• Love, Let Go: A Heartfelt Wedding Day in Santorini

  • Sep 21 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Love, Let Go: A Heartfelt Wedding Day in Santorini

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love, Let Go: A Heartfelt Wedding Day in Santorini Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-let-go-a-heartfelt-wedding-day-in-santorini Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig oor Santorini, terwyl die lug skakerings van pienk en pers word.En: The sun slowly sets over Santorini, as the sky turns shades of pink and purple.Af: Die klein Griekse eiland is prentjiemooi.En: The small Greek island is picture-perfect.Af: Witgekalkte geboue en die azuurblou see vorm 'n asemrowende agtergrond.En: Whitewashed buildings and the azure sea create a breathtaking backdrop.Af: Dis 'n herfsnaweek sonder enige groot vakansiedag, maar daar is tog 'n rede vir viering.En: It's an autumn weekend without any major holiday, but there is a reason for celebration.Af: Vandag is Annika se troudag.En: Today is Annika's wedding day.Af: Charl, 'n stil en waarnemende persoon, staan aan die kant van die tuin by die troue onthaal.En: Charl, a quiet and observant person, stands at the side of the garden during the wedding reception.Af: Hy hou sy glas wyn vas, en kyk hoe Annika en haar nuwe man, Pieter, hul eerste dans as 'n getroude paar uitvoer.En: He holds his glass of wine and watches Annika and her new husband, Pieter, perform their first dance as a married couple.Af: Annika lyk pragtig in haar wit rok, haar blydskap straal deur haar glimlag.En: Annika looks beautiful in her white dress, her joy shining through her smile.Af: Charl voel die gewig van sy eie emosies.En: Charl feels the weight of his own emotions.Af: Hy het Annika al lank lief, maar hy kon sy gevoelens nooit erken nie.En: He has loved Annika for a long time, but he could never confess his feelings.Af: Die wind waai liggies, en die warm gloed van die son onderskep die musiek van die partytjie.En: The wind blows gently, and the warm glow of the sun intercepts the music from the party.Af: Charl dink na oor wat hy moet doen.En: Charl thinks about what he should do.Af: Hy weet Annika is getroud, maar sy hart bly seer.En: He knows Annika is married, yet his heart remains sore.Af: Hy wonder of hy moet ingryp en sy gevoelens deel, of eerder die vreugde van die oomblik respekteer.En: He wonders if he should intervene and share his feelings, or rather respect the joy of the moment.Af: Terwyl die nag aanbreek, sien hy 'n geleentheid.En: As night falls, he sees an opportunity.Af: Annika staan alleen op 'n terras, kyk oor die kalm see en die stad se ligte wat begin twinkel.En: Annika stands alone on a terrace, looking over the calm sea and the city lights beginning to twinkle.Af: Die kans is nou of nooit.En: The chance is now or never.Af: Charl loop stadig na haar toe, sy hart klop vinnig.En: Charl walks slowly over to her, his heart pounding.Af: "Jy lyk gelukkig," sê hy, en sy draai om met 'n sagte glimlag.En: "You look happy," he says, and she turns around with a soft smile.Af: "Ek is gelukkig, Charl.En: "I am happy, Charl.Af: Ek kan nie glo hoe perfek alles is nie," sê sy, en kyk weer na die horison.En: I can't believe how perfect everything is," she says, looking back at the horizon.Af: Charl voel die woorde borrel in hom op.En: Charl feels the words bubbling up inside him.Af: Dit is nou die tyd om alles te vertel, om daardie emosionele las van sy skouers af te kry.En: Now is the time to say everything, to lift that emotional burden from his shoulders.Af: Maar iets laat hom stilstaan.En: But something makes him pause.Af: Annika se suiwer geluk herinner hom aan die liefde wat groter is as sy eie begeerte.En: Annika's pure happiness reminds him of a love greater than his own desire.Af: Hy weet dat sy 'n nuwe lewe het en dat hy nie moet inmeng nie.En: He knows she has a new life and that he should not interfere.Af: "Ek is bly vir jou, Annika," sê hy uiteindelik, sy stem vol van opregtheid.En: "I'm happy for you, Annika," he finally says, his voice full of sincerity.Af: "Jy verdien al die liefde en vreugde.En: "You deserve all the love and joy."Af: "Annika kyk hom in die oë.En: Annika looks him in the eyes.Af: "Dankie, Charl.En: "Thank you, Charl.Af: Jy is 'n goeie vriend," sê sy.En: You're a good friend," she says.Af: Charl weet hy het die regte besluit geneem.En: Charl knows he made the right decision.Af: Terwyl hy van die terras af wegstap, voel hy 'n stille vrede oor hom spoel.En: As he walks away from the terrace, a quiet peace washes over him.Af: Hy het die reis van sy gevoelens voltooi en is reg om vorentoe te kyk, met aanvaarding en hoop vir die toekoms.En: He has completed the journey of his feelings and is ready to look forward, with acceptance and hope for the future.Af: Alhoewel hy nie die liefde kon hê wat hy verlang het nie, het hy die krag gevind om te laat gaan en te waardeer wat hy het.En: Although he couldn't have the love he longed for, he found the strength to let go and appreciate what he has. Vocabulary Words:sets: sakazure: azuurbloubackdrop: agtergrondobservant: waarnemendereception...
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