
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 90-101
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 90, "We Need More Smart People": The world's challenges require individuals with mental capacities. An army of engineers and entrepreneurs is needed to rebuild infrastructure from the ground up.

    Lesson 91, "Don't Think, Just Do": Encourages action over contemplation. The key is to do more.

    Lesson 92, "Focus On Inputs": Emphasizes the importance of concentrating on factors within your control, leading to a calmer mindset and improved execution.

    Lesson 93, "Front-end/Back-end": Discusses the two main roles in various endeavors – working on the front-end or back-end.

    Lesson 94, "Leave Nothing In Your Tank": Advocates giving your all in every endeavor. If there's gas left, you haven't given everything.

    Lesson 95, "Say 'NO' On A Daily Basis": The importance of saying 'NO' regularly, although no specific details are provided.

    Lesson 98, "Surround Yourself With People Who Are Better": Encourages being in environments where you're not the best, emphasizing the benefits of learning from those superior to you.

    Lesson 99, "No Emotions": Suggests that emotions can make you weak and advocates for taking action despite them.

    Lesson 100, "Find Yourself In The Grind": Reminds us that continuous effort leads to improvement. The more you do, the better you become.

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    30 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 80-89
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 80, "Know Your Stuff," introduces Malcolm Gladwell's Rule of 10,000 hours, emphasizing that expertise comes from doing, not waiting for the perfect time.

    "Worst Case Scenarios" in Lesson 81 challenges the concept of the worst-case scenario, highlighting that, in most cases, the consequences are not tragic. Stand up, learn, and try again.

    In Lesson 82, "What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?" Jakub explores the theme of sacrifice, emphasizing that everything has its price, and success often requires a willingness to pay.

    Lesson 83, "Direct Correlation," explores the direct relationship between inputs and outputs, stressing the importance of leveraging your efforts for maximum impact.

    "Complete Elimination Is Better Than Mere Moderation" in Lesson 84 advocates for eliminating distractions entirely rather than moderating them. Unclutter your mind to focus on what truly matters.

    Lesson 85, "You Can Push Yourself To The Limit," encourages viewers to recognize their capabilities, urging them to attempt challenging tasks and persist until success is achieved.

    "You Can Do It As Well" in Lesson 86 reassures viewers that countless others have achieved the results they desire, making success achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort.

    Lesson 87, "Positive Alignment With The Goals Of Humanity," emphasizes the value of working on endeavors that positively impact humanity, highlighting that consumption alone has limitations.

    "Overcome Procrastination" in Lesson 88 provides strategies for overcoming procrastination, from understanding your 'why' to setting ultimatums to break the cycle of delay.

    Finally, Lesson 89, "Excellence," explores the principle that how you do one thing is indicative of how you approach everything. It stresses the impact of your identity on the results you achieve.

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    26 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 70-79
    Jan 6 2024

    In Lesson 70, "Seeing Grant Cardone, MIT, and Harvard," Jakub shares thoughts on his upcoming trip in April 2024, reflecting on the significance of visiting prominent institutions and figures.

    "Reading Books Has Hidden Benefits" in Lesson 71 explores the unique advantages of reading books compared to other forms of consumption. Discover how reading builds patience, translating to benefits in various aspects of life.

    Lesson 72, "It's About The Person Who You Become," delves into the fulfillment found in the pursuit of personal growth. Jakub emphasizes the ongoing process of becoming a better version of oneself.

    Lesson 73, "You Unlock New Levels Of You," uncovers the direct correlation between personal growth and the ability to tackle more significant challenges. Explore how reaching new levels of yourself enhances problem-solving capabilities.

    "Choose Your Hard" in Lesson 74 presents a compelling choice. Whether facing difficulties at the beginning or later on, the lesson urges you to consciously choose the challenges that align with your goals.

    Lesson 75, "Expectations vs Reality," highlights the occasional disparity between expectations and reality. Embrace the lesson that growth leads to fulfillment, and the journey may not always align with initial expectations.

    In Lesson 76, "My Goal: 5840," Jakub explores the concept of surpassing past limits to establish new norms. The lesson emphasizes the necessity of sacrifice and the inherent cost of progress.

    Lesson 77, "People From Much Worse Backgrounds Have Made It," challenges excuses and encourages self-reflection. Recognize that many have overcome adversity, and it's your turn to play the hand you've been dealt.

    "I'm Taking A Bet" in Lesson 78 outlines Jakub's decision to pursue a master's degree and enter business, weighing the expected value of this path against alternative routes.

    Finally, Lesson 79, "Questioning All 'Shoulds'," encourages a critical examination of societal expectations. In an age filled with 'shoulds,' Jakub prompts viewers to question assumptions and forge their own paths.

