
  • Guru Dron Kaa Sangharsh Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 18
    Jul 14 2024
    गुरु द्रोण का संघर्ष00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका01:02 राजकुमारों की शिक्षा प्रारम्भ02:08 आचार्य कृप का जन्म और शिक्षा06:47 गुरु द्रोण का जन्म, शिक्षा और विवाह09:31 द्रोणपुत्र अश्वत्थामा का जन्म10:12 द्रोण को महर्षि परशुराम से अस्त्र ज्ञान मिला15:09 द्रुपद द्वारा दरिद्र द्रोण का अपमान20:02 द्रोण का हस्तिनापुर में गुप्त निवास21:59 द्रोण ने सूखे कुँए से गुल्ली निकाली25:48 भीष्म द्वारा द्रोण का आदर सत्कार और चर्चा32:15 द्रोण राजकुमारों के गुरु नियुक्त34:47 उपसंहारEpisode 18 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth and life of Aachary Krup and Guru Dron. Responsibility for initial education of princes of Hastinapur was entrusted to Aachary Krup who was son of Shardwaan Gautam. Maharaj Shantanu found two newborn children during a hunting expedition. He named the boy as Krup and the girl as Krupee. After some time Shardwaan came to know about his children. He came and educated them. Dron was son of Maharshi Bhardwaaj who had taught Agnivesh, son of Agnidev. Dron was taught by Agnivesh. When Dron was a child, he became friendly with Drupad who was son of King Prushat. Dron was married to Krupee. The couple was blessed with a son named Ashwatthaamaa. Dron was facing financial hardships when he learnt that Maharshi Parshuram had decided to donate all his wealth. Dron went to Parshuram but was disappointed since Parshuram had already given away his wealth. However, Parshuram gave him some very valuable knowledge about important weapons. Dron went to his childhood friend Drupad who had by then become king. Drupad insulted him and denied friendship with him. Dron turned to Hastinapur where Bheeshm honoured him and appointed him as the guru of young princes. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapters 129-130). Production support: Friends and well-wishers.*****महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is ...
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    36 m
  • Paandvon Kee Vaapsee Aur Bheem Kee Hatyaa Kaa Prayaas Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 17
    Jul 11 2024
    पाण्डवों की वापसी और भीम की हत्या का प्रयास00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका01:02 कुन्ती एवं पाण्डुपुत्रों की हस्तिनापुर वापसी07:42 युद्धिष्ठिर के साथ अन्याय10:21 सत्यवती, अम्बिका और अम्बालिका का प्रस्थान14:04 भीम की हत्या की कुटिल योजना19:19 भीम को विष खिलाया21:55 भीम के निर्जीव से शरीर को जल में फेंका24:27 नागलोक में भीम को दस हजार हाथियों का बल मिला29:34 कुंती एवं युद्धिष्ठिर परेशान31:28 विदुर द्वारा कुंती को चुप रहने की सलाह33:58 विषनाशक खीर खा कर भीम की वापसी36:34 पुनः भीम की हत्या का प्रयास और पांडवों की चुप रहने तथा सहने की नीति40:35 उपसंहारEpisode 17 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the events after death of Paandu and Maadree. Kuntee and sons of Paandu returned to Hastinaapur accompanied by rishis. Various rituals related to death of Mahaaraj Paandu were carried out. However, there was no coronation of Yudhishthir. Sensing the bad times that were ahead Maharshi Ved Vyas advised Satyavatee to leave Hastinaapur. Satyavatee accompanied by her daughters-in-law Ambikaa and Ambalikaa left Hastinaapur. They died in the forest after some time. Duryodhan and his brothers were not happy with the return of five sons of Paandu. They noticed that Bheem was clearly the strongest. Bheem was able to beat everyone in all sports. Bheem could even carry ten children of his own age. Duryodhan looked at Bheem’s strength as a threat to his dream of becoming king. He planned to kill Bheem by poisoning him and throwing the body in river. Duryodhan executed his meticulously planned strategy. However, by a strange turn of events, Bheem survived and returned with the strength of ten thousand elephants and with the ability to digest any poison. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapters 125-128). Production support: Friends and well-wishers. ***** महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. *****Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing...
