• ADHD |Harness your Power for Success as a Business Owner
    Jun 16 2022

    Harness your Power for Success as a Business Owner

    Do you know how powerful you are as a business owner? Unfortunately, many of us are not fully aware of the power that we hold as entrepreneurs, and we exchange future massive success for present minor success.

    In this episode, we want to help you harness your power so that you can become better in your business and more valuable to your customer. Callye takes us through his experience with China orders. He shares some valuable lessons from his China experience.

    In business, there is power in choosing to focus on one niche. When you decide to be a jack of all trades, you'll become a master of none, and nobody will want to collaborate with a person like you. There is a great misconception that you are losing clients if you narrow it down to one niche. The truth is, there are riches in a specialty. Do you ever wonder why specialists charge an arm and a leg? They are masters in whatever they do!

    Also, do you struggle with deciding what to charge people? Relax! Callye has the formula for you. Listen in to this episode and learn.

    Key Talking points of the Episode:

    [00:30] How Callye's week has been

    [02:02] Callye's experience in China

    [07:01] What is confidence?

    [10:21] How Callye made a good deal out of his China orders

    [[14:07] Callye's nine steps for ADHD business owners

    [17:49] The power of focusing on one thing

    [42:30] How much should you charge?

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    "You build confidence in yourself by executing on the tasks and obligations that you have."- Callye

    "If you're starting with taking action, to fix a business, you're starting with taking action to fix something in your own life and you're not setting intentions. You're setting yourself up for failure."- Callye

    "We're not passengers in our own life, you can't get to where you want to go in the backseat of somebody else's car."- Callye

    "It's natural and intuitive to understand that focus. If you take the same amount of energy and put it into a smaller area, you're going to get better results."- Callye

    "The more specific you get, the more valuable you can take"- Callye

    "Quit shortchanging yourself because you're afraid."-Callye

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    53 mins
  • ADHD | Why is it a Good Idea to have a Niche Market?
    May 18 2022

    Why is it a Good Idea to have a Niche Market?

    Do you have a niche market? There is a lot of power when we decide to focus on one niche. You become an expert in your field, and you are in a better position to help your clients.

    Corey works with trades. He teaches them how to scale their businesses without necessarily being salesy. In this episode, we will be looking at the benefits of having a niche market and how keeping the focus on a particular niche will always be a plus for you in business. We will share some real-life examples that will make it easier to understand the importance of focusing on one product and one channel.

    Listen to learn more.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [00:01] Roger Wakefield’s testimonial

    [06:28] How to stand out

    [09:44] The power of having a niche

    [31:44] Callye’s group coaching program

    [33:44] Turning ADHD into a superpower

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “Everything that you want in life is in-depth, not breadth you.”

    “You can’t be the expert in everything or be everywhere and get that depth.”

    “Once you line up who you are and who you serve, you can find out a problem that you really solve the thing you sell, that you’re differentiated, and you will flip the entire universe on its head, people will chase after you.”

    “You develop expertise because you’re drilling the same hole every day.”

    “In focus, then we have a lot of power to go. You have a lot of places to go to.”

    “This is just my strategy is that I nurture my audience forever. My strategy is simple.”

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    Roger Wakefield 


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    49 mins
  • ADHD | Closing the Deal
    May 7 2022

    ADHD Closing the Deal

    Closing a deal during sales isn't as easy as you think. It involves multiple steps before getting to the actual closing. There is no trick or tactic to propel you to immediate success unless you do proper marketing, provide reasonable offers, create a good website, have the right sales team, etc. 

    Assuming a client has already agreed to buy into your idea or product isn't enough. You have to follow up. It may be hard mainly if you focus on the aftermath or what you plan to do with the money. Following up via email, calls, or systems is necessary to develop a relationship with anyone and get them to the point of closing the deal unless they ask you to stop. It's important to finish what you started. This means don't forget to follow up on a client and focus on it till completion without distractions. 

    At the closing table, be ready to either close the deal or not. Don't be too needy. Be calm and avoid distractions that may cause you to oversell yourself. Ask the right questions to help get the person where you need them and create a perfect picture of the future with the product. Pay attention to your delivery or marketing skills and how to handle and relate to the customer. The buyer is obviously watching or noting a few things about you and how you go about everything determines the end game. 