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    37 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 60-69
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 60, "Morning Routines Don't Work," challenges the conventional wisdom around morning routines. Discover the observation that engaging more directly with the actual work leads to better results, emphasizing individualized approaches.

    In Lesson 61, "Doing More And Spending Less Time Thinking," recognize the efficiency of translating thoughts into action swiftly. The shorter the time to action, the faster the results.

    Lesson 62, "Do Full Take-Offs," draws parallels between canceled take-offs and achieving goals. Plan for a runway that ensures a successful take-off in one go.

    Lesson 63, "Screw What Other People Think About You," delivers a straightforward message on overcoming the fear of judgment. Embrace the inevitability of failure and focus on your journey.

    In Lesson 64, "The Year Of Foundations," explore the analogy of skyscrapers standing on solid foundations. Invest time in building a robust foundation to support future success.

    Lesson 65, "Optimizing For An Exchange Semester In Australia," outlines a specific plan for the next 9-10 months. Highlighting the importance of a focused goal, the lesson advises against chasing multiple objectives simultaneously.

    Lesson 66, "Personality," encourages embracing individuality over conforming to social norms. Be a bit polar, challenge political correctness, and stay true to your values.

    In Lesson 67, "Volume, Volume, Volume...," uncover the direct correlation between doing more and skill improvement. Test your limits and strive for continuous improvement.

    Lesson 68, "Shut Up Distractions," emphasizes the importance of focus in achieving success. Learn to say 'NO' to good opportunities to make room for truly 'GREAT' ones.

    Finally, in Lesson 69, "Science and Technology," acknowledge the pivotal role of innovation in science and technology. Recognize the need for disruptive thinking and the importance of preparing for the challenges of tomorrow.

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    43 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 50-59
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 50, "USA Shifted My Point Of View," reflects on transformative experiences gained from extensive travel. Discover the perspective gained from spending significant time in the USA, particularly beneficial for those from Eastern Europe.

    In Lesson 51, "Overcome The Resistance," confront the resistance that precedes every endeavor. Success hinges on your ability to overcome procrastination and navigate through resistance.

    Lesson 52, "Don't Search For A Linear Path," highlights the importance of leverage. Explore various forms of leverage, including capital, labor, media, and code, to maximize output from your input.

    Lesson 53, "Do More Than What's Expected (Always)," emphasizes the power of exceeding expectations. Simply put, do more—make mistakes, learn, and elevate your accuracy for increased chances of future success.

    In Lesson 54, "What Are You Optimizing For?" consider the importance of aligning actions with objectives. Explore the decision to extend the time frame and pursue a Master's degree as a strategic optimization.

    Lesson 55, "I Don't Spend Time With My Classmates," challenges conventional social norms. Delve into the question of what singular thing can yield disproportionate returns and prioritize your interactions accordingly.

    Lesson 56, "Be Prepared To Lose 10k To Get To Your First 100k," acknowledges the risks inherent in every venture. Keep in mind that downsides exist to every endeavor, and mindful calculation is essential.

    In Lesson 57, "You Figure Stuff Out By Doing," discard excessive planning and learning. Action is the key to progress—take more action and witness tangible results.

    Lesson 58, "Values Are The Foundation," underscores the significance of moral codes in decision-making. Establish a set of values to guide your pursuit of strategies and goals.

    Finally, in Lesson 59, "You Will Never Be The Best (At Everything)," embrace the concept of specialization. Recognize that becoming the best requires niching down and focusing on specific pursuits.

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    50 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 40-49
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 40, "Listening To Yourself," underscores the importance of trusting your perspective and aligned interests over external advice. Learn the power of self-listening in your journey to self-discovery.

    In Lesson 41, "Investment Into Yourself Always Pays Off," discover the various forms of self-investment, from time and energy to capital. Understand the equation of success: the more you invest, the greater the returns, even if not immediately visible.

    Lesson 42, "Are You Deserving Of Success," poses a crucial question about your commitment. Examine whether your efforts, time, and inputs justify success. The starting line is hitting your 10,000 hours of work, and then it's a relentless race to victory.

    In Lesson 43, "Play The Long-Term Game," explore the significance of balance. Working long hours is beneficial, but only if paired with sufficient sleep. Uncover the plan to hit the first 10,000 hours and play the infinite game of continuous improvement.

    Lesson 44, "You Can Grow Into Any Position," challenges limitations. The key lies in desire and timeframe—acknowledge that growth knows no finish line, especially when playing the infinite game.

    Lesson 45, "Act Now. You Might Not Get A Second Chance," emphasizes preparedness. Be ready to seize opportunities by starting now and accumulating expertise—hit your first 10,000 hours to be a seasoned expert when the moment arrives.

