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FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Mystery Ballot: Uncovering Hidden Truths at Ljubljana's Polls
    Jul 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mystery Ballot: Uncovering Hidden Truths at Ljubljana's Polls Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mystery-ballot-uncovering-hidden-truths-at-ljubljanas-polls Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je bila to poletje polna življenja.En: Ljubljana was full of life this summer.Sl: Najbolj živahen je bil volilni center v središču mesta.En: The busiest place was the polling center in the heart of the city.Sl: Bojan, srednjih let, se je pred kratkim preselil nazaj v Ljubljano.En: Bojan, a middle-aged man, had recently moved back to Ljubljana.Sl: V vrsti za glasovanje je zagledal znan obraz.En: In the queue for voting, he spotted a familiar face.Sl: Petra je bila njegova stara prijateljica, zdaj pa je delala kot prostovoljka na volišču.En: Petra, his old friend, was now working as a volunteer at the polling station.Sl: Bojan je komaj čakal, da odda svoj glas.En: Bojan could hardly wait to cast his vote.Sl: Ko je bil končno na vrsti, je vzel glasovnico in stopil do kabine.En: When it was finally his turn, he took the ballot and stepped into the booth.Sl: Nenadoma je opazil nekaj nenavadnega.En: Suddenly, he noticed something unusual.Sl: Ena od glasovnic na mizi ni imela nobenih oznak.En: One of the ballots on the table had no markings at all.Sl: Bila je popolnoma prazna.En: It was completely blank.Sl: Bojan je pogledal Petro in ji pomenljivo pokimal.En: Bojan glanced at Petra and nodded significantly.Sl: Ona je pristopila bližje, da bi videla, kaj ga je zmotilo.En: She came closer to see what had caught his attention.Sl: "Kaj pa je to?En: "What's this?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: "Ne vem," je odgovoril Bojan, "ampak ni videti pravilno.En: "I don't know," replied Bojan, "but it doesn't look right."Sl: "Petra je vzela glasovnico v roke in jo preučila.En: Petra took the ballot in her hands and examined it.Sl: "To ni običajno.En: "This is not normal.Sl: Vse glasovnice morajo biti jasno označene.En: All ballots should be clearly marked."Sl: "Bojan se je namrščil.En: Bojan frowned.Sl: Razmišljal je, ali naj še naprej sledi svoji dolžnosti in preprosto odda svoj glas ali naj ugotovi, kaj je narobe z neoznačeno glasovnico.En: He was pondering whether to continue with his civic duty and simply cast his vote or to find out what was wrong with the unmarked ballot.Sl: Odločil se je, da bo ostal.En: He decided to stay.Sl: "Moramo ugotoviti, od kod prihaja ta glasovnica," je rekel odločno.En: "We need to find out where this ballot came from," he said decisively.Sl: Petra je prikimala in odšla k nadzorniku volišča.En: Petra nodded and went to the polling station supervisor.Sl: Po nekaj zmedenih pogledih in hitrih pogovorih je prišla nazaj z novico.En: After a few puzzled looks and quick conversations, she came back with news.Sl: "Ta glasovnica ne bi smela biti tukaj.En: "This ballot shouldn't be here.Sl: Nismo prepričani, kdo jo je prinesel.En: We're not sure who brought it."Sl: "Bojana je to še bolj zanimalo.En: This intrigued Bojan even more.Sl: Skupaj sta s Petro pregledala varnostne kamere.En: Together with Petra, they reviewed the security cameras.Sl: Nato sta zagledala nekaj neverjetnega.En: Then they saw something incredible.Sl: Na posnetku je bila oseba, ki je skrivaj položila neoznačeno glasovnico na mizo.En: In the footage, a person was discreetly placing the unmarked ballot on the table.Sl: Bila je zamaskirana, težko prepoznavna.En: The person was masked, making them hard to identify.Sl: "Ampak zakaj?En: "But why?"Sl: " se je vprašal Bojan glasno.En: Bojan asked aloud.Sl: Petra ga je pogledala resno.En: Petra looked at