• Finding Strength in Triglav: Anže's Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Jul 5 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Finding Strength in Triglav: Anže's Journey of Self-Discovery  By  cover art

Finding Strength in Triglav: Anže's Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Strength in Triglav: Anže's Journey of Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-strength-in-triglav-anzes-journey-of-self-discovery Story Transcript:Sl: Triglavski narodni park je bil čudovit poleti.En: Triglav National Park was beautiful in the summer.Sl: Bile so tople dni in hladne noči.En: There were warm days and cool nights.Sl: Anže je bil tam, sam na pohodu po Julijskih Alpah.En: Anže was there, hiking alone in the Julian Alps.Sl: Anže je bil v srednjih tridesetih letih in je oboževal gore.En: Anže was in his mid-thirties and loved the mountains.Sl: Pred kratkim je prekinil zvezo in potreboval je čas zase.En: He had recently ended a relationship and needed time for himself.Sl: Hotel je najti mir in svojo vrednost.En: He wanted to find peace and his self-worth.Sl: Odločil se je za pohod na vrh Triglava.En: He decided to hike to the top of Triglav.Sl: Triglav ni bil le gora, bil je simbol Slovenije, ponosa in vztrajnosti.En: Triglav was not just a mountain; it was a symbol of Slovenia, of pride and perseverance.Sl: Pot je bila težka.En: The path was difficult.Sl: Ozka in strma.En: Narrow and steep.Sl: Anže je hodil počasi, a vztrajno.En: Anže walked slowly but persistently.Sl: Pogledal je dol v dolino in občudoval alpske rože in kristalno čiste reke.En: He looked down into the valley and admired the alpine flowers and crystal-clear rivers.Sl: Vse je bilo tako mirno, a on je v sebi nosil nemir.En: Everything was so peaceful, yet inside, he carried unrest.Sl: Ko je hodil, je začutil znano bolečino v nogi.En: As he walked, he felt a familiar pain in his leg.Sl: Pred leti je imel nesrečo na enem izmed pohodov.En: Years ago, he had an accident on one of the hikes.Sl: Rana se mu ni nikoli popolnoma zacelila.En: The wound had never completely healed.Sl: Sedaj je spet bolela.En: Now it was hurting again.Sl: A Anže je bil trmast.En: But Anže was stubborn.Sl: Ni hotel odnehati.En: He did not want to give up.Sl: Nebo se je začelo temniti.En: The sky began to darken.Sl: Slišal je grom.En: He heard thunder.Sl: Vreme se je poslabševalo.En: The weather was worsening.Sl: Oblaki so se zbirali nad gorami, v daljavi so se že videli prvi dežni kaplji.En: Clouds were gathering over the mountains, and in the distance, the first raindrops were already visible.Sl: Ampak Anže ni hotel ustaviti.En: But Anže did not want to stop.Sl: "Lahko to naredim," si je govoril.En: "I can do this," he told himself.Sl: Na ozkem robu poti je postal nevarno.En: On a narrow edge of the path, it became dangerous.Sl: Veter je bil močan, Anže se je moral držati skale.En: The wind was strong; Anže had to hold onto the rock.Sl: Obupno je želel naprej, toda zdaj je bila vsaka poteza nevarna.En: He desperately wanted to go on, but now every move was dangerous.Sl: Bil je izmučen in bolečina v nogi je postajala nevzdržna.En: He was exhausted, and the pain in his leg was becoming unbearable.Sl: Nekdo mu je zaklical.En: Someone called out to him.Sl: Bil je izkušen pohodnik, ki ga je videl, kako se trudi na robu.En: It was an experienced hiker who saw him struggling on the edge.Sl: "Potrebujete pomoč?En: "Do you need help?"Sl: " je vprašal.En: he asked.Sl: Anže je pogledal stran, preponosen, da bi sprejel pomoč.En: Anže looked away, too proud to accept help.Sl: Toda zdaj je bilo jasno, da sam ne bo zmogel.En: But by now, it was clear that he couldn’t make it on his own.Sl: Poskusil je narediti še nekaj korakov, a je zdrsnil.En: He tried to take a few more steps but slipped.Sl: Srce mu je divje bilo.En: His heart was pounding wildly.Sl: Nazadnje je rekel, "Da, prosim, pomagajte mi.En: Finally, he said, "Yes, please, help me."Sl: "Pohodnik mu je ponudil roko in Anže jo je sprejel.En: The hiker offered him a hand, and Anže took it.Sl: Skupaj sta našla varno mesto, kjer sta počakala, da nevihta mine.En: Together, they found a safe place where they waited for the storm to pass.Sl: Anže si je oddahnil in prvič se je v dolgih dneh počutil boljše.En: Anže sighed with relief and, for the first time in many days, felt better.Sl: Anže je spoznal, da ni nič narobe, če včasih potrebuješ pomoč.En: Anže realized that there is nothing wrong with needing help sometimes.Sl: Tudi najmočnejši morajo kdaj priznati šibkost.En: Even the strongest must occasionally admit weakness.Sl: Ko je nevihta minila, sta s pohodnikom nadaljevala pot skupaj.En: When the storm passed, he and the hiker continued the journey together.Sl: Na vrhu Triglava je bil razgled čudovit, a še bolj kot to je bil Anže ponosen na novo spoznanje.En: At the top of Triglav, the view was beautiful, but even more than that, Anže felt proud of his new understanding.Sl: Na poti nazaj je bil Anže lažji.En: On the way back, Anže felt lighter.Sl: Ne samo zaradi poti navzdol, ampak tudi zaradi spoznavanja, da sprejemanje pomoči ni znak šibkosti, ...
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