
  • 88. My self-coaching process
    Jun 20 2024

    This week's episode is all about the process I use to coach myself. I think having a coach is fantastic, but it's also super important to be able to manage your own mind and be your own coach! In this episode, I'm teaching you all about my own self-coaching practice. I talk about what I do on a daily basis as maintenance in order to optimize my baseline emotional and mental well-being. I also give you my protocol for managing acute, difficult, heavy emotion.

    Take a listen and reach out with any questions because you know I love to hear from you!

    Get your copy of my daily journal HERE, because it's the perfect complement to today's episode!


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    Get my signature journal HERE!

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    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 87. The model - a review
    May 24 2024

    This episode is all about one of my favorite coaching tools, The Model. This elegant framework helps you simplify any situation so you can gain a lot of insight and awareness about the things that are happening in your life. It's one of the major components I use in my coaching practice {though not the only one} and will come into play in next weeks episode about my self-coaching process.

    Take a listen and the try creating some models on your own for practice. As always, I love to hear from you, so feel free to send me your models {contact info below} and I will personally give you feedback!

    Make sure to get on my email list so you don't miss important upcoming announcements about my free virtual bookclub and group coaching programs!

    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Get access to my newsletter, so you don't miss a thing!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 86. Life + business update
    May 16 2024

    My friends - I have MISSED you! I took a little unplanned, unexpected hiatus from the podcast, and really from all things business. But I'm baaaack! And I'm delighted to be here with you again.

    In this episode I share some of what's been going on with me for the past 3 months. I also tell you about what you can expect coming up in my coaching biz with some exciting new ways to work together.

    Take a listen and make sure you hit subscribe so you never miss an episode!

    And - click HERE to get on my awesome, non-annoying email list. You don't want to miss the upcoming info about my free virtual book club and group coaching programs!

    xo, Allison


    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Get access to my email list, so you don't miss a thing!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 85. Habits and your self-image
    Mar 7 2024

    Think about this - every action you take is a vote for the type of person you want to be. If you aren’t choosing your actions intentionally, they could be a vote for the type of person you are by default. Many of the actions you take could be described as habits, behaviors that you repeat almost automatically.

    We just finished reading Atomic Habits in my book club (click here to check it out). In this episode I’m talking about how your habits create your self-image, and how to reframe your thinking about habit creation.

    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Free stuff --> click here!

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 84. Belief is not always required
    Feb 29 2024

    This might be an unpopular opinion in the world of personal development, but I don’t think that belief is always required in creating the results you want in life. We are often told that to have the life we want, we have to believe harder in our ability to attain it. I’m showing you why I don’t always agree with that teaching, and what I think is even more important than belief.


    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Free stuff --> click here!

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 83. What you want wants you back
    Feb 22 2024

    This is a short but impactful episode where I'm sharing one of my favorite anchoring phrases or mantras. Anytime I feel stuck, down, frustrated or unsure about things in my life, I remind myself: what I want wants me back. That thought creates a feeling of peace and calm for me. Try it on and see if it resonates with you!

    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Free stuff --> click here!

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 82. Creating vs. fixing your life
    Feb 15 2024

    Have you ever turned to coaching, personal development or self-help as a way to fix the things that you think are broken about you?

    If so, you're not alone. It's really easy and common for us to view this type of work as a way to deal with the things that are "wrong" with our lives.

    But in this episode, I teach you how to reframe that way of thinking. There's NOTHING wrong with you or your life, and you aren't broken. I want you to start to use coaching and personal development as a way to create your life on purpose, not to fix something that's broken.

    I reference the book The Gap and the Gain in this podcast - the gap between where you are now and where you want to be puts you in the negative energy of fixing; looking at the gain between where you are now vs where you used to be has you in the positive energy of creating. Check out the book by clicking here.

    It's not too late to get in on this round of Dating Without Drama! Click here for all the info and to enroll today!


    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Free stuff --> click here!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 81. My "outs" for 2024
    Feb 8 2024

    Last week I told you what's IN for me for this new year - the things I want more of, that I'm focusing on.

    Today I'm telling you what's OUT - the things I am no longer available for and won't be including in my life.

    Take a listen and then let me know - what is OUT for you this year?


    Come hang out on Instagram and Facebook with me!

    Check out my blog, where paid subscribers get my juiciest stories for less than the price of that iced triple shot, oat milk latte.

    Want to work together? Click here for my current offerings.

    Free stuff --> click here!

    Más Menos
    29 m