    Listen to this episode and learn more.


    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    [1:24] Facts on closing a deal

    [3:55] Follow-up importance and strategies

    [12:49] Handling and supporting your customers


    Quotes from the Episode:

    'Confidence is built by meeting the expectations and obligations to ourselves’-Callye

    'Providing value is always a great way to build rapport and build relationships’-Callye

    'If you're at the closing table, you're still at ground zero. So don't go in with fear. Because what do you have to lose? Nothing.'-Corey

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    26 mins
  • ADHD | Would it Be a Ridiculous Idea?
    Apr 22 2022
    Would it Be a Ridiculous Idea?

    Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to request something, but you have no idea how to go about it? This episode is for you. I will be sharing some nuggets of wisdom that you can apply to make the conversations easier.

    For instance, if you get to a hotel earlier than the check-in time, how do you get the attendants to let you? How do you get someone to jump on a call with you without saying no? It is all about how you ask. In this episode, I will share some practical examples that have worked for me. Also, I will share why it is important always to mind your language.

    Would it be a ridiculous idea to listen in to this episode and learn?

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [02:54] How I earned an early check out in a hotel in Charlotte

    [07:23] Using my negotiating tips in Orlando to get an early checkout in Orlando

    [08:18]How to get someone jumping on a call with you

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “If you start with a no, I guarantee you, if you do it the right way. You’re going to get better results.”

    “Most of the time, you buy something because of this idea in your head. Once you get there, it may not be the exact idea you had. It’s close.”

    “When you’re asking fantastic questions, you get fantastic answers and guess what? You save time when you can shortcut conversations. “

    “Don’t expect to get the same output from that person you are doing the free service for as you would the person that pays you.”

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    27 mins
  • ADHD | How to Create the Perfect Offer
    Apr 11 2022

    How to Create the Perfect Offer

    Is there a formula for creating the perfect offer? Yes, it is there, and we’ll be unwrapping it in this episode.

    First, you need to ask yourself, what problem do you solve? If you don’t know what problem you solve, you don’t have an offer. You don’t have a strategy for your business. You don’t have anything; you’re just out there flapping around like a fish open that people can do the math in their mind well enough that they’re going to imagine that you can have value in their life.

    Today, we’ll be sharing some essential nuggets of wisdom to help you understand how you can create a perfect offer that will give you room to scale your business.

    Grab your notebook and pen. You’ll need to jot down some notes.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode.

    [00:12] Callye’s trip

    [01:03] What is Radio Frequency signal (RF)?

    [04:02] The essence of niching down

    [13:33] What problem do you solve?

    [24:46] Addressing a problem that people know they have

    [26:27] A secret Sauce technique

    [37:17] The benefits of having partnerships

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “When I have the right customer, I never talked about price, and my product is easily ten times the price of a normal version of that product.”- Callye

    “Until you have a customer, you don’t have a problem that you solve. And until you have a problem you solve; you don’t have a business strategy.”-Callye

    “Numbers can be manipulated, but they can’t lie.”

    “Through depth, everything in life opens up.”

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    44 mins
  • ADHD | Customer Discovery Method
    Apr 4 2022
    ADHD Customer Discovery Method

    Sales shouldn't be as hard as rocket science. It is meant to be as easy as ABC.

    Today we are here to make it easy for you. The secret sauce lies in trying to figure out what problem you solve. You need to figure out what your customers are trying to do. For instance, you can ask them what they are trying to achieve. Figure out how you help them achieve that at a very fine point.

    Everything that you don't do, that's a chance to collaborate with somebody. It's not a chance for you to grow a bloated business or learn 10 trillion skills and be just everywhere. You don't want to have 80 different customer avatars, and you're discovering all the various problems that exist that you can possibly solve. Have one customer avatar, one channel, and one thing that you do exceptionally well.

    Listen to this episode and learn more.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    [00:11] Corey's series of misfortunate events

    [13:34] Discovering and understanding your customers

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    "Instead of trying to figure out what problem you solve. You figure out what your customers are trying to do."-Callye.

