• I Know God by His Revelation (my soul stirs for reconciliation of the heavens and earth)
    Jul 31 2024

    Episode 96. I Know God by His Revelation (my soul stirs for reconciliation of the heavens and earth)

    I spend a good portion of BUOY in the scripture. I believe it’s the most powerful place to hang out together. I suspect I lose humans long before I say “His grace, my gratitude...” because of all the scriptures I note. But I do so as if studying the stars, like the shepherd David. The more I study His Word, the less I want to rewrite it. That’s a hard-fought truth as a writer.

    God redeems my life through my witness. I can write about that because the more I study His Word, the more I want to live in His bigger story where the heavens and earth unite.

    And He gives me a medium for sharing my spiritual gifts. God gives me, gives all of us one way to boast.

    Jeremiah says in Chapter 9: 23-24: Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

    God delights when His people truly know Him. Because to know Him is to love Him.

    That’s how we witness. We boast in God’s sovereignty, His steadfast love, His bigger story, His everything.

    A powerful witness is born out of my own inner apocalypse, so I ask this question:

    Is knowing God through Christ the most valuable thing to me? Is it the most valuable thing to you, human?

    #innerapocalypse #meditationwithGod #livinginHisword #theheavens #reconciliationofheavensearth #Godreveals #wisdom #spirit-led #wisdomandrevelation #apocalypse #themysteryofChrist #Paul’stransformation #theroadtoDamascus #podmatchcommunity #humility #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    20 mins
  • What I Keep Asking God to Give You (the mystery of Christ)
    Jul 24 2024

    Episode 95. What I Keep Asking God to Give You (the mystery of Christ)

    Ephesians 1:9-10

    9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

    Paul starts with the “mystery of His will” for the purpose of what? “To bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”

    Where do I start? Stand beside me for this, human. We start by taking the timeline away, that perspective that thinks earth is now, heaven is later. That perspective contradicts that God is timeless. That perspective contradicts that the heavens have always existed.

    We live in both realms now. One day, the heavens will reign in the fullness of Christ.

    Why is this so important to how we witness?

    #wisdomandrevelation #apocalypse #themysteryofChrist #Paul’stransformation #theroadtoDamascus #spiritualhostages #sin #Eden #thefall #theapple #Eve’sapple #humility #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    16 mins
  • The Questions Jesus Gives Us to Ask (because He never met a stranger)
    Jul 17 2024

    Episode 94. The Questions Jesus Gives Us to Ask (because He never met a stranger)

    Jesus has never and will never meet a stranger. I am following the man who knows everyone. And it is through His eyes I want to see those who I do not yet know.

    The Gospels give us the roadmap for how Jesus did it, and how we are to do it. The beauty of asking the question that speaks to someone’s heart beyond what the person asks for. Or thinks is needed.

    The questions Jesus asked are powerful cues for how we connect with those He has put in our path to love. On a first take, it might look something like this.

    Jesus said, “Who touched me?” – aka, I say, “How can what I have help you? What do you need from me?”

    Jesus said, “Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” – aka, I say, “I see you are hurting. I see you are searching; I know where He is.”

    Jesus told us and tells us His love is one question away from a conversation at the well, in the garden, outside the temple, and all the places we put one foot in front of the other.

    #themiraclesofJesus #Jesusmiracles #Jesusknowsmyname #questionsJesusasked #spiritualhostages #sin #Eden #thefall #theapple #Eve’sapple #humility #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    13 mins
  • Eve’s Apple and God’s Question (I fell with her—separated from my Creator)
    Jul 10 2024

    Episode 93. Eve’s Apple and God’s Question (I fell with her—separated from my Creator)

    Choices shape our spiritual journey.

    What happened in the Garden is part of the DNA of what happens in our lives. We are part of The Fall.

    In my life today, I accept that when I stand in front of the tree that makes me my own god, I need to do this:

    Pray for clarity.

    Seek God’s truth.

    Seek spiritual consequences that are eternal.

    Loop this question throughout my day: “Does this action separate me or bring me closer to God?”

    Answer the Lord’s question “Where are you?” with my witness.

    Genesis 3:6

    6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

    #sin #Eden #thefall #theapple #Eve’sapple #humility #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    15 mins
  • Give God Your Problem Through Praise (a DIY Psalm for bringing your humility to His solution)
    Jul 3 2024

    Episode 92. Give God Your Problem Through Praise (a DIY Psalm for bringing your humility to His solution)

    What % of your time would you say you hold on to your problems, every day? 10% or 75%, 30% or double that, at 60%?

    This scenario is something God frees us from. Seems appropriate to think about during freedom week of 2024. I hadn’t thought about freedom in the context of praise until this BUOY.

    When I think of praise I think of David. Psalm 145 gives us a DIY approach to bringing our humility to God’s solution.

    In Psalm 145, David uses 15 verbs to praise the nature of our Lord.

    In Psalm 145, David claims what God does when we bring our problems to Him.

