• How an adventurous life as a third culture individual rounds up Becky Harris to become a global citizen
    Jul 30 2024

    In this episode, walk through Becky´s life full of diversity and adventure and see how incredible slow travel can be to not only experiencing a country but to learning from life.


    -What it takes to give yourself to the lust for travelling

    -Living as a third culture individual and raising a child on the move

    -Setting up businesses across borders

    -Do stereotypes about cultures really mean something?

    -Difficulties of integrating into a new country

    -What global citizenship means

    -Home, belonging and returning to the roots

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    50 mins
  • From dreams to reality: Lika Torikashvili´s journey of exploration, impact and becoming a global citizen
    Jul 22 2024

    Join me in this conversation with Lika, a young trailblazer who has accomplished a lot at a young age. She established a youth-led nonprofit called Paint the World, which focuses on empowering young people with disabilities. She also co-founded an e-learning center in Kabul, Afghanistan, and a dialogue education platform called Peace in our Schools. Lika's journey started with a dream to explore the world, and she was able to pursue her dream through education. She received a scholarship to study in the UK, which opened doors for her to travel and make a global impact.


    Lika Torikashvili, youth empowerment, nonprofit, disabilities, e-learning, dialogue education, global citizenship, scholarship, travel


    -Lika Torikashvili established a youth-led nonprofit called Paint the World, which empowers young people with disabilities.

    -She co-founded an e-learning center in Kabul, Afghanistan, and a dialogue education platform called Peace in our Schools.

    -Lika's journey started with a dream to explore the world, and she was able to pursue her dream through education.

    -She received a scholarship to study in the UK, which opened doors for her to travel and make a global impact.

    Sound Bites

    "I remember being a little girl and watching this cartoon, Dora the Explorer, on Nickelodeon. It was about this girl who was going places and seeing the world and different cultures."

    "Education opens doors."

    "We might have different religious backgrounds, but we're all one."


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:56 Dreaming of Exploration and Unity

    08:28 Becoming a Global Citizen

    10:33 Empowering Young People with Paint the World

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    47 mins
  • Exploring the notion of Global citizenship with Luis Cabrera
    Jul 11 2024

    This conversation explores the concept of global citizenship and its implications, delving into the challenges and opportunities of promoting individual rights, regional and global citizenship, and the role of international organizations. It also discusses the complexities of cultural, religious, and political diversity, as well as the ethical and moral obligations of individuals and nations in a global context. The conversation delves into the themes of global citizenship, compassion, and the role of education in shaping a more interconnected and empathetic world. It explores the challenges of competition, the need for collective action, and the potential for global governance. The discussion also highlights the importance of role models and historical figures who have advocated for compassion and unity on a global scale.


    global citizenship, individual rights, regional citizenship, international organizations, cultural diversity, ethical obligations, moral obligations, political diversity, global citizenship, compassion, education, competition, collective action, global governance, role models, historical figures, interconnected world


    -The concept of global citizenship involves promoting and protecting individual rights at a regional and global level.

    -Cultural, religious, and political diversity present challenges and opportunities for the development of global citizenship and the promotion of individual rights.

    -International organizations play a crucial role in promoting regional and global citizenship, with a focus on disinterested intervention and the promotion of economic development.

    -The ethical and moral obligations of individuals and nations in a global context are complex and require a nuanced understanding of cultural, political, and social dynamics. The importance of fostering a sense of global citizenship and interconnectedness in a competitive world.

    -The role of compassion, empathy, and human values in shaping a more unified and empathetic global community.

    -The significance of education in instilling compassion, understanding, and intercultural communication from an early age.

    -The potential for global governance to address collective action problems and promote a more cohesive and cooperative world.

    -The impact of historical figures and role models in advocating for compassion, unity, and global interconnectedness.

    Sound Bites

    "If there's going to be a world government, it's got to be a democratic world government."

    "It's hard to imagine global citizenship in a world where there's no global state."

    "The primary purpose of the state and of government and of democracy is to promote and protect individual rights."

