• Anger showed up today + I was annoyed with everyone!
    Jul 27 2024

    The anger showed up today. I was so annoyed with everyone and I've caught a pattern within me.

    Telling you how I process through the emotions and allow myself to feel it + shift into a vibe I choose.

    This is the journey of selling mostly everything we owned and starting a new life in a new state!

    Follow along here: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    7 mins
  • Listening to the voice within
    Jul 27 2024

    The little voice within me is strong. She's brave and so courageous.

    When the fear and doubt get loud, I can hear her in the distance telling me that everything is going to be ok.

    When do we get the keys to our new home? Listen and find out...

    Follow along here: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    7 mins
  • You are choosing to be a martyr
    Jul 26 2024

    If you’re a mom who’s feeling overwhelmed and trapped by the expectations society places on us, then this pep talk is for you. Today, I’m talking all about how you being a martyr to motherhood is a choice…. And I don’t say that lightly because I’ve been there.

    For a long time, I bought into the narrative that motherhood meant sacrificing everything, constantly looking disheveled, and never getting a moment for myself. But here’s the truth: this is pure BS.

    I used to believe that motherhood had to be chaotic and that I had no control. I resented the idea that my life had to be a mess just because I was a mom. I bought into the lie society told.

    But one day, I decided I was over it + no longer available for that vibe. And what I know to be true today is, what is available to one is available to all.

    If you find yourself feeling like a victim because you can’t take a shower before noon or enjoy a hot meal, it’s time to look inward. It’s about choosing how we respond to the things life throws our way.

    Stop giving away your power + start creating the life you want.

    I’ve been there, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, projecting my emotions onto my kids and snapping at everyone around me. But I’ve learned that we can change our habits and behaviors. We can set boundaries, get support, and create a life that feels good— yes, while raising kids.

    Motherhood is full of paradoxes, we all know this.

    And if you’re tired of feeling like a martyr, it’s time to take control, stand in your power, and show the F up for yourself and your family.

    Who’s with me?

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    14 mins
  • The little girl in me FREAKED OUT
    Jul 26 2024

    The exact opposite of what I thought would happen when we picked a house happened.

    Find me at: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark/

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    12 mins
  • Calming your 'little gansters'
    Jul 26 2024

    When we make decisions in our lives to do something out of our comfort zone, there are parts of us who want to run back to safety.

    This 'little gangster' got REAL loud the morning we had to make a decision on a house for our family.

    We are SO FAR out of our comfort zones and taking scary steps into a whole new life.

    Follow along here: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark/

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    5 mins
  • When Sh!t gets REAL, remember your why...
    Jul 26 2024

    Selling mostly all of our stuff and moving to a new state wasn't a decision we took lightly, but as the time to move crept closer, a lot of the sh!t pops up.

    But the most important thing is to come back to your WHY... Why are you doing what you are choosing to do?

    I talk about all of the emotions on this journey of selling nearly everything but a few old, sturdy dressers and our clothes to chase down our dream.

    We have planned out a year's worth of living expenses to give ourselves the space to grow our businesses and here we goooo!

    Follow along here: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark/

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    4 mins
  • Leaving "home" for the last time...
    Jul 24 2024

    A lot of feelings running through me today. Tomorrow is day one of the new me as I drive away from the place we've called home for the past 6 years.

    We have lived in Cedar City for 8 years total now and have made the decision to head to a new state to build an even bigger life!

    We are selling almost everything + moving to a new state to change our lives! This is the update on the two homes we are considering, what we are taking into account, how we are talking to our kids about it all, and our next action steps! ha

    This has been quite an undertaking and I'm really trying not to fall into overwhelm, but this season is a LOT!

    Follow along to find out what happens!

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark/

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    4 mins
  • Another day on the road to changing our lives!
    Jul 22 2024

    We are selling almost everything + moving to a new state to change our lives! This is the update on the two homes we are considering, what we are taking into account, how we are talking to our kids about it all, and our next action steps! ha

    This has been quite an undertaking and I'm really trying not to fall into overwhelm, but this season is a LOT!

    Follow along to find out what happens!

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark/

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    8 mins