• June 2024 Horoscopes: Double the Fun
    Jun 18 2024


    In your honor, Susan posted her horoscopes on the first day of the month. She couldn’t wait to inform you that it’s the start of your Emerald Year! Get ready for a bountiful harvest (and many more gardening metaphors).

    The episode starts with a discussion of 2024’s Luckiest Day of the Year. Laura and Alex love a good Embezzlement Update, but it pales in comparison to the unprecedented event that occurred in the Astrology Zone universe this month. Due to illness, Susan was unable to write her monthly note to her readers. If that weren’t shocking enough, her editor-in-chief, one Edward Rubinstein, wrote the note on her behalf! Suffice it to say that the gals have a lot of thoughts on this shocking twist.

    Alex then talks all about Susan’s forecast for Scorpio, which is chock full of practical advice. Don’t doubt your ability to manage money, Scorpio! Susan believes in you. Or at least she believes that you can ask a friend to recommend a good financial advisor. The episode finishes with Laura’s recap of Taurus’s forecast. Taurus may have passed the Emerald Year torch to Gemini, but wonderful things are still on the horizon, including money, travel, and wildflowers.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 08:33

    Note from Susan Miller: 12:55

    Gemini: 19:01

    Scorpio: 29:18

    Taurus: 40:38

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com

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    52 mins
  • May 2024 Horoscopes: Luckier than a Leprechaun
    May 20 2024


    It’s Taurus season, which is a very special time at the pod because that means it’s Laura’s birthday!!! The universe is obsessed with you, Taurus, so be on the lookout for money, extra luck, and the adoration of VIPs.

    Laura and Alex begin the episode with the Embezzlement Update so they can check in to see if either of them experienced the joyous aspect that Susan predicted in April. They did not, but Laura shares her tips picking up a few extra dollars in Vegas. They then recap Susan’s Note, in which she covers astrology, a flood in her apartment, and an elusive Astrology Zone newsletter that the gals hope to receive one day when Susan’s team fixes the sign-up page.

    Next Laura breaks down Taurus’s magical birthday horoscope. Or as she’s calling it this month: the Laurascope! Susan promises that diamonds will rain down from the sky and a crowd of planets will sip champagne in your honor. And not only is May’s new moon a peach, but this month contains the Luckiest Day of the Year (capitalization by Susan), and Laura tells Taurus how to use this day to its fullest potential. Alex then informs her Scorps that May is all about committed partnerships, so they must ignore their loner tendencies and get out in the world and collaborate.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 3:50

    Note from Susan Miller: 7:50

    Taurus: 17:20

    Scorpio: 33:19

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com

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    46 mins
  • April 2024 Horoscopes: Susan Miller, Eclipse Expert
    Apr 13 2024


    Happy birthday, Aries! It’s your time to shine and apparently to attract lots of money. So keep your eyes peeled and your wallets open this April because Susan Miller has declared you a money magnet!

    There’s a lot going on in the world, so Laura and Alex begin the episode by catching up on the recent earthquake in New York and the excitement surrounding the Great American Eclipse. (The gals learned recently this is its real name and not something that Susan made up, as they suspected. But doesn’t it sound like a Susan special?!) The Embezzlement Update is up next, and boy, was Laura embezzled!!! She shares all the details of Susan’s incredible on-the-nose prediction from her March horoscope.

    Susan Miller Businesswoman and Susan Miller Eclipse Expert share top billing in this month’s Note, so Susan has no choice but to tell us yet again about her essay on eclipses and how we can access it through her paid app. After a recap of Susan’s plans for April, Laura tells Taurus that the eclipse may result in happy surprises and an exciting social calendar, while Alex assures the Scorps that they are not doomed.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 05:36

    Note from Susan Miller: 09:17

    Aries: 16:59

    Taurus: 28:48

    Scorpio: 38:39

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Support The Pop Art Tarot on Kickstarter! poparttarot.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com

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    51 mins
  • March 2024 Horoscopes: Share Your Sparkle
    Mar 18 2024


    Susan Miller may not have written you the lengthiest forecast this year, Pisces, but it is full of exciting predictions that should ensure a festive birthday season. She lists approximately five hundred ways that money may come into your life this month (cue Laura’s pharmaceutical spokesperson voice), so there’s a good chance that your birthday present will be cold hard cash!

