
  • How Does It Feel To Be In Your Authentic Feminine Power
    May 21 2024

    When you think of feminine power, what comes to mind?

    Many of us have a complicated relationship with power, often viewing it through the lens of past experiences where power was exerted over us, leading to discomfort and unease.

    This can shape our worldview and affect our perception of our own power.

    True feminine power is beyond the way that being in your feminine energy is often portrayed in social media as light, floaty, contained and always graceful. This version of the feminine is limiting and viewed through a patriarchal lens.

    It keeps us stuck in playing the role of good girl - performing in “acceptable feminine” ways.

    Feminine power, is not about power over others; it’s about power within. It’s about expressing your authentic self, embracing your desires, and having the courage to pursue your dreams.

    In a world that values masculine strengths—logic, linear thinking, and go-go energy— we women find ourselves out of balance, rejecting our intuitive, cyclical, and magnetic feminine strengths. I used to count myself in this category too, and this habitual way of being takes its toll on us.

    In this episode, we dive into what it means to be in your feminine power, and identify obstacles to stepping into this power.

    I share:

    🔥Understanding your relationship to your personal power

    🔥Negative effects of relying too much on your masculine strengths

    🔥How societal messages during childhood create wounds around your worth

    🔥The habit of disembodiment

    🔥Recognizing patterns of disempowerment

    🔥3 key habits to reclaim your feminine power


    🌷want to turn on your feminine power and embody your confident, radiant and magnetic self? This is exactly what you will learn in the Untamed Feminine group coaching program.


    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    🎦watch my Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@TertiaRiegler

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • #49 How To Infuse More Pleasure Into Your Life
    May 7 2024

    Embracing a pleasure-filled life is not just about indulgence or instant gratification—it's about cultivating a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and empowerment.

    Despite its importance, many of us grapple with barriers that hinder our ability to embrace pleasure fully.

    In our pursuit of pleasure, we often feel confined to narrow definitions offered by societal conditioning and misconceptions about the truth of our feminine power.

    Whether it's due to externalised beliefs of what pleasure should look like, feeling numb, or navigating internal tensions and constrictions, entering into the waters of pleasure can sometimes feel murky.

    Today on the podcast, I'm extending an invitation — one that turns you into the realm of your pleasure so you can infuse your life with more joy and satisfaction.

    In this episode, I share:

    🔥Taking pleasure beyond the narrow definitions we are sold

    🔥Pleasure as an act of devotion

    🔥How reclaiming your pleasure is an essential part of reclaiming your feminine power

    🔥Some of the biggest barriers to having a pleasure-filled life

    🔥Why having self-awareness around your barriers is not enough

    🔥My best strategies for cultivating more pleasure in your life


    🌷want to turn on your feminine power and embody your confident, radiant and magnetic self? This is exactly what you will learn in the Untamed Feminine group coaching program.

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide

    🎦Watch my Youtube Channel

    💫 connect with me on Instagram

    💃 get to know me, visit my website

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • #48 5 Signs You Are Living from Your Feminine Power
    Apr 17 2024

    In this episode, I share what living from your feminine power looks like. When we embrace our feminine energy, we unlock our truest selves and radiate authenticity in every aspect of our lives. Listen now to learn 5 empowering signs that serve as confirmation of your feminine reclamation journey! 💜

    🌷want to learn how to live from your radiant and magnetic feminine energy? Apply for a FREE call to see if the Untamed Feminine group coaching program is right for you https://untamedfeminine.com/apply/

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    🎧 listen to my Untamed and Embodied podcast https://www.buzzsprout.com/2004120

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • #47 Dark Feminine Energy | come back into wholeness
    Apr 3 2024

    Learn about 4 things that get in the way of you embodying more of your dark feminine energy. Our dark feminine isn’t some manipulative gothic chick expression. She is a fierce protector of our truth and embracing both your light and your dark feminine activates your life force energy, and brings you back into wholeness, so that you can show up in the world in an empowered and sovereign way.
    Hope you find it helpful! 💜

    🌷want to learn how to live from your radiant and magnetic feminine energy? Apply for a FREE call to see if the Untamed Feminine group coaching program is right for you https://www.tertiariegler.com/apply

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • #46 Are You Leaning Too Much Into Your Masculine Energy?
    Mar 26 2024

    If you are worried about leaning too much into your masculine energy, you need to watch this video. I share some common signs of relying too much on your masculine which may leave you feeling unsatisfied in your life (and there’s nothing wrong if this is you!) You will also learn how you can reclaim your feminine energy for a better and more fulfilling life. Hope you find it helpful! 💜

    🌷want to learn how to live from your radiant and magnetic feminine energy? Apply for a FREE call to see if the Untamed Feminine group coaching program is right for you https://www.tertiariegler.com/apply

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    🎧 listen to my Untamed and Embodied podcast https://www.buzzsprout.com/2004120

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • #45 Feminine Magnetism | be magnetic in everyday life
    Mar 7 2024

    Feminine magnetism is not something you do, is something you are.

    To be magnetic is to effortlessly draw something towards you, and this is directly linked to our feminine energy.

    The relationship you have towards your desire has a direct influence on the ease (and success) with which you are able to call that in.

    In this episode, I dive into how you can cultivate this magnetic quality in your everyday life and I share 4 of the most important aspects to upskill yourself in.

    If you want to call in something more specific, like more clients, a new relationship or even a new house, you’ll love the magnetism practice I teach in my Untamed Feminine group coaching program. Enrollment is now open! https://untamedfeminine.com/

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • #44 Wounded Feminine Energy | heal + become skilled in your feminine energy
    Feb 27 2024

    Do you need to heal your feminine energy? Many women are waking up to the realisation that they are disconnected from their feminine energy. They share a common experience of feelings of imbalance and disempowerment.

    Many of us have never learned how to access the reservoir of personal power within our feminine essence. Recognizing the signs that your feminine energy is wounded, and embracing practices to reclaim your feminine power leads to the inner (and outer) transformation you may crave.

    In this episode, I share some of the most common signs I see of unhealed feminine energy and practical steps to embark on a journey of feminine reclamation.

    🌷want to learn how to connect to your divine feminine energy? Schedule a FREE discovery session to see if we’re a good fit and if my program is the right option for you https://www.tertiariegler.com/apply/

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    🎬watch my videos on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TertiaRieglerEmbodiment

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • #43 Become The Woman You Want To Be & Reclaim Your Feminine Energy
    Feb 20 2024

    Deep within every woman lies a reservoir of dreams, sometimes quietly nestled in the recesses of her heart. We all yearn to embody the woman we're destined to become, the woman of our dreams.

    Whether you're longing for a deeper sense of self-worth, inner peace, or simply seeking more ease and flow in your life, reclaiming your feminine energy can be a powerful catalyst for inner (and outer) transformation.

    There's a shift that occurs when we tap into the depths of our feminine essence - sometimes it may seem subtle, but the effects are always profound.

    In this episode, I share 6 gifts of reclaiming your feminine energy so that you can become the woman you want to be.

    🌷Untamed Feminine group coaching program is open for enrollment https://www.tertiariegler.com/apply/

    🌀 download my Feminine Morning Rituals Guide https://femininemorningritual.com/

    💫 connect with me on Instagram https://instagram.com/TertiaRieglerEmbodiment/

    🎬watch my videos on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TertiaRieglerEmbodiment

    💃 get to know me, visit my website https://www.tertiariegler.com/work-with-tertia-riegler-feminine-embodiment-coaching/

    Más Menos
    21 m