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FluentFiction - Afrikaans

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Afrikaans listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Afrikaans, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Afrikaans and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, or Franschhoek? Maybe you want to speak Afrikaans with your grandparents from Pretoria?

    Our podcast will equip you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Afrikaans is primarily spoken, such as South Africa and Namibia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Afrikaans listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Verbeter jou luistervaardigheid vandag met ons Afrikaanse stories!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dream-chasers-love-ambition-in-johannesburg Story Transcript:Af: Die ysige Johannesburg-wind waai deur die strate.En: The icy Johannesburg wind blows through the streets.Af: Uit die lug getuig donkertjies van 'n naderende storm.En: Tiny dark clouds in the sky foreshadow an approaching storm.Af: In 'n hoë gebou skuif Elize haar bril op.En: In a high-rise building, Elize adjusts her glasses.Af: Sy is nou 'n maand in Johannesburg.En: She has now been in Johannesburg for a month.Af: Elize is 'n ywerige projekbestuurder wat onlangs van Kaapstad af verhuis het.En: Elize is a diligent project manager who recently moved from Cape Town.Af: Sy mis haar ou stad, maar het groot drome vir haar nuwe posisie.En: She misses her old city but has big dreams for her new position.Af: Thabo sit stil in sy klein kantoor op dieselfde vloer.En: Thabo sits quietly in his small office on the same floor.Af: Hy is 'n IT-spesialis.En: He is an IT specialist.Af: Stil en fokus.En: Quiet and focused.Af: Tog droom hy stilletjies van sy eie tegnologie-maatskappy.En: Yet, he secretly dreams of his own technology company.Af: Die lewe in die korporatiewe omgewing is besig en dikwels onpersoonlik.En: Life in the corporate environment is busy and often impersonal.Af: Dae word langer, werkure verminder nie, en die druk bly hardnekkig.En: Days become longer, work hours do not decrease, and the pressure remains relentless.Af: “Ek het hierdie behoefte om meer mense te leer ken,” dink Elize.En: “I have this need to meet more people,” Elize thinks.Af: Sy het gehoor van ‘n stapklub by die kantoor.En: She heard about a hiking club at the office.Af: “Ek het nie baie tyd nie, maar dalk is dit die moeite werd.”En: “I don’t have much time, but maybe it’s worth it.”Af: Thabo, aan die ander kant, wil eers nie deelneem nie.En: Thabo, on the other hand, is reluctant to participate at first.Af: Dis sy vriend wat hom die laaste skop gee.En: It’s his friend who gives him the final push.Af: “Kom, Thabo, jy kan nie altyd in jou kantoor sit nie.En: “Come on, Thabo, you can’t always sit in your office.Af: Dit sal goed wees vir jou.”En: It’ll be good for you.”Af: Op 'n koue Saterdagoggend ontmoet hulle vir die eerste keer by die staproete.En: On a cold Saturday morning, they meet for the first time at the hiking trail.Af: Die natuurreservaat is pragtig.En: The nature reserve is beautiful.Af: Die wind voer die geur van dennebome.En: The wind carries the scent of pine trees.Af: Die koue wind knaag aan hul gesigte.En: The cold wind nips at their faces.Af: Elize stoei met haar gedagtes.En: Elize wrestles with her thoughts.Af: Sy wil ekselleer, maar die eensameskap begin haar weeg.En: She wants to excel, but the loneliness is beginning to weigh on her.Af: Terselfdertyd kyk