
  • The Session: Ways that we make singles feel invisible in the church
    Jun 27 2024
    10 Ways We Unintentionally Make Singles Feel Invisible in the ChurchBy Brenda Rogers, ibelieve.comI dreaded Sunday; it was my least favorite day of the week. I went to church, but not Bible study because there wasn't a class for me. I sat on the pew alone watching married couples in front of me holding hands. Then I quietly slipped out. After all, I was single.I was most aware of my singleness when I went to church on Sunday mornings. It was like a sign hung from my neck, tagging me as someone to treat with kid-gloves or to not engage at all.That was about 10 years ago, and since then, there has been more conversation about singleness in the church. This is good. However, we need to keep this topic in the front of our minds or else we'll miss an entire group of people who need discipling and shepherding just as much as anyone else.Here are 10 ways we unintentionally make singles feel invisible in the church:1. Believe They Have Ulterior MotivesAfter a training session on serving in the children's ministry, I went up to the male speaker to ask a question about what he was teaching us. He was fidgety and short with his answers – obviously uncomfortable. After that awkward interaction, I thought more about it, wondering why he acted that way. Then it hit me – I was a single woman talking to a married man. The room was filled with people, and my question was about the training he presented, but he may have seen me as someone with ulterior motives.There's no doubt that Christian men and women, single and married, need to be vigilant of snares from the enemy. He is prowling around like a lion waiting to kill, steal, and destroy our families, ministries, and callings. It is prudent and wise to treat interactions with the opposite sex, married or single, differently so that Satan does not get a foothold. However, we cannot operate under the fear that single people always have an ulterior motive when talking to someone of the opposite sex. Single people are not out to find a spouse or steal a spouse no matter the cost. We shouldn't treat them as if they are.2. Don't Include Them in Sermon ExamplesI've sat in church listening to sermons and thought, "What about the people who are single?" I used to be one of those people, and it was disheartening to hear a sermon where the emphasis of all life's struggles centered around being a spouse and parent. When we ignore an entire group of people in our congregations, it shows that we do not see them or understand them.Pastors and other church leaders, along with the congregation, should make understanding the needs of singles a priority so that they can address their needs in sermons and in other places within the church. This is how we love them. The opportunity is before us to disciple people before they are married so that, by God's grace, they make wise and healthy decisions and build strong marriages and families in the future. To ignore this group of people is a missed opportunity.Plus, single people can teach married people so much about modern culture that they may not realize in the context of marriage and family. I have found for myself that family life creates a sort of bubble where I become sheltered from issues in the world. Singles can help pop that bubble.3. Don't Talk to Them Like AdultsOnce at a social event, I was the only single woman. As I stood with a group of the women, one of them declared, "We really shouldn't be talking about this with Brenda here." Humiliation covered my face. She put me in a different category and made me feel like a child. The best way to understand singles is to befriend them not out of pity or even mentorship, but out of genuine desire for their friendship. Just treat them like you would any other adult and treat their friendship like any other friendship.4. Convey the Message that Singleness is a SinThe message that singleness is a sin is subtle, but it's there. I believe culture has a lot to do with this. The truth is people are waiting longer to get married for self-focused reasons - to travel, get advanced degrees, move up in a career, accumulate wealth, and enjoy the freedom of singleness. However, rushing into marriage or marrying an unequally yoked person can be an act of disobedience just as much as staying single for selfish reasons. Remember, the Bible tells us that people should not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14).The decision to marry or stay single is a matter of the heart. I don't mean the romantic heart, but your heart relationship with Jesus. It's an act of obedience. An act of worship. An act of service. A person's decision to marry is uniquely personal. It will look different as God leads people differently.The state of singleness itself is not sinful. It does not inherently mean that a person is selfish or wants to date around or sow their oats. After all, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:38 that a person who stays single does even better than a person who marries. 5. Believe They are Doing ...
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    25 m
  • The Session: Ask Me Anything!
    Jun 20 2024

    "Ask me anything". You ever say it, and instantly say to yourself, "What WAS I thinking"? But you all provided a great mix of serious and fun question for this episode! So many, in fact, that we had to do an additional segment which did NOT make it to air on Rise FM! We can't guarantee that we answered in the order below, but we think we got to all them...

