• The Real Story of a Wellness Journey with Adrian
    May 24 2024

    Hey BC Family!

    I am super stoked to bring an episode your way that is from the mouth of someone other than me and Tony. Today we have Adrian who was a client of ours for over a year and he is here to tell you about his journey and how it is continuing today due to behavioral science and the addition of values-based behaviors in his life.

    You can check out Adrian Here.

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    43 mins
  • Three Powerful Tips for ANY Wellness Journey
    Apr 27 2024

    What is up BC Fam!

    We are back in the swing and charged up! We have our collective about to launch this round, May 6th is the start date! Just in case that sort of thing isn't your style, you know here at BC Pod we want to give away info for free just to be helpful. So in this episode I break down the top 3 tips I have picked up throughout the many years and countless clients we have worked with. Stay tuned, it is a good one!

    Check out www.behaviorchef.com to learn more and catch your spot for Reframe!

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    20 mins
  • Free CEU's??? Yes Please!
    Apr 17 2024

    Who doesn't want free CEUs? Listen to this Promo to learn more!


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    3 mins
  • I Lost Myself after Finding Answers
    Feb 9 2024
    Has this happened to you? I got my diagnosis for Bipolar 2 and finally got my mind on track with meds and was able to get back to my routine. The only problem was, I didn't know how to stay motivated anymore due to the changes in my neuro-chemistry. I hope this short episode helps someone who was or is in that place now. Please reach out with questions or comments, we're here to help. @behaviorchef Www.behaviorchef.com
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    12 mins
  • Shame, guilt, and too much pizza
    Jan 29 2024
    Welcome to the second episode of my journey with Bipolar 2 disorder. I was hesitant to start this series, but after episode one we've had such a great outpouring of support and kind words. Thank you so much. I want this podcast to be an outlet and resource for everything surrounding wellness and wellness related behavior. This week I talk about the shame and guilt that initially came from my diagnosis and how it truly disrupted my wellness journey in a negative way. I hope this is helpful to you. As always, connect with us at any of the places below. Www.behaviorchef.com Clint@behaviorchef.com Socials @behaviorchef
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    23 mins
  • One Diagnosis and Life Changes
    Jan 22 2024
    Hey all. It has been awhile. Tony and I are sorry for the inconsistency. Life has gotten in the way a bit. Over the last two years I (Clint) have gotten a mental health diagnosis that has turned my world literally upside down over night. I am here now to share my journey with Bipolar 2 disorder. I hope to inspire other people who are struggling with taking hold of the reigns for their mental health. This is my story. I hope it is helpful to you. -Clint Get in touch with us: www.behaviorchef.com Clint@behaviorchef.com
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    17 mins
  • Where in the world have we been?
    Aug 18 2023

    Wow! Can you believe it has been 8 months (or so) since we have released an episode? Well WE ARE BACK BABBBBBYYYYY!!!!

    Ok, now that the shenanigans are out of the way, we are so excited to bring you this latest season of The Behavior Chef Podcast. We have some ideas that we think are really going tor resonate with so many people. The reason? We are sharing the wellness and behavioral journeys that led us here and that led you here, in a more personal way. I promise you are going to love this. We can't wait to share more with you. Thank you for being such awesome people. See you next week!!

    -Clint and Tony

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    14 mins
  • Your Complete Guide to Dieting on Thanksgiving
    Nov 22 2022

    If you know us by now, that title is misleading. There is no plan for dieting on the holidays. One day is not going to ruin your progress. Spend time with family, make memories and laugh. Do not let calories rule your life, let them compliment your life. We hope this episode is a blessing to you as a reminder that you are more than a macro count. You are worthy of enjoying life beyond the diet. 

    See you next week.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

    Clint and Tony 

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    11 mins