• Setting Boundaries with Your Partner
    Jun 24 2024

    You are the queen of your home. Your energy is the main energy your home will carry and when you are constantly living in the energy of ‘I don’t matter’ because you’re worried about taking care of everyone else, I’ve got something for you.

    I’ll admit, it has taken me many years of marriage to get to the point that I’m at with my hubs + I am so happy we were willing to do the work to get here.

    There’s nothing that fires me up more than when a husband tells his wife no and she just says, ‘Ok’ like that’s the end of it.

    I spend too many years doing this and here’s where it leads.

    RESENTMENT. In a big way!

    Your relationship is a partnership and you get to figure things out together. The example I use here is one where a client wanted to hire a baby-sitter to help with the kids a little bit each week and her husband didn’t agree with the place that she was thinking of…. He put a boundary in place.

    Now the communication has opened up and she has the opportunity to say, ‘Ok, where would you rather me take them instead?”

    They get to have the conversation, she gets her needs met (her boundary… I need childcare), and his boundary is adhered to.

    Everyone feels good!

    Whatever your situation is and whatever you need help with, you deserve to have the support. But you also need to be willing to speak it.

    You both brought your kids into the world + chose to be together, so how can you create a life and relationship that feels damn good to you?

    I’m teaching you a few steps on this week’s episode.

    Click the button below to listen!

    You can find me here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaclarkcoaching

    Website: https://www.amandaclark.biz/

    Snag a freebie: https://www.amandaclark.biz/daily-breather

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    20 mins
  • You create the rules in mom life
    Jun 21 2024

    You create the rules in mom life, do you get that?

    I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I’ve come to realize that most of the time, we tuck ourselves in boxes of ways that we think we ‘should’ be.

    And it’s time to shift.

    Our lives are only created by chance when we allow what comes to come and don’t stand in our power to choose.

    Your current reality was created by you through the choices you made and the actions you took.

    And the most amazing thing is, because you created the reality you currently live in, you can also create the next reality you desire.

    It’s only your beliefs that created the reality you are in and those can always be changed.

    It’s YOUR TIME to create your life in a way that feels good for you.

    It’s your time to get out of the box of ‘shoulds’ and start being intentional about the things you do.

    It’s time for you to choose to take different action, maybe even one that feels a little uncomfy because that’s where the most growth happens → on the other side of discomfort.

    And if your brain is asking you how I want you to think about this question…

    If I was a woman + mom living the life I desired with EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted, how would I show up today?

    How would I think about life?

    If there were no rules, what would I choose to do?

    It’s time to bring that vision you have for your life into your life.

    This is what I love helping women do and you are NO exception to any rule because you get to CHOOSE your own!

    This week’s Pep Talk is so dang good so go listen + please drop a review and let me know what you think!

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    6 mins
  • Who is the empowered mom
    Jun 17 2024

    The empowered mom knows who she wants to be and she decides how she shows up.

    She lives her life with intention.

    She shows up in motherhood with intention.

    She knows that there’s work to do and things to work through when it comes to raising her kids.

    She knows that our kids are here to teach us the parts that need to be healed the most within.

    She has big dreams AND desires to show up big for her kids too.

    She chooses how she shows up.

    She chooses how life works for her.

    She lets go of judgment that it all has to look a certain way.

    The vibe is: YOUR life YOUR way. Every area of it from motherhood, partnership, making money, the support... it's all done as you choose.

    In this episode I talk about showing up as a mom. Where I’ve fallen short + made changes so that you can too.

    The thing is… Motherhood gets to look no different than the way we choose it to be and this is what I’m here to help you create.

    You can find me here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaclarkcoaching

    Website: https://www.amandaclark.biz/

    Snag a freebie: https://www.amandaclark.biz/daily-breather

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    16 mins
  • Asking for support from your partner
    Jun 14 2024

    Ooof… this is a topic that has been a struggle of mine for my entire life. And while I’m getting so much better at it these days, it still pops up in new areas and I have to work through it again.