    The Session: Ask Me Anything!

    We chose to leave the name out due to the topic: So middle age and single..how would you advise people to meet other singles? That walk the Christian walk. I’ve already tried my home Church there are none and it’s a good size church .

    Same thing as the question above: To Tom: what would you tell the family of a man who's being abandoned by them when he has invited them over many times?

    David: How can I help my sons take more ownership in their school work?

    For Tom: How long have you been a counselor/life coach?

    For both of you: Where did you go to school?

    For both of you: Did either of you play sports in high school or college?

    For both of you: At what age did each of you become a Christian?

    For both of you: Have you ever experienced any miracles in your life?

    Theresa: Scott, how did you end up doing radio in Mansfield when you are from Columbus?

    Theresa: How did you decide how many children you would have?

    Theresa: Have you ever thought about divorce?

    Angie: What is your earliest memory that sticks with you and how does it shape you today?

    Laura:What are the weaknesses you have that your spouse has so graciously overlooked. When they offer grace to pay no mind to it, how does it help you?

    Laura: What's a secret bucket list item that you have that you haven't really told anyone.

    Laura: What is a fear that you wish you could overcome, but it still has you paralyzed?

    Laura: What is one of the goofiest things you have done in life, maybe in a talent show, skit, embarrassing moment?


    1. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? Or that you did?

    2. How did your parents/upbringing influence your spiritual growth?

    3. What did your parents teach you about parenting that you definitely use(d) yourself? And what did they teach you that you definitely DON'T/Didn't use?

    4. What was your favorite job you ever had before what you are doing now? and why?

    I won't say which of our spouses submitted this…who’s your favorite wife?

    For TOM: Where did the term “bedroom Olympics” come from?

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • The Session: Imaginary Friends
    Jun 13 2024

    I promise....Tom and I are not just voices in your head OR imaginary friends! We are real people! And in this episode, we share some important information that parents need to hear about the imaginary friends your kids may have. We get real in this episode too. They have popped up in both of our families.

    The Session: Imaginary Friends

    Research suggests that imaginary friends are normal for children and can have many benefits.

    II Timothy 2:7: Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

    · A best friend is someone who is supportive and reliable.

    · Benefits of an imaginary friend

    You receive: attention, affirmation, approval, acceptance

    · Cognitive development -imaginary friends can help children develop skills like perspective-taking, problem-solving, and social communication.

    · Emotional well-being-Imaginary friends can help children learn how to deal with difficult emotions and may be a coping mechanism for stress, trauma, or loneliness.

    · Social skills -Imaginary friends can help children practice interacting with others and their environment.

    · Creativity -Children with imaginary friends tend to be more creative and confident.

    · Insight into a child's mind -Watching a child interact with an imaginary friend can help parents learn more about their child's thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes. Research Educational and Child Psychology , 34 (3)

    5 purposes for having an imaginary friend

    In 2017, researchers described these five purposes for having an imaginary friend:

    1. problem-solving and emotion management

    2. exploring ideals

    3. having a companion for fantasy play

    4. having someone to overcome loneliness

    5. allowing children to explore behaviors and roles in relationships

    Focus On The Family

    Imaginary friends are normal. The imaginary friend will usually disappear as your child matures and builds friendships with real-life peers.

    When will imaginary friends usually appear?

    Is there an age where a parent should be concerned if the imaginary friend is still present and very involved with their child?