him seriously.Sl: "Morda so hoteli vplivati na volitve," je rekla.En: "Maybe they wanted to influence the election," she said.Sl: "Ali preprosto narediti zmedo.En: "Or simply create confusion."Sl: "Bojan je globoko vdihnil.En: Bojan took a deep breath.Sl: Njegova vrnitev v Ljubljano je nenadoma postala več kot le selitev.En: His return to Ljubljana had suddenly become more than just a move.Sl: Spoznal je, da njegov glas pomeni nekaj.En: He realized that his vote mattered.Sl: Njegova dejanja lahko vplivajo na skupnost.En: His actions could impact the community.Sl: S pomočjo Petre in drugih prostovoljcev so poskrbeli, da je bila neoznačena glasovnica pravilno zabeležena in umaknjena.En: With the help of Petra and other volunteers, they ensured the unmarked ballot was properly recorded and removed.Sl: Volitve so se nadaljevale brez nadaljnjih motenj.En: The elections continued without further disturbances.Sl: Ko je odhajal iz volišča, je Bojan začutil ponos.En: As he left the polling station, Bojan felt proud.Sl: Ni bil več zgolj opazovalec v svojem mestu.En: He was no longer merely an observer in his city.Sl: Postal je del njega.En: He had become a part of it.Sl: Včasih male skrivnosti lahko razkrijejo velike resnice.En: Sometimes small mysteries can reveal great truths.Sl: Bojan je vedel, da...
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    17 mins
  • High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled
    Jul 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/high-stakes-at-lake-bled-secrets-and-shadows-unveiled Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel za mizo v razkošnem igralnem salonu ob Blejskem jezeru.En: Matej sat at a table in the opulent gaming salon by Lake Bled.Sl: Poletna vročina je bila prijetna, vendar je napetost v zraku bila še močnejša.En: The summer heat was pleasant, but the tension in the air was even stronger.Sl: Približeval se je praznik Marijinega vnebovzetja, vendar je v mislih Mateja obstajala le ena stvar – njegov dolg.En: The feast of the Assumption was approaching, but in Matej's mind, there was only one thing—his debt.Sl: Dolgovati je moral neznancu, ki ni sprejemal zavrnitve.En: He owed money to a stranger who did not accept refusals.Sl: Če Matej ne bi zmagal danes, bi bil v resnih težavah.En: If Matej did not win today, he would be in serious trouble.Sl: Andreja je vstopila v salon z zadržanim nasmehom.En: Andreja entered the salon with a reserved smile.Sl: Bila je novinka, a njene poteze pri igri so bile spretne.En: She was a newcomer, but her moves in the game were skillful.Sl: Prišla je z globljim razlogom.En: She came with a deeper reason.Sl: Iskala je nekoga iz svoje preteklosti, nekoga, za katerega je imela občutek, da bo tu.En: She was searching for someone from her past, someone she had a feeling would be here.Sl: Skrbno je opazovala vse udeležence.En: She carefully observed all the participants.Sl: "Deset igralcev," je oznanil trgovec.En: "Ten players," the dealer announced.Sl: Matej in Andreja sta se usedla drug nasproti drugega.En: Matej and Andreja sat opposite each other.Sl: Igra se je začela mračno in počasi.En: The game started grimly and slowly.Sl: Kartice so letele po mizi, denar je krožil.En: Cards flew across the table, money circulated.Sl: Matej je čutil, kako mu srce razbija, a ohranil je mirno masko.En: Matej felt his heart pounding, but he kept a calm mask.Sl: Pogovor med igro je bil omejen, a ko so se obrestne stave povečale, so tudi obtožbe začele leteti.En: Conversation during the game was limited, but as the stakes increased, so did the accusations.Sl: Velika vsota denarja je izginila.En: A large sum of money had disappeared.Sl: "Čigav je tukaj največji vložek?En: "Whose is the biggest stake here?"Sl: " je vprašal nekdo iz publike.En: someone from the audience asked.Sl: Sumničavi pogledi so se vrteli