    After a quick catch-up and an update on Susan’s posting habits, Laura explains during the Embezzlement Update that she may have been embezzled, but it’s just too early to tell. Next the gals break down Susan’s note to her readers. It’s eclipse season, but fear not! The 2024 eclipses will not be like the cruel, life-ruining eclipses of Taurus and Scorpio in 2023, and Susan takes every opportunity to invoke the trauma that Laura’s and Alex’s signs caused the world last year. The gals do not care for this guilt trip.

    Next, Laura gives an update on Taurus’s Emerald Year and details all of the wonderful predictions for Taureans this March. There will be glitter, adoration, and maybe even the ability to literally heal yourself! Alex then tells the Scorps that March is all about romance. But beware Neptune’s idealistic fog! It could send your love-addled brain right to the Elvis chapel in Las Vegas and Susan believes this might not be prudent.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 02:59

    Note from Susan Miller: 07:14

    Pisces: 14:06

    Taurus: 24:33

    Scorpio: 34:02

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com
    • Listen to Laura’s other podcasts, The Mermaid Podcast and You’re Doing Great, at: http://mermaidpodcast.com and http://fairybossmother.com

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    50 mins
  • February 2024 Horoscopes: Uranus Is a Pain in the Butt
    Feb 10 2024


    Laura and Alex are always happy to find themselves in the Age of Aquarius, and this year is no exception. So happy birthday to the Aquarians of the world! It’s time to use your cosmic gift certificate.

    The episode begins with discussion of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (a.k.a. Venus and Mars!) followed by the Embezzlement Update, the pod’s newest segment, where the gals discuss which of Susan’s predictions last month came true. Then it’s time to deconstruct Susan’s February note to her readers. Susan Miller Business Woman takes center stage, although also included is an astrological prediction that applies to all the signs this month: Uranus is going to be a real pain the butt.

    And, of course, Susan wouldn’t be Susan if she didn’t provide the signs with predictions and practical advice for Valentine’s Day. The gals let Aquarius know what to expect on February 14 and for the rest of their birthday month, and Alex informs her fellow Scorps that they need to hang on for better times in March. Taurus, on the other hand, is bejeweled! Laura gives everyone an update on Taurus’s Emerald Year and the shimmering glitter that Venus and Mars will bestow upon them.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 07:29

    Note from Susan Miller: 09:58

    Aquarius: 16:38

    Scorpio: 23:33

    Taurus: 34:52

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com
    • Listen to Laura’s other podcasts, The Mermaid Podcast and You’re Doing Great, at: http://mermaidpodcast.com and http://fairybossmother.com

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    50 mins
  • January 2024 Horoscopes: Time to Plant Acorns
    Jan 16 2024


    Welcome to Season 4! Laura and Alex are excited to jump into the new year. As is Susan Miller, who started 2024 off right by posting the horoscopes on the first day of the month!

    The gals start the episode with a chat about the holidays that segues into the show’s newest segment, the Embezzlement Update, where they report which, if any, of Susan’s predictions (embezzlement-related or otherwise) in last month’s horoscope were accurate.

    Then Laura and Alex turn to Susan’s note to her readers, where they learn that Susan unfortunately got Covid for the first time this past December. Less unfortunate for her readers, though, is that this signals the return of Susan Miller Epidemiologist, who has been away for far too long. In addition to more health news, Susan includes quite a bit of astrology in the Note, telling her readers what she expects for all the signs in January. We also hear from Susan Miller Businesswoman and are introduced to Susan Miller Historian!

    Next the gals give a summary of Capricorn’s birthday forecast, which although brief, contains exciting predictions about love and money. Then Laura details what’s in store for Taurus. And what’s in store could be money, influence, and power! Or if that’s too much for the tired Taurus, Laura assures the listeners that manifesting naps will do just fine. Then Alex tells the Scorps to be ready this January to hire a lawyer, produce a television segment, and, most excitingly, to judge a contest.