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    25 m
  • The Session: Father's Day, part 2
    Jun 6 2024
    NOTE: If you would like to send us a question for our “Ask me Anything” episode, please email scott@risefmohio.com or tom.hccm@gmail.com We would love to hear from you! Serious or silly, it doesn’t matter! Father’s Day, Part 1 (We didn’t intend for a 2-parter, but it’s us, so….)Luke 15:20So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Father’s Day is:· A day to be thankful for the men who take on the responsibility and obligations of guiding us through life.· Jesus gave thanks to the Father as an example to us. Father’s Day is the time we designate to thank our earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father, just as our Savior did. Stephen Scott & Focus on the Family.· Scripture clearly shows the importance of the relationship between Jesus and God, the Father· John 20:17 is a good example; Jesus said, 'Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'How do fathers want to be celebrated on Father’s Day?· They are more into a family activity. That may mean a hike or a family kickball game. They may enjoy a family bike ride.· If you're wanting to surprise the father of your children this Father's Day, plan a romantic night or weekend getaway. Yes!!God, our Heavenly Father, is the ultimate example of a righteous father. Even amid our shortcomings, His love is complete and endless. He invites us to talk with Him in prayer. He wants us to be happy. Through Jesus Christ, we can know God as our heavenly Father. In a sense, the Creator is the Father of all humanity. However, it's only through trusting in Jesus that a person becomes a child of God (Galatians 3:26).—Jesus calls God “Father” over 165 times! See how important this is to God? And I wish I could say Jesus settled the matter. But, no—to this day God longs to be called "Father." He will forever want His children, seeking those who walk away. But in the New Testament, although God remains holy and majestic in our eyes, Jesus adds a strikingly clear emphasis on God as Father—both his Father and our Father (John 20:17). It is Jesus who calls God “Abba, Father” (Mark 14:36). It is Jesus who teaches us to pray to God as our Father (Matt. 6:9). Ray Ortlund said, “That God the Father has made himself God our Father means that he is personally, emotionally, and even sacrificially involved with us.” Step Dads Let’s celebrate all the dads who, like our Heavenly Father, selflessly infuse their own spirit into the lives of others. Is there someone in your life that fills that father role – thank him today. A special note from a stepdaughter to a stepdad, from LuAnn Prater-“I was thinking about it, and there is a difference between Dad and Step-dad. A Dad just is. It’s Dad. But the word Step is one of those polite substitutes for what it truly is: a LEAP; a PLUNGE; a FREEFALL on to the side of an unknown mountain, knowing no matter where you land on it – you MUST climb and fair the weather along the way if you want to reach the top. A different view for step childrenThe Step – “much like the jagged blender blades which create the blended family – is what it takes to bridge the chasm from your heart to mine. And you took that Step, that Leap, that Plunge. I cannot thank you enough. You stand by me. You listen – really listen. And perhaps what most impresses me is that you opened your arms to me – from the first day we met. You were willing to love me, and hold me. For once I could be held by a man and trust, to feel SAFE. I cannot thank you enough…for being a father to me…my incredible Step-dad. I love you, Tiffany.” What causes a stepchild to resist the relationship with a step parent?· Comparing a parent to your biological parent· Fear of losing a bio parent because there is a step parent in the picture· Lack of trust and not having control in their lives that cost them their bio parentLet’s look at Father’s Day and a familiar Bible story from a different perspective. Let’s look at the story of the Prodigal Son from the Father’s perspective. What can we learn from him, and from God, about a father? An additional resource for another “dad” story and perspective: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/pro-life/what-fathers-day-means-to-me/
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    25 m
  • The Session: Father's Day, part 1
    May 30 2024
    NOTE: If you would like to send us a question for our “Ask me Anything” episode, please email scott@risefmohio.com or tom.hccm@gmail.com We would love to hear from you! Serious or silly, it doesn’t matter! Father’s Day, Part 1 (We didn’t intend for a 2-parter, but it’s us, so….Luke 15:20So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Father’s Day is:· A day to be thankful for the men who take on the responsibility and obligations of guiding us through life.· Jesus gave thanks to the Father as an example to us. Father’s Day is the time we designate to thank our earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father, just as our Savior did. Stephen Scott & Focus on the Family.· Scripture clearly shows the importance of the relationship between Jesus and God, the Father· John 20:17 is a good example; Jesus said, 'Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'How do fathers want to be celebrated on Father’s Day?· They are more into a family activity. That may mean a hike or a family kickball game. They may enjoy a family bike ride.· If you're wanting to surprise the father of your children this Father's Day, plan a romantic night or weekend getaway. Yes!!God, our Heavenly Father, is the ultimate example of a righteous father. Even amid our shortcomings, His love is complete and endless. He invites us to talk with Him in prayer. He wants us to be happy. Through Jesus Christ, we can know God as our heavenly Father. In a sense, the Creator is the Father of all humanity. However, it's only through trusting in Jesus that a person becomes a child of God (Galatians 3:26).—Jesus calls God “Father” over 165 times! See how important this is to God? And I wish I could say Jesus settled the matter. But, no—to this day God longs to be called "Father." He will forever want His children, seeking those who walk away. But in the New Testament, although God remains holy and majestic in our eyes, Jesus adds a strikingly clear emphasis on God as Father—both his Father and our Father (John 20:17). It is Jesus who calls God “Abba, Father” (Mark 14:36). It is Jesus who teaches us to pray to God as our Father (Matt. 6:9). Ray Ortlund said, “That God the Father has made himself God our Father means that he is personally, emotionally, and even sacrificially involved with us.” Step Dads Let’s celebrate all the dads who, like our Heavenly Father, selflessly infuse their own spirit into the lives of others. Is there someone in your life that fills that father role – thank him today. A special note from a stepdaughter to a stepdad, from LuAnn Prater-“I was thinking about it, and there is a difference between Dad and Step-dad. A Dad just is. It’s Dad. But the word Step is one of those polite substitutes for what it truly is: a LEAP; a PLUNGE; a FREEFALL on to the side of an unknown mountain, knowing no matter where you land on it – you MUST climb and fair the weather along the way if you want to reach the top. A different view for step childrenThe Step – “much like the jagged blender blades which create the blended family – is what it takes to bridge the chasm from your heart to mine. And you took that Step, that Leap, that Plunge. I cannot thank you enough. You stand by me. You listen – really listen. And perhaps what most impresses me is that you opened your arms to me – from the first day we met. You were willing to love me, and hold me. For once I could be held by a man and trust, to feel SAFE. I cannot thank you enough…for being a father to me…my incredible Step-dad. I love you, Tiffany.” What causes a stepchild to resist the relationship with a step parent?· Comparing a parent to your biological parent· Fear of losing a bio parent because there is a step parent in the picture· Lack of trust and not having control in their lives that cost them their bio parentLet’s look at Father’s Day and a familiar Bible story from a different perspective. Let’s look at the story of the Prodigal Son from the Father’s perspective. What can we learn from him, and from God, about a father? An additional resource for another “dad” story and perspective: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/pro-life/what-fathers-day-means-to-me/
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    25 m
  • The Session: Journaling....is it for everyone, or should Eeyore stay away?
    May 23 2024