Thabo na die grond, onseker oor hoe om selfvertroue te vind om sy drome te volg.En: At the same time, Thabo looks at the ground, unsure of how to find the confidence to pursue his dreams.Af: Die groep beweeg saam deur die bome, maar skielik begin donderweer rommel.En: The group moves together through the trees, but suddenly thunder starts to rumble.Af: Reën begin stort en hulle hardloop na 'n klein houtkajuit.En: Rain begins to pour, and they run to a small wooden cabin.Af: Deurweek en koud vind Elize en Thabo hulself alleen in die kajuit.En: Soaked and cold, Elize and Thabo find themselves alone in the cabin.Af: Die stilte is aanvanklik ongemaklik, maar uiteindelik begin hulle gesels.En: The silence is initially awkward, but eventually, they start talking.Af: “Waarom het jy Johannesburg toe gekom?” vra Thabo.En: “Why did you come to Johannesburg?” asks Thabo.Af: Elize glimlag flou.En: Elize smiles faintly.Af: “Nuwe begin.En: “A new beginning.Af: Nuwe geleenthede.En: New opportunities.Af: Dit is moeilik om weer van vooraf te begin.”En: It’s hard to start over.”Af: Thabo knik.En: Thabo nods.Af: “Ek verstaan.En: “I understand.Af: Ek het groot drome, maar ek weet nie of ek dapper genoeg is om dit na te jaag nie.”En: I have big dreams too, but I don’t know if I’m brave enough to chase them.”Af: Hulle gesels vir ure, deel hul vrese en aspiraties.En: They talk for hours, sharing their fears and aspirations.Af: Die storm raas buite, maar binne voel die warmte van 'n nuwe vriendskap.En: The storm rages outside, but inside, they feel the warmth of a new friendship.Af: Met elke woord word die ys tussen hulle minder.En: With every word, the ice between them melts.Af: Uiteindelik breek die storm.En: Eventually, the storm breaks.Af: Die son breek deur en hulle stap terug na die groep, maar iets het verander.En: The sun peeks through, and they walk back to the group, but something has changed.Af: Hulle weet nou, hulle is nie alleen in hul stryd nie.En: They now know they are not alone in their ...
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    19 mins
  • Winter Blossoms: A Tale of Perseverance and Innovation
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Winter Blossoms: A Tale of Perseverance and Innovation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/winter-blossoms-a-tale-of-perseverance-and-innovation Story Transcript:Af: Die son het lastig oor die heuwels van Kaapstad opgestyg.En: The sun rose lazily over the hills of Cape Town.Af: Luan was reeds aan die werk in die luukse omheinde gemeenskap.En: Luan was already at work in the luxurious gated community.Af: Die kille winterlug kon hom nie van sy doel afgehou nie.En: The chilly winter air could not deter him from his goal.Af: Hy wou indruk maak op die gemeenskapsbestuurder en meer kontrakte wen.En: He wanted to impress the community manager and win more contracts.Af: Dit sou hom help om sy eie tuinmaakbesigheid te begin.En: This would help him start his own gardening business.Af: Elke dag het Luan vroeg begin.En: Every day, Luan began early.Af: Hy het struike gesnoei, blomme geplant en gras gesny.En: He pruned shrubs, planted flowers, and mowed lawns.Af: Die gemeenskap se tuine was pragtig, danksy sy harde werk.En: The community's gardens were beautiful, thanks to his hard work.Af: Maar dit was winter, en die werk het minder geword.En: But it was winter, and the work had become less.Af: Minder mense wou hul tuine in die koue laat werk.En: Fewer people wanted their gardens tended to in the cold.Af: Dit was 'n groot uitdag vir Luan.En: This was a significant challenge for Luan.Af: Op 'n dag het 'n nuwe tuinier, Hendrik, opgedaag.En: One day, a new gardener, Hendrik, arrived.Af: Hendrik het ook kontrakte gesoek.En: Hendrik was also seeking contracts.Af: Hy was Luan se nuwe mededinger.En: He became Luan’s new competitor.Af: Hendrik was goed in sy werk.En: Hendrik was good at his job.Af: Hy het Luan se werk voorheen gesien en was vasbeslote om beter te wees.En: He had seen Luan's work before and was determined to be better.Af: Luan het besluit om ekstra ure te werk.En: Luan decided to work extra hours.Af: Hy het vroeg begin en laat geëindig.En: He started early and finished late.Af: Hy het nuwe idees vir winter-weerstandige plante nagevors.En: He researched new ideas for winter-resistant plants.Af: Hy het dit aangeplant en aan die gemeenskapsbestuurder gewys.En: He planted them and showed them to the community manager.Af: "Kyk hoe mooi hierdie winterblomme is," het hy gesê.En: "Look how beautiful these winter flowers are," he said.Af: Die gemeenskapsbestuurder was beïndruk.En: The community manager was impressed.Af: Maar Hendrik het nie teruggestaan nie.En: But Hendrik did not hold back.Af: Hy het ook goeie werk gedoen en die bestuurder probeer oorreed.En: He also did good work and tried to persuade the manager.Af: Dit was 'n koue oggend toe hulle albei by die gemeenskapsbestuurder se kantoor opgedaag het om die laaste kontrak te kry.En: It was a cold morning when they both turned up at the community manager’s office to get the final contract.Af: "Ek het innoverende plante ingetrek," het Luan verduidelik.En: "I have introduced innovative plants," Luan explained.Af: "Hulle floreer in die winter.En: "They thrive in the winter."Af: "Hendrik het probeer oortuig met sy ervare argumente.En: Hendrik tried to convince with his experienced arguments.Af: Maar Luan se harde werk en nuwe idees het die verskil gemaak.En: But Luan’s hard work and new ideas made the difference.Af: Die gemeenskapsbestuurder het gesê, "Luan, jy het ons gemeenskap pragtig gemaak, selfs in die winter.En: The community manager said, "Luan, you have made our community beautiful, even in winter.Af: Jy het die laaste kontrak gewen.En: You have won the final contract."Af: "Luan was oorstelp van vreugde.En: Luan was overjoyed.Af: Hy het nie net die kontrak gewen nie, maar ook die respek van die gemeenskap gekry.En: He had not only won the contract but also gained the respect of the community.Af: Hy het geglo in sy vaardighede en sy drome.En: He believed in his skills and dreams.Af: Met die ekstra geld het hy begin spaar vir sy eie besigheid.En: With the extra money, he began saving for his own business.Af: Die huisies in die omheinde gemeenskap het steeds mooi gelyk, selfs in die winter.En: The houses in the gated community continued to look beautiful, even in winter.Af: Luan het met meer vertroue gewerk en beplan om binnekort sy eie tuinmaakonderneming te begin.En: Luan worked with more confidence and planned to start his own gardening business soon.Af: Hy het geweet dat harde werk en toewyding altyd beloon word.En: He knew that hard work and dedication are always rewarded. Vocabulary Words:rose: opgestyghills: heuwelschilly: killedeter: afgehougated: omheindecommunity: gemeenskapluxurious: luuksepruned: gesnoeishrubs: struikeplanted: geplantmowed: gesnygardens: tuinechallenge: uitdagcompetitor: mededingerextra: ekstraresearch: nagevorswinter-resistant: winter-weerstandigeflowers: blommeinnovative: innoverendethrive: floreerarguments: argumenteimpressed: beïndrukcontracts...