po mizi.En: Suspicious glances revolved around the table.Sl: Mateja je skrbelo.En: Matej was worried.Sl: Moral je prepričati druge, da ni on tisti, ki denar skriva.En: He had to convince others that he wasn't the one hiding the money.Sl: Andreja je igrala tiho, a pozorno.En: Andreja played quietly but attentively.Sl: Spretno je postavljala vprašanja, medtem ko je pazila na reakcije igralcev.En: She skillfully asked questions while watching the players' reactions.Sl: Slišala je koščke informacij in hitro povezovala točke.En: She heard bits of information and quickly connected the dots.Sl: Naenkrat jo je prešinilo.En: Suddenly, it hit her.Sl: Resnica o izgubljenem denarju in osebi, ki jo je iskala, sta bili povezani.En: The truth about the lost money and the person she was searching for were connected.Sl: Prišel je čas zadnje karte.En: The time for the last card had come.Sl: V igri sta ostala samo Matej in Andreja.En: Only Matej and Andreja remained in the game.Sl: Napetost je bila neznosna.En: The tension was unbearable.Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora zmagati.En: Matej knew he had to win.Sl: Slišal je skrivni pogovor med igro in zdaj je imel informacije.En: He had overheard a secret conversation during the game and now had information.Sl: Andreja je tudi začutila trenutek resnice.En: Andreja also felt the moment of truth.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, da je blizu odgovora.En: She sensed she was close to the answer.Sl: Kartica je bila položena.En: The card was laid down.Sl: Srce Mateja je razbijalo, a obraz je ostal mrzel.En: Matej's heart was pounding, but his face remained cold.Sl: Zmagal je.En: He had won.Sl: Denar, dovolj za poplačilo dolga, je bil njegov.En: The money, enough to repay his debt, was his.Sl: Nenadoma se je dvignila Andreja.En: Suddenly, Andreja stood up.Sl: "Priznam, vse skupaj je bilo zaradi iskanja resnice," je rekla.En: "I admit, it was all in search of the truth," she said.Sl: "In zdaj sem jo našla.En: "And now I have found it."Sl: " Pokazala je na enega izmed igralcev, ki se je prebledel.En: She pointed to one of the players, who turned pale.Sl: Bil je tisti, ki ga je iskala, in obenem tudi tat.En: He was the one she had been looking for, and also the thief.Sl: Matej je začutil olajšanje, a obenem tudi težo svojih dejanj.En: Matej felt a sense of relief but also the weight of his actions.Sl: Uporabil je informacije iz skrivnega poslušanja za zmago.En: He had used information from secret listening ...
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    18 mins
  • Summertime Synergy: Finding Harmony in the Office Supply Aisle
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Summertime Synergy: Finding Harmony in the Office Supply Aisle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/summertime-synergy-finding-harmony-in-the-office-supply-aisle Story Transcript:Sl: Visok poletni dan je prebudil Ljubljano.En: A high summer day woke up Ljubljana.Sl: Stopinje so se že povzpele nad trideset, mesto pa je dihalo v vroči sapici.En: The temperature had already soared above thirty, and the city was breathing in the hot breeze.Sl: V pisarni je bil zrak prav tako vroč in napet.En: The air in the office was just as hot and tense.Sl: Rok, natančni vodja pisarne, je listal po svoji beli spirali.En: Rok, the meticulous office manager, was flipping through his white spiral notebook.Sl: "Maja, potrebujemo več map in beležk za naslednji teden," je rekel s trdim glasom.En: "Maja, we need more folders and notepads for next week," he said in a stern voice.Sl: Maja, kreativna in polna zamisli, je pokimala.En: Maja, creative and full of ideas, nodded.Sl: "Seveda, Rok.En: "Of course, Rok.Sl: Morda pa bi lahko dodali še nekaj barvitih nalepk in označevalcev?En: But maybe we could add some colorful stickers and markers?Sl: Naše