    If the title of this episode freaked you out a bit, don't worry, we aren't going to the Hundred Acre Wood. One of Scott's nicknames is "Eeyore". He tends to see things through a glass half empty lens. As we discuss journaling today, see if God isn't inviting you to move into this way of expressing yourself and your feelings.

    The Session: Journaling, A Helpful Treatment Strategy

    Psalm 119:27

    Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.

    Journaling Helps

    · It helps me see the ways that God's Spirit in me is producing growth over time.

    · Journaling has become one of the ways that I best connect with God.

    · Journaling helps me to persevere in the journey I'm on with Christ

    · And it also helps me to open up to God. It helps me to be more honest with God and with myself.

    Journal and personalize scripture

    Psalm 86

    1 Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. 2 Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God; 3 have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long. 4 Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.

    5 You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. 6 Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. 7 When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.

    Things to journal

    When you need something to write in your journal, consider finishing one of the following:

    1. This week I was most blessed by . . .

    2. My favorite passage of Scripture is . . .

    3. The area where I need to put more trust in God is . . .

    4. One lesson I learned from Scripture this week is . .

    What to Write

    · All that's needed is your honest, authentic, vulnerable self willing to show up to the page and encounter the Holy Spirit.

    · “Write what you see.”Write your life, your legacy, your prayers, your God-sightings, and everything in between in the pages of that journal.

    Two Way Journaling

    It is a way to write to God and record what you feel the Holy Spirit is saying to you in your quiet time. This journal is best for those who would like to begin the daily habit of spending meditative time with God and His word.

    What would God say to you personally?

    I promised on the episode I would leave this here, so....

    An Eeyore thought from Scott: All I see you saying is God, God, God. What if my life just sucks, and I don’t see any evidence of God anywhere? What’s the point of journaling for me? WHY would I want to write all my junk down to be reminded of it over and over again?

