
  • Turning Doubt into Determination How to Push Through Tough Business Days
    Sep 4 2024
    Have you ever had one of those days where you're ready to throw in the towel on your entrepreneurial dreams? I recently faced such a moment, and I want to share my experience with you. Despite recent wins for my nonprofit, infinite HERizons, including securing a major sponsorship and landing a Bravo TV star as our keynote speaker for our Women's Wealth Conference Success Becomes Me, I found myself questioning everything after a networking event didn't meet my expectations.

    As ambitious individuals, entrepreneurs often feel like quitting, even when things are successful, and we can feel like there's a giant gap between what we want to achieve and where we're at. Not to mention our brain's ability to spin negative narratives that push us into giving up.

    There are some things you can do to help yourself overcome this doubt, and that's what I talk about in this episode!

    One crucial thing to remember: If you're not well, your business can't be well.

    The desire to quit is often a sign you need to reassess and recharge, not throw away your dreams. If you're feeling the weight of entrepreneurship, this episode is your lifeline back to your purpose and passion.
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Mastering the Entrepreneurial Mindset: Lessons from the Trenches
    Sep 3 2024
    Have you ever felt like quitting your entrepreneurial journey? Faced rejection, hit a roadblock, or wondered how you're going to make ends meet? I know just how you feel!

    In today's episode, I tell you all about the pivotal choices, mindsets, and lessons that have shaped my own entrepreneurial journey. I'll share with you what I would do the same if I were starting today, and what I'd do differently.

    Drawing from my 17 years as an entrepreneur, there are two qualities I wouldn't change and two key things I wish I'd done differently that would have accelerated my success.

    Tune in to hear all about them and learn what you can do to create success for yourself today!
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • From Solo to Sisterhood How Communities Transform Entrepreneurship
    Aug 27 2024
    Are you ready to harness the power of community to fuel your entrepreneurial journey? In this episode of Big Goal Energy, I'm joined by three remarkable women—Dani Carpio, Danielle Melton, and Michelle Desouza—who have built thriving communities that are changing lives and defying reality.

    We dive deep into why community is so crucial for entrepreneurs, especially women. From combating isolation to providing support and inspiration, these leaders share how their communities have become catalysts for personal and professional growth.

    Each of these women started their communities to fill a personal need, only to discover they were tapping into something much bigger. They reveal the unexpected ways their communities have evolved and the profound impact they've had on both members and leaders alike.

    We explore the challenges and rewards of showing up authentically as a community leader. From the fear of putting your face out there to the vulnerability of sharing your struggles, these women offer candid insights into what it really takes to build a genuine connection with your audience.

    Tune into today's episode to hear about how to create your own community and thrive as an entrepreneur!
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Ambition Meets Action: Laying the Foundation for Exponential Growth
    Aug 20 2024
    Ever felt like you're hustling relentlessly, yet not getting anywhere? I know just how you feel. In this episode, I speak about a harsh truth—an epiphany that reshaped my entire business trajectory: Despite pouring myself into mindset and energy work, my current offerings and sales infrastructure couldn't support the audacious revenue goals and massive impact I craved.

    But rather than wallow in self-doubt, I boldly confronted this reality head-on. I turned away 70% of my recent client inquiries, shuttered my flagship mastermind for months, and conducted a ruthless self-examination—all to pinpoint the gaps between my vision and what I was selling. Because to manifest my dreams of changing lives on a grand scale, I realized my revenue streams and sales pipelines needed a complete overhaul.

    With complete transparency, I'll tell you all the identity shifts, bold decisions, and unwavering commitment I needed to make to rebuild my business from the ground up. And I'm going to show you what it means to continually redefine what's possible - daring to craft a life and venture that genuinely resonates with your ever-expanding dreams.

    Ready to ditch the hustle for a path paved in radical authenticity? Immerse yourself in this insightful dialogue—your first step toward defying reality in your own entrepreneurial journey!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Conquer the "But How?" Paralysis to Achieve Your Unrealistic Goals
    Aug 13 2024
    Feeling stuck is frustrating, especially when your vision shines brilliantly in your mind's eye, yet the path to make it a reality remains obscured. You're not alone in this struggle. Many entrepreneurs find themselves paralyzed, unable to take that crucial first step because the "how" eludes them. But what if the secret lies in letting go of the need to have all the answers upfront?

    In this thought-provoking episode, I share a game-changing perspective that could unlock your ability to take action despite uncertainty. Drawing from my background as a hypnotherapist, I dive into the inner workings of the mind, unveiling why our brains often resist pursuing goals without a clear roadmap. With relatable metaphors and real-world examples, I guide you through a powerful mindset shift that empowers you to trust the process and take that crucial first step.
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Pricing for Profit: Unlocking the Value-Based Mindset
    Aug 13 2024
    Let's be real — you're a total boss at what you do, but are you charging like one? If the never-ending cycle of underpricing has left you feeling drained and undervalued, this episode is for you. In today's episode of the 'Big Goal Energy,' I flip the script on how you view your worth and impact, giving you a better approach to pricing your services and products instead of constantly undercharging.

    Through candid storytelling and real-world examples, I demolish the flawed notion of basing your rates on personal feelings of self-worth. Instead, I advocate for a value-driven model that aligns your income with the tangible, measurable impact you create for clients. Imagine the freedom of consistent, sustainable pricing that honors your expertise without the emotional rollercoaster!
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Defying the Norms: Unleashing Your Authentic Business Strategy
    Aug 13 2024
    Are you tired of chasing shiny objects and falling for the latest business fads, only to end up disappointed and unfulfilled? It's time to ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and craft a strategy that aligns with your unique values, goals, and audience!

    In this episode of 'Big Goal Energy,' I chat with three amazing entrepreneurs—Annie P. Ruggles, Celi Arias, and Portia James—who share their hard-won wisdom on the power of personalization and customization in developing strategies for your business. We delve into the pitfalls of adopting generic tactics and the liberation that comes from carving your own path.

    Through personal stories and real-world examples, you'll discover how to amplify what's already working in your business, instead of blindly following someone else's blueprint. You'll learn to embrace experimentation and use data to refine your approach continuously, overcoming the fear that having a strategy will "box you in" or cap your potential.
    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Entrepreneurial Metamorphosis: Evolving Identities & Paths Redefined
    Aug 2 2024
    In this episode of 'Big Goal Energy', I am joined by three of my trailblazing entrepreneurial colleagues as we get radically real about dismantling the toxic hustle culture narrative. With disarming transparency, we peel back the layers on our personal awakenings - those pivotal moments when we realized climbing the traditional ladder of "success" in business came at the cost of abandoning ourselves.

    But we didn't just hit the pause button - we torched the whole damn blueprint. From shuttering companies to firing entire teams, our stories crackle with the courage it takes to let it all "fall apart" in service of rediscovering our authentic desires.

    As we unravel the societal conditioning that had us chasing smokescreens and glorifying burnout, a profound truth emerges: our identities become our glass ceilings. To shatter limits, we had to redefine success and self-worth on radical new terms.

    With refreshing relatability, we divulge the identity shifts, shadow work, and sheer grit required to emerge from our respective awakenings. And perhaps most inspiring is our shared commitment to continually redefine what's possible - daring to craft lives and businesses that genuinely resonate with their ever-evolving selves.

    Ready to ditch the hustle for a path paved in authenticity? Immerse yourself in this raw, insightful dialogue - your first step toward defying reality.
    Más Menos
    47 m