
  • ADHD, Community and Making Room for Mistakes
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam discuss the importance of community for individuals with ADHD. They emphasize how community provides essential support for personal growth, learning, and navigating challenges. The hosts stress the need for room to work out our challenges and how ADHD can make it difficult to see anything but perfection as a goal and rejection as the obstacle on the path to change. Ash shares a personal experience from a Pride camping trip, highlighting the significance of self-acceptance and the role of safe, trusting environments.

    They discuss the concept of "chosen family," where mutual trust and safety allow for genuine self-expression and learning from mistakes. The episode concludes by stressing the value of showing up and engaging in communities that align with personal interests, as these spaces can offer crucial support and opportunities for growth.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • ADHD and the Power of Community
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode of Translating ADHD, hosts Ash and Cam explore the essential role of community for individuals with ADHD. They discuss how community provides a sense of belonging and acceptance, which is crucial for personal growth and mental well-being. Ash shares insights from coaching clients, emphasizing that despite different personal contexts, all clients express a need for community. They reflect on their own experiences, highlighting how community has evolved from a place of mere acceptance to one that fosters creativity and personal development.

    The conversation also touches on the importance of safe environments where individuals can be themselves and the significance of balancing support and challenge within a community. Ash and Cam conclude by encouraging listeners to explore their interests to find like-minded communities and to approach challenges with curiosity rather than judgment.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    27 m
  • ADHD and Optimal Environments for Learning
    Jun 3 2024

    In this episode of the Translating ADHD podcast, hosts Ash and Cam delve into the importance of creating optimal learning environments, especially for those with ADHD. Cam shares insights from neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang on the role of emotion and psychological safety in learning. He reflects on his own educational experiences, emphasizing the need for relevance and connection to material.

    They discuss the three barriers ADHD individuals face—awareness, action, and learning —and highlight the significance of emotional resilience, community support, and personalized learning strategies. The episode underscores the ongoing challenge of managing ADHD and the value of creating supportive, engaging environments for sustained learning and growth.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    23 m
  • Reframing Balance with ADHD
    May 27 2024

    In this episode, Ash and Cam discuss the challenges of achieving balance, particularly for those with ADHD. Ash shares a client's struggle to balance work and personal commitments during a stressful period. They explore the concept of "rebalancing" instead of striving for perfect balance, emphasizing flexibility and managing expectations.

    They discuss how individuals with ADHD can create buy-in of some ideal state like balance but not consider what balance can mean for them specifically. This is related to chasing unrealistic expectations - very much an ADHD thing. Ash shares personal experiences of managing overwhelm by focusing on realistic goals and small wins. They conclude that progress is not linear and it's important to prioritize and adapt to changing needs.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    28 m
  • Identifying False Needs with ADHD
    May 20 2024

    In this episode, Ash and Cam discuss the concept of "false needs" in managing ADHD. They highlight examples from clients who feel compelled to constantly manage their ADHD or strive for daily improvement, often driven by internal pressures and emotional dysregulation.

    Ash shares his own experience with false needs, stressing the importance of identifying genuine needs versus constructed ones. Cam shares examples from two clients where they both feel compelled to do something. It feels like a real need, but they are not physically possible and they come at a great cost. The hosts emphasize the value of pausing to reflect and using emotional signals to distinguish real needs, ultimately promoting self-awareness and balance in ADHD management.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    27 m
  • ADHD and Navigating Value Conflict
    May 13 2024

    Individuals with ADHD can feel strongly about living a life of integrity and always honoring one’s values but what happens when our values conflict with just getting through our day? This episode centers around the concept of value conflicts and how individuals with ADHD navigate complex decisions where their values are in conflict with the demands of modern society.

    The hosts, Ash and Cam, explore a specific case of a client dealing with the need to purchase a new smartphone, a decision that raises ethical and environmental concerns. Ash shares how his client struggled with the ethics of buying a new smartphone, considering the environmental and labor issues associated with smartphone production, while also acknowledging the necessity of owning one in today's society. Ash relays to listeners how their coaching session helped the client address the tension between his values and practical needs by identifying the specific functions he required from his smartphone.

    This led to a broader discussion about "task bundling" and the realization that he might be overcomplicating his approach by attempting to solve too many issues at once. Through this exploration, the client began to understand how he could still honor his values but also not let the issue hobble his need to move through his day.

    The hosts also touch on themes such as black-and-white thinking, perfectionism, and the struggle to balance ethical principles with practical realities. The episode concludes with a reminder that it's important to clarify what is truly necessary in the moment and to focus on manageable steps to address more significant ethical concerns without overburdening oneself with complex task bundling. This clarity helps create space for thoughtful, sustainable decisions while reducing the stress and pressure that often accompany ADHD.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    27 m
  • ADHD and Intuition
    May 6 2024

    This episode centers around the topic of ADHD and intuition, exploring how ADHD can impact one's ability to trust themselves and their instincts. Ash begins by explaining that ADHD often gets in the way of trusting oneself and one’s intuition. This lack of trust can stem from a lifetime of masking, adapting behavior to please others, or having inaccurate reads on situations, leading to a tendency to second-guess oneself. Ash shares a story about a client working in a nonprofit who was struggling with a performance improvement plan (PIP) at work, leading to questions about her future and whether she should stay in her current job. The client also experienced burnout, raising doubts about her identity and what other career options might suit her. As the coaching process progressed, Ash asked the client to tune into her intuition to find answers. Initially, the client was unsure about her intuition, feeling more comfortable with logical, quantitative approaches. However, she discovered that she could trust how her body felt to guide her decisions.

    Cam and Ash discuss the coaching process and how coaches must balance the client's stated goals with the broader context of their life. They highlight the importance of being patient, allowing the client to find clarity at their own pace, and creating a space for reflection and discovery. The episode emphasizes the connection between ADHD and intuition, showing how coaching can help individuals with ADHD navigate complex decisions by exploring their intuition and trusting themselves. Ash and Cam underline the significance of not getting attached to specific outcomes and instead fostering a process of discovery and insight.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

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    26 m
  • Shifting How We Converse with ADHD
    Apr 29 2024

    This episode focuses on the idea of understanding, owning, and translating ADHD. Hosts Ash and Cam discuss how the language we use to describe our experiences with ADHD can shape our perception of it, and ultimately, our relationship with it.

    Cam talks about a client who, through coaching, began to view their ADHD as something external that can influence behavior, rather than something inherent that defines them. This shift in perspective allows individuals to be more objective and less judgmental about their actions and traits. This client used language like "my ADHD tells me," indicating a shift towards a more flexible and accepting mindset.

    Ash shares a story about a client whose optimism sometimes leads him to overcommit and take on too much. He introduced the term "toxic optimism" to describe this behavior, contrasting it with constructive optimism, which is more sustainable and realistic. This shift in perspective has helped him better manage his time and prioritize tasks.

    Throughout the episode, the hosts emphasize the importance of reflective practice. They talk about how adopting a growth mindset and being open to changing one's perspective can lead to personal growth and a more balanced life. They also discuss the limitations of time and the importance of not being overly attached to rigid ideas of success or productivity.

    Overall, the episode is about helping listeners understand their ADHD experiences, embrace a more flexible mindset, and find healthier ways to manage their lives and expectations. The hosts encourage the audience to examine their internal dialogue and consider different perspectives, offering practical advice and personal stories to support this approach.

    Episode links + resources:

    • Join the Community | Become a Patron
    • Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
    • About Cam and Asher

    For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:

    • Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
    • Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
    • Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

    Más Menos
    25 m