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    25 m
  • The Session: The Impact of Trauma on the Brain and on Relationships
    May 16 2024
    We don't say it enough! Your input on episode topics is VERY welcome! This episode was suggested by Autumn, and we are really grateful!The Session The Impact of Trauma (Suggested by Autumn)Psalm 91:4–6He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. The problem is negative memories become seared in our amygdala by the fear, shock, and trauma we experienced and unless recognized and faced will constantly be triggered, shaping who we are today. The Amygdala:· Is responsible for the perception of emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness, as well as the controlling of aggression.· The amygdala helps to store memories of events and emotions so that an individual may be able to recognize similar events in the future.The national Institute of health:· Shows Studies in humans have confirmed the key role of the amygdala in fear conditioning as well as in various forms of psychopathological behaviorNational Institutes of Health (NIH) (... The amygdala is responsible for· the perception of emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness, as well as the controlling of aggression.· The amygdala helps to store memories of events and emotions so that an individual may be able to recognize similar events in the future.One popular perspective suggests that the amygdala is involved with evaluating things in the environment to determine their importance—whether their value is …The Impact of Trauma on Relationships David Hodel “Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become experts at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. They learn to hide from themselves.” · The life-long impacts of trauma are vast.· Trauma can affect the body, the mind, the memory, and the emotions.· It can affect the way someone sees the world and how she views God.· It can also affect her relationships. This perhaps is one of the biggest areas to suffer when someone has traumatic experiences, especially when the trauma is abuse.Helps:Practicing the PresenceBrother Lawrence encouraged us to practice the presence of Christ. After reading his book, I decided to practice thinking Jesus was with me. Basically, I pretended He sat across from me and I spoke as if He really was there. Over time, fresh neuronal pathways grew, creating healthy dendrites and strong leafy trees. As healthy trees grew in my brain, Jesus was no longer a distant figure. My brain recognized He was real and my faith grew. Soon, I believed He listened to me, cared about me, and valuing me, heard my prayers and saw my tears. As healthy neuronal pathways were strengthened, I gained courage to live in the present.It is amazing when we choose to be intentional in our relationship with Jesus. Rather than believing in an imaginary figure who seems too good to be true, as we practice the presence of Christ and choose to enter His presence and acknowledge His value, we will experience a whole new level of relationship with Jesus. We walk with Him and develop intimacy with Him where we are seen, known, and loved.Finding True IdentityUnless we learn to stand in the truth of our true identity in Christ, and look for something to grab hold of and give thanks for, the enemy has power to rob today of its peace, its strength, its opportunities by triggering negative thoughts so we run into our imagination. As slaves, we become passive in the face reality. Fantasy is wonderful within boundaries. But to live there, is to become trapped into the identity of failure or victim. I used to live in my imagination. It felt empowering as I relived horrible experiences and worked out a different ending. But safety was an illusion and left me powerless in the face of real abuse for hiding in my imagination was an act of futility.I want to say, there is a way of escape! You can retrain your brain to live in the present, where the past loses its power to rule you and comes into alignment with the will of the Heavenly Father. The Impact of Trauma on the BrainNegative memories become seared in our amygdala by the fear, shock, and trauma we experienced and unless recognized and faced will constantly be triggered, shaping who we are today. With churning thoughts and instant replay, we encounter the should haves. Regret triggers “I should have…”. Our instant replay may be 10 minutes later or 10 years later as we engage in scenarios in our mind and our imagination dramatizes what our brain tells us we should have done.The thought may begin with “if only I had …”. The replay ...
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    26 m
  • The Session: More Mother's Day Thoughts
    May 9 2024
