
  • What is Realistic Happiness? With Pamela Gail Johnson
    Feb 14 2022
    Negative social media posts. Frightening headlines. Workplace challenges.

    These are all things that Pamela Gail Johnson, the founder of the Society of Happy People, would label “Happiness Zappers,” and they are a fact of life. The good news is these Happiness Zappers don’t have to put a lid on our smiles.

    The Society of Happy People identified 31 types of happiness to help you identify more happy moments when they happen.

    Sometimes, we’re happier than we think we are; we just don’t notice all of the happiness we experience.

    Pamela explains the four happiness principles for living an authentically more joyful life:

    Happiness is Personal 
    Happiness Zappers Can be Managed
    Happiness Changes as You Change
    Happiness is Bigger Than You Think

    These four principles will help you to redefine personal happiness, manage your Happiness Zappers, and become more aware of the happy moments taking place all around you.
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • What's Cooking? With Linda Lederman
    Feb 11 2022
    The dreaded question moms hear every day, "What's for dinner?"

    Who knew that a big part of adulting was figuring out what to have for dinner every night?

    Linda Lederman has the secret to a Balaboosta's success.

    Wait...a what?

    A Balaboosta is a mom who, after a crazy, demanding day, has no need or time for Martha Stewart’s precision or perfection.

    Without adhering to rigid rules, she knows how to whip up quick and delicious meals her family actually wants to eat (having conquered the” what’s for dinner demons” once and for all) and then serves it up with side dishes of family fun and clever conversation (yes, enjoying your kids at dinner…really!).

    Sound exhausting? Impossible?

    It’s not…if you know the secrets.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Trust the Niggle, With Candice Smiley
    Feb 10 2022
    We have a sixth sense. Some call it our "gut instinct". Others call it intuition. 

    Candice Smiley calls it, "the niggle".

    Whatever you call it, that feeling is almost never wrong. 

    When you listen to your inner self, and trust her, you learn to live from a place of truth. 
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Drop Out of Diet Culture, With Elizabeth Harris
    Feb 9 2022
    Let's talk about why it's time to drop out of diet culture.

    It can seem like a radical act to choose to love and nurture your body just as it is, but it's the best way to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

    By shifting the focus from chasing weight loss to elevating health and wellbeing with Intuitive Eating and body image healing, people in all body shapes and sizes can find food freedom and body peace while enjoying life to its fullest.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Postpartum Revolution, With Annie Hopkins
    Feb 8 2022
    When it comes to our pelvic function (bowel, bladder, menses, sex), we are taught the bare minimum, with a healthy dose of shame and fear.

    At the same time, childbearing is both revered (are you really a woman if you don't have kids?) and feared (cue every Hollywood scene of a red-faced screaming mom and dopey dad just trying his best).

    As a pelvic PT, Annie Hopkins sees how little education, support, and empowerment there is in the perinatal period, and all the focus and care is for baby, not the beautiful birthgiver.

    She provides education about our pelvic anatomy and function (she meets people who think pee comes from the vagina), how the pelvic floor works during birth + how to help it recover postpartum, "common but not normal" conditions postpartum people are told are just a part of motherhood (leaking pee, painful sex, abdominal separation, prolapse, etc) and how to heal them, how societal norms are harmful to mothers (Pinterest-perfect, bounce back culture, etc), and so much more!
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Obesity is a Thief, With Michelle Petties
    Feb 7 2022
    Obesity robs us of identity and authenticity.

    We eat to express and suppress emotion instead of to satisfy physical hunger.

    Food is not joy, culture, entertainment, an activity, fun, family, friends. It is nutrition. Nourishment. Period.

    When you habitually (whether it's consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously) eat for reasons other than hunger, like Michelle Petties did for 40 years, you end up in bondage to food enslaved in a body and life that does not serve your truest intention, serve your purpose or speak to the deepest desires of your heart.

    After four decades of gaining and losing 700 plus pounds, Michelle finally discovered the “secret” to ending the battle between her mind, body and hunger.
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • The Link Between Self-Care, Relationships, and Sexual Health, With Stephanie Sylvia Costello
    Feb 4 2022
    There is a link between your self-care, your relationships, and your sexual health. 

    As you begin to make yourself a priority, you learn more things about your body and your relationships. 

    By managing your body’s red flags, you will increase happiness and satisfaction with your partner. You learn how to communicate better to get your needs met and meet the needs of others without guilt, shame, or fear.

    And as you get more comfortable with your body and your relationship, you begin to feel safe and comfortable to explore sexually. 

    Stephanie Sylvia Costello has beaten all statistical odds.

    Her life journey has fueled her fire to help people take action and fight through the resistance.

    Relationships are all about compromise and collaboration.

    Giving and receiving energy.

    Learn how to take action and build a healthy relationship both with yourself and the individuals in your life.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Stop Being a Slave to Food, With Marcelle Rose
    Feb 3 2022
    Are you a slave to food, your weight or appearance? 

    Perhaps you worry about every calorie that enters your mouth or give yourself a hard time for having no will power.

    Have you spent years trying every new fad diet?

    Perhaps you’re unable to break free from the endless cycle of yo- yo dieting, binge eating or constantly overeating.

    Maybe you numb your emotions with food - feeling more of a failure every time that happens.

    Would you try anything at any cost to shrink your body size?

    Perhaps you have been driven out of desperation to lose weight, to try diet, after diet, after diet.

    If you feel this way, you are certainly not alone.

    But how would you feel if you learned that the action you are taking now, might actually be causing you to gain weight in the long term?

    Marcelle Rose is on a mission to help women make peace with their body and heal their relationship with food so they can live their fullest life.

    She is going to help us to dismantle the diet mindset and begin the process of breaking free from dieting, binge eating or emotional eating.

    Fix your complicated relationship with food and say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and digestive distress.
    Más Menos
    29 m