prezentacije bi izgledale bolje.En: Our presentations would look better."Sl: "Rok je pogledal Majo z neodobravanje.En: Rok looked at Maja disapprovingly.Sl: "Barvite nalepke?En: "Colorful stickers?Sl: Ne, to ni potrebno.En: No, that's not necessary.Sl: Potrebujemo le osnovne stvari.En: We just need the basics."Sl: "Tako sta se odpravila v trgovino s pisarniškim materialom.En: So they went to the office supply store.Sl: Trgovina je bila polna ljudi.En: The store was packed with people.Sl: Po vseh hodnikih so bili nakupovalci s košaricami.En: Shoppers with baskets filled the aisles.Sl: Iz vseh polic so gledalekemični svinčniki, zvezki, fascikli.En: Pens, notebooks, and binders lined the shelves.Sl: Rok je postopoma izpolnjeval svoj seznam.En: Rok gradually checked off items on his list.Sl: Maja pa je nestrpno zrla naokrog.En: Maja, however, was eagerly looking around.Sl: "Rok, poglej te lepo oblikovane mape!En: "Rok, look at these beautifully designed folders!"Sl: " je zavpila Maja.En: Maja exclaimed.Sl: "Lahko bi dodali tudi to.En: "We could add these too."Sl: "Rok je zamahnil z roko, "Ne, držimo se seznama.En: Rok waved her off, "No, let's stick to the list."Sl: "Toda Maja ni odnehala.En: But Maja didn't give up.Sl: "Rok, naše stranke so kreativne firme.En: "Rok, our clients are creative companies.Sl: Potrebujemo nekaj bolj atraktivnega.En: We need something more attractive."Sl: "Njuno nesoglasje je začenjalo privabljati radovedne poglede drugih nakupovalcev.En: Their disagreement started to draw curious glances from other shoppers.Sl: "Mislite, da so vaše ideje boljše od mojih?En: "Do you think your ideas are better than mine?"Sl: " je vprašal Rok z ostrim glasom.En: Rok asked sharply.Sl: "Rok, želim le, da bo vse popolno," je odgovorila Maja, zdaj že skoraj v solzah.En: "Rok, I just want everything to be perfect," Maja replied, almost in tears.Sl: "Samo želim prispevati.En: "I just want to contribute."Sl: "Bil je trenutek tišine.En: There was a moment of silence.Sl: Nato je Rok globoko vdihnil.En: Then Rok took a deep breath.Sl: "Dobro, Maja.En: "Okay, Maja.Sl: Poskusiva najti kompromis.En: Let's try to find a compromise."Sl: "Potem sta oba skupaj pregledala police, vsak z odprtim umom.En: Then they both started looking through the shelves, each with an open mind.Sl: Maja je našla kreativne dodatke, Rok pa je poskrbel za osnovne potrebščine.En: Maja found creative accessories, while Rok took care of the basic supplies.Sl: Počasi sta zapolnila voziček z uravnoteženo kombinacijo.En: Slowly, they filled their cart with a balanced mix.Sl: Nazaj v pisarni sta oba čutila olajšanje.En: Back in the office, they both felt relieved.Sl: Rok je zdaj razumel Majino vrednost.En: Rok now understood Maja's value.Sl: "Hvala, Maja.En: "Thank you, Maja.Sl: Tvoje zamisli so izjemne.En: Your ideas are exceptional."Sl: "Maja je z nasmehom privolila.En: Maja smiled and agreed.Sl: "In tvoje načrtovanje je ravno tako pomembno.En: "And your planning is just as important.Sl: Sva dobra ekipa.En: We make a good team."Sl: "Tako sta z novim sodelovanjem postavila temelje za uspeh podjetja.En: With their new collaboration, they laid the groundwork for the company's success.Sl: Medtem ko je poletje še naprej sijalo, je njuna sinergija sijala prav tako močno.En: As the summer continued to shine, so did their synergy. Vocabulary Words:soared: povzpeletense: napetmeticulous: natančnispiral notebook: spiralistern: trdimfull of ideas: polna zamislicolorful: barvitihstickers: nalepkmarkers: označevalcevstore: trgovinoaisles: hodnikihbinders: fasciklisharply: ostrimcurious glances: radovedne pogledeeagerly: nestrpnolooked around: zrla naokrogbeautifully designed: lepo oblikovanecreative companies: kreativne ...
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    16 mins

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