    14 The Lord upholds all who fall

    and lifts up all who are bowed down.

    18 The Lord is near to all who call on him,

    to all who call on him in truth. (that takes humility, human)

    20 The Lord watches over all who love him,

    but all the wicked he will destroy.

    He upholds us when we fall.

    He is near when we call.

    He watches over when we love.

    This is a pretty amazing definition of His presence in my life.

    Psalm 145: 21

    21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.

    Let every creature praise his holy name

    for ever and ever.

    #God’sWay #praiseGod #praiseGodwithhumility #humility #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    Connect with Kathryn: deeperwater@kathrynbise.com

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    10 mins
  • I Lost Someone Twice (who I am not done loving in Christ Alone)
    Jun 26 2024

    Episode 91. I Lost Someone Twice (who I am not done loving in Christ Alone)

    ...think about the emotional shards in your relationships that leave parts of your life broken, bleeding, splintered by conversations unspoken, dialogues that went downhill, moments and memories on hold, and for some, the abrupt call of mortality to cut it all short.

    Think about how you are not done loving.

    ... it is in the middle of all this that Jesus administers His peace, long before any resolve settles in. Before He brings any enduring connection back to a relationship. A peace that requires only Him.

    ...maybe this will prompt you, human, to go to the great Comforter to heal, to find His way to connect your fragmented heart to His wholeness. To sustain an enduring connection with someone, we must first connect with the One.

    Solus Christus.

    Because Jesus is our peacemaker.

    John 16:33

    33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    #Godofcomfort #Godofpeace #JesusPeacemaker #peaceofheart #brokenhearted #mortality #eternity #suffering #loveunconditionally #God’smercy #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    18 mins
  • I Rode the A Train to Eternity (a garden conversation at The Cloisters that stirred my soul)
    Jun 19 2024

    Episode 90. I Rode the A Train to Eternity (a garden conversation at The Cloisters that stirred my soul)

    Earthly life teaches us what part we each have in the story of God’s Genesis. How we work through our mortality in God’s story about His eternity.

    And the one most jarring earthly collision with the soul, that feeling of spiraling isolation when death is at someone’s door. Someone you love is leaving you alone in this world.

    That “deep knowing” we gain. A painful epiphany that cannot be debated. Being mortal is a solo act. For everyone.

    After a few minutes of sharing the presence of a mighty God, a God who brings peace, comfort, wisdom, and all the promises of His heavenly kingdom, somehow—and to this day I do not know how we went from mortality to moving—somehow we found the timing to get up from the bench, and continue walking.

    My soul was stirring. My soul was spinning. My soul told me what I knew in that moment.

    Mortality is when someone whose terminal illness is imminent tells you they can't get their head around not being on earth in a few short months. We just don’t get the end of earthly life. We just can't mentally write the end.

    What was spiritually sobering for me in this conversation was hearing a human accept mortality in the only way possible. Personally. A given. With an estimated time. The time at hand. And it is not that realization that was of eternal value to me, it was sharing that moment, that moment when being mortal AND being eternal held us together.

    James 4:14

    14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

    #thecloisters #mortality #trustGod #serveGod #keeploving #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God #God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    16 mins
  • Solus Christus. In Christ Alone (I am not alone).
    Jun 12 2024

    Episode 89. Solus Christus. In Christ Alone (I am not alone).

    What “in Christ alone” means to me and how I fight it with the futility of my human nature. I know that sounds a little too weighty.

    Maybe this. I fight it with trying to help Christ save me. As if He did not.

    I think of “casting shade” as not living as if Christ has completed the story. Bringing things like fear, anxiety, worry in to help me fight a battle that has already been won. Over-exercising verbs like striving, pursuing, chasing goals, ambitions, and earthly measures of spiritual success. Yes, letting the shadow of earthly pursuits darken the spiritual light of my witness to love one another, one by one. By allowing earthly gain to re-define His victory.

    Casting shade by looking for grace, faith, redemption, salvation from anyone or anything but Jesus. We look to others for confirmation of our worth.

    I cast shade when I turn away His love, when I turn away from opportunities to love others, when I throw darkness on the light He is shining within me.

    I cast shade when I do not accept His presence, His power, His sovereignty in my life.

    Hebrews 7:25

    Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

    #soluschristus #inChristalone #christismymediator #trustGod #serveGod #keeploving #suffering #love unconditionally #God’smercy #myinheritanceinheaven #God’spropheticvoice #thesovereignty of God#God’sstory #forGodsoloved #thedivinegift #theperfectgift #fruitoftheSpirit #Iamfound #christianpodcast #christfollowers #hopewriterscommunity #truthtotablecommunity #faithrockyourfaith #mywitness99 #buildingspiritualcharacter #growmyfaith #God’spresence

    Find today’s show notes and links at https://kathrynbise.com/category/buoy-podcast-show-notes/

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    Connect with Kathryn: deeperwater@kathrynbise.com

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    12 mins