    In Lesson 46, "Brutal Honesty," make every hour count as an investment. Shift from 'spending' to 'investing' your time, realizing the importance of making meaningful contributions towards your goals.

    Lesson 47, "The Top Things I Would Have Done Differently In 2023," provides valuable insights, not as regrets but as lessons learned. Grasp the significance of time and the impact of hitting your first 10,000 hours in your chosen field.

    Lesson 48, "Become A Scientist/Engineer," urges figurative transformation. Conduct more experiments, overcome fear, and witness life-changing results. Embrace courage, as exemplified by personal experiences like jumping from an airplane or swimming with sharks.

    Finally, in Lesson 49, "Ignorance Will Never Help You," reject the notion of doing less. Understand that mistakes and adjustments from doing more lead to greater accuracy and success. Leverage your actions to achieve more by embracing continuous effort and improvement.

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    46 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 30-39
    Jan 6 2024

    Lesson 30, "Momentum Is An Unfair Advantage," delves into the unstoppable force of momentum. Understand why going all out into one thing can lead to disproportionate returns, propelling you through life's obstacles.

    Lesson 31, "Courage," emphasizes the role of courage in success. Face ridicule, handle haters, and tackle the hard stuff – because there's no alternative that offers a decent chance of making it.

    In Lesson 32, "'Come Hell or High Water, I Will Get It Done'," witness the power of relentless effort. Do what's required, leaving nothing in the tank, and know that you've given your all.

    Lesson 33, "Being Unapologetic About Who You Are," encourages embracing your uniqueness. Why conform to the 'standard'? Create your own ideals and be unapologetic about your personality, interests, and skills.

    Lesson 34, "Get Disproportionate Returns - Go All Out," explores achieving outsized returns. Whether it's hitting 10,000 hours in marketing or focusing intensely on a single goal, disproportionate results come from dedication.

    Lesson 35, "Spend More Time Alone," emphasizes the power of solitude. Maximize creativity and focus by spending significant time alone, understanding the inputs/outputs relationship in your journey to success.

    In Lesson 36, "The Perfect Setup (Vienna)," learn how the perfect environment aids progress. Change your surroundings to change your identity and align yourself with elements that support your goals.

    Lesson 37, "My Perspective Shifts Whenever I'm Out Of School," explores how perspectives evolve with experiences. Learn from recent experiences and allow them to shape your point of view, contributing to personal growth.

    Lesson 38, "You Don't Need A Degree," questions the necessity of a degree. While acknowledging individual circumstances, understand the importance of education levels in enhancing overall quality of life.

    Finally, in Lesson 39, "You Are Better Than You Need To Be To Start," realize that imperfection at the start is natural. Start with what you have, iterate, and gradually improve your approach. Progress comes from continuous effort and small changes.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 20-29
    Jan 6 2024

    In Lesson 21, "Mission Over Cash," challenge conventional perspectives on success. Recognize the interplay between mission and financial gain, understanding that both are crucial and often interconnected elements on the path to fulfillment.

    Lesson 22, "Quantification of a Great Life," demystifies the process of achieving a great life by making goals less vague. Learn the importance of breaking down long-term aspirations into actionable, short-term steps for tangible progress.

    Lesson 23, "One and Two-Way Door Decisions," draws inspiration from Jeff Bezos, emphasizing the dichotomy between consequential and inconsequential decisions. Explore the balance between thoughtful reconsideration and swift execution.

    In Lesson 24, "You Can't Be Great at Many Things," confront the reality that greatness often requires focus and specialization. Understand the commitment required to become an expert and the strategic planning needed to achieve ambitious goals.

    Lesson 25, "The First 6 Months Won't Be Groundbreaking," dispels myths about instant success. Dive into the equation of time multiplied by energy and discover the power of making every wake hour count toward your goals.

    Lesson 26, "Not Doing Stuff Just Because You're Afraid Of What Others Will Think," tackles the universal struggle of societal expectations. Explore the liberation that comes from prioritizing your journey over external judgments.

    In Lesson 27, "Playing Not To Lose VS Playing To Win," discern the nuances of risk perception in your strategic approach. Whether you lean towards defense or offense, the key is to keep playing and adapting.

    Lesson 28, "Are You A Failure or Are You A Success?" challenges conventional definitions of success. Understand that your perception of success is shaped by comparison and expectations, influencing your drive for continuous improvement.

    Finally, in Lesson 29, "Momentum Is An Unfair Advantage," grasp the transformative power of momentum. Learn why going all-in on one thing and building relentless momentum can yield disproportionate returns, propelling you towards unparalleled progress.

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    1 hr and 13 mins