
  • Exhausted to Extraordinary Finale: Mindset Hack Mega Episode
    May 12 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    Over the past 39 weeks, we've have experts from all different arenas come on the show and share their mindset hacks with us. In this final episode of Exhausted to Extraordinary, Dr. Sharon Grossman recaps many of these mindsets. By following them, you will be able to: 

    • Build up your resilience
    • Face challenges and overcome your fear of failure
    • Manage anxiety and negativity and feel better faster
    • Revive the relationship with yourself
    • Break bad habits and establish good ones
    • Find your happiness at work
    • Work more efficiently

    Let these mindset hacks motivate you to live your best life!You don't have to go it alone. 


    • Sign up for the Burnout Doc's Weekly Digest: http://drsharongrossman.com/ 
    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/dYlhGC37nVg
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: https://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


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  • How to Handle Emotional Reactions — In Just 7 Minutes with Kerri Hummingbird
    May 5 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    Are you overworked and underpaid? Do you feel ungrounded, unsure, or unable to control your temper? Do you look for more ways to prove that you know what you’re talking about which only leads to more certifications and social proof that you’re enough when you need to slow down and go inside?

    This week on the Exhausted to Extraordinary podcast, Soul Guide Kerri Hummingbird shares how to handle emotional reactions and what to focus on instead of proving ourselves to others to better understand yourself in a spiritual context.


    • Play the Love Mastery Game, an oracle game for discovering the soul's curriculum behind the current life challenge: https://kerrihummingbird.com/play
    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/oeWw7AS2vNs
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


    About Kerri Hummingbird:

    Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide and host of Soul Nectar Show, is the #1 international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love" which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. Kerri inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. Her newest book, already a #1 int'l bestseller, is called "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound" and describes the most direct path to spiritual enlightenment.

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  • How to Win the Day by Owning the First Hour — In Just 7 Minutes with Dr. Harry Karydes
    Apr 28 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    What are the red flags that you’re in emotional hot water? Either being emotionless or overly emotional. According to Dr. Harry Karydes, this may just be a symptom of not starting your day off on the right foot. 

    In this week’s episode of Exhausted to Extraordinary, you will learn the ARISA formula for getting your day started right. This morning ritual will put you ahead of 90% of your peers who are suffering with burnout. 


    • Watch Dr. Harry’s webinar: “7 Habits Every 21st Doctor Needs to Know” — https://go.medicinerevived.com/7habits-webinar-mra
    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/54I5910YQ_8
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/



    About Dr. Harry Karydes:

    Dr. Harry Karydes is an emergency physician, medical toxicologist and medical director understands the issues physicians face including stress, lack of motivation, and mental fatigue have become commonplace in medicine.

    He’s crafted habits that focus on reaching personal and professional goals without sacrificing one for the other. His mission is to give you the courage and the tools to learn, grow, and thrive in the important areas of your life.

    Connect with him:

    INSTAGRAM  |  https://www.instagram.com/medicinerevived/

    FACEBOOK  |  https://www.facebook.com/medicinerevived

    LINKEDIN  |  www.linkedin.com/in/harry-karydes

    TWITTER  |  https://twitter.com/medicinerevived

    WEBSITE  |  https://www.medicinerevived.com

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  • How to Optimize Your Sleep and Skyrocket Your Productivity — In Just 7 Minutes with Dr. Shane Creado
    Apr 21 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or high achiever who’s motivated to change your life but are overdoing it and feeling exhausted? If that’s you, then you have it all wrong. What if instead of focusing on doing more you focus on letting go?

    This week on the Exhausted to Extraordinary podcast, Dr. Shane Creado shares his framework to retrain the brain to sleep correctly. No more harmful medicine. No need for melatonin. Find out how to get the right amount of deep sleep and dream sleep to consolidate your gains so you’re not waking up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck. 


    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/wb52fq12Zig
    • Get Dr. Creado’s strategies to calm the busy brain: www.shanecreado.com
    • Read the book, Peak Sleep Performance: https://amzn.to/3vvSG46
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


    About Dr. Shane Creado:

    Dr. Shane Creado is a double board-certified sleep medicine doctor and psychiatrist. He practices functional sleep medicine, integrative psychiatry, and sports psychiatry, putting all those skills together to uncover underlying factors that sabotage the patients, comprehensively treat them, and help them achieve their goals. 