    If you lived a childhood where you didn’t really feel like you belonged or if you asked for support, it wasn’t always willingly given with love and joy from your parents or those around you… chances are that you’ve developed some hyper-independence.

    You have learned to rely on me, myself, and I and have an ‘I can do it myself’ attitude amiright?

    I’m right here with you and it made things so much harder than they needed to be for me and I’m guessing it’s the same for you too.

    When we learn this behavior growing up, it likes to come along into adulthood. And the thing is, we don’t just naturally shift from a state of not knowing if our needs or desires will be met by others to I’m going to ask for support in everything in life!

    Typically we have to get ourselves to a place of believing that it’s even ok that I can’t stay on top of it all with ease and grace…. Then I have to muster up the courage for a bit to then ask for help.

    At least this is mostly how it was for me up until the last 6 months or so.

    And I truly don’t want it to take you this long to get the support that you want.

    We weren’t meant to live life in survival mode.

    Life gets to be created with intention.

    It’s time for you to step into the life you desire.

    No one does it all on their own and if you’ve been trying, it’s time to drop the struggle and step into a new vibe.

    Being the most empowered you…

    A woman worthy of support because you are.
    A woman who knows how to create a life that feels good.
    A woman who is unapologetically her, sets powerful boundaries, and isn’t afraid to speak up when things don’t feel good.

    You get to become her and I’m teaching you how in this week’s pep talk.

    Click the button below to listen. I’d love it if you came back here and told me what you think!

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    8 mins
  • How to ask your partner for help and why it's hard
    Jun 10 2024

    One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn was how to ask my partner for help + wanna know something wild?

    This is the question I get asked the most by women on the socials.

    And here’s the thing….

    A lot of the sh!t we drag into our relationships is stuff that started in childhood. So here we pack up our suitcases full of our kid drama + try to make it work in a relationship with our partner.

    One thing that also comes from growing up… the stories + beliefs we create in our minds about how a wife or husband ‘should’ be in a relationship.

    We are conditioned by the way that we were raised and there’s nothing wrong with that because YOU get to CHOOSE to change it!

    But first things first… it’s SOOO helpful to understand yourself more and know why you do the things you do and feel the things you feel.

    On this week’s episode that is exactly what I’m walking you through…

    - Gaining an awareness as to why and how you and your partner show up in your relationship
    - Becoming aware of your needs and knowing that it’s ok to have them because you were never meant to do it all on your own.
    - Asking for help

    And I also touch on what to do if your partner isn’t willing to help you out because there are people like that out there too and you still get to find your own inner peace + get the support you need.

    By the way, doors to Empowered Mom are now open! This is my 6-week group coaching container where we dive DEEP into this so that you step into your most empowered self to get the support you need.

    We will have a weekly group coaching call AND you will have access to all of the modules for life.

    This program is going to help you drop the motherf-ing mom life struggle and create a life you love with kids in tow!

    Ready to lighten the load, step into your most empowered self, and live your best life?

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    29 mins
  • How to show up unapologetically YOU
    Jun 7 2024

    When you trigger others, you are giving them an opportunity to see where their work begins.

    Most likely, they won't see it that way and that's ok.

    But for you, the real work is allowing yourself to be YOU and not giving into the urge to pick up their pieces and smooth it all over or make it better.

    I feel like as women we believe that we have to over explain ourselves to help others understand why we are choosing to do what we do.

    And the thing is.... you don't.

    You get to be fully you, put powerful boundaries in place to protect your inner peace, and show up as your beautiful, unapologetic self!

    That's the work because sitting with emotions might be uncomfy for you. They sure have been and still are for me.

    But when you realize that you won't die for feeling.... you get a little braver each time and allow more and more of the you who’s deep down inside to come out.

    And this is when life starts to get really good because you are allowing yourself to be your truest, most authentic self and when you show up that way.... you give others permission to do the same.