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    42 m
  • Paandu Kaa Nidhan Evam Maadree Kaa Agniprvesh Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 16
    Jul 10 2024
    महाराज पाण्डु का निधन एवं माद्री का अग्निप्रवेश00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका01:02 काम के वशीभूत पाण्डु माद्री का वन में विचरण05:27 महाराज पाण्डु की मृत्यु10:14 कुन्ती एवं माद्री का विलाप एवं संवाद15:15 कुन्ती की देहत्याग की इच्छा18:29 पति का अनुसरण करने की माद्री की इच्छा20:54 ऋषियों द्वारा समझाने का प्रयास25:23 कुन्ती द्वारा ऋषियों की सलाह शिरोधार्य27:05 माद्री का पति के साथ जाने का निर्णय31:42 कुंती द्वारा माद्री को पतिलोक में जाने की आज्ञा32:51 पाण्डु का दाह संस्कार तथा माद्री द्वारा चिता प्रवेश33:35 उपसंहारEpisode 16 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the events that led to the death of Mahaaraaj Paandu and decision of Queen Maadree to accompany her husband to the other world. On the fateful day, Paandu and Maadree went for a walk in the forest. Maadree was looking very beautiful. Paandu yielded to the temptation and tried to establish sexual relations with her. Due to the curse of Muni, Paandu died instantly. His wives, Kuntee and Maadree, were shocked and sad. Both wanted to get into fire and follow in the footsteps of Paandu. The rishis, who were present there, advised the two against such a step asking them to instead take care of the five sons. Kuntee accepted their advice. Maadree was determined to die. She handed over her two sons to Kuntee and said her parting words to all present. The same day, Paandu was cremated and Maadree sacrificed her life in the same fire. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 124). Production support: Friends and well-wishers.*****महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - ...
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    34 m
  • Dhrutraashtr Gaandhaaree Ke Putron Evam Putree Kaa Janm Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 15
    Jun 27 2024
    00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका01:03 गांधारी की मानसिकता में लोभ की पराकाष्ठा09:00 दो वर्ष के गर्भधारण के बाद पिंड मिला12:55 पिण्ड का विभाजन और कुंडों में स्थापना16:50 दुर्योधन एवं अन्य बालकों का जन्म18:30 भयंकर अपशकुन और पुत्र त्याग की सलाह25:18 गणिकापुत्र युयुत्सु का जन्म25:43 गांधारी को पुत्री की चाह30:18 धृतराष्ट्र के पांच पुत्रों तथा पुत्री के नाम31:14 धृतराष्ट्र द्वारा पुत्रों एवं पुत्री का विवाह32:00 उपसंहार Episode 15 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth of one hundred and one (101) sons and one daughter of Dhrutraashtr. Gaandhaaree had been blessed by Shiva to have a hundred sons. However, she wanted to be sure that the sons are biological descendants of her husband and herself. So, she sought and received this blessing from Maharshi Ved Vyas. In due course, Gaandhaaree became pregnant. The pregnancy continued for about two years. When Gaandhaaree heard about birth of Kuntee’s eldest son, Gaandhaaree was furious and hit her stomach very strongly. A big hard lump appeared. Maharshi Ved Vyas came and did an elaborate procedure which involved splitting the big hard lump into parts and growing each part separately in a vessel. In due course, Duryodhan was born followed by his ninety nine brothers. Birth of Duryodhan was accompanied by many bad omens and Dhrutraashtr was advised to get rid of the child. However, Dhrutraashtr did not accept the advice. When Maharshi was splitting the big lump into pieces, Gaandhaaree wished for a daughter in addition to the hundred sons. Maharishi obliged her by saving a piece from the lump to be a girl. When Gaandhaaree was pregnant, a prostitute was kept in the service of Dhrutraashtr. Yuyutsu was born to the prostitute. Yuyutsu was the second son of Dhrutraashtr. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 114, 115 and 116).Production support: Friends and well-wishers. ***** महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is ...
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    33 m
  • Indrputr Arjun Evam Nakul Sahdev Kaa Janm Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 14
    Jun 21 2024
    00:00 परिचय एवं भूमिका01:03 देवकृपा के साथ पराक्रम, उत्साह, उद्योग आवश्यक03:14 पराक्रम उत्साह के देवता देवराज इन्द्र की उपासना06:37 अर्जुन का जन्म08:32 अर्जुन के सम्बन्ध में आकाशवाणी10:32 कुन्ती द्वारा पाण्डु को इन्कार13:31 माद्री की पुत्र सम्बन्धी इच्छा16:54 कुन्ती से माद्री को पुत्र दिलाने हेतु अनुरोध20:15 अश्विनी कुमारों द्वारा नकुल सहदेव का जन्म24:56 कुन्ती की माद्री से नाराज़गी28:02 पाण्डवों की शिक्षा और संस्कार32:56 उपसंहारEpisode 14 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth of three Pandavs – Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev. Paandu thought that success in life depends on hard work, enthusiasm and efforts. The devta who is known for these qualities is Indr, the king of devtas. Paandu decided to please Indr before asking for a son from the king of devtas. Indr copulated with Kuntee and Arjun was born. When Arjun was born, everyone from swarg came to bless the child. Paandu’s other wife, Maadree also wanted a child. She pleaded with her husband to request Kuntee to help her get a child. On request from Paandu, Kuntee obliged. Maadree called Ashwini Kumar, the twins who are doctors of devtas. The two doctors gave Madree twins who were named as Nakul and Sahdev. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 122 and 123). Production support: Friends and well-wishers. ***** महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Paanduputr Yudhishthir Evam Bheem Kaa Janm Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 13
    Jun 13 2024