    "Till we see ourselves as human beings, as part of one world, wars will continue."

    "Global citizenship is the completion of cosmopolitanism."

    "Compassion is a good emotion to think about."


    (00:00) - Exploring the Notion of Global Citizenship

    (03:03) - Challenges and Opportunities of Cultural Diversity

    (14:08) - The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Global Citizenship

    (36:01) - Fostering Global Citizenship and Unity

    (49:09) - The Role of Compassion in Global Governance

    (59:14) - Education for Interconnectedness and Empathy

    (01:04:01)- Challenges of Competition and Collective Action

    (01:09:56) - Historical Advocates for Global Unity

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Embracing third culture dynamics with Anna Seidel
    Jun 21 2024

    What happens when one is moving through different countries during their childhood?

    What happens when you enter in a cross-cultural marriage and end up moving countries again?

    What happens when you have kids who also end up moving through different countries with their parents?

    Such people as mentioned in some of our earlier episodes are called third culture kids and individuals. In view of the increase in global mobility since the last few years, more and more individuals are becoming third-culture individuals. Yet, that term can mean different things for different people. Some coping mechanisms however can come in handy. Join me on this episode to hear about Anna´s journey of life across continents, cultures and parenting third culture kids.


    (00:00) Introduction to Third Culture Individuals

    (01:20) Childhood Memories and Moving to Germany

    (04:33 )Coping Mechanisms and Cultural Chameleons

    (06:49) Identity Crisis and Sense of Belonging

    (08:41 )Flexibility and Adaptability in Different Cultures

    (09:38) Embracing Individuality and Creating Your Own Path

    (13:09) Life Journey: Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, China, and Back

    (25:41) Cross-Cultural Marriage and Multiple Moves

    (28:59) Difficulties of Integration and Coping with Isolation

    (29:50) Unexpected Challenges and Coping Mechanisms

    (31:45) The Easiest and Most Difficult Countries to Live In

    (35:16) Developing a Personal Parenting Style

    (52:42) The Importance of Community and Belonging

    (59:12) Putting Down Roots Wherever You Are

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    50 mins
  • Mind, matter, consciousness and healing with Dr. Anoop Kumar.
    Jun 10 2024

    Join me to hear Anoop´s take on the integration of Eastern and Western perspectives on health, healing, and consciousness. Anoop delves into the nature of mind, matter, and consciousness, emphasizing the importance of language and concepts in understanding these phenomena. He challenges the notion of a separate objective reality and highlights the different levels of consciousness and their impact on our perceptions. The conversation touches on topics such as the creation story, the Big Bang, and the role of energy in quantum physics. Anoop talks about the non- recognition and recognition of consciousness in allopathy and Ayurveda and the transformative power of understanding consciousness. He also shares his personal journey of transformation and the importance of shifting from disease to healing. The conversation explores the concepts of dissociation and association of identity, the nature of human existence, the significance of sharing possibilities and ultimately emphasizes the oneness of consciousness and the potential for healing in all aspects of life.


    -Integration of Eastern and Western perspectives can provide a more comprehensive understanding of health, healing, and consciousness.

    -Language and concepts play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of mind, matter, and consciousness.

    -Perceptions of reality are relative and depend on the level of consciousness and identity.

    -Exploring different levels of consciousness can lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of existence.


