
  • The Problem with Advice
    Dec 12 2019

    The problem with advice is that people love to "should" on your ideas, but they aren't the people you should be listening to.

    Kate and Kyle give practical ideas on how to seek out advice from the right people.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Six Mental Triggers for Better Marketing
    Sep 26 2019

    There are six different ways you can compel your future clients to pull the trigger on buying from you. The more of these you can use in your marketing, the higher your conversion rate. 

    Kate loves that Kyle finally brought a list. It makes him look prepared. 

    1. Scarcity:  Bonuses go away or the option to buy disappears.

    2. Authority: Like when people walk up to you on stage after a talk, you've demonstrated authority. 

    3. Community: The tribe will lead them to buy

    4. Anticipation: It's coming! This is great for events and other date-related marketing activities, like launches, previews, and new editions. 

    5. Reciprocity: That feeling you get when you feel like you got so much value for free that you want to contribute. Freemium models are using this tactic. 

    6. Social Proof: Look at all the brands this expert has worked with! I see people I know at her conference! People are sharing the brand and messages...

    Get Trajected! 

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Tech tools to keep you organized
    Aug 1 2019

    Kate loves her scheduling app and Kyle loves his too. But they are different. Maybe we should battle? 

    Scheduling software can make you more accessible to your clients or team. As Kyle always says, "If you're easy to love, you're easy to share." #winning

    Kyle thinks you should pay for the free tech tools you love to use. What the... ?!

    Find out the easiest shortcuts for scheduling and for video conferencing users, Zoom.us etc. Because if you're easy to love, you're... oh wait we covered that. 

    Kate wants to make sure ya'll are using Evernote. The functionality is different than Google Drive. Kyle uses it to replace notes he used to create in MS Word. 

    Kyle also NO LONGER uses MS Word for contracts, agreements and sales docs. 

    What's the tech that you love? 

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Mentorshipping
    Jul 10 2019

    Do you have a mentor? Several, perhaps? 

    While you're looking up, remember that others are looking up at you. Why not bring them up with you?

    This episode is all about Mentorshipping: Mentoring your audience in a more personal way. 

    So that whole thing about, "Don't look down?" Look down and help them up.

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    32 m
  • Storytelling & Copywriting
    Jun 14 2019

    People buy things after they read words that convince people to buy things. 

    You've been working on your visual identity but totally missed the importance of good copywriting. Kyle recently discovered the value of having compelling copy and now he sees poor copy everywhere. He hired Victoria, she worked her magic with words, and now you've got to meet her. 

    This is all about story and the role you play in your own. 

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    45 m
  • Scheduling Your Year
    Jun 7 2019

    Kyle has been way behind in the production schedule for Trajectory, so Kate suggested we talk about scheduling and time management.

    Our friend Eric Ryan has been growing his business while never sacrificing time with his wife and kids and dog - and he offered to share his annual scheduling system with us. Before Kyle could say yes, Kate said, "Uh, yes PLEASE for Kyle." It was awkward. 

    Focus days, Off days, Buffer days. Colored stickers. Office Depot calendars. It's a simple plan and it can work for you, too. 

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    55 m
  • Inbound vs Content Marketing World
    Sep 7 2018

    Kate chose Content Marketing World for her professional development and broke into the speaker lounge. 

    Kyle chose Inbound and went to all of his sessions and networked in the elevator. Boston is not afraid of the beard. 

    Kate name-drops. 

    Kyle takes notes. 

    Today's challenge: Identify your own professional development opportunity for 2019 and take steps to get there. #gettrajected

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    39 m
  • A Thousand True Fans
    Dec 21 2017

    Get people to come back into your business using concepts described by A Thousand True Fans by Kevin Kelly. 

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    42 m