    Episode 13 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth of the eldest son and second son of Maharaj Paandu – Yudhishthir and Bheem. The chapter begins with describing Kaaneen son – someone born to one’s wife before marriage is Kaaneen son of the husband. Karn was Kaaneen son of Paandu. Having been barred from having sexual relations due to the curse of Muni Kindam, Paandu convinced his wife Kuntee to bear child with the help of some other man. Kuntee told her husband about Brahmin Durwaasaa who had taught her a special mantra by which she could call any devata who would come and bless her with a son. Paandu was extremely pleased. He asked her to call Dharmdev to get a son who will always follow dharm. Kunteed obeyed and thus Yudhishthir was born. For the next son, Paandu chose all-powerful Pawandev. This led to the birth of Bheem. When Bheem was only ten days old he fell on a large rock causing the rock to break into pieces. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 119, 121 and 122).Production support: Friends and well-wishers.*****महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.***** Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com
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    28 m
  • Paandu Ko Shraap, Santaan Sambandhi Chintaa Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 12
    Jun 7 2024
    Episode 12 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the incident that made Paandu incapable of having a biological child. Paandu spotted a mating deer couple. He shot arrows and killed the couple. It turned out that the deer was actually a muni who used to take the form of a deer. Muni Kindam cursed King Paandu that the King would suffer the same way as the Muni suffered and would die as and when he attempted to have sex. This was devastating. Paandu decided to turn a tapaswee and give up all ornaments. His wives also promised that they would stay with him but would lead a life of abstinence. Living the life of an ascetic, Paandu developed good relations with various rishis. Once when Paandu was feeling sorry about having to die without a child, the rishis told him that they could see him being blessed with very good children. The rishis asked Paandu to try to become a father. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 117-119). Production support: Friends and well-wishers.*****महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. *****Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.*****Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com
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    32 m
  • Soorydev Aur Kuntee Kaa Putr Karn Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv No. 11
    May 30 2024
    Episode 11 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla discusses the birth of Kuntee’s first child fathered by Soorydev. In the palace of Kuntibhoj, Kuntee was assigned the job of welcoming guests. A Brahmin named Durwaasaa came to the palace. Kuntee took great care of the Brahmin. When he was leaving, he taught Kuntee a special mantra by which she could call any devata who would come and bless her with a son. After the departure of Durwaasaa, Kuntee got curious and called Soorydev. To her horror, Soorydev appeared and wanted to bless her with a son. She was not prepared to bear a child. However, Soorydev prevailed upon her and convinced her. He told her that the son born with their alliance will be born with a special shield and will have kundals in his ears. She conceded and was blessed with a son. Unable to face the world, she put the kid in a basket and put it on river. The basket was picked up by a saarthee named Adhirath who handed it over to his wife Raadhaa. They named the child as Vasushen and also called him Raadhey. The boy grew up to be brave and worshipper of sun. Much later, Devraaj Indr appeared as a Brahim and asked for Vasushen’s shield and kundals. Vasushen did not hesitate for a moment and pulled out his shield and kundals. Indr gave him the name of Karn. (Mahabharat/Aadiparv/Sambhav Parv/Chapter 110). Production support: Friends and well-wishers. ***** महाभारत और वाल्मीकि रामायण हिन्दू धर्म के दो मूलभूत आधार ग्रन्थ हैं। महाभारत ज्ञान का एक ऐसा विशाल भण्डार है जो जीवन के हर पहलू के सम्बन्ध में शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इसमें जो संघर्ष है वह भिन्न भिन्न जीवन मूल्यों का द्वन्द्व है। जिन मूलभूत मूल्यों एवं आदर्शों के लिए राम ने रावण से युद्ध किया, उन्हीं को स्थापित करने और सशक्त करने के लिए द्वैपायन कृष्ण और वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अथक अनवरत प्रयास करते हैं। उनके इन प्रयासों की कथा ही महाभारत है। इस कथा को जान कर, समझ कर और उससे प्राप्त शिक्षा को आचरण में उतार कर हम अपने जीवन को सुखद एवं समृद्ध बना सकते हैं। समस्त सुधीजनों को अनेकानेक शुभकामनाओं के साथ यह श्रृंखला "महाभारत का महापर्व" विनम्रतापूर्वक समर्पित है। Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan are the two fundamental foundation epics of Hinduism. Mahabharat is a vast storehouse of knowledge that teaches one about every aspect of life. The struggle in the epic is the clash between two different life-values. Dwaipaayan Krishn and Vaasudev Krishn put in relentless and continuous efforts to establish and strengthen the same fundamental values and ideals for which Ram fought the war against Raavan. Mahabharat is the story of their efforts. By learning and understanding this story and by adopting the learnings into our behaviour we can make our life happy and rich. This series “Mahabharat Ka Mahaparv” is most humbly submitted with the best of regards and wishes to those who value knowledge. ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinker Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinker Hubhopper - https://hubhopper.com/podcast/valmiki-ramayan-ke-ram/339465 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samarth.bharat/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/77iwIF32X1ATf6Uw7Trej4?si=c204e7c9ca3844fc YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valmikiramayan TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@samarth_bharat Please donate by paying to 9406528010@paytm using any UPI app in India.***** Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an Insolvency Professional. Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com
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    30 m