• Harnessing Harmony: A High School Trio's Path to Growth

  • Oct 11 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Harnessing Harmony: A High School Trio's Path to Growth

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Harnessing Harmony: A High School Trio's Path to Growth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/harnessing-harmony-a-high-school-trios-path-to-growth Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel v učilnici gimnazije v Ljubljani.En: Matej was sitting in a classroom at a high school in Ljubljana.Sl: Učilnica je bila polna postersov in grafikonov.En: The classroom was full of posters and charts.Sl: Zunaj je veter premetaval jesensko listje in prinašal svež zrak v notranjost.En: Outside, the wind was tossing around the autumn leaves and bringing fresh air inside.Sl: Bil je zadovoljen, a živčen.En: He was satisfied but nervous.Sl: Pred njim in njegovimi sošolkami Anoj in Nino je bila pomembna naloga.En: Ahead of him and his classmates, Ana and Nina, was an important task.Sl: Matej je imel sanje.En: Matej had a dream.Sl: Želel je zmagati na državni tekmovanju v predstavitvi.En: He wanted to win the national competition in presentations.Sl: Ta zmaga bi mu lahko prinesla štipendijo za študij v tujini.En: This victory could potentially bring him a scholarship to study abroad.Sl: Njegova sanja je bila skoraj na dosegu roke, a naletel je na oviro.En: His dream was almost within reach, but he encountered an obstacle.Sl: Moral je delati z Ano in Nino.En: He had to work with Ana and Nina.Sl: Ana je bila njegova najboljša prijateljica, vedno podpirajoča in kreativna, vendar brez samozavesti pri javnem nastopanju.En: Ana was his best friend, always supportive and creative, but without confidence in public speaking.Sl: Nina pa je bila samozavestna in tekmovalna, pogosto se je zdela arogantna.En: Nina, on the other hand, was confident and competitive, often seeming arrogant.Sl: Ko so začeli delati na predstavitvi, so se pojavile napetosti.En: As they started working on the presentation, tensions arose.Sl: Ana je bila prestrašena in tiha.En: Ana was scared and quiet.Sl: Nina je bila glasna in želela je prevladovati.En: Nina was loud and wanted to dominate.Sl: Matej ni vedel, kako bo uspel.En: Matej didn't know how he would succeed.Sl: Tudi on je čutil pritisk.En: He too felt the pressure.Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora nekaj narediti.En: Matej knew he had to do something.Sl: Odločil se je, da bo posredoval.En: He decided to intervene.Sl: Z Anoj je klepetal zasebno.En: He talked privately with Ana.Sl: Spodbudil jo je, da poskusi igrati in vadi govor pred njim.En: He encouraged her to try role-playing and practice her speech in front of him.Sl: Videl je, da ima potencial.En: He saw that she had potential.Sl: Nato je k Nini pristopil previdno.En: Then he approached Nina carefully.Sl: Prosil jo je, naj poskusi razumeti Anine težave in naj postane bolj sodelovalna.En: He asked her to try to understand Ana's issues and to become more collaborative.Sl: Delo je trajalo tedne.En: The work took weeks.Sl: Ana je počasi pričenjala verjeti vase.En: Ana slowly began to believe in herself.Sl: Matej in Nina sta jo podpirala, zbrano in potrpežljivo.En: Matej and Nina supported her, calmly and patiently.Sl: Na koncu so imeli zadnjo vajo pred veliko tekmo.En: In the end, they had a final rehearsal before the big competition.Sl: Ana je globoko vdihnila in začela.En: Ana took a deep breath and started.Sl: Besede so tekle, glas ji ni drhtel.En: The words flowed, her voice didn't tremble.Sl: Nina in Matej sta bila presenečena.En: Nina and Matej were astonished.Sl: Ana je sijala samo zavest.En: Ana shone with confidence.Sl: Prišel je dan tekmovanja.En: The day of the competition came.Sl: Predstavitev so izvedli z navdušenjem in harmonijo.En: They delivered the presentation with enthusiasm and harmony.Sl: Niso zmagali, kar je Mateju na kratko zlomilo srce.En: They didn't win, which briefly broke Matej's heart.Sl: Toda dobili so posebno priznanje za timsko delo.En: But they received special recognition for team work.Sl: V sodnikih je pustilo pomemben vtis.En: It left a significant impression on the judges.Sl: S tem uspehom je Matej spoznal, kaj pomeni prava empatija in vodstvo.En: With this success, Matej realized what true empathy and leadership meant.Sl: Ana, z novo samozavestjo, zdaj rada govori pred ljudmi.En: Ana, now with newfound confidence, enjoyed speaking in front of people.Sl: Nina je razumela pomen timskega dela pred individualnim uspehom.En: Nina understood the importance of teamwork over individual success.Sl: Vsak od njih je bil spremenjen, bogatejši za izkušnjo, ki je znašla novo vez med njimi.En: Each of them was changed, enriched by the experience that forged a new bond between them.Sl: Jesenski veter je pihal skozi okna, šepetal zgodbo o prijateljstvu in rasti med listjem, ki je našlo novo življenje na tleh.En: The autumn wind blew through the windows, whispering a story of friendship and growth among the leaves finding new life on the ground. Vocabulary Words:tossing: premetavalsatisfied: zadovoljennervous: živčenscholarship: ...
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