meaningful relationships in real estate, focusing on the significance of people skills in the industry.


    Scot Poirier highlights the importance of understanding and leveraging creative finance strategies in real estate. By focusing on relationships and continuous learning, investors can navigate the complexities of the real estate market effectively. Scot’s insights emphasize that real estate is not just about transactions but about connecting with people and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

    Key points

    🎯 Scot's Background: Developed exceptional skills in negotiation, creative finance, rehabbing, wholesaling, and multi-units.

    📈 Journey into Real Estate: Emphasizes the importance of people skills and building relationships in real estate.

    📊 Lead Generation: Describes various lead generation strategies, both free and paid, highlighting the importance of starting with free methods and scaling up.

    🛠️ Free Lead Generation: Discusses free methods such as for sale by owner (FSBO) listings on Zillow, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and networking.

    📚 Paid Lead Generation: Recommends using yard signs, bandit signs, and cold calling as cost-effective paid methods for generating leads.

    🚀 Creative Financing: Shares insights on creative financing strategies and how to present them to sellers effectively.

    💬 Client Engagement: Stresses the importance of having genuine conversations with potential clients and building trust.

    🔍 Networking: Highlights the value of networking with other industry professionals and attending local real estate investing groups (REIAs).

    🧠 Education and Training: Emphasizes the need for continuous education and training to stay updated with industry trends and best practices.

    🤝 Mentorship and Support: Discusses the benefits of mentorship and having access to experienced professionals for guidance and support.

    1. Introduction: Jerome introduces Scot Poirier, focusing on his background and expertise in real estate.
    2. Journey into Real Estate: Scot shares his journey and the importance of people skills in building a successful real estate career.
    3. Lead Generation: Discusses the concept of lead generation and its importance in real estate investing.
    4. Free Lead Generation: Explains free lead generation methods such as FSBO listings, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and networking.
    5. Paid Lead Generation: Highlights cost-effective paid methods for generating leads, including yard signs, bandit signs, and cold calling.
    6. Creative Financing: Shares insights on creative financing strategies and how to present them to sellers.
    7. Client Engagement: Stresses the importance of genuine conversations and building trust with clients.
    8. Networking: Highlights the value of networking with industry professionals...
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    36 m
  • Real Estate Marketing Implementation Book By Jerome Lewis (Narrated By Edwin Andrews, Connor Steinbrook, and Jerome Lewis)
    May 31 2024

    Want to take your real estate marketing to the next level? Check out "Real Estate Marketing Implementation Version 1.0" by Jerome Lewis, also known as Mr. Implementation.

    This audiobook is packed with practical tips and strategies to boost your real estate marketing. You'll hear about everything from the basics of marketing to advanced techniques that can make your business thrive. Perfect for both beginners and experienced pros, Jerome's advice is easy to follow and apply.

    Remember, since this is an audiobook, you won't see the helpful graphics and charts included in the physical book. To get the full experience and follow along with the visuals, we suggest buying the physical book too.

    This is the first version of Jerome Lewis's essential guide. There's also an updated version available now. You can purchase it at REmarketingBook.com or on Amazon. Don't miss out on the latest tips and strategies – get your copy today!

    Here's a preview of what you'll hear in this book:

    • 📕 Foreword by Ron LeGrand: Insights from the Godfather of Real Estate Investing.
    • 📘 Mandatory Preface: Implementation: Why implementation is key to success.
    • 📘 Chapter 1: Introduction: Getting started with real estate marketing.
    • 📘 Chapter 2: What Is Real Estate Marketing Implementation?: Understanding the basics.
    • 📘 Chapter 3: Why Most Real Estate Entrepreneurs Fail: Common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
    • 📘 Chapter 4: Simplifying Marketing and Lead Generation: Making marketing straightforward and effective.
    • 📘 Chapter 5: Why You Need Marketing: The importance of marketing for your business.
    • 📘 Chapter 6: Who Are You Talking To? (The Client Avatar): Identifying your ideal customer.
    • 📘 Chapter 7: REmarketing & REtargeting: Techniques to keep potential clients engaged.
    • 📘 Chapter 8: A New Way To Think About Your AdSpend & Marketing Money: Optimizing your marketing budget.
    • 📘 Chapter 9: Determining and Maximizing Your Marketing Budget - Marketing Math: Calculating and managing your marketing expenses.
    • 📘 Chapter 10: Tools You Need To Implement Effective Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing: Essential tools for success.
    • 📘 Chapter 11: Marketing Implementation: How You Can Start Implementing Effective Marketing: Steps to put your plan into action.
    • 📘 Chapter 12: What’s Needed for Your Marketing?: Key elements for a strong marketing strategy.
    • 📘 Chapter 13: How To Effectively Hire Out Your Marketing Needs: Finding and working with marketing professionals.
    • 📘 Chapter 14: What’s Next / What To Do Now?: Taking the next steps in your marketing journey.
    • Resources: Additional tools and references to help you succeed.

    Listen now, and be sure to grab your physical copy at REmarketingBook.com to get the full benefit of this invaluable resource!

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    2 h y 54 m