    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Context

    02:09 Dr. Anoop Kumar's Background and Journey

    04:11 Third Culture Identity

    05:03 Dichotomy and Integration of East and West

    06:26 The Masks of Culture

    09:54 Exploring Mind, Matter, and Consciousness

    10:49 Language and Concepts of Consciousness

    14:00 Consciousness as the Fundamental Basis

    26:07 The Big Bang and Lila

    33:13 Perception and Relative Realities

    36:15 Levels of Consciousness

    36:44 Recognition of Consciousness in Traditional Medicine

    40:51 Origins of Allopathy and Ayurveda

    44:12 Love as Connectedness and Integration

    46:38 Levels of Consciousness and Attaining Peace

    47:01 The Transformative Power of Understanding Consciousness

    50:12 Dr. Anoop Kumar's Personal Journey of Transformation

    52:13 Dissociation and Association of Identity

    58:10 Spiritual Nature of Human Existence

    59:02 Shifting from Disease to Healing

    01:03:04 Healthcare as Healing

    01:06:32 The Importance of Sharing and Possibility

    01:08:32 Recognizing the Oneness of Consciousness

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • War or peace: A generational perspective with Vera Al-Mawla from Lebanon, Atta Khaled from Palestine (living in Egypt) and Khaled Emam (living in USA)
    May 30 2024

    The conversation explores the impact of war on the lives of youth in the MENA region, particularly in Palestine and Lebanon. The guests discuss the role of youth in leading movements for peace and justice, their feelings of rage and despair, and their desire for political stability and ethical investment. They highlight the importance of including youth in decision-making processes and the need for the international community to take action. The guests also share examples of youth initiatives, such as the Peace of Arts NGO in Lebanon and the use of puppets to share the Palestinian narrative. The conversation explores the experiences and perspectives of three young activists from different parts of the world, discussing the power of youth in advocating for change and the challenges they face. They share their personal experiences during protests and the impact of stereotypes and misinformation. The importance of listening to the voices of the people and working towards peace and justice is emphasized. The conversation also highlights the role of social media and networks in connecting and mobilizing youth globally. The speakers express hope for a better future and call for solidarity and dialogue.


    --Youth in the MENA region are leading movements for peace and justice, taking action to change the narrative and address the impact of war on their lives.

    --They feel a mixture of rage, fear, and despair in the face of ongoing conflicts and the lack of international support.

    --Youth are calling for ethical investment, focusing on education and social initiatives rather than war machines.

    --There is a need for youth to be included in decision-making processes and for the international community to take action to address the injustices and atrocities happening in the region.

    --Examples of youth initiatives, such as the Peace of Arts NGO and the use of puppets to share the Palestinian narrative, demonstrate the resilience and creativity of young people in the face of adversity. --Youth have the power to advocate for change and be agents of policy-making processes.

    --Stereotypes and misinformation perpetuate misunderstandings and hinder progress.

    --Listening to the voices of the people is crucial for creating a just and peaceful society.

    --Social media and networks play a significant role in connecting and mobilizing youth globally.

    --Solidarity and dialogue are essential for overcoming cultural and value differences and working towards common goals.


    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    01:14 War or Peace: A Matter of Attitude and Evolution

    09:20 Youth Response: Peaceful Actions and Calls for Change

    12:47 Youth Inclusion in Decision-Making Processes

    24:05 Youth Voices from Gaza: Tired of Conflict, Eager for Peace

    29:18 Hope for Change and the Power of People

    35:37 The Power of Youth in Advocating for Change

    49:07 Challenging Stereotypes and Misinformation

    53:54 Listening to the Voices of the People

    58:13 The Role of Social Media and Networks

    01:06:51 Solidarity and Dialogue for a Better Future

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Adaptations, communities, connections and life & death across cultures and continents with Joe Kearns
    May 10 2024

    Once in a while comes along an episode that is difficult to sum up because it holds so much. This conversation with Joe goes straight to the core of a person and crosses cultures, continents, nuances of being and life and death as perceived in different countries. Find out about how connections are so vital to human beings and why the community culture of the world is fading in this conversation with Joe who has observed humans adapting over the years in the corporate space and otherwise

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • A journey of global mobility with Megan Norton, a third culture individual
    Apr 30 2024

    Who are third culture individuals? What is it like to be one? Where do they belong? What is home for them? Join me on a journey with Megan Norton who calls herself a global nomad. As the daughter of a former US diplomat, she has lived in 10 countries and visited 30 more. In technical and cultural parlance, she is a third culture kid or individual. What does that even mean? How do people cope up with being one? Dive in to find out

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    56 mins