    "Mom"...."Stepmom" Such important names, such important people. On this episode, Tom & Scott share thoughts on honoring mom.The Session: Helps For Honoring Your Mother On Mothers DayExodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother,” and Leviticus 19:3, “Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father.”By Amy Bost Henegar. She has been a pastor for the Manhattan Church of Christ in New York City since 2001. She has a Doctor of Ministry degree from New York Theological Seminary and is a Board Certified Chaplain.Mothering Can Be PainfulThe relationship between a mother and her child has as much potential to be filled with pain and grief as any other human relationship. In fact, disappointments in the mother-child relationship may be exacerbated by the fact that motherhood is glorified, and mothers are expected to easily love, care and devote themselves to their children in a superhuman way.( Christianity Today)Isaiah 66:13 "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you." Proverbs 31:25-27 "Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future. Her mouth is full of wisdom; kindly teaching is on her tongue. She is vigilant over the activities of her household; she doesn't eat the food of laziness."We have the opportunity, on Mother’s Day especially, to be honest with our congregations about the pain and disappointment that is inevitable in the sinful human relationships of a broken world. We can then proclaim the good news about God’s commonwealth of love, where every person is invited to have a second, third and fourth (or seventy times seventh) chance at building healthy, life-giving relationships. Those who have experienced the deepest disappointments in human relationships are invited over and over again to be mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, to each other within the body of Christ.Mothers Day / StepmomsLaura Petherbridge serves couples and single adults with topics on spiritual growth, relationships, marriage enhancement and divorce recovery. As someone in a second marriage herself, she is also a stepmother. Several years ago, she released The Smart Stepmom, co-written with step-family expert Ron Deal.“I do want to add that it is perfectly acceptable to honor a stepmother on Mother’s Day if the idea of acknowledgment comes from the child.”She also suggests dads should be the one to make their wives feel special, as the stepmother of his children:“Stepmothers need to know that their husbands see the little things that his kids don’t appreciate her for, and that he wants to honor her for what she does for their family.”Petherbridge knows this from personal experience. After two years of sad Mother’s Days, she took the initiative to communicate to her husband about how this day made her feel.“I had to go to my husband, and let him know that it would make me feel appreciated if he did something special for me,” she said. “There is a misconception that husbands cannot honor their wives on Mother’s Day for what they do, because they are not their mothers. It’s just simply a way of validating his wife in her role.”For Petherbridge and other stepmoms, this can do more than lessen the sting of rejection by the stepchildren: “It strengthens the marriage, which is the primary relationship in any home. Besides, women don’t need a big hoopla. They just want to be appreciated.”From Family Life Blended: Ways to celebrate Mother’s Day as a stepmomA variety of variables play into how a stepchild reacts on Mother’s Day. The length of your marriage, your husband’s support, the age of your stepchildren, the biological mom’s behavior, and the environment in your home are a few things that contribute.If your stepchildren honor you, embrace the offering. But if they don’t, make a conscious effort to not take it personally. Here are a few suggestions to help you celebrate Mother’s Day, regardless of what your stepchildren do. Pick one or two or create one of your own to construct a day that leaves you feeling special for the valuable role you offer your stepfamily.1. Abandon your house and spend the day at a nearby lake, bike path, or hiking trail.Absorb the beauty of nature while you count your blessings. Set goals with your spouse to help you become more connected in your stepfamily, like regular game nights, stepmom-stepdaughter shopping dates, or movie nights as a family. Pray together for each member of your stepfamily.2. Find another stepmom who’s having a difficult time and spend the afternoon with her.Encourage her efforts and talk through her challenges. Laugh together and affirm one another. Commit to offer support on an ongoing basis as you reflect on Scripture to help. Here’s one of my favorites: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).3. Spend the day with your own mother to celebrate Mother’s Day.Tell her ...
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