    "While you're trying to figure out a problem that you solve. At the same time, you're probably going to figure out what problems you don't want to solve."-Corey.

    "As long as you have the ego to say, I'm going to be the best at this thing that I'm the worst at. You are missing the opportunity to partner with somebody that could take your life to 10. Next level, you will fill in the gaps for them."-Callye

    "Don't do the things that you hate."- Callye

    "If you focus on the things, you're not good at, you're wasting time and missing opportunities and losing. You're costing yourself money is what you do."- Corey

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    27 mins
  • ADHD | Modafinil is Wall Street's New Drug of Choice
    Mar 3 2022

    Are you struggling with staying alert? We believe that at some point, we’ve all struggled with things such as motivation and focus had a hard time overcoming them. Well, Modafinil is here to help us focus on our strategies and goals by building systems and dreams in our minds that turn into superpowers to work for us.

    Some people we look up to struggle with motivation and focus on getting and staying up there. We only get to see the glossy part of their lives without understanding their driving force.

    However, don't get it wrong, Modafinil is not a magic pill that will suddenly transform you into a superhuman that sits and sees results. Some people lack focus and think that the drugs will infuse focus in their lives, which is not the case. Think of Modafinil as an accelerator to help us focus on tasks that make us achieve our goals. Remember that too much of anything is poisonous, and so is Modafinil!

    Want to learn more about Wall Street's new drug of choice? Listen in to this episode

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [04:23] Demystifying the ‘magic pill.'

    [11:22] Researching and Understanding Modafinil according to Callye

    [14:53] The negative effect of excess dopamine, according to Callye

    [16:49] Utilizing dopamine rush for actual wins

    [20:23] Can proper use of dopamine upscale your work/business?

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “Modafinil is very smooth and focus oriented.”

    “Modafinil will get you organized, but it won’t give you direction.”

    “When you get your dopamine from sources that you don’t need, you end up spending your focus and energy on things that You don’t need.”

    “You can’t optimize a system that doesn’t exist.”


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    24 mins
  • ADHD | How to Get Paid your Value as a Coach
    Feb 18 2022
    ADHD | How to Get Paid your Value as a Coach  Do you get paid what you are worth as a coach? Chances are, you charge way below your value. I hope after listening to this episode, you’ll make the bold step of charging what you truly are worth. Today, I have Callye Keen joining me on the show. Callye helps people create great hardware products from concept to market. One thing that many people do not know is that Callye too has ADHD.  In today’s episode, Callye and I will be having an in-depth conversation on how to get paid what you are worth as a coach. We’ll teach you how to believe in yourself and sell what you believe you can sell to make an impact in society. Also, we’ll talk about creating healthy boundaries and why it is essential to be consistent in whatever you do. Grab your notebook and pen. You’ll need to take notes. Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [00:43] Getting to know Callye Keen’s

    [02:58] The importance of having a coach, according to Callye

    [12:27] What does it mean not to put something down but to put it away?

    [17:01] Believing in what you have and selling it

    [21:25] Creating healthy boundaries

    [27:12] The essence of consistency in business and life

    [32:48] Should people feel bad for selling a product to people who want and need it?

    Magical Quotes from the Episode: 

    “If you don’t consistently show up. It’s never going to work.”- Callye Keen

    “You do need to protect your time. When it comes to anything that you’re doing in business or in your personal life.”- Corey Berrier

    “Stop doing all these things that absolutely don’t help you at all, start doing more of what helps you stop taking people that will never pay you.”- Callye Keen

    “If you want to know what you’re worth, you need to understand the impact that you’re offering somebody and where you’re an expert in it.”- Callye Keen

    “If you believe what you have, then you have to sell it.”- Corey Berrier

    “If you want to get paid what you’re worth, you have to be worth something.”- Callye Keen

    “If I have a hammer, and I am just tapping all over the United States, I’m never going to build a railroad. But if I tap on one spike at a time, I can change the world.”- Callye Keen

    Connect with Callye Keen:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/callyekeen/

    Website: https://www.redbluecollective.com/ , https://kform.com/

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    47 mins