    In this week’s episode of Braving the Mountain Podcast this is exactly what I’m teaching you how to do so click that button below to listen to the episode!

    Join the Collective: https://the-breathwork-collective.circle.so/checkout/mom-life-collective

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    12 mins
  • Lighten the Mental Load for Summer
    Jun 3 2024

    Today I’m chatting all about the mental load we carry as moms. It took me a long time to realize just how much we carry and the thing is, awareness is the first step to change.

    So if we want to lighten our lives + have more support, we first have to become aware of how much is truly not serving us.
    I get real in this episode and I share a lot.

    Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned about mom life it’s that you have more power than you can ever imagine to create it in the way YOU desire.

    Mom life doesn’t have to be all hard. Living life by the seat of your pants + taking it as it comes is hard.

    Creating a life that feels good and you enjoy is also hard work. But you have the choice.

    You do not have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others happiness.

    You CHOOSE how it works for you and then you do the work to make that happen.

    In this week’s episode I’m sharing why you might be feeling overwhelmed in mom life + how to step into your most empowered self to create a lighter life that FEELS GOOD to you.

    Because when your life feels good as a mom, you show up differently.

    You begin to think differently about life and about yourself.

    Your belief in you grows, your confidence grows, and those around you feel it.

    What a beautiful gift to give to those around you… and what’s even more beautiful is the fact that you get to give that gift to yourself.

    It’s time to set a new standard and call BS to the way society taught us mom life should be.

    Go listen to this week’s episode + share it with a friend who you think would love it!

    You can find me here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaclarkcoaching

    Website: https://www.amandaclark.biz/

    Snag a freebie: https://www.amandaclark.biz/daily-breather

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    33 mins
  • How to expand your capactiy for receiving
    May 31 2024

    Ever feel like you've got too much on your plate and you can’t juggle it all?

    I feel like something that I and most women have struggled with is receiving support.

    Whether it be the way you were raised or what society has taught you, I feel like we grew up thinking that we were supposed to carry it all.

    Taking care of everyone else
    Raising the kids
    Staying on top of the house

    Making sure bills are paid

    Cooking the meals each night

    I’ll be chatting later about how big of a mental load we all carry, but I want you to imagine for a minute how your life would look differently if you were more open to receiving?

    If you are a woman who struggles to simply say ‘thank you’ when someone gives you a compliment, offers to watch the kids, pay for your lunch, this episode is for you.

    I was the girl who would fight to the death at the cash register to not let someone pay for my food. It made me SOOO uncomfortable.

    But what I was really doing at that time was telling the universe, source, God, or whatever you believe that I was not ready to receive.

    And an interesting fact is that our ability to receive money has nothing to do with money at all.

    So if you’ve also been wanting to call in more money in your life, I’ve got you there too!

    Receiving money actually has more to do with your capacity to receive in other areas of life than receiving money itself?

    Wild right!?

    This is why it’s time to shift.

    It’s time to allow others to stand in their power because you are standing in yours.

    If they want to offer, let them!

    My challenge to you after listening to this Pep Talk is to practice simply saying ‘thank you’ whenever someone offers a compliment or to buy your lunch, drink, etc… You get the hint ;)

    If a friend offers to take your kids, say yes! Then allow the uncomfy feelings to process through and shift that into so much gratitude for the support that came your way.

    When you allow your body to process through the uncomfy, it signals to your nervous system that you are indeed safe… remember, it’s wired for survival not happiness/ support!

    Then as you continue to feel safe in receiving the small things, your capacity will begin expanding to allow you to feel safe receiving bigger + bigger things as well!

    Imagine a life where you feel fully supported, all of your needs are met, and you have so much freedom + internal peace.

    As you free yourself to receive, this is what happens… it spills over into all areas of life + soon you’ll be living a life that is way better than you ever could have imagined!

    This is my hope for you + why I do what I do!

    I want you to see what’s possible and create it for yourself, but the work starts from within and I’m here to show you how.

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    7 mins