
  • How Consequences Affect Your Procrastination
    Jul 1 2024
    When there are no consequence, your brain’s less likely to motivate you to do something. But that’s not the whole story. Because you can still procrastinate even when there are consequences. In fact we often procrastinate because of the consequences. If there’s a possibility of making a mistake, failing, or wasting time and money are all consequences that will make your brain wanna procrastinate. So you have to look at both the consequences of not doing the thing and the possible consequences if you do. For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • Two types of winning
    Jun 29 2024
    Winning can mean different things to different people. There’s the kind of winning where you’re trying to out do others. This can give a rush and sense of superiority, which feels great! But it often comes with stress and pressure. Also, competing against others can make you lose sight of what truly makes you happy. Now, the other winning is all about personal achievement. It's about setting goals for yourself, working hard, and feeling proud when you reach them. This kind of winning is satisfying because it’s about your own growth and progress. You’re focused on being better than you were yesterday. So it’s always important to ask yourself, “why you want to win?” Is it to prove something to others or your own satisfaction? For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • Dark side of quick results
    Jun 28 2024
    You know the feeling when you want something so bad… And you can’t wait to get. In fact, you wish you could have it right now in this moment! It’s easy to chase something new and exciting, and as soon as you get it, already looking for the next fix. It's like there's never a moment to just breathe and enjoy what you have. If you do this, know you can be caught in this pattern. As soon as you get something quickly, you want the next thing quickly, and the one after that. If this is you, slow down. Life's not about accumulating stuff or keeping up. You don't always need to be on the hunt for what's next. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just be content with where you are and what you have. It brings a different kind of peace and satisfaction. For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • Why people are so rude to you
    Jun 27 2024
    Anytime you feel confused by someone's reaction, know it’s not about you. They are just projecting people from their past on to you. That’s because when someone meets you, they don’t know you. They only know to the extent of the people they’ve experienced in their past. Their brains makes a prediction of who you are based on people they’ve interacted with in the past. So they are not necessarily responding to you, but to the people in their past. This “approach” can help you approach people with more patience. Instead of taking things personally, you can understand it’s not about you. This can lead to better communication and stronger relationships. For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • Why you need to become a better person
    Jun 26 2024
    Improving your results starts with improving yourself. I thought it was the other way around. That I needed to improve my results first. Boy was I wrong! The key to not just better outcomes, but more “fulfilling” outcomes is to become a better person first. It's okay to not have it all figured out right away. Take time to reflect on your actions, and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Owning up to your actions and learning from mistakes helps you grow stronger. Commit to bettering yourself, and better results will follow. For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • How Your Self Image Sabotages You
    Jun 25 2024
    Your challenges in life isn’t because of your challenges. It's about protecting the image you've built. You've crafted this persona or created this hype, and the last thing you want is to do anything that could challenge that image. 🧠 Think about it: by avoiding challenges, you're keeping your self-image intact. Although your self-image is intact, you're also missing out on growth and new opportunities. It's a tricky balance between maintaining your image and pushing yourself to new heights. So, next time you catch yourself holding back, ask why? Is it because you're afraid of not living up to your own hype? If so, it's time to let go of the hype. All that hype does is box you in and create anxiety for yourself. Real strength comes from challenging the image you've built. For more, visit KamKnight.com
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  • How to stop sabotaging yourself
    Jun 23 2024
    Sabotaging yourself isn't about messing up. It's actually your subconscious pulling the strings to get what it wants. This pattern can be eye-opening. It shows that deep down, a part of you isn’t aligned and doesn’t want the same thing you want. It’s hard to imagine that “you” don’t want the thing you actually “want.” Unfortunately it’s the hard reality. It’s the complex nature of the brain. One part of you wants something, but another doesn’t. That part that doesn’t want it, doesn’t tell you that it doesn’t. But it works in the background pulling strings to make sure you fail 💪 Knowing this can be the first step to understanding your true reasons for your sabotage ✨ So take a closer look at your actions when things go wrong💡 Are you really failing, or are you getting what you want 🌟 Doing so can help you break the cycle and start making choices that truly align with your goals 🌿
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  • How do you take yourself to the next level?
    Jun 23 2024
    This secrets helped me stick through the tough times … those times when things aren’t flowing, the same work’s getting harder, and I’m being pulled to their in the towel. I realized that usually happens when I’m on the cusp of getting to the next level, and my brains making a last ditch effort to stay in old ways. I’ve learned if I just stick with it, the next level’s right around the corner and I’m quickly back in my flow. Reminder not to throw in the towel when things stop flowing, because it likely means you’re on the verge of something big. For more check out KamKnight.com
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