    He is the author of In addition to being a contributing author to 5 books in Sports Psychiatry, he also authored Peak Sleep Performance: The Cutting-Edge Sleep Science That Will Guarantee A Competitive Advantage, which debuted #1 in Sports Medicine on Amazon in March 2020.

    For updates about the book, free sleep tips, as well as special offers, follow @peaksleepperformance on Instagram

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  • How to Own Your Career — In Just 7 Minutes with Andy Storch
    Apr 14 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    Are you drifting through your career in reaction mode? Do you lack clear goals? Does uncertainty make you anxious? This week on Exhausted to Extraordinary, Andy Storch shares his perspective on how to take control of your future, live life more intentionally, and shift out of the victim mindset so you can follow your dreams.



    1. Five Steps to Owning Your Career: https://ownyourcareerownyourlife.com/bonus

    2. Grab a copy of Own Your Career, Own Your Life: https://amzn.to/3xlVmDT

    3. Read the book, Mindset, by Carol Dweck: https://amzn.to/3O9Linq

    4. Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/H3-5M8_MnpQ

    5. Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


    About Andy Storch:

    Andy Storch is the author of Own Your Career, Own Your Life. He’s got his own podcast called the Own Your Career Show. His mission is to take back control of their career and their life.

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  • How to Free Yourself Up for Strategic Activity — In Just 7 Minutes with Richard Medcalf
    Apr 7 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:
    Working long hours but no moving things forward? Feeling crazy busy but missing the big opportunities? Wish you had more time to think strategically so you can stop feeling frustrated and overwhelmed?

    If you are a CEO or senior leader in a fast growing company where technology is rapidly changing, you likely have a million things pulling on your time. What you need is to free yourself up for strategic activity to get out of the bottleneck that’s holding you up.


    Check out the productivity calculator to see how strategically you are using your time: https://xquadrant.com/go/productivity-assessment/

    Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/fAt7N_xttQ

    Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


    About Richard Medcalf:
    Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and an entrepreneur into a blender."

    Richard is a leadership consultant and trusted advisor to exceptional CEOs & Founders of complex technology-driven businesses, and to their leadership teams.

    His clients are elite performers who've already achieved incredible things, and still have the ambition to 10x their impact and influence and achieve something that seems impossible right now. That can involve 1:1 coaching, taking the leadership team to its next level, or scaling high performance coaches beyond their team.

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  • How to Save Time and Stop Repeating Yourself — In Just 7 Minutes with Julie Soukup
    Mar 31 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    If you’re a doctor or nurse, you understand that time is a luxury, espeically when you’re expected to perform with excellence in a short amount of time. Just when you’re feeling stretched, overwhelmed, and exhausted, there is a way to remove the boring, repetitive tasks off your plate so you can focus on surgery and patient care. 

    This week, Julie Soukup shares her solution on the Exhausted to Extraordinary podcast. This solution helps you minimize your energy drains related to dealing with upset patients and family members.



    • Get a 30 day free trial of the Medical Memory app. Go to the Apple or Android store to download
    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/a1IGSHF99sY
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/



    About Julie Soukup:

    Julie Soukup is the VP of Sales for a HIPAA compliant app called Medical Memory.  It allows providers to video record their clinical consultations, informed consents, patient updates and more.  Understanding the need for effective communication with patient recordings, Julie hosts a communication excellence podcast called Take 1: Patient where she discusses tips from industry experts about effective communication.

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  • How to make things happen — In Just 7 Minutes with Steve Sims
    Mar 24 2022

    Why you've got to check out today's episode:

    Are you not dreaming big enough because the people around you say your dream is not possible to achieve? Do you feel like a caged tiger held back from living your dream? According to my guest this week on the Exhausted to Extraordinary podcast, Steve Sims, you may just well be in the wrong room.   His advice? Get in the right room and get laughed at the right way. Find out more of Steve’s biggest mindset tips to making things happen.



    • Get the cheatsheet from Steve’s bestselling book, Bluefishing: https://www.stevedsims.com/
    • Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/4jFukgr8jjM
    • Take the 7 Day Burnout Challenge: http://www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com/


    About Steve Sims:

    Do you know anyone that’s worked with Sir Elton John or Elon Musk, sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed or closed museums in Florence for a private dinner party and then had Andrea Boccelli serenade them while they eat their pasta – you do now.


    Steve Sims is the founder and CEO of the luxury concierge service Bluefish and the author of, Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen.

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