
  • Episode 75 - The Deeper Meaning of Gratitude
    Jun 26 2024

    Today John Henry and Anthony's conversation explores the topic of gratitude and its different meanings. The hosts discuss the traditional definition of gratitude as being thankful for what one has and appreciating the people and things in one's life. They also delve into the spiritual perspective of gratitude, which focuses on being grateful for the present moment and one's awareness. They explore how gratitude goes beyond being thankful for what you have and extends to being grateful for the present moment and the ability to be aware and mindful. The hosts also touch on the physiological effects of gratitude, such as the release of dopamine and the reduction of stress hormones. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of gratitude and its role in cultivating a more positive and fulfilling life. We also discuss finding enjoyment in the process rather than just focusing on completing tasks. They discuss the balance between mindfulness and practicality, acknowledging that there are times when deadlines and societal expectations need to be met.

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Episode 74 - Persuasion with Mindfulness
    Jun 19 2024

    In this conversation, the hosts discuss the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in sales and business. They emphasize the power of active listening and understanding the needs and priorities of clients. They also explore the role of persuasion in sales, highlighting the difference between using persuasion with mindfulness versus without. The hosts share personal experiences and examples to illustrate the impact of mindfulness and self-awareness in building trust and long-term relationships with clients. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the power of mindfulness and self-awareness in navigating life's challenges. They explore the concept of wiping the mind clean and starting with a clean slate, and how this can lead to personal growth and transformation. They also touch on the importance of accepting and embracing change, even if it means losing friendships or facing consequences. The hosts share personal anecdotes and techniques for managing anxiety and negative thoughts, emphasizing the need to separate oneself from these thoughts and not give them power. They discuss the applicability of mindfulness in dealing with PTSD and how it can help ground individuals in the present moment. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and making conscious choices in order to live a more fulfilling life.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Episode 73 - Breaking the Stigma: Men's Mental Health
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode of The Universal Lens, the hosts discuss the importance of men's mental health and the societal pressures that prevent men from seeking help. They explore the programming and social structures that contribute to the stigma around men's mental health and the need for men to be strong and stoic. They emphasize the importance of men opening up and seeking support from friends, therapists, or religious leaders. The hosts also discuss the need to redefine what it means to be a man and break free from societal expectations. They highlight the importance of mindfulness and acceptance in navigating mental health challenges. In this part of the conversation, the speakers discuss the importance of acceptance in dealing with traumatic thoughts and experiences. They emphasize that accepting these thoughts does not mean surrendering or giving up, but rather acknowledging their presence without allowing them to control one's life. They also explore the connection between acceptance and PTSD, highlighting the role of memories and triggers in causing distress. The speakers discuss the limitations of talk therapy and the benefits of acceptance and mindfulness in managing PTSD symptoms. They also touch on the challenges faced by individuals in high-stress professions, such as the military and law enforcement, when transitioning to civilian life. In this final part of the conversation, the speakers discuss the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences to help others. They compare finding a solution to a buried treasure and emphasize the desire to pass on that knowledge to help others. They also discuss the challenges of opening up about mental health issues, particularly in certain professions. They highlight the importance of self-awareness and recognizing the need for help. They also discuss the difficulty of breaking out of societal expectations and the importance of not identifying oneself solely with a job or role. They encourage reaching out for support and resources and emphasize the need to break free from societal stigmas and labels.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Episode 72 - The Power of Choice in your Mental Health, A Deep Dive into Suicide
    May 30 2024

    The conversation delves into the topic of mental health, suicide, and the power of choice in the face of adversity. It explores the impact of negative thoughts, the importance of engaging in life, and the choice to move forward despite challenges. The conversation emphasizes the need for open dialogue and vulnerability in addressing mental health issues. It explores the importance of recognizing and managing one's thoughts, as well as the role of therapy in addressing mental health challenges. The conversation also touches on the significance of understanding the nature of thoughts and emotions, especially in the context of children's emotional development. John Henry and Anthony delve into the impact of societal pressures and emotional attachment, the importance of embracing a range of emotions, the role of passion and identity, and the practice of meditation as a tool for mental well-being. It also addresses the need for parental support and the significance of seeking professional help in critical situations.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Episode 71 - " Get out" of your mind and into your life
    May 22 2024

    In this conversation John Henry and Anthony discuss the concept of separating oneself from intrusive thoughts and how to deal with anxiety. They explore different techniques used in mainstream life , such as telling oneself to get the thought out of their head and masking it with an activity and John explains how that technique can be a trap in becoming an escape and compulsion . They also discuss the idea of accepting thoughts and allowing them to peacefully drift away. The hosts emphasize the importance of being aware of one's need to identify as the ego needs an opposite or other side in order to achieve that identification. They also touch on the topic of listening to different perspectives and not attaching oneself to the emotions that arise. The conversation explores the concept of internal and external dialogue and how it affects our reactions and relationships. It delves into the idea of choosing how we react to situations and not letting them consume us. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our thoughts and choosing how we engage with them. The conversation explores the themes of personal transformation, growth, and mindfulness. The speakers discuss the changes they have observed in themselves and others, particularly in relation to emotions and reactions. Overall, the speakers highlight the value of mindfulness and self-awareness in navigating life's challenges and building a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Episode 70 - Choosing Empathy and Mindfulness over Ego in PATRIOTIC Conversations
    May 5 2024

    Today we discuss the importance of detaching from ego in order to be able to have conversations not argument's. We explore the idea that society is programmed to fight and argue over political beliefs, and emphasize the need for mindful conversations without attachment to personal biases. They also touch on the concept of free will and how humans are continuously programmable beings. We explore the importance of awareness and mindfulness in navigating political and patriotic discussions. It emphasizes the need to have conversations with open-mindedness and empathy, rather than reacting with anger or defensiveness. They highlight the potential for individuals to create positive change in the world by cultivating awareness and making mindful choices. The conversation concludes with a cameo of Johns newest addition to the family, their new Puppy Milo....

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Episode 69 -Letting Go of Ego: The Key to Truly Living
    Apr 28 2024

    Sitting in for Henry Beltra this week again is my good friend and future addition to the show Anthony Lisi. We discuss the concept of living life to the fullest and not waiting until a life-altering event to appreciate life. They also explore the role of ego and how it can hold people back from truly living. They highlight the fleeting nature of life and the need to have awareness so you can live life presently and not for the next moment only. People often say later in life how it went by in a blink. That is a direct cause of following the mind and not watching it. The conversation explores the concept of mindfulness and the importance of observing one's thoughts rather than attaching to them. It emphasizes the practice of acceptance and moving on from negative experiences. The hosts discuss the potential benefits of teaching mindfulness to children from a young age and how it can lead to a mentally aware and emotionally resilient population. They also touch on the idea of not allowing emotions to overpower rational thinking and the importance of lowering the temperature in conflicts.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Episode 68 - The Inner Voice: A Filter for Decision-Making
    Apr 16 2024

    Today we explore the concept of the inner voice or conscious voice and how it guides decision-making. The inner voice is described as a feeling or knowing rather than an actual voice. It is the filter that helps filter out the noise and make choices that align with one's genuine desires and values. The importance of awareness and mindfulness in connecting with the inner voice is emphasized. Following the inner voice may not always lead to the easiest path, but it is the path that aligns with one's true self. We discuss the importance of listening to your intuition and explain that the internal conscious voice is the one that gives you answers and guidance, while the mind is filled with various voices and opinions. We emphasize that it's crucial to filter out the noise and tune into your intuition, which always has your best interests at heart.We also highlight the power of choice and the ability to change your path in life based on what genuinely feels right to you

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m