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    15 mins
  • Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mistaken-bags-at-cape-town-unexpected-connections Story Transcript:Af: Die vertrekbord by Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe het helder verligte letters vertoon.En: The departure board at Cape Town International Airport displayed brightly lit letters.Af: Passasiers het heen en weer gestap, besig en geïrriteerd.En: Passengers paced back and forth, busy and irritated.Af: Dit was winter, en koue winde het by die oop deure ingekom en die stasie verder onrustig gemaak.En: It was winter, and cold winds gusted through the open doors, making the terminal more restless.Af: Hendrik het weer na sy horlosie gekyk.En: Hendrik looked at his watch again.Af: Hy was 'n jong, effens afwesige argitek, op pad na 'n belangrike vergadering.En: He was a young, slightly absent-minded architect, on his way to an important meeting.Af: Sy gedagtes was vol planne en modelle.En: His thoughts were filled with plans and models.Af: Annelie, aan die ander kant van die lughawe, was 'n georganiseerde reisskrywer.En: Annelie, on the other side of the airport, was an organized travel writer.Af: Sy het 'n werkwinkel gehad wat belangrik was vir haar loopbaan.En: She had a workshop that was important for her career.Af: Haar dagboeke en notas was onmisbaar.En: Her diaries and notes were indispensable.Af: Sy het vinnig geloop, vasbeslote om haar vlug sonder probleme te haal.En: She walked quickly, determined to catch her flight without any issues.Af: Hendrik het haastig sy tas van die vervoerband afgeneem en na die uitgang gesnel.En: Hendrik hastily took his bag from the conveyor belt and rushed to the exit.Af: Hy het nie gesien hoe soortgelyk sy tas aan iemand anders s'n was nie.En: He didn’t notice how similar his bag looked to someone else’s.Af: Annelie het haar tas opgepik, net om uit te vind dit was nie haarne nie.En: Annelie picked up her bag, only to discover that it wasn’t hers.Af: Sy het 'n vreemde gevoel in haar maag gekry.En: She had a strange feeling in her stomach.Af: Wat as daardie argitek nou met haar tas vol persoonlike aantekeninge weggeloop het?En: What if that architect had walked away with her bag full of personal notes?Af: Hendrik het by die vergaderkantore aangekom.En: Hendrik arrived at the meeting offices.Af: Toe hy sy tas oopmaak, was daar net boeke en dagboeke.En: When he opened his bag, there were only books and diaries inside.Af: Sy hart het 'n slag gemis.En: His heart skipped a beat.Af: "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: "This is not my bag!"Af: " het hy benoud gesê.En: he said anxiously.Af: Intussen het Annelie haar weg na 'n stil hoek van die lughawe gemaak.En: Meanwhile, Annelie made her way to a quiet corner of the airport.Af: Sy het 'n plastiekmodel van 'n gebou uit die tas gehaal.En: She pulled a plastic model of a building out of the bag.Af: Sy kon net lag.En: She could only laugh.Af: Sy het dieselfde gedink, "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: She thought the same thing, "This is not my bag!Af: Wat doen ek nou?En: What do I do now?"Af: "Beide Hendrik en Annelie het na die afgelope kantoor van Verloren en Gevind gegaan.En: Both Hendrik and Annelie went to the Lost and Found office.Af: Toe hulle mekaar sien, was daar 'n oomblik van erkenning, gevolg deur humor.En: When they saw each other, there was a moment of recognition, followed by humor.Af: Hendrik het sy hand uitgesteek, "Ek dink ek het jou tas.En: Hendrik extended his hand, "I think I have your bag."Af: "Annelie het geglimlag en geantwoord, "Ek dink ek het joune.En: Annelie smiled and replied, "I think I have yours."Af: " Hulle het die tasse geruil, en elk het 'n rukkie gevat om deur die inhoud van hul eie tasse te blaai.En: They exchanged bags and each took a moment to browse through the contents of their own bags.Af: "Jy is 'n argitek, nè?En: "You're an architect, right?"Af: " het Annelie gebieg.En: Annelie admitted.Af: "Ja," het Hendrik gesê, "en jy ‘n reisskrywer, nè?En: "Yes," Hendrik said, "and you're a travel writer, right?"Af: "Hulle het kort daarna 'n koffieplek in die lughawe gesoek en oor hul avonture begin skerts.En: Shortly thereafter, they looked for a coffee shop in the airport and started chatting about their adventures.Af: Hulle het gelag oor die vreemdheid van hul situasie en hoe dit hulle lewe een oomblik laat stilstaan het.En: They laughed at the oddity of their situation and how it had momentarily paused their lives.Af: Aan die einde het Hendrik bietjie meer aandag aan detail bestee, terwyl Annelie geleer het om dinge met 'n bietjie meer gemak in haar lewe te neem.En: In the end, Hendrik paid a bit more attention to detail, while Annelie learned to take things a bit more easily in her life.Af: Die lughawe het aangehou lewe, mense het aanhou aankom en vertrek, en binne-in die klein koffiewinkel het Hendrik en Annelie 'n nuwe vriendskap begin vorm—danksy 'n snaakse tas-uitruiling op ...
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    16 mins

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