    The takeaway for everyone seems to be: take action, leave the house, and plant acorns that will grow into beautiful oak trees!

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Embezzlement Update: 03:14

    Note from Susan Miller: 07:41

    Capricorn: 18:32

    Taurus: 23:42

    Scorpio: 29:21

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com
    • Listen to Laura’s other podcasts, The Mermaid Podcast and You’re Doing Great, at: http://mermaidpodcast.com and http://fairybossmother.com

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    36 mins
  • December 2023 Horoscopes: Holiday Miracles
    Dec 11 2023


    Because it’s your birthday month and because Susan Miller is back! Just in time to tell us all what December holds. Her eyesight isn’t perfect, but it’s good enough that she was able to write the detailed horoscopes we expect and to tell us to buy her wall calendar and sign up for Discord. So all told, things have returned to normal.

    The episode begins with Laura and Alex recounting the magical adventure they had together attending the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. There’s a lot more to the story but let’s just say that Alex walked away from the experience with the desire to be a Rockette, and Laura to be Santa’s mistress. The gals then follow up on one of Susan’s more unpleasant predictions from last month by asking each other: Were you embezzled?!

    Happily, the December forecasts are full of holiday magic, so Laura and Alex are thrilled to tell Sagittarius about all the gifts that the planets will deliver for their birthday month. The horoscopes for Taurus and Scorpio are also joyful, although both signs should be prepared to pull the car over during Neptune’s fog.

    Laura and Alex thank you so much for listening this year and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season! May the light from the baby glow-worm in the manger bring happiness and comfort to all!

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Note from Susan Miller: 21:55

    Sagittarius: 28:00

    Taurus: 37:52

    Scorpio: 48:45

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com
    • Listen to Laura’s other podcasts, The Mermaid Podcast and You’re Doing Great, at: http://mermaidpodcast.com and http://fairybossmother.com
    • Read Laura’s new book THE BREAK UP ARTIST on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Break-Up-Artist-Audiobook/B09ZVQDG9V

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • November 2023 Horoscopes: Golden Threads, Short but Memorable
    Nov 14 2023


    It’s another month of brief forecasts as Susan Miller recovers from the eye infection that has left her partially blind. Alex and Laura believe that the Scorps of the world deserve more for their birthday month, but who are they to argue with Susan’s doctor?! Our fearless pioneer of the astrology internet must rest her eyes.

    Even though Susan stuck to the facts for the horoscopes, she managed to write a lengthy Note chock full of tidbits about the AZ team, Henri Bendel, and the ins and outs of the wall calendar. And that’s where this episode begins. Laura and Alex believe that this may be the first time in Astrology Zone’s history where the word count of Susan’s note to her readers far exceeds that of the horoscopes. And, boy, are they ready to provide some hot takes. They also discuss a bizarre social media post by Susan that resonated greatly with Laura and ultimately helped her through the tough leg of a recent trip.

    Without Susan’s usual flourishes, both the Scorpio and Taurus horoscopes this November are less than fun. The Scorps must be vigilant because someone might be embezzling from them, while the Taureans have to contend with unwanted news that will come out of nowhere. Suffice it to say that Laura and Alex are looking forward to December when Susan feels that she will be able to use her eyes for long enough to write the horoscopes to which they’ve become accustomed.

    Laura and Alex discuss the following at these timestamps:

    Note from Susan Miller: 6:44

    Scorpio: 21:57

    Taurus: 30:16

    Share your own thoughts on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone with us by emailing astrologyzoned@gmail.com.


    • Read each episode’s transcript at our website: astrologyzoned.com
    • Help Laura reach the full potential of her Susan Miller legacy by buying her romance novels: http://Lauralovelybooks.com
    • Listen to Laura’s other podcasts, The Mermaid Podcast and You’re Doing Great, at: http://mermaidpodcast.com and http://fairybossmother.com
    • Read Laura’s new book THE BREAK UP ARTIST on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Break-Up-Artist-Audiobook/B09